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Show '.: -i- mscniOEN.LmrMM.Utai April I, UN A Iftrth Cidt Vilify Skttck Principal Teaches For 43 Years CUtoa Christensen Neilsen, the second of a family of ten children, was born In Hyde park on April 1, 1899. Nielsen bean Us cation In Hyde Park In the new tember, 1906, schoolhbuse. built under the first consolidation movement Sep-wh- In Cache county was initiated. Wi McCarry of Richmond 9 J. 5 the grade In the spring efftlL That fan he enrolled In the Brigham Young College In what was called a prepatoxy HB EARLY LIFE spent la Hyde Park dldfarm work in the His mS fitwi If a fleet deal of time In STheetekj Nielaen that muy days they an acre or more of In a ten hour day- After graduation from the Brigham Young college Ugh school In 1918. World War I lnterfesred with schooling, al d so the fuT epidemic many schools doim for most of the .winter. As sult he dd: not axon until the fall of 1919, at Mm be completed a year of - 3 f do-lie- S& college work and was granted a second class certtflcatewhich entitled Mm to teach eftooL However, Us imMtiiw were not in that direction. IN THE 8PRING of 1920. three of Ua tarotbwi and Mm if contracted to do the single fcmi work oa 80 acreo of oeeto. The ton weather was bad and as a result they finally completed the harvest In late wmter. They were treating souls and did not demand a written - " en was the superintendent and George S. Dalnes was PriGran! dpal witiin Mary ntout as' his first teacher. He n, The Relief TRENTON Society of our ward served a banquet to the Gleaner girls of Benson Stake in the ward cultural Hall Saturday evening, The tables were tastefully decorated with flowers and place cards by stake leader, Hekna Andrew. Opening prayer waa riven by Merlin Andrew, Bruce Allen was Master of Cermonlea, and Garry Merrill acted as chairman. A trio, Lula Lott.Nola Griffin and Melva Cottle aanjj sight numbers, Arlene Griffin Stanley Cottle numbers and Mrs. Lula Clay-so- n of Cornish gave two humorous readings 1st was Norma Reader. A Gleaner Pin was presented to Diane Hendricks by Helena Andrew, who also pinned a white orchid on her. Clos tag prayer was by Valdai 'Pitcher. Special guests President and Mrs. T. R. Holt, President and Mrs. Wayne P. Traveller, Mr. Mrs. Vaklen Pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Bergeson of the YMMIA Presidency, Mildred Karren, Amy Giboni, Ludle Lewis and Mfflto Cunning ham of the YWMIA and their partners. Mr. and Mrs adl Lindsay Ramins, and Master and rleaners of the M-M- Taaght la Mut Cache Chanty Schools Griffin and Maid girls, James W. Robson and Bishop Holt and Joseph E. S. Hntnal Groap Holds Dimer - Flossie At TRENTON Union, Neta and Ekriae Benson and Norma Reeder cooked and nerved a turkey supper to about fourty members of the Mutual Marrleds Friday evening in the Ward cultural halL ttm tableo were dan and the slides of Cap- his Paul family. ted Mr. and Mrs. Ether Biggs and family In Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lowe and seven sons of Provo were Easter weekend guesti of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Lowe. Jerry Hendricks of Franklin participated in the Championship games of basketball at the Nelson Gym, Preston, Saturday evening. Jerry played for the Polar Bear team. Their coach waa Ivan Woodward. Others from Franklin who played with top teams were Jed Atkinson and Paul Linda Lewis, Stella Womack, Carol Corbridge, and Bforva Womack. Musical readings were given by Martina Porter, Dallas Lewis, Steven Porter and Candace Loye, accompanied. Don-LeFev- re LAWH nowmc TIME Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Adamson were Easter weekend gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Adamson and family of Ogden. Easter weekend greets of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parkinson were Dr. and Mrs. LaMar Neiiaon and family of Burley. Sunday dinner greats were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nielson of Lewiston, Mr. and Bin. Jerry Lien and family IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER which were taken by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Daley and family have moved into the homo of FYank Olsens, that waa vacated by Mr. and Bin. Alan Hampton. of Logan. Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lowe were Mr. Mr. and Bln. Dean Glaan and daughter of Burley were and Mrs. Jack and Easter guesti of Sir. and of Soda family Marie Pctereon of Preston Carolyn. is recuperating following a The Easter Sunday School major operation, with her program was given by Douglas Porter, SbelUe Steers, a sister Fern Lowe and Paul, when he wan with tee aimed forces in France and England and was narrated by him, were Many beautifol slides ' boon of this area Thoos present were Mr. and lire. Merlin L. Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jensen, Mr. and- - Mrs. Fred Green, Mr. end Mrs. S. Paul ChamDave bers, Mr. and Mrs. Exola, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spackman, Mr. and Mrs. Le-R- Ro-Ne- ta m i CheezKftiR'em! MR. AND MRS. Alan Ham- adored eggs. Following the home vacated by Joseph E. Atkinson tain Jerry Lowe and prlndpal-euanentar- trtrntUrtpitaties and Mrs. Grant Doney. with Easter Rabbits pton and Alice moved into seventh and eighth Bfc and Bin. Reed Rawlins, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Atgrades until 1949. they got some valuable kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert With no money to IN THE FALL OF 1949 he TRENTON Thai! H. Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. y daughter of Mr. and spend for schooling and no was panted the Marvin Tluoteen, Mr. and acof Lewiston has who David ship Lapray jobs available he read and school Mrs. LeGrande Reader, Mr. servo can to in the a cepted Brace Hansen, slept the clock around until Lloyd M. Eastern States LDS Mission and Mrs. W. S. Halt, Jama he when 1921, applied He has served in this capa- field was honored at a testiApril nndEMse Benson for a teaching ppoatitlon in city to the present time. Dur- monial Sunday evening. Doris Butters. in Bishop W. S. Holt conducthe Cade county school sua-te- ing the nineteen years under he served ted. The Congregation sang under Superintendent, R. Trenton, atondent J. W. Klxk-- a "The Spirit Of God Lika A Csvt Blitis tract-t- ha V. Larson. He was awarded banka got most kindly and enIs Burning". The prayor Mr. and Mrs. Norris a contract to toad fifth and was given by Owen Anger; Preece. Steven and couraging superintendent There Is drove to KnyeviDe Friday to Principal and Mrs. Nielsen sacrament rrila solos. visit their son and family are the parents of two child- A Green Mr. end Mrs. Vernon Prance. ren: Dr. LaMar C. Nielsen The Holy City" and as principal. Jesus who was educated in the Walked Today Wen Mr. and Mrs. Leon HoffTHESE WERE DELIGHT-fu- l Cache county schools, Utah Walked by Gordon Steffen man and Earl and the people years State University and gradu accompanied by Margaret with their pnrnets lfr. so kind and encouraging to ate of Creighton University, Jensen. Mrs. Alton Kingston! of Doctor of Dental Kingsford served a lovely n Claxks-toIn wo After He la now practicing his proyens Nell J. Andrawv Easter dinner. Leon recentWiser, n Tfcen-tohe was moved to fession In Burley, Idaho, Organ solo, Matts Ericksor ly spent a week in Lai Anand taught under Mn- - where he makes his home remarks, grandmother, Jo odes where he studied on 'PbMIii Shumway. cipal with his wife and four chil- phfam Lapray, and the miss- Electrical Computers. During these years he met dren. Ida Merle Nielsen ionary, Bishop Mark L. Ner-bexg- The Benson Stake MIA y Elizabeth H. Wheeler of educated in the Cache county of the Uhiverelty find Board met with the were married schools and Utah State Uni- - warn, whore Thail has been Tuesday evening and lead- 3, 1924, and mov- verslty where she living, and Bishop W. S. Holt. with their specified ed' to Cade Junction, .Utah, with a Bachelor Vocal duet, Elsie Hammond con-- y M ting where he was made princi degree in the field of Medical and Ann Schoonmaker, ac-l-y Superindent Lloyd Blade-hamschool '. Lewis. Talks were The did a year Debra pal of a given on in Benediction Dean Peter-Prelu- by Stake Superendent Following this he was trans of Internship of service ferred bad to Trenton where the LDS Hospital in Salt and posthide and Counselor he taught until the fall of Lake City, served a full time waa played by Norma Reed- Omer There were Bergeson. Spread it! 1932. He was then sent to mission to England and is er, who also accompanied the board members the Wheeler School in Lewispresent time wmgWMMtlwnl ringing, lead ton, as principal in another alley Memar: by Melva Cottle About forty Society was con-bschool He stayed Twin Falls, members of the Universil Orville Richards amusing there until the fall of 1935, Idaho. 2nd ward of Logan attendei The Literary lesson pasteurised process cheese when again he was transenter the will Mission Thail wwugDURING MR. NIELSENS ven by Bethea to In for das Trenton. ferred back of 12. and spread depart Mavrin director, Mrs. Pit career he has serv- Huns April the foil of 1938 he was made teaching fast chat Iraots cm many committees In for New York City the 19. ed cher of Cornish gave a pep principal of that school and the Cach county school sus-tetalk on the worth of the as well as serving as Relief Society Magazine, president of the Cache Edu after determined and pep- - special musical number was cation association during the s latent study. given by Nancy Allen who school year He also Mr. Nielaen has sang High On A H1U" and attended the National Edu- the Cache county school sys- accompanied by Neta Allen. cation assocla tion conven- tem for 43 yean and sod, Mr. and Bln. Ddl Alton tion in Boston, Mass, as the "He has always had the privand family of Orem visited official delegate from Cache ilege of being over the weekend with his with fine young people who parents Mr. and Mrs. County. Elijah He has served in most have made these years AUea. Mr. and Bfrs. Elijah Good cooks become better, in church wonderful organisation able and every joy visited their and inexperienced cooks soon Lewiston Second Ward and toireflect hack upon. years Allen and Mr family become "pros" ... with the magic Benson Stake: Second counMr: and Bln. Nielsen now on selor to Bishop Hazen M. lives on hie farm in Lewiston Wayne Craw in Logan of flamekss electric cooking. Sunday. Bln. Craw served a of Spackman, Superintendent In- lovely Eater dinner where he enjoys many Benson Stake Sunday School, hobbies and past Mr. and teresting Bln. Kay President of B ttmefTMrs. Nielsen has baai and baby Nila of Logan and High Mots and has served a stalwart supporter Bliss Comma Larsen spent as a faithful ai faithful companion giving Sunday at home with their teacher for many yean. encouragement through ne parents Bishop and Bln. Clay Because electric cooking reof 1940 40 WAS IN HE elected ly years marriedUfo, ton Larsen and attended test to Lewiston council and and they are looking forward quires less water, foods retain of Elder FOd Jen to many more yean of hapserved until more flavor and nutrients. Meats, In 1947 he was awarded a piness and service to thor Mr. for example, cook electrically end BAra. Jim Bachelor of Science degree community, church, bush of Logan spent Sunday with up to 15 less shrinkage. from Utah State University many wonderful friends. Ufa her grandmother Sirs. Florence Rich and attended the tfttlnmrini alio. To East States FRANKLIN Word waa received from Mr. and Mrs. Glen Oil verson and family in Anchorage, Alaska. They are all OK. Glen la the ion of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oilverson of Franklin. Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Doney wore Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Peterson of Salt Lake City and Iva Albiaton of Richmond. Many friends and relatives a from Franklin attended wedding reception. in Fair-vieFriday evening In honor of Louise Rawlinga and Robert Sorenson. Mrs. Vem Smith of Turin Falla, Miss Judy Smith of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Christofterson of Buhl, were visitors of Mr. w Spademan, Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Spackman, Raymond Kupfor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold mitten, Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry P. Ashcroft, Gets Call money from the crop and. taught Pearl oy Woman PRINCIPAL CLAYTON C. NIELSEN Those preparing the meal Ruth Chamberi7 Flossie AtNona kinson, Velva AUsop, Marriott, Nonna Reader, as- sisted by her MIA ," Alaskan Couple Reported Okeh and partners. ion Stake :.' FubUIb Brltii Gleaners Hold Annual Dinner Even M-Me- " i , hi INTRODUCING Cor-bridg- , THE NEWEST. MOST ACCURATE. I Tt Have yaur UP FBEE and Pick-U- p Delivery Call 852-08- 85 Or Bring Te e. Dsioamuici am sroir shot MOST CONVENIENT! Beet And Corn Planter I- SOW SECT SID COBS GIOW-- Pnis Seed In STDAIGHT BOWS WMe-epaee- d sso paiTalfcl linkage provides uniform flexing action, permlttiag each alt te raise re tower ladepeedaxtiv for fallowing ground contour for STRAIGHT sous ran naans ALLIS - CHALI-E- I IS Thie means two-roo- m de NOWS THE TIME vocal solo was iven by Hal Smith "Easter Day" accompanied by Barbara Porter, A group of girls sang and Easter song directed by LaReen Lowe. The first group of girls were Sondra Vi Jackie Hobbs, DeAnn fold, and Sheuto Steer lng I Know That My Redeemer Uvea" Jan Atkinson, Nilda Castillo, Kirk- bride, Sydney Morrison, Phyllis Davis and Cindy Gwen Gibson gave a Easter talk and scripture RoMnson spent the weekend IN THE SENIOR in Sait Lake City. They visi School, The Easter program family. For the Girls day program at Preston high school, Kent Chatterton played a cornet solo, accompanied by Kant Porter. Some of the temple sessions were attended by Meda C. Lowe, Aletha Handy, Erma Julie Hefts, Ruby Woodward, -- J Mr. and Mrs. val Castillo, Rose Vasques, Mr. and lot. Paul woodward, William Biggs, John Smith! Mr. and Mrs. Lester Atkln- - er Lew-The- 4 L4 leu cultivating damage re Val-Pitch- er, ' KRAFTS two-roo- m m 1949-195- 0. BRIER MEALS CORfli EASIER WITH fl FLAMEIESS Statont TmcIwii With an electric range, both surface units and oven have' warm settings which keep foods at serving temperatures without over-cookin- Adra HarFRANKLIN ris and Kaye Woodward are presently doing their student teaching,.forUS ris is teaching Bookkeeping and Math at Preston High School Miss Woodward Is teaching English end World History at Noth g. ELECTRIC RANGE 1 auare single The drop maeUaiag. of seed, a parts auare a Ugh percentage of singles. They are lurel Ire planting man g ogram seed leu grooves sell V tech Seed drops into the , tida-aun- will be required. Spring-lea- f cutoff provides good eefl fill. A tough plastic peg wheel ejects seed from cells. Pep enter cell openings to discharge seed, aunrlag even feeding. Each seed cell Is machine-drille- d and This la planting accuracy that redaeee prediction costa aad delivers ' even tends. Five seed plant the festively ceeti aad cultivate ae yea want and uve taper-reame- d. 7M. IS4, 914, te 41S f!TU77zTi , Oa form v mortgages at Itt Pet. Interest la Fraxk-U- a, Cache or Bex Elder fhU CO. , . Phone or gee J. H. STOCKS 84MM7 J COME IN AND advertised for Stm Have Rave days, LIGHT Precision hopper parte 1994, 1184, 1214 0WB a FAR LESS THINNING IT'S HARD TO LOAM An electric range cooks rings around the rest. UTAH POWER Good germination STRAIGHT Drill! with (Ms tailored drill farrow. To farther "straight - as - a -- ' Lewiston CflCK THE BlANY ADVANTAGES OF THIS NEW WORK SAVER AT I modern Farm Equipment Company 81 WEST ONEIDA PRESTON PHONE 882-11- 75 |