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Show U. I .! 90 JaycoesList CDProjed The first community de velopment project for the Lewiston Junior Chamber of Commerce ta now belli studied, according to officials. ) The project ii to tavssti--' gate the poisibi itiee of pro-- f' vidlng additional recreation- al facilities at the city park. Goto Jorgenson la chair' man of the project THE CACHE VALLEY CAUTY - vol. n II NO. LEWISTON, UTAH THURSDAY. JAN. M, INI School Report Near; . r .Jm The report of the state j meet with the state board the. and see what can ba resoiy- committee studying ad. A date for such a schools could! Cache County be completed by the latter; meeting has not been set, part of 'next week and the, be added. Mr. Draper added that it Cache school leaders 'the that week this ported plan they have submitted isj GROUP WORDS hflDvOle School studmts, Elsie Scott and Allen Meecham, are going over spelling words grouped similarly as consonant twins. ... is .imperative that the mat ter m settled as he wi l have to a new high school in the faT and the program must be prepared. (Continued on back page) Quarterly Meet ssaSiFE Benson Stake Holds SMbSosSSSSStorfh?- Tbe Branoo Stake totter part ofnext week. TS My Conference was - Quar- - welfare heW program 't program being a for every stage Sumlaer Jsmr member of Church, a comprehensive ' Saturday and Sessions sirt P0" ridi JS-fnary school to foe submitted P'an il was returned last conducted tar P r a i d ent- vised Oat each understand Preslshould learn and and whattte state Sy mar G. Jessop coun-- its reiponaibilities in this mu a request v for dent Wayne Traveler twuld- great Stake in the snore information on ; pSlency. ftmhtont T. MbThoR The illness, is pal was absent because tcwnr Alfred B. Smith of Welfare program, and each . TO ACCORDING Dr. General We' fare Comm- - would do well to follow the Spencer Wyatt, chairman of utee and Junius Jack- - program, foe state study committee, Priest Brother Junius M. Jackson General f the there win be no recommen- Committee praised foe people for the Genealogical 1 n nations made in foe com- - werfl uagnea visitors at the who esome atmosphere mittees report to foe Mate! confereno Cache Valley. He told about superintendent and .the state yiiiting leaders a n d the history re'atlve to He srtd the commit-igfdistders met Saturday- ealogy in the Church. He tee has visited al of the the Stake Wei- declared we are seeing fulpm schools of the district and a tour o f numBt of prophecy hero searched outthe bupgrtion. The visitors an- - to the Welfare program. He andflgures .lor all aspects that the Benson encouraged the people to of foe school district opera-- ; yann j considered one work, pray and have no fear, ttm Bd the members an & foe church, and m develop faith now compiling their And- -, Three sessions were held confidence in the Lord to y recommendations mg. afternoon In foe provide foe way of Hfe. would, have to come from'. TZZtXZ m nmow of Cornish superintendent and; war the speaker were given about the Welfare in the morning session. He program of the Church and enumerated and commented we nave any plans Church Genealogy program on some of the numerous 3C foer As for Budfe i weSrii 3? Tlinnwin L.I. jj Gen-boar- d. m - yed Sharlene Schenk and Roger Nelson look on as Douglas PRACTICE LETTERS Anderson and Sandra Hancey practice letter formation on fos chalkboard. They are students in MlUvUlo SchooL . ! PdwnTiiktbyFkMttd J v Mlowtag to study; - la a series af aitie- - scions las prepared ty- foo Cache terns, -- mi efttenctaral WEDNESDAY IS "Trial Test"- - day. Children keep cords of words missed o i Prla-- tu. he J. Mri.i h ltei tooted ta tt i wort nnb. Ttarmir.jaw, 1 "y 1 cuonaxy 552 ltlng. The nnnnfln to cursive writing la made during foe third veer. Prac- drom both methods is con- -. from then up through m is levemL Itid to The board Win have to Nsxt week: cy In both progrsms. Good spoiling should do eivhasto- - codes. aid in every classroom foo district, PENMANSHIP We would llke our patrons to know- that in 1961 self-lm-U- tofvowel aounda. They learn to associate aoundsltfa the ca aad LUWIVlVMf . - Tie. toK from foe eirth grade jhildm SS ;is and TudJ u , Inefnio afternoi. AU of feDowi: Lang- - and ton Barber, Lewiston;. S. H. learn Pond, Lewtotoa; H..E. Berg- - . u d rhir total xw b. a. m Introduced, notlil, !ss ug. mutts ta su acrtiw whidi tnral sta&Oiritiflfl. otb. ud "hbfol- - of interest paid to fos hank fsnsralbations. This U lowad on Tuesday with word patrons. w hiK an nrod flow . by,, ttaad. Juniorls risj sgbasjusbwLords y P3 IS foe Wf,M"embeled JHB President Wayne Traveler WaafigBlP wad foe first speaker and advised foe peop'e of the work and the planning in- volved to foe bufidtogof the toew stake house. Announced that the building was-- ' pro- greasing foster than enacted 11,1 and that the goal was for " Mrs. completion of foo building IN PRIMARY md dedication to June UM. Lncile Ftygara of Lewtotoa. Ba pleaded for foe united Utah, wae aaitataed sroead efforts of everyone to pay coaaaelor to the Beasoa aaaessmenta and- awwiiifai Primary Aeeedattea. S ; be able to use the traar axedtoat lator fecOittoo. although soma hssmd. Ho also asid .may have to find . tor antemms, he Pnrod iW- - Win give tha moot people win I1. ATTENDANT Judy Xing (right) .daughter of 1 end Mrs. Newel L. King ofLewtoton, was foe first attendant to Queen Scbeherasade at Utah State Unlver- sity recently. The Queen was AUu Ysnik, wlh Pat Bill-tosecond attendant Junction with foe Arabia. foe Organization of Arab students. p, T Sf - SHa usings into STUrrnffiSiK fem to foreaoeablo that foe Win- Hies in the Rivordalo the v 10 S m,,CmUt3Ti Gilbert, ceedlng years. The diction- ary skills are closely - syn- - Falrviewj and Rex Plowman, chronlxed with the phonetic Lewiston. Tiangton Barber was elect- tatodiiml In web gerttetU, unit Students on Junior and senior high school level continue to receive to Bergeeon as Vice Presidents; struetton in dictionary help Rex Plowman forough their language arts ud Larry McKnlght as as- stotant cashier. ALL E LE M ENT ARY It was reported by: M r. schools In Cache Dlrtrict use that the plowman foe same ipe ling series on deposits have IlBrCM two grades through gix. From U to 20 minutes speling in. had a substantial Increase, traction to given daily. A however, foe net earnings are systematic approach to fol- a slight decrease S-t- UW Mountain near d jEboilHs Doris the the Board of Direcotn warn r8cted t this time, v 00 225EJ foStha board. Tha following officers right way, obey foe were ausutained: Juius P. (Conttaud h Jenson Stake Mission Presldnt, Elda Halo Miller s first counseor and Lucille Flyrao second counselor to the Primary Stake Presidency, Hannah 'Pitcher, T. Pitcher and Maiy belle Pike as members of Stake Relief Society board. President Jessop announced that President Holt had called on the telephdtaa Sunday morning and asked him to extend beat wishes and hieosinis from ..him to foe members of the Stake and aides and using foe sounds foe Bank Building to Lewie- 4011 S?!m wshufa cntrally located sita- u BYLLABACA110N to a va Sa Directors of foe riety of ear spelling, Separ- - Boan ating long words toto syn- - Lewiston State Bank met at taught to gradm tw three. Fourth, fifth, i re. Btohoff, Jots fort the chprui Ameri- - Susan Lamb, Ann bmu. on Tha Clifton 5 ! .. jssjare rtsua atbv irrnmn.n Bermn translator wfo confos-cendusivety" M to got ai County Tha .Bmird was told of tha will have much batter Tv. typo of translator used and rocoptioi Burton. M or tin, foedgnal wlQ bo beam- of naaklia Conaty in four directioni t o praudot t w 1 d ;t h a David f P11 so VtaiaVp TlnciNDM S Shows , mv V.T!? . many other words. Eaur (phonetic) spelling has IN EACH elementary data several varieties. Beginning room 10 to 15 minutes pen- spellers can be taught toe-- mmMtmt l DfoS'kltaMs" j. were offend Pnyon wr m. mm ana bj - TV TiiRslttei following ation from foe Lord to direct . Please kavefoem with Wayne stake officers: Released were the Conference, that wiser, Earl Ransmn, or Ira Cliff Wiser as TChalrman of veaksrs are eleo insured, Hyer. or can and. they win Geneaogy Committee, Willis H encouraged the people to imm paying tithing, feat ofiiutoga be picked up. S. HanCtoiidon P. Alsop, Arvilla Rawlins, and buhUng aasesamoita and and Thslma Woodland all reminded them of the Joys from the Genea ogy Comml- - and blessings In store for The Lewtokm ttee, Calvin HouasSy Stake those who are obedient to Chamber of Comnwco Gods laws. Mission President, HenBrother Vance and Godfrey dricka as Stake missionaries, ed on the Barbara Plowman and E da Church to . . Hale . Miller from the Pri-- Influence for good to award the J Martha world today". mary Presidency. Hurrdn and Jennij Traveer Bishop Wende Godfrey from the' Relief Society from Cornish spoke about the Service award for lroS. the - th . Fw s- of Sd !XS n - Trnslaior testo ' hi-- ENiri- -f T&SSg T1?01 mtoplSE SmtSw SSS Snswisns" inTto isj&szr m words carefully In order spoU them. nu to beUevedJor ugy and neatly, you may ftod the atiRrtfciftw -- - 1 CHILDREN are taught look carefully it printed sym- bols. From with printed symbols in reading and writing, generalizations are made. The lists of words are grouped according phonetic and structural Sc .hutructidn isatven ijimur, .j. maone. and two fUrfoor'MWdatifln on' tho training Ina mum. - SWgSjff SatafTWAf -f- tssrtua.a! In the Cache County- eymbola. Schools gelling power taught by using both phonetic and structural eraUsatkm methods. m " pat-dallGra- du ADJUSTS TRANSLATOR Robert Bacon, Salt Lake Gtty, adjusts the wire on the translator which was set up in the back of a pick-u- p for the test The' GUisn Photo Ti . r SSFSnS5i J 3 Nates- - ana stkf itkms may be msde for any yemman between foe ages of 1 and Lewiston or adjoining; com- " 7' nmnity. The man must ba active in civic affairs or serving to his church, N,ta 1 . Marjorie H. Gardner wM recentiy elctd a Fellow of the American Association for foe Advancement of Sci- enc. The letter. of notifies- tion states, "Your election as Follow rt the Association Is j recognition of your standtog as a scientist. Dr. Gardner to a graduate of North Cache High School. of Utah State University and of Ohio State University. She recently accepted a teaching University of position at m? g opmeut Lewtotoa tn shottU Nominations ba submitted to writing to Jer first... vice the Lewiston Mr. Wiser said that a panel of Judges over foe age limit will be appointed to NOMfof ATION8 must be received .before February. S to ba valid or accepted, ho added. , Tho DSA contest to an an n u a 1 project - of Junior chambers of commerce over foe United States. the South and - Southwest" Dr. Fmd . to a paduate of Utah State Unlverslhr, and of Ohio State University. t; Dr. Gardner to tha daugh- ter of Mrs. Gladys Hyer of Logan and foo lata , Hyer. The Byers are former residents Her mother to a retired Cache County school teacher. . Saul' IISA1 Hirnmn IfTriHffil. lITlvl '4 - Conduds Uool an educational bring mwat b meving to RICHMOND they gatariav. Uvu rt people now and to lived to Charleeton, Utah, wpam te foe imposed new Ariel Benson prutoedat Nafional to tbe future. Planetarium be Wasateh Coanty. Mrs. FlyBrother Alfred B. Smith fare ta aa active church built to Washington, D. C. UfehattonSwSatS, 0 !"" J1 fa J mMherof Her hufoaiid,Dr.'Paul L. in skit' Laka City; MnTBsih foa building fends are tret- - five ehlldroai Fraaeu Huff, Gardner laonthe staff of the son and famflyrisltod to OR M stared to Heaven, for Salt Lake Cttoj Tracy, Jay NASA (National Acronau den with her parents Mr. m) too of Ho spoke I |