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Show I the CITIZEN, makDacenkar U, L-w-kua, 1M1 EQak Cissk Mill teama from Mink Creek that Mr. end Mrs. Christian Jen-te- n John BeUam and tha Blaine day night. VISITORS at the Delmar won were those of drove to Logan on busi- Nash Vilaar Mr. and! Mrs. Dick Jensen Keler home Thundur Ransom, NIck'KsDar, Gar- ness lust week. Reginald land Rasmussen and Dwight Mrs. Carlane'Egley bas accompanied Mr. and Mrs.- tag wu bar SaferHunsakar. Jensen to a Wilde. Paul. party with week for bed in a been Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd pmpiipii. Mrs. Christensen, Mr. end Dale Larlen and Mr. end MR. AND MRS. Bud KeOer Mrs. Ellas Jepsen attended and children, Mr. and Mrs. a session at the Temple Fri Dim Gunderson and children wan Sunday visitors at the day night Keller home.. . Percy Christensen Sonya spent Mr. and Mrs. Percy KellWednesday night at a concert with Jter friend Diene er took Kay Smith and BranRoberta. Mrs. Christensen vi- ds Thompson home to Salt sited her patents the J. W. Lake City. They visited their Whiteheads while waiting for daughter wilier husband, the Sam Almonds4n Bountithe concert ful. MRS. LENA Christensen Mrs. Rex Crane and Mrs. and Mrs. Allan Christensen. Toni Jensen were In Logan end and daughters Clarice to a special scout Saturday Dorothy wont to Salt Lake meeting at the Scout City where they vlilted with Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Sylves quarters. Basil Crane of Denver spent ; ; Real women ter. Friday night at his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl was plane want to Logan and Tre-- home. Bull's In Lake Satt grounded City monton on business Friday. hind n car to go on Richard and Gary Keller andaho Jackson Hole meeting. genius inspiring women were the chairmen of The to The school Mink Creek assembly at the children are busily engaged in learning parte and songs the Christmas pbty- for live leopard rearing worn Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Jansen and sons Bruce and Sbri THE WOMEN of the ward should all remember the ReW Cathy Soamons spent a Ray lief Society Christmas Party on December 17 at 11:90. Tide In art collection lending vyoi will give everyone time to home and ne ready for even-broth- Ward Holds Annual Ward Conference i PLAY SETS FUUj RANGE OF SIZES NEW INFANT TO 14 TEARS p Vtgfe Carina Combs and daugh- Ward MINK CREEK conference ended by Pree. and bla Carl Mortemen counselors speaking at Sacrament meefing along with the Bishopric. The Ward auxiliaries had from visits the Stake Boards. Mrs. Ernest Buetler and her Relief Society Board visited during Ada Jepsen'a Theology less-ioMary Sharp snoke for the stake boom. The Primary officers, Mrs. Bela Porter, Mrs. Jana GUbson, Mrs. Taylor were here. The MIA was favored by a real Jam session with the stake mutual board with Wayne Ben and Mrs. John Porter In charge. The Sunday School also had take visitors present MR. AND MRS. Paul Jensen and Darren and Ruth Ann Chrlstenaw were dinner guests of their parents. Mr land Mrs. Tom ter flew back to Hawaii by Jet after coming especially the Golden Wedding Celebration of her parents the Orlando "t Mrs. Delbert Kel'er . reports her mother Olive Nelson Is in the hospital for sur--, e While visiting her also visited her Aunt Annie Nelson who has also had surgery, and Christine Hausner. Mrs. Lima Jepeen and Susan, Lee Ann Walton ai David visited Carolyn Burr In Logan. LeAnn la vtalttag with relatives In Utah. Jon Jepeen mint the home with Ida family. VERNEAL CHRISTENSEN peat eome time with family and than they took bar back to Salt Lake tity te her mo-ah- n. SPECIAL ' REDUCED PRICES DO USD'S PRESTON0' k it mi 9 - GDrir QUALITY I hr Job. The Gray Meadow Racaa were held Saturday. e Ti er g,ggg mn&ns IS TALKING ABOUT od Sg party et BOA FromglfrjfOjfCjfgj(sj aitcM that night Thursday Lome Wilds, Mildred Keller, Edna muasen, Velda Olson, Christensen spent the day et CurOneida Station wtth-Mtis Bosen. They had. a dinner and quilted a star qultt. Mrs. Ferd Christensen la mg her visiting her the Gemi Hardmans of Lake City. Thty will bring her home Saturday or Sunday. Mrs. Alne KeQer, Kent and Collette visited her sister Lucy Porter and daugiter Sheila In Mapleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Keller are in San Diego, CaL and sent word that Mr. and Mrs. Allan Seeley Keller of Macomb, HL had a new eon. This fourth child was named Torval John for his the late Torval Keller. VELDA OLSON and Bonnie Keller visited the Dayton ward cm Monday night as Stake Relief Sodety officers. Bonnie had a special 1. Rgag globetrotting, crown j public opinion making . gfeivft inita IN PRESTON to featlfl wflte oa CWwtit PURR WHEN PAMPER I . Give Your Male The r Luxury The Gift He Always Needs . Of Gimfort great-grandfethe- SWEATERS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS DP By Puritan THE CLASSIC . ... ! ' , BOYS SIZES , - ''" ; - 100 HITT Cotton. Wash ta Wear. Fussed Collar with Convertible Cuff. Priced H50 . - FENWAY CLUB 100, Cotton. Soft Collar with vaztlhlo Cuffs. 'i 6 to 20 -- M Spin-dry- Priced -S- IS to 46 65 Cotton. 9.95 to 22.95 1 Con. T 95310 Dacron Polyester , ' 160 FROM FRANCE r, At last, French perfume within your reach, costs little more than cologne, New Skin outlasts any other form of fragrance. and Bath Perfume coijif! in 4 Fabergf (lassies APHRODISIA WOODHUE TIGRESS , FLAMBEAU Made to linger, linger, linger.. . 1 oz. 5.00 'h oz. 3.66 2 oz. 8.50. .i V 4 jonnsoirs dddg stode FREE ' t . PARKING . CONVENIENT LOCATION 97-0- 5 GIVE HIM THE GIFT HE NEEDS By BANLON KNIT SHIRTS BANLON socks GIVE HIM THE GIFT OF Lamp Outdoor Tree Light Set 15 l SMART COMFORT Bdbe Bun MASSAGIC Air-Cushion- Indepeadaatly Bakellte, Waterproof, Sockets have proof dtpe. . t. nit Shoes ed Reg. $2.66 64-7- 1 KING eomfort of IIABSAGKSF flu A Gift PORTABLE AND OH! SO BEAUTIFUL Red Nice - Every- - cm Waits. - Ref. ' $m . HHt TABLE TBAYS r.- BY Fi iDacran Priced I GIVE THE GIFT OF LUXURIOUS LIVING J Priced 95.00 DECTOLINE a a ward Tuesday. Relatives were happy to hear that Dr. Boyd Crane had been made Bishop In his ward In Port'and. Vaughan Larsen of Ogden vixitedat the .home oT tiia parents Mr. and Mrs man Larsen. Rex, Kd, and Dan Crime drove to their form at Kasota Ida. Saturday. Thanksgiving visitors at die Ferd Christensens of all their family but one. They are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hardman, Mr. and Mrs. g f I meat in the MART SHORT SLEEVES DECTON 4.95 to 12.95 MENS SIZES --ARROW- STYIES THE SMART NEW COLLECTION OF WINTER AND YEAR AROUND ' STYLES WILL MAKE YOUR MAN PROUD REGARDLESS OF AGE. New Crew Nock Zipper Cardigans . . . Button Front Cardigans Cardigans . . . Short Sleeve.! . . . Crew Neck SUp- Necks Cnw LONG SLEEVE WITH NEW SKIN ANI $123 Darbie's Dream Homo Cany it like a saltease unfold end Its a List Price $499 Barbies domain comae completely with furniture, ruga and decorative accessories. Everything tho house, custom-designe- Hoke Ding's assembled d furniture folds neatly Into YOUR CHRISTMAS VISIT SHOPPING Ban-Lo- n 4IONID FAVORITE AMERICAS Sroekvtow af Wenderfd Gifts for KNITSHIIT ta- mry ckam 0 la' CaatartMa aad aiaacaUM. ITi Ml la AND SAVE HEADQUARTERS miim VhH Mtr PwttMS Ml RnMomS KINGS BIG BASEMENT TOYLAND Everyeoe ee Your list l Kytoa Taxtralliid pm aad la wHbaMa and WpMa. In Sia-la-a SwaWae fey MNm h a Uesxline 100 mcMn Far jreey Ibspplag l- mtm al The Perfect Stretch Sock that gives perfect fit without binding. The Sock that gives more wear than spy Sock should. Colors: Black, Brown, Green, Red, White, Blue, Tan S4U-a.IS.S- V Ceevedenee i yt'fi.i fE USE YOUR CONVENIENT BLOCKS CHARGE ACCOUNT OR LAY-AWA- Y WILL BE LARGE SELECTION PLAN OF UaV. Dm, Every Bight 'tfl 8 Dob; 13 io Doe.. 23 Open v c IDAHO h. at- .. ' -- u to i. w Dee. 23 - i" 13 - EXCEPT SUNDAY . A:-1- 1961 TOYS EVERY NIGHT Z T MNsrth8tate 1 - 17. |