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Show I -T- HIS Utai September ft, INI CR1ZEN, Crarifh Briefs Californio, Preston Mc-Kinn- er People Visit La-Ver- na n. CORNISH Mr. end Bln. Ctrl Prescott from Belmont, California and Mr. and Mra. DeLoy Palmer from Preston visited with Mr. Rn. and Asael Buttan last Monday. Mrs. McKay Rawlings and Bln. Beatrice Taylor attended the CM& BfulcAssoda-tio- n Campaimi Banquet held at the ItiiieSird Cafe in Logan last Monday evening. Mr. A LARGE GROUP of the HIGH COUNCILMEN CUff Waddups from Lewiston. Creech performed High Priests from Trenton Wiser and D. D. Hyer were Lynette den as a twrOer with the North attended the Stake social at the visiting speaken at SacMr. and George El-- Cache band during the Peach Cornish Friday evening. They rament meeting Sunday evewood visited the past weekend in Brigham enjoyed a program and lunch. ning. A special musical numwith Mr. and Bln. Dresden Days parade City. Sunday, Bln. Henry Eller-ma- n ber was a piano solo by Blarie Blanchard in American Falls Sorenson accompanientertained at dinner, and Beth Chamben were reJoyce Blr. and Bln. A1 Smith and ed Mr. and Bln. Douglas the occasiod being her blrth-wer-a leased from the Sunday family, Mr. and Bln. Paul of Logan to Salt Lake laid for Blr. and Bln School. Helena Andrew was BIcKntght and Beatrice and City Saturday, when they at- Purl Jardlne and Blr. and sustained to be a teacher in son, Jeffrey Taylor and tended the State Fair and Ice Bln. Andrew Clark of Clarks-to- the Primary, John Andrew Price attended the St- Follies. Blr. and Bln. Erneet and Craig Lower were adate Fair and Ice Follies1, Bln. D. A. Beraeson and Andersen of Preston, Bln. vanced from teacher to priest Saturday in Salt Lake City. daughter. Bln. Van Dunn, Ida Griffin of Logan and her in the Aanmic Priesthood. Blr. and Bln. Edward Clay-eo- n were visitors In Denver, Colo, Grandson. Kenneth Griffin, Prayers were by Doyle Andand Bin. Reed Clay son last weak. Bln. Susie Clark of Idaho rew sod Glade Griffin. and family visited Sunday llrs. Dixie Williams and Falls, Idaho, Blr. and Bln. Blr. and Bln. William Conwith Mr. and Bin. Vldmar her brother Howard Gilbert also of Ida- nary were dinner guests SunCottle of Lynn and family in Poc-visited Tuesday with ho Falls, Jay Clark and day of their daughter Edna CUgson Blr. and Mrs. A. L Andrew. Miss Sharon Lott of Clark-sto- Blae Mills of Logan. Mrs. Irvin Kendall visited Blr. and Bln. Boyd Blr. and Bln. Gorden W. Blr. and Bln. Roland relatives in Iyton last Reese and daughters, Janet EUerman of Salt City and Gladys Haws of and Blr. and Bln. Henry El Logan motored Wednesday and Thursday. Sunto Johnson,'Wendy and Sally and terman. That evening they day afternoon andOgden Lynette Creech entertained master Dark Johnson of Lay-tovisited a the following friends at a and Mn. Andrea Lamb all attended a farewell testi- daughter and family, Blr. and party at her home Fri- of Hyde Paris wen Tuesday monial at Clarkston far Jay Bln. Ellis Griffin and his moday evening: Cheryl Wiser, afternoon guests of Bln. Rob- Claris who leaves shortly far ther, Mrs. Blary A. Morten- Barbara Austin ana Nancy ert H. Reeder. a Miuiffl, and Mn. Exra and eon and Ken-de- ll Vera and Carolyn vlsitedMr and Mn. Roes KendeU in Og Og-Ogde-n, n, Blor-tens- on cf n, cows. Only one other Idaho entry won. Anne won her class over a strong competitor from Carnation BUlk Farms at Carnation, Wash. The Regional show drew 171 entries from Oregon, Utah, Idaho,. Colorado and Washington., no-ho- st twenty-tw- o f New Chevrolet Luxury in 1964 Chevrolet Impalas Other Models On Display At ; Cranney Chevrolet The rich, of the 1SS4 eerkliac solar keyed bteriora Sad a choice of Impale Ebert Omm (above) Mm 0 Chevrolet a 11 power tcaau wUl be noted aa September is tmUtiaaaUT encenil bed? turn i whea theee aew can are latmdaeed at Chevrolet atyHag bath mat aad rear. la deeletahjpe. laipah gaper Sport madele feature adjaatable backet eeeta aad a aew enter ceaeoie. sales mark in 1963 Chevrolet intends to continue this success in 1964 Virtually certain oi setting an all-tiby offering the widest choice of automibiles in its history. Introduced in hevrolet dealerships on Thursday, Sept. 26, will be 43 new models in five distinct sizes. This is ten mote models than Chevrolet offfered for 1 963 and the greatest number the division has ever offered in a single year. me r: 64s New Car be the Industrie only IngBytedrill the CheveUe. This much alt-ne- ChovoDo Is the Auto Industry's Only AD UewCar To Do Introduced In '64 The only be the Chevy IL vJD aB-ne- aD-ae-w car to he fatndoeod this year hr the American satmaMhla tedastry CHEVILLE. This ear Is shed between ike ragehwa5vi5et sad toe Chevretet's new eutemebile Hue far 114 epubedlee a dlstiaetlve styling and win be fat 11 models In three series e line BfaBbu Super Sport, the Malibu the and the MS. - ef-fer- ad tep-ef-th- Quality and vehicle width era Stressed fat the front end design wkleh makes aee of dual headlights aad hsrliontol griDe ban. Side treatment Is dean aad a peak Uae wkick carries throngbeat the car gives a leek sf length. rear end design accents car width with tall aad backap lights at the extreme ends the rear back panel. A textared molding extends the fun width of the car. Built on a 111 inch wheelbase, the chaste Is completely new, teetering a perimeter frame. Frost suspension Bikes use of cold springe and rear sospensiou is of the boll spring tear link type. The of Fourteen laeh self-adjusti- wheels, Safety-Blast-er brakes sad a Ugh With several Improvements general sales manager and refinements, the INI trades, said In mom Chevrdet track Hue eensett- - the aew fine, dates the major gates la de- - "These luetede such fetterdgp aeUeved.nder a five- M independent frewt wheel ud de-- upeufeB; variable year - - p Over the pest bur model pacity Deteetosa generator era standard Foer engines -rate er etyliaier engines, plus aew cheTDe . y. redeftfaea . eorngiiatcly track line, making several sigadfleant design advances," frames, and many ether E. Ceaun, assistant velspmeats. ?' de-Jam- es ca- a, , gpp f two six-- Quito u varietylll dis- Chevrolet offers 43 models for 64 cussed cmMMnatton of beauty, quality, performance afcq distinction is steed between the router Chevrolet and Chevy IL All Chevrolets five lines of 19M can have styling ahd engineering improvements which with the Increase in models and allow the customer to tailor a car options to fate particular requirements as never before. Car buyers today like diversity, " Semen E. Knudsen, Chevrolet general manager, dedans. "They like to be able to choose cars from a wldeselection of sizes, styles and performance characteristics." "We enact the broad diversity in our 19M can to wm the customer votes needed to continue Chevrolets traditional industry leadership. Following are the highlight of the five members of Chevrolet's 19M "family." Extensive new styling is evident in the regular Chevrolet line, again stressing the Mg car ldxury which has made it so popular. A Super Sprat series featuring bucket seats and special interior and exterior appointments in both a convertible and sport coupe has been added for 19M, bringing the total models of regular Chevrolet! to 15 In four series. "wmImu are the same Although over-al- l the in lM3, ps regular Chevrolet has a loi wider look created by new flowing side anda smooth, bbroader styling of front and rear ends. An of Chevrolets advanced 119 tech wheelbase chassis features are continued far 1964, r frame, Full including llt Safaty-Glnte- Coil Pttenel brakes Detection generator and far iU- - long-system- . Seven engines ranging from 140 to MIL v. will bo offered. Optional far thC first time in 1M4 on 409 cubic nidi engines Is tMJj ignition system. Iknrtonsmtalm gynchr-Mes- h be offered and tbs Includes refinements far smoother shifting and greater durability. M four-spee- d For INI the Chemist Mstsr DtvUsn wffl eVer total of 41 ariak la Ire eepemte beee ef wjv.-Ist- or i tkc lis-te-di u jwi i 111 M lachee while Ml la wheel- - llsJShtUKE leas ahem, la the Ornette fata Key which ; Mfftc a ' wheelbase, Chemist i MmuCmp wheelbase Chary H Nn will hare a Mmj la thi ChmoM whea the wd IN atyffiMS whMibua ferrate ggrt Is SS-Ia- eh f PDESTOQ. IDAHO COMPANY PHODE 852-11- 61 |