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Show 4B - THE CITIZEN, Lewietan, Utah October M, Britb Bilk Cn Changes Made In Dayton Ward Staff USU Librarian Visits In Mink Creek Professor ..MINK CREEK and Mra. Milton Abrams vtoi -ed at the homei of Mr. and Mr. Dwight WQde and Mr. and Mn. Delbert KeDen. Profeasor Abrams Is head of the library at USU. Ha and his wife are living In Smith viilted at tee home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mn. Norman Larsen. Mn. Viola Larsen's brother and Mb wife, Mr. and Mn. Lenard Ruckert, an viaiting at the Larsen home over the week end. Held. SATURDAY Visitors at (he home of Mr. and Mrs. Ddmar KeDer were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henderson and children.Mr. and Mrs. Armond Smart and their daughters, Sandy and Cordell of Smith Add visited at the Dwight Wilde home. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Griffeth. Brian Hyde stayed with Jay WQde Friday night They hunted Saturday. RHONDA AND Iva Lou Christensen, daughters of J. Lloyd Christensen came home from college over tee week Pamela Weat-erhe- n, Deanna Jepaen, Judy Baird; of the Baton Corps at Preston high and Sue Jenin of Preston high Indlanettei marched with their corpa at the USU homecoming. Mn. Clifford Beckstead of Ogden visited her mother, Mrs. Mldren KeDer over the week end. Sunday visiton at the MIL dred Kriter home wen Mn Curtis KeDer and ner daughter, Rosemary. Mr. and Mn. BiU Dehle and daugter of Afion, Wyo. visited at (he J. H. Buim home. Guests ut the home of the Bill and Geneva WaDgraen Reed Jensens wen Mabalta were dinner guests at the Jensen and Ethel Sdbery of home of Mr. and Mrs. Del-m- Salt Lake, Jesse Thomas and Olson. Other visitors at Vera Lipric of Midvale and their home wore . Mr. Ada Jemen of Mink Croak. Mrs. Leo Reader of Hyde of Lai Park and Mrs. Verrlce Ianen FRANK ALLEN two Vegas, Nov., spent days also of Hyde Park. of Mr. and Mrs. Over audit guests at the at the home home of Mr. and Mrs. Dot Claude KeDer. hart Keller wore Mr. and Bruda.Neil and Dan Crane wen In Salt Lake Wednesday Mrs. Deward Carver, with Connie Weatover. Jimmy stayed there Monday iiiia!wui iwmiipwis them Mr. and Mrs. Delbert to went a birthday party and was given medical atter ention. He Is improving. la Preston for their Brent Christensen. Mr. and Mn. Claude D. Keller stayed over night with AND MR. MRS. Deward Carver of Salt Lake Ctty visit- her brother, CU Wateon hi ed fat Mink Creek at the Salt Lake Ctty. homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Mr. and Mn. Burton Lud Erickson and Allen Barg-qul- wig and daughter wen visiand his sister, Anna ton at the Hex Crane boms Burse. Deward Is attending Thursday. n barber school lu Salt Lake The Hugh Hansen family Gtor. Ha baa three month! moved Into their new home loft before graduating. last week Vaughn Larsen and wife KeDer and Cari and aiz children wboee names Christensen wen In Ogden are Lynnette, Janet, Julie, and Salt Lake on business. David, Jimmy and Annette They were overnight guesta at the Lloyd Facklers. . Sunday vlslton at the home of Mr. and Mn. Glenn KeDer wen Mr. and Mn. Iloyd Fackler and their daughter, haHorrir Beverly. Mn. ion and her two daughters, Jean and Anna and son, Lyle. Also Mrs. Elvena Keller and the Leness KeDer family. Mn. Lionel KeDer, Myraa ana Callette VISITORS at the home of Mr. and Mn. Fay Wilde SAVE were Mr. and Mn. Rudger Dent of Ogden. Mrs. ' Christensen visited her daughter, Raone In Provo. Raone is attending BYU. Mrs. Christensen stayed with her brother, LuWayne Byingtan of American Fork. Mr. and Mra. Delbert KeDer had Mr. and Mn. mwimI Mortenaen and Mr. and Bin. Brent Christensen as Sunday guests. Also three grandchildren, Derek, Jackie and - Salt end parent PiyliR Brisk INI Mr. and Mn. Gary OUver-so- n wen fnilt picking at the Rex Crane home. Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mn. Percy Kdter wen his aster and brother-in-laMr. and Mn. Jack Rigby of MontpMler. CHARLIE FOREMAN stayed at the BurneQ Baird home Friday and Saturday. Cougntutattona on a new boy Glenn and Geralynn. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jen w. -- Sacrament his work In the Canadian DAYTON sen attended the Logan homecoming parade. Mrs. Jenaen aid mat the uniforms and the bands were what she Several Mink girls marched la the parade. Sonja Christensen marched In the homecoming parade In Logan with the Preston high band. Sonja Christensen attended a party with Diane Roberto" Saturday night an-mo- at Mis- Field. Heber brought greetings to the people of the ward from Delvin Hobbs who Is alio serving In the Canadian mteriraThe choir aang a apodal number, "My God andl accompanied by Evelyn Winward, directed ter Mrs. Don Q. DaDey. s relatives of the who were present were: PatHriwrs grandparents, riarch spa Mrs. H. R. Mr. and Mrs. Juan Hriwr Bingham reported of ADraad and famOy of Smith- - meeting on Sunday night was conducted by First Counselor In the Bishopric, Perry PhD-lipSome changes were made In positions held In the ward. The foDowlng were Dan Dedrickwm as Scout Master and Marlow Smart as Mi Militant. Perry Henderson, Doaeoni Advisor. New officers sustained were: Marlow Smart, Scout Master, and Kant Hobbs, Deacons sion s. Out-of-tow- n Blag-ham- ad-viao- r.. Blng-ham- e, Balls. Nril Mrs. over the arrival of their 28th field, and their daughter, Jene Linford, Richard and Janet Harris, North Logan; Mr. and Mra. Theron Rawlins, Fairview, and daughter, Been Harris, Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Winger and baby of Salt Lake City wore week end visitors at the home of Mra. Wingan parents, Mr. and Mra. Martin Blau. Mr. and Mn. V. D. Smart made a business trip to Logan on Friday. On their return home they were happy eived Eastei ion. fhfhHVblY Marlow and Ml wife, bara. Bin Sunday dinner guests at the R. Jones home was their ion, Boyd, Mr. and Mr. Ken Page and daughters, LaneRay and Valery Joan, all of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mix. Ronald Janet, Logan. - Mr. and Mra. Robert B. Moon and three children of lion b Rote been 1 Milton station Luci Garth of Laj tori a are fe ton. FREE SUGAR DAYS SPECM FREEZE IS CUBIC FOOT WERINGB0U8E ar LARGE CAPACITY AUTOMATIC PRICES START AS LOW AS Warranty af r. Fred SpeOage S-- Warranty PLUS M POUNDS OF FREE SUGAR son-in-la- w, Wutinghome Upright 21 st CLEADyonr own DUGS and PPHOLSTEDY W. T. PLUS IB) 14 POUNDS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC n OF FREE SUGAR - HOLDS 741 Lbs. FOR ONLY PLUS 24 POUNDS OF FREE SUGAR Y DS IB IB FT. Mrtpaede Dew Britt-I- e Lack. Shrives far fast, ELECTRIC RANGE AT THIS LOW. LOW PRICE OF ONLY to WESTINGHOUSE Cl - Fettering A Big. Big Oven end Speeds on All 1181 Heat Fear Surface Units. Professionally 139.00 80 U.&L Furniture W.T. W.T. PLUS 12 POUNDS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jensen and their ion. Damn, visited at his folks home, Mr. and Mn. Thomas Jensen. Preeton. Idaho o o AVAILABLE AT THE PRESTON CITIZEN HEADQUARTERS 14 POUNDS OF FREE SUGAR COLOR TY Todd. VISITORS at the William C. Crane home were Mr. and Mn. Bill Crane and their three children of Sugar City, Ida. Co. PLUS OF FREE SUGAR FOR DESERET BOOKS BEFRIGE 12 CU. With Beaatiftd FuD Crier TV For tee First Time . . . Lew Priced Ceneete (Same Cabinet as pictured below) - Quality Britt by CuritoMathls Color TV FOR ONLY JUST ARRIVED FT. WESTINGHO Guaranteed Mean TRUE 75-L- b. If This Freeier does not W. PLUS 48 T. POUNDS OF FREE SUGAR The Best In LDS Books SeUd Well Refud Yc PLUS 18 POUNDS 0 19" Portable - FULLY GUARANTEED On tech Ahuniabed pleture lube; Available hi thareoal er silver LATTO-M- T nOFHZTS AMD THI By Roy W. Dexey nscwnsB or sbiohah touk By John A. Wldtsoe SACBED STOVES FOB CHILDREN (Visitor at 23" CSHSOLE TELEVISION THU BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF FURNITURE HOLDS THE POWERFUL 2MM VOLT SUPER POWER CHASSIS WITH TUNER. ALL FULLY YOU JUST HAVE GUARANTEED TO SEE THEM TO BELIEVE THE PERFORMANCE. By Marie F. Frit Oneida Stake Last Week) 23" EnTEBTAinnEUT CEHTER SUPERB TV, PLUS STEREO, AM 4k HI-F- I, FM RADIO. THE VERY BEST SUPER QUEST By Pres. Hugh B. Brawn POWER CHASSIS FOR FRINGE AREAS THE PRESTON CITIZEN 11 SOUTH STATE PHONE SGE4UI BEG. PLUS IS POUNDS OF IMMS W.T. PLUS If POUNDS OF FREE SUGAR i - |