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Show . .w, t: r , ;- "V tV 4 - : M f w- - rAiiaiai: yv r : 4 AagU S9, 1M mk ffltTflwl Brtfi !A' ' WORLVSv CLEVELAND first ELECTRIC PORTABLE I I I iki Keeps np with futeutypbL I I No pounding, dtctric-k-y does the work. Type an kllen with MUM IHW MD WERE LOADED WRHS FILE BOXES HEAVY DUTY -F- ULL HINGE -- MADE - . o - - THE WORLDS FINEST r 39( , i I aid I fledeb of Typewriters - THE HANDIEST THING AROUND v Hold-- It THE REUSABLE PLASTICK m:W6 t flLLED PAPER .98c n I AMwin rJnrJihwt OF IN l ee No. PAPER CLIPS STAflP PADS FILE GUIDES TILE FOLDERS CA11Q0I1 PAPER LEGAL PAD ROLDEDS 15c S d I FELT He RUBBER Me from :15c I 45c m, 25c .. EK 9Cc 25c and LEGAL PADS -- $239 PERCIL SRADPEREDS 10c DULEDS Rood fama $149 SLIDE RULES $1410 DATE STAHPS I man I Mm. laum Davis hu ban m the CUfton stem while Jack Wood has ban f Mr. and Mrs. Grant n of Logan nsnt the I week-en- d viamng their pres, and Mm. Carl Mortensen and Ifr. and Mm. Bertie. WtowanL They visited Sunday School end Sacrament meeting at night Mr. and Mm. Franklin Said and children spent a week visiting places of tntereat in THE PRESTOjf per-lent- a, OFFICE SUPPLIES 18 returning August IM. ..- r p. y It if ill " A t.' ' r.fe-f.,- ri ftrt.'- left on CeHfronJaTrhey August p him rmob IScbool Sunday. Sho ts parson, Ifir. and Mrs. Dean Lewis. Mrs. JaHan Davis Sant and children of Kemmerer, Wyo. Mort-mae- b - Khdn Christensen of - . - . , Wesley Baa-muas- Black-foo- California Families Visit In Cove Area t - nt y, g das .and family of (Men accompanied hte parents, Blr. andafra. Ray Geddee, and Ray and Spoicar to Yellowstone pork returning through Jackson Hole, Star vuley and YOU ji 'J. ; Vi'-'- W1--' 7, Your over a oemvenient period of time bolide you a bedit reputation of value fof future for any purpose. borrowing ' Financing' arrangements ameaaUymade. Aik your daaterforTbneway foum-dn-g or atop in at our ' J ' . ' vS t life- -' C'iV ... :Vv; mg: made also for any worthwhile purpose present car as security. If ... Jr- S; A FWIwllfWWIIU. i : T. ; . Co. 4 ' . ' ... VV AT COST l- .. i . a O Drawing Al I p. -m. r O Daess Al 2 p.m. O'lGirb' Sofiball At 3 n.m. : .' 7 : H- kj C 4; ' . t h 0SCT3 ' y HrtSMHWMillMtNAi . fi .,T57" U.&LFnmUaro r rliv v.i I1 AU. nr : r- SME801 O Hamlraraen and Drinhi deal- -- " OCCDSO ax-il-l !? ... either at your auto ers or at the bank. . ' PtofosdonnDy Sainrday.AngnsiSl Timeway financing is arranged rapidly and with a minimum of red tape, I'.aCAVy - own DUGS and OPROLSTEIIY .ATriiEFAm;: ir; CLEAR year M INVITES : if i"1 FAnnTouDEAu TO U Baer Lake whom they enjoy. ed boating and water riding. of Mrs. Annie Wilkinson Franklin spent Tuesday afternoon with her daughter, Bln. Jeesie Larsen. Mrs. Nellie Rawlins of Lewiston accompanied Maitao Rawlins to Ogden Wednesday to attwW the family coastal chib. They were Jollied by Bln.' Lillie Hardman of Logan. -- . -- V- i- AV?-- l. ' S ' ' ,4 ) ' V.' . ' AT TRE FArnGDODIIDS- , - v f ; fp-- i ' i J I i - ea Cm Msb r- - - fci Le-lin- shaw and her iwrents, Mr. COVE Blr. and Bln. Ralph Rainey of Garden Grave, CaL, and Mm. Ray Crrehaw. RuiaeU Petersen of Lewis- Waited In the; ward this week ton visited Saturday afternoon with friends and relatives. with Mi aunt and unde, Mr. Blr. and Mrs. Alma Dur-raof Salt Lake City were and Mm. Wesley Hawkes, weekend visitors of their ion Mr. and Mm. Jdm L. and grandson, Bruce Hunt, and family, Blr. and Bfm. left bow Friday morning an Matin Durant went as far as Logan wham Mr. and Mrs. BIB Boyer of they visited theta son end California, were weekend family, Mr. and Bln. John gueste of her aunt and fam-AMr. and Mm. data Alilwffllf, Jr. At Salt Lake relen. The Boyers-we- re th City er mi turning after spending n hon-trf-o BfcDonald. through the on to Blurry and visited anThe Seth Allen family and other daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hun Clair Allan family spent ami apeut the night there. Thursday at Bear Lake boat-taand ftehtaf and picnickThey left Brace home with his parents as he has been ing, ,. here the past three weeks The Alton Ktagsford family visiting Ms grandparents. Mr, ipent.Wataeaday at Downata and Bfm. WUUs rebmed bom with Blr. aad BIrs. Leon Hoffman wi Earl Bin. MarSaturday evening. Mr. and Mn. John L. WUUs tha OUvermt of Preoton. of had as theta August 15 gueste Bin. Vtelot bar M"!, Ernsd Logan Waited In the wa: of Cleveland and bar Sunday with her children and slater, BIrs. Erma Jones of showed rildes and pictures of her recent vacation travels. Dayton. Mr. and Bln. John L. WUUs Sunday visitors of Blr. and wr as theta August 15 guests Bln. Button Barnes were Blr. do brother and wife, Blr. and and Bin. Ionian Eskalaon of Bln. Austin WUlte of Aforta, Ogden, BIrs. Libby Purser of Utah. They spent the night Richmond and Blr. and Bln. ore and left Friday for Bliltoh Carver of Ontario, Ore. Blackfoot where they visited Visiting during the week were Mn. WUUs brother and family Mr. and Bln. Glen Grate, Blr. Mr. and Mn. Stephen Gheea and Bln. Leo Ladle of (Men until Tuesday when they re- and Blr. and BIrs. Richard turned hem and spent the Adamson and family of BounBfel-vt- a night hem again with Blr. end tiful and Blr. and Mrs. Hoffman of Payeon. While Bln. John X Willis. They hem they painted the home went home Wednesday.' of Blr. ana Bln. Barnei. Dr. and BIrs. Wllford Ged- ' , V; - h visited Wednesday evening with Miss Rae Lena Cro- Three reasons first Security is to fi nance your car ' . er . Cro-aha- I r r. Mi-- , her and Mrs. Usher McDermott. Mr. and Tuesday, August Mrs. Charles Bailey Dennis drove out to visit their old home In Arbon Valley While there they were meet by Mr. and Mrs. Rex Teny land family of Las Vegas, Nev., Mrs. Willard Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clark from PocateQo. They aU visit-lewith Willard and Mark Andaman end David and Andersen who waa Mark and WlDard era of Mrs. Teny and Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey then drove on to Pocatello where they visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry before returning home in evening. Eldon Bailey from Brlg-spent the week-en- d Ms parents, Mr. , nme wllh and Mrs. Charles Bailey. He attended Priesthood meeting and Sunday School returning I home Sunday afternc Mrs. Ludeu Lewie . . AND BOX No. & Mm. Mau-rln- I I J.V and President and Mrs. Carl A. Mortenaan, Mr. and Mm. Ray Croahaw'went to the Praston park last Wednesday evening and attended the Pickwick Summer party held la the shatter. A full course turkey dinner was prepared and served by the social e oommittee Donna Webb, Burton, Ore Grooves and Varna FackrdL Following dinner a program waa presented by a talented family from Liman. Mr. and Mm. Wealey Hawfcea wont to Mriad last Thursday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Hadfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Rtih Hadfleld and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDaniels. Mm. Radla Neeley and daughter, Sheml of Montpelier visited teat Tuesday afternoon with Mm. Mary Soars and family and Mrs. LaRee I Repair All flakes and i1!: A a God I7e dean i 5 Mr. Mrs. and spent the past two years as a missionary in western Canada. They wffl be Their cMktaen are staying with their grandmother, Mrs. Myra Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Dick 8waina-Ito- n from Preston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law McDermott Sunday, Mrs. Wilma Ward took her iGenealogy Class Monday and to Salt Tuesday to the Genealogy Ibary to do research work. Mr. and Mrs. Allan mggine of Brigham Otar, Utah came and visited until Ilachine? - Typewriter Ribbons r CUFTON-Mr.'- Jack Wood drove to Ateerta Hawks. Mrs. LaRae Croshaw Canada, leaving Ttaaoday mor- and chOdran, RaeLene and ning to meet and bring their Gaylan went to Logui last I Got be employed at Salt Lake for the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Pan-tand grandchildren, preqt and Pennie Bell, spentan evening viewing picture Slides taken by Jay Wilde of Mink Creek at the home ; of his parents, Mr. and Mm. Dwight Wilde. The pictures warn taken while the WUdo fondly was on a trip to Montana and Canada. Jay Johnson of Cleveland ent a week at the hone of Mr?1 her sister wnd family,. . Mr. parents, Nielsen at Cleveland. and Hrs..Rud Skinner .and .'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ander-o- n gbls of Liberty- of Cleveland and their Victor Lundgreen of Ogdon son Rex and family of Ren vent several days at Ms form la Cleveland during the ton, Wash., Joined other r d hem of the family at a harvesting of his grain by Panter. Thursday at Lagoon. The Relief society members . Mr. and Mm. ValGene and family of Niter and partners of Cleveland ward enjoyed a cook-ou- t sup- were Sunday vlittora of hte per at the church yard In- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen stead of the regular work day Andraasen of Cleveland. monthly meeting- - About 40 MT. and Mm. Ffceeman and family of ThatchMrs. Gloyd Bennett Joined er warn Sunday aftenpoon others of the A. E. Bennett visitors with her parents, Mr. family to dean their parents and Mrs. Bert Nielsen. Mr. and Mm. Larin Pantier home in Preston and prepara It for selling. Mr. and Bin. of Thatcher took a truck load Bennett were killed recently of grata to Salt Lake City for the Farmers Grata Growin a car accident Mm. Ethel Johnson of ers of Grace. They delivered Cleveland visited at the home products to Anderson Lumber of her mother, Mr. Alice Co. in Grace on return. Smith in Preston, and hdned 'Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Panher with some cleaning after ter and family of Malad were an accidental fire In the Sunday visitors In Thatcher kitchen of her home. and Soda Barings. Mrs. Dean Panter drove to Vera NtateenT Sybil McSalt Lake City to help her Gregor and Debna Mi daughter Francine get settled helped Mrs. Mary Panter with in an apartment She will be a quilt at her home laat week. Mrs. Gerald Charles and oq of Laa agas, Nev., have been visiting at the homes of her mother, Mrs.; Mary Neeley of Rlverdala, and her sisters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon McGregor, and Mr. and Mm. Ronald Panter of Cleveland. Mr. and Mm.. Loin Panter of Thatcher warn Sunday vie-titors In Malad thdr Lamar and family. . Mm. Robert r Burton and children of Grace visited her An-(treas- Robert1 imwe-- He has Wednesday on business. 2V3LS6 . J From Canada I ROYAL SCOT PENCILS j " ' get-toget- .. Rtsl UNRULED CARDS ' car- FOR WEAR V ' years' : electric portable, you'll never want to type on a manual portable. t Wyo., and Ilffy CUHtti No tumbled letter, no Jumpy line. i Once you've typed on an si at Jackson, returned home by way of Ogden where they visited relatives there and In Logan. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larin Hogan of Thatcher were her relatives from WeUsville, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hall and son Lynn. Lynn Is with the U. S. air force and wlU leave ; for England, where he will be stationed for the neat three (forcroM-iagoat-). Delivan 10 clear THEY HOPPED TWICE tioning of Mrs. Lula WHIIama and the boys and girls of her Sunday school class bald a swimming party and picnic at Downata. Mr. and Mrs. Clande Cou-lllspent a few days vaca duhea, dob. apaaca aad bon. -I- BOH n Mil BKhMi letter" GRACE; Seattle, who. are spending a vacation here with rdattves, spent a fOw daya at the home thta grandparents, Mr. aad Mrs. Leland Panter, in Cleve- - for Ttipiifullou rowa of uadarliaaa, lha -- Pennla and Randy : :,v,; Pi-s- |