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Show FunUJa Briefs Frtaklia Gridei Hold Paxtilss School Kids Given Sleigh Ride Wayne D. Bell andJ. Walter Ross, Publltbers PabUahed every Ikon day by the CUuea Fab lubhg Company, lac., Lewiston, Utah, aid caeeceod elau tered utter la the Lewiston u Feet Office. Sabneriptlu'ratea la Cache County, 92J9 a year. $M0 eatilde FRANKLIN An of the Franklin grade ecbool children, under the eupervislon of Principal LaReen Lowe and staff of teachers, went on a sleigh ride recently. The seigh was owned by Bill Jensen of Cove and the team belonged to Garnet and Dal-li- n Woodward. Some of the children received their first sleigh ride. The team was driven by Ivan H.Woodward. Julia Hobbs, CUnt and Julie Ann of Sa t Lake City visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Hobbs and family In Pocatello, and with Mr. add Mrs. Donald J. Hobbs and bmly In Shelley recently. Recently Ray and Emma February 2i. - FRANKLIN All of the eighth grades at the Franklin Elemental school held Valentine parties. Some Vakntinei. pmt in had refreshments and tnats from the teachers. Principal LaRea Lowe. Mildred Thiemann, John Palmer, Ivan H. WoodwanLESva Taylor, Rena Cor bride, Ikon Gedda and Wavel Erickson. The fifth to the eighth grades of Franklin Elementary wen' privileged to bee the Preston a "Bye after- Bye Birdie Logan. Mr. Abersold seriously 111. HCKI LIEN of Logan was sa overnight guest of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lien and family were their dinner guests. Paul Woodward conducted the Sunday evening meeting. Speakers were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cole, recent mission and arles from Falrvlew, high councilman W. P. Wad doups. RaNae Earley gave a k in behalf of tne PriHAND CUT mary Penny Parade. Spots CLEVELAND Mrs. Dean director Ivan H. Woodward Pinter had a few stitches presented the neatly won taka in her bend after trophy for championship in rat with a florescent being light basketball to the ward Bishof the basket-ba- ll globe when It broke while she op. The team wen each Man was cleaning It at her homo. Willard Atkinson, Porter, Alan D. Hampton. Jed AtkinTrearaietea Brisfs son, Jerry Hendricks, Joseph Dil worth Morrison, Robert Haworth, Brwnton Atkinson . Rohmdo Alba, Tim Hobbs ana Robinson of Salt Lake City visited Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson. Saturday Mrs. Julia Hobbs visited her sister Jennie Peterson In Ogden. Zina Alblston and quitters Estella Wright, Stella Biggs, In " irrame Corbridge, Aletha Chatterton, Vel da Olsen and Esther Wlt'ock of Logan finished another qullL The Hostess served refreshments. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ivan H. Woodward and Ivan Woodward, Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Aversold, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Speth ex-chu- nd pep-tal- THE CITIZEN, Lewiston. Utah 1M4 OPEN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY LOIN - FOBS BOASTS Lb. Couples Attend Anniversary HALIBUT Celebration Calsnp Richards. Bishop Robinson presented Nyile Olsen to be sustained as assistant Scout Master. The choir furnished the music. Mr.and Wednesday evening a large TREASURETON crowd of ward members en- Mrs. Don Workman, Mr. and joyed a film Heaven and Mrs. Rulon Burton, and Mrs. Home shown by the Stake Gamy Perry, drove to Pocn-teF- o President Angus Condle, of Saturday to attend a Max - Franklin Stake. Ted Steers conducted the MIA Tuesday evening. Alan D. Hampton and Scon Fuhrft-ma- n took part Myrtle Woodward led the singing, accorn panied by Kaye Woodward. Sharon oodward played the prelude music. A Valentine y with games and danc-wthe evening's pleasure. Jenet Atkinson, Ivan H. Woodward and dance directors Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Syrup Tag wodifing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Smith of Poc- atello. Tissue It was their fiftieth The MIA Laurel girls of Oneida Stake were honored Saturday bye trip to Sail Lake City. They were giver dinner at the lion House, and visited many points of interest Those going were Miss Lome Denton, Miss Bonnie Pasklns, and Miss Psskins. Whitehead were In charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Psskins, The officers served and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson spent Tuesday In Robert Womack of Salt Lake City spent the weekend Mrs. Vera Atkinson gprat with his parents Mr. and Mrs. the week lngden. They Visit- Darrell Womack and family. ed at the bonus of Mr. and Leon Priestley is now driv- Mrs. Kay Wanner and fam- , Mr. and Mrs. DsIVon Aling the bus that picks up the Cherryville children. and family, and Mrs. Many friends and relatives Veda Harrp. Mrs. Harrp is a from Franklin attended the cousin of Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. reception Ftfday evening, Joyce Atkinson had m i n or in honor of Sharon Choues surgery while her mother wu and Robert Wilkinson at the wlth her. Miss Kelly Wanner National Guard Armory In Is staying at the Atkinson home during the week. Preston. Garth Atkinson who is Ada Wright returned home la Pocatello, spat a after Saturday qmndlng wees at the Holy Cross Hos- the Weekend home with his pital in Salt Lake City for a psrats. Mr. end Mrs. Ka Pater series of teste and obeerva tion. of Salt Lake Clfar and Mr. and Mrs. Dock Barger, and Mrs. Edith Casteel of PocaLines Biisls tello were weekend gnats of Mr. end Mrs. T. J. Barger. Mr. and Mrs. Bwm Pee- kins drove to Pocatello Sun- day. They visited with Mr. WflUam Mottlahaw, and Mn. Ada Barkdull. LMtOSE Mrs. WPllam Min Susu Conlln of Pres-- I Turner returned home from wu a weekend guest of Hey burn. Ida. where she has MlU TJnHa PmHm been with her daughter Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Cories Carna-- I han have a new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ward and baby were overnight ests at her parents home, r. and Mrs. Gene Tamasl . 1from ueyJium I ta Tuesday. aMrs. Grut I Bingham spent Monday at the Logan Library in the interest of Geneaolgy. Lorna and her husband Ver- - non Reeder of Brigham were guests at her parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Grant mug Tuesday. aVisitors at the Larin air boms Monday were t h daughter Evelyn and her hus- bud Dean Shumway of Idaho Fells. Primary preparation for officers and taachars I of Llnrose ward Primary wu held at tho home of Mrs. Lloyd Checketts evening. The Wednesday les- ice son wu presated by Mrs. Lera Butters. Following the meeting, pie alamode wu served to those present Groups To Bold MINK CHILDBED'S MERCURY RECORDS LATEST WORLD TREASURES OF FAVORliE STORIES TEULER 51 BECOBDS .47 I CREEK - bea without good hearing for ever nine j new Invented the tiny bearing aid-e-nd lsatranaeut fcu bea perfected by Creeby could could not we.de, and he 'N. VS LUNCHEON MEAT HW 10 Bells Aset $1 UTSthe device The MIA Maids, Laurels and Explorers of Mink Creek ward will bold e "Flapjack Fling far the Mink Creek ward cu'tur-- 1 al ban on February 25. Lead-Je-n of the. groups ere Mm. Norma Jensen, Mrs. Vern Jensen, and Layne Erickson. 3 dj lor 5ft CARNATION JUICE cans 511 PINEAPPLE AND TOMATO J! far glorlft m COUNT Kneappl cans51l CRUSHED, TIDBITS, CHUNK Herring's Henbeys GIANT SIZE BARS Chocolate CUps Chocolate Syrup . 31 for $j 3,9 Germa Hiamlah f" A IF P RICH. OVEN U ii li L FRESH, SMALL 69 LARGE SIZE Dinner BOLLS p M THE VERY BEST INGRKDIENCE MIXED BY EXPERTS AT RUST PASTRY SHOP MEANS THE BEST YOU CAN BUY Brilsrflako .Hard Don. 35c ALWAYS SNOWDRIFT 3 59c LB. CAN APPLES DELICIOUS MeINTOSH $1.50 pleka an esnnds af speech, teie-vUa and lino AT his eMMng. Tie remarkably aid weighs sum and of u Jutllf wen entirely TOMATOES Is ia the ear. It is smaller tbaa a postage stamp ud or dangling wins. IafermaUon abut this new wlrelem hearing aid for the deaf is new available ta the pabMe. Far complete details, write to Crosby, can af new addrea, 4 'Nsrth Broadway Btfflngs, Merita. . RIPE Salurday, Feb. SOLID or 2 lbs. 35 DON GREAVES i THE GRAY MEADOWS CUTTER 22 ASSOCIATION l p. in. GRAY MEADOWS RACE TRACK Mites Both and 1 Mile West of Pres RACES PGt4cans$l BUSHEL and I Jnice TUNA Frail Pies CUTTEB BACES TWENTY-TW-O 73c CLEANSING 4phgs.$ Ms epenrtien. 39c Tricus 8 for $1 8 Lb $1 Pop Coin TISSUES Fish Sdx the Bridget la Ililh P1CTSWEET bea but NORTHERN UTAH CUTTER ASSOCIATION ti ftGsl.69c a flBNTs Preserves us m cards, plsstfeteba Flapjack Fling STORY Art CreOhy, a deaf maa BAKE 2 Bat 29c for . I TO Heal Pies as Woman Behans 39 29 BY THE PIECE CUsrs - I 22 Pork M-M- en Hags Selection of all Yoor Favorite Songs S Central MarketLOTS OF FREE PARKIHO Of BACK OF THE STORE ta ADMISSION MIA STORE I 9LM PRESTON, IDAHO :v . t h GOLD STRIKE STAMPS "9 |