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Show THE SALT LAKE TIMES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1969 Leader Says Military Industrial Complex Saved $20 Billion Selective Service Answers Questions Q.: My birthplace was drawn number 216 in the lottery. I am school and will be until June Savings to the taxpayer of ap- contract deadlines make head- in 1973. Will the 216 number approximately 20 billion dollars lines, comparatively little is rewhen I enter the pool in over the past five years as a re- ported about the kind of signifi- ply 1973 or will that years number sult of cost reduction programs cant accomplishments for which control? instituted by the Department of we are honoring people today. A.: The random sequence Defense in 1964 and practiced by This is unfortunate he said, number military-industrithe you acquired in the Defor it is important for Amer1969 cember drawing will apply complex were disclosed here to- ican taxpayers who finally foot day by Dr. Harold W. Ritchey the bill, to be able to make a so long as you remain subject to President, Thiokol Chemical balanced appraisal of our per- induction .for military service. Corporation, and guest speaker formance. To do this, they Q.: Presently I am in Class at the 2nd annual Cost Reduc- should be told as much of the 11-- but this deferment will extion Awards ceremonies spon- good as the bad. pire on February 28, 1970. I sored by the Army Material Ritchey also gave the follow- have number 306 from the lotCommand Thirteen ing example of dollar savings to tery. I will become 26 on May (AMC). r con- the government, he himself re- 1, 1970. If the local board does twenty-fouand companies tractor employees received cently requested and received not reach my number before my from ninety-tw- o 1969. for aerospace de- 26th .birthday, what will my fense contractors. They total status be? This AMC program alone A.: If the local board has not yielded savings in excess of 223 over 11 billion dollars. Two commillion dollars in 1969. In two panies, Boeing and North Am- reached your number before years cumulative savingo could erican Rockwell, supplied ex- your 26th birthday, you will, double that figure, said the amples totaling over one billion upon reaching age 26, leave the scientist and for- dollars each. Six other compan- pool of those available for inpioneer rocket mer President of the American ies, Martin, United Aircraft, duction as part of the 1970 first Rocket Society. These savings Western Electric, Northrup, Her- priority selection group. are included in the overall DOD cules and Thiokol reported savQ.: If a local board must seprogram which saved 1.5 billion ings of over a quarter billion lect three men to fill a call today dollars each. Ritchey classified for five, all of whom have the in 1969, he added. same birthday, which three imthese such tha t examples as follows: Emphasizing would are they take? First, Savings Resulting from accomplishpressive savings A.: In the event that two or ed only through the teamwork Learning Curve . . . Through mien more have the sam birth-dat- e of hundreds of. thousands of this management system which within a local board, their highly motivated people who demands full time maximum effort in engineering and quality sequence of induction will be are members of the military-industricomplex, Ritchey ex- control, in capital investment to determined by the first letter of great concern about reduce labor and materials costs, their names (last name and, if pressed public reaction to the mounting and in constant vigilance in cost necessary, first name) which wave of publicity given irre- reduction, hardware procured have been arranged in a ransponsible criticism of this great over the last year cost two 'or dom sequence of the alphabet team. We are increasingly re- three times, less than it would if established during the drawing viewed in the public press as if this system had not been con- that was conducted on Decemwe were part of some sinster tinually applied. Citing Magna-vo- ber 1, 1969. Q.: I am 19 years old, have no as one example Ritchey conspiracy concerned only with basis for deferment, and have achprofit and determined to keep said, their learning curve defense expenditures continu- ievements saved the Navy 59 sequence number 300. If I am ally 'rising.' While stories about million dollars on sonar devices. cost overruns, poor contractor performance and failure to meet Boise-Cascaso-calle- d al , A . . al . -- x . , Page Three not inducted in 1970, can I be inducted in 1971 or in subsequent years? A.: You are liable for induction to age 26 or to age 35 if you are or have been deferred. In 1971 you will have a decreased vulnerability. However, if the calls for manpower in 1971 are so high that they cannot be met by the 1971 selection group the local boards will then select from the supply of manpower that might be left over from 1970. As each year goes by without your induction taking place you will have a decreasing vulnerability. Q.: Next February I will turn 19. Do I enter the lottery pool on that date? A.: No. You wont be included in the random selection sequence until 1971. The 1970 pool is limited to those born on or after January 1, 1944 and on or before December 31, 1950. Q.: Will there be any more drawings? A.: Yes. A new random sequence will be made for each calendar year for those registrants attaining the age of 19. Q.: My birthday in the lottery gave me. sequence number 325 next and I will be in Class count on not Can I year. being inducted in 1970? A.: No, because the total manpower requirements are not known and cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. Q.: I have random sequence number 75. When my local 1-- : A . board inducts me' will other local boards be inducting registrants with this same sequence number? A.: Not necessarily. It is expected that all local boards will be processing at about the same pace, but because local boards have varying percentages of their registrants in deferred status, and do not have the same number of registrants with the same birthdays, they may not be inducting at any one time all available registrants with a particular random sequence number. Q.: I have sequence number 250. If I want to volunteer for induction, will my local board wait until they reach sequence number 250 before they will accept me as a volunteer? A.: No. They may accept you as a volunteer prior to reaching your random sequence number in the induction processing. Q.: I am 19 years old and now deferred as a student. My ran-- : dom sequence number is 300. If sequence number 300 is not reached in 1970 in my local board, will I be home free from when my deferment ends In . .. If at the time you are classified in 1973 your local board has not reached sequence number 300 in their induction processing, you will simply be placed in that sequence and you may or may not be reached for induction in 1973. You will still have sequence number 300. If at the time you. are classified your local board has reached random sequence number 300 in 1973 you will be subject to induction at the head of the 1973 1973? A.: No. , 1-- A . 1-- A selection group. - if its printing... dial 364-846-4 Firm de Receives Honors Tax Aide Explains Changes in Laws Boise Cascade Corporations unique motion picture, The Significance of You, was one of Roland V. Wise, District ' Di- two U.S. films to receive top rector of Internal Revenue for honors in the 10th International Utah reported today that each of Industrial Film Festival at Berthe 18 million taxpayers in the lin, Germany, November U. S. who filed the now disconThe Festival featured 120 film tinued card 1040A form last entries from 13 countries and year have received post cards represented the best nontheatriexplaining the change to the new cal movies made throughout the consolidated 1040 form. word during 1968-6This year all taxpayers will Films were shown in Berlins receive a larger, complete tax modern Congress Hall which is package that includes a one-paequipped with simultaneous basic 1040 and additional pages translation systems in four lanor schedules which may or may guages (German, French, Engnot be used according to the lish, and Spanish) similar to the needs. United Nations. taxpayers ' Past 1040A users will find Boise Cascades film also rethat, except for a few lines, the ceived two other recent awards. ' new 1040 asks for the same in- At Columbus, Ohio, The Sigformation as the old card form nificance of You received the and that they will probably not Chris Award for the top busineed to fill out more than one ness and industrial film. . sheet of paper to make out their November 17th at Washingreturns, the post card says.' ton, D.C., the Boise Cascade film In the past, taxpayers who received the top Golden Eagle used the 1040A could not take Award for industrial documenadvantage of certain tax credits taries from CINE (the Council or exclusions and could not item- on International .Nontheatrical ize their deductions. A principal Entertainment). reason fbr making the change The film is available for bookto the new form is to enable tax- ing through the Modern Talking payers to take full advantage of Picture Service, with offices tax benefits the law provides, the throughout the nation and also post card says. through the Boise Cascade PubMost taxpayers should receive lic Relations Department, Bank their individual tax forms and of Idaho Building, Boise, Idaho. instructions by mail the first week of January. Hf you can find abetter bourbon buyit. 11-1- 6. 9. . ge - 7oit Mole rt Ushn To switching? Lit It doctor's formula stop . Zemo speeds soothing relief to externally caused itching of eczema, minor rashes, skin irritations, insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of surface germs, aids healing. "De-itch- " skin with Zemo, Liquid or Ointment uck relief, or your money back! non-poisono- us 3&L 860 AM 93.3 FM 322-581- 9 Would we tell you tobuyabetter bourbon if there was one? |