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Show The Summit Kamas spent Saturday afternoon in Heber shopping and visiting. Claude and Jane Maxwell have moved to Castle Dale where Claude has employ-mea- t, with his working backhoe. Kamas folks wish to extend a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cooper who have moved into the O'Driscoits trailer. Jane Maxwell was released with a vote of thanks from the position of secretary of Rhodes Valley Relief Society and Barbara Hoyt was sustained as the new secretary. Wid Milliner is in Summit County hospital. Ann Sweeney is home after sis weeks in the hospital. Slie is progressing slowly and is happy to be ud UcUc Fitzgerald left Tueaday far Livermore, bh CaHf., where they will attend gsc the blessing of their lint greet grandchild, the eon at Terry and Sherrie Stnbel. He le the grandson of Bob and Bonnie F. Howe. Mr. and Mn. Elmer Johnson and family LeRee Walsh and family, the Beth Jacobson family and the Boecfcweg family all gathered at Mom'a and Algie Anderson before the wedding Saturday night. Jake and Helen Anderson felt real privileged to be included in their grandson's fourteenth birthday dinner Sunday. Many happy returns Jimmy. Keron and Kerric Atkinson were so happy to have Mr. and Mrs. Bvin Hansen of Blackfoot, Idaho spend the weekend with them end have a late Christmas patty. So much fan opening presents in January. They they also brought the news of a new granddaughter, Kcrrie's sister, Lona Smith. The Stanley Bests visited in Roy Friday with their daughter Mary Lee Richards and family. Wednesday was so pleasant for Pete and Helen Bexsant. Helen's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Harritt brought mother, Alma Crow and two cousins from Salt Lake for dinner. Carroll Lott Just retired from the navy and is here Grandma and visiting Grandpa Lott. Pete and Helen Beizant were overnight guests of Jan Bexsant Friday. They did some shopping and visiting. Jim Louder is on fae improve after being very iU. 3 Dorothy Wagstaff was home far the weekend checking on friends and rel- Natives. You'll be happy to know Melvin Richards is feeling better and expects to be ftSPODT and Mrs. Frank Fitxgerald and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fitxgerald attended the farewell testimonial of Mike Fitxgerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitxgerald in Riverton Sunday and epjoyed a visit with the family and Mike before he leaves for the Phillipines. Monday evening little Teri Dawn Lewis celebrated her birthday with grandma and grandpa Lewis, Jerry and Cathy, Max and Barbara and boys (all Lewis'). They cpjoyed cake and punch and munched popcorn while they watched slides of the Lewis r ?s Delmoand Keene Atkinson took Troy to Green River over the Weekend to visit Mom and Dad and brothers and sister, the Byron Rockhill family. Clark and Cumorah fain-to- n were so pleased to have the opportunity to attend Mass Saturday at the Cathedral of the Madeline and heard their son Roy faintoo of Denver sing with the Seraphic group. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brinton and family Joined them for the spiritual feast of music. or CCKWTMK or Ufl at the close of boabesi AHEM 4MSl.M0.7t Gash and due from banka UlMimiUllHIIIIIII Obligations of other UA Government agencies 340,907.41 and corporations Obligations of States and political subdM- - Other securities Federal fund sold and securities purchased 200,000.00 under agreements to resell 4,018,14544 Other loans INIIMINMilllNIIIUNnHnNnilSIllNHtMNIMNINlMIS Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, . and 23,525.41 other assets representing bank premises LOO Res estate owned other than bank premises 02,230.10 Other assets . $7.504, $07.79 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, 01.410,702.64 and corporations Urns and savings deposits of Individuals, part- 4,044,827.00 nerahlpa, and corporations inilNIHHIHHHNIIIIUNHI 4 40112 Deposit of United States Government Deposit of States and political subdivision .. 1.210,048.70 44429.07 Certified and officers checks, rtr ..40.722,470.19 TOTAL DEPOSITS (b) Total time and savings deposits NMIIMMInHiNIMMlillllailllllHIIlMl 05,220412.90 Other llaWlllles 209,402.28 Ill Preferred etoek-tola- l par value Common stock-tota- l par value IIIIIMM Surplus Undivided profit Reserve for ronilngenrles and other rapltal reserves II A (sum 41 05,00040 370,727.19 3540040 120.00040 140,750.00 02420.00 and 29. 29. MEMORANDA sol-rmn- January, 1070. JOANNA TAYLOR. Notary PuMle. 5ly Oammlsalon expires Jan. 1. 1977. Ogden. Utah. (Seal.) Correct--Attes- t: . wMIAft, w pODOSON. UAL R. JENSEN. JAMES R. FOULOER. Directors. STATE OF UTAH . Department of Financial Instltntlons I. John M. Chatelaln. Assistant Chief Examiner of Financial InwIMitlion. do hereby rertlfy that the foregoing a Into and correct ropy or the statement of the above nnmed hank, fill'd In this office on January 19. 1971. JOHN M. CTIATELA1N. AmMmiI Chief Examiner of Financial Institutions. Mrs. Lores Blonquist accompanied , her daughters,' Neta Stembridge and Marilyn Brown of Peoa to Ogden Thursday where they visited with Teddi Ann and Tom and Wilson and their new son, which is Lorea's They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Ercanbrack. Loress granddaughter, Heidi Ercanbrack. recently broke her leg in a skiing accident, but she. is coming along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rees, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Rees are back home after ten enjoyable days in New York City where they attended the Mink sale, which for them was very successful. They toured the dressers and furriers while there, and law how a mink coat was made. They also took tours to all the famous and Intcreating places in New York and were very impressed by the places they visited. This was the Keyes and Rees' first trip to New York. Ward and Louise had been there once before. Butter and Donna were sorry to tee their daughter--' Linda and her 17 great-grandso- n. 04,407.10 Average of total deposits for the 15 ralendar 84429.29141 days ending with call date Arorago of total loans for Ike 15 calendar days 1490.48445 ending with call date NIIHINIIISHNnilHHmirtlNXHIMI Unearned rifreount on Instalment loan In191,513.77 cluded In rapltal accounts I, Vrrn J. Osmond, of the above named bank do swear that this report of condition Is true and forrert. to the best of my knowledge and belief. VERN J. OSMOND. State of Utah. County of Weber, as: Sworn to and enbecrlhcd before me this llfh day of Coalville 621-454- 5 ' S-- le FOR SALE- - Need a second car?. '62 Ford, 5100.00, phone 336-246- or 6 ' 877-525- 1. 5-l- p FOR SALE-16" Golstrom Tri Hull boat, 60 H.P. Johnson motor, used three times. Call p 6' 5-l- 783-471- 2. FOR SALE- - Double wide mobile home. Take over payments, no dowh payment .Call necessary. before 11 a.m. or after 4 p.m. 783-461- 8, 5-l- p 783-223- 2 FOR SALE- - Beautiful brick 1 34 bath, rambler, in Kamas. Approx.' 1450 sq. ft. living space w2 car attached garage, 135,000 purchase price; 8 18 per cent assumable mrtg. of 4-- $27.900. . in-la- . 4-- 336-209- NEED EXTRA MONEYT-rc-portfor Coalville area news for inneeded. Call 336-55er formation. eh ERSON. deceased. will Creditors present claims with vouchers to the at Henefcr, undersigned Utah on or before the 23rd day of April, 1976; Gaims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated and with proper 1953, as verification required therein. Monroe R. Iverson DcLyle H. Condie Attorney for Petitioner 800 Kennecott Building Salt Lake City, Utah '. 84133 4, ! . FOR SALE- - '72 Chev Custom 10 power steering, pick-u- p. disc brakes. 350 mags, 60 series tires,' excellent S2400.. condition. phone Published in The Summit Couhty Bee January 29, February 5. 12 and 19, 1976. v-- 8, p 336-208- 5. BUILDING MEMORIAL Activity Supervisor wanted. Salary dependent upon qual- ifications. approximately S6.720 one year, Starts February 15. for more information and application. Call 4-- 649-946- WANTED: Someone with good credit to make small pay ments on fine piano. Nothing down necessary. May be seen in your area. Write St. Mark's Music Center, 881 East Deceased. will Creditors present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 1100 Boston Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 on or before the 29th day of April. A.D. 1976. Gaims must be presented in accordance with McCORMICK required therein. Jsren K. McCormick. Executor of the Estate of Keith Huston McCormick, Deceased. Published in The Summit County Bee January 8. 15. 22 and 29. 1976. Salt South, Utah Code Annotated 1953, and with proper verification as vs. ANN SOMMERS. JOHN SOMMERS KYGAR. ADA SOMMERS. LEONA SOMMERS. NOLA SOMMERS. DAN SOMMERS. JR.. LEO o IV Introducing Mixer, our economy champ. The Mizer is Mazda's new piston-engin- e car, the lowest-price- d sola in America I SOMMERS. RICHARD SOMMERS. GLENNA LONHEINER. LEONA DON. BETTY PETERSON. MRS. GALE VERNON. MARK L. LLOYD BIRCH. BIRCH. GRANT LINDA TRAVIS. SHIRLY NEIL-SONEILSON. MRS. HARVEY PORTER. DAN NEILSON. WILDELLA LARD NEILSON. FRANCIS, and all persons or or claiming by. through, SOMunder, WILLIAM SOMJOSEPH MERS. mtoage may dspsndmg on hot ana whers fOu.dnvs your carl condition and cotionai equipment rets pneb Freight. (Wr prep taxes and license tSuggMa ten VJSm CSi OITJK2 CUTRUBUS FREEWAY MAZDA 144 W. Rltrordole Rd. 31-11- 00 extra SOMGEORGE MERS. SOMGROVER MERS. SOMGROVER MERS. MERS. JR.. DANIEL SOMSOMKENNETH MERS. SOMMERS. BEATRICE KARMA BIRCH. MERS BIRCH, or FRANCIS SOMMERS NEILSON. and all other persons unknown who claim any interest in the subject matter of this action. Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO DETHE ABOVE-NAMEFENDANT: You arc hereby summoned D . : .... Engineer to exchange andap-;- " proprlate water in SmhmitV-' County throughout the entire year unless otherwise des- lgnated. Locations in SLD-- ,. -' .' . AM. Exch. 947 (35 area) Partnership Investments of Col- orado, Inc., co Watkins Faber, 606 Newhouse Bldg., l Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. seeks the right to exchange l,- 900 ac. ft, of water, as ". .. evidenced by App, No; 27611, :' U. S, Bur. of Reel, and con-tra- ct with Weber Basin Wat- -. er Cons. Dlst, The water has been diverted from East ; Canyon Res. at a point S. 1820 ft. and E. 1930 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 10, T2K, R3E; and used for miscellaneous .) purposes.. Hereafter, 1,900 ac. ft. of water Is to be released info ' East Canyon. Creek at a point same as heretofore, and. 29 ).sec. ft. of' water or 1,900 ac, ft. of water is tobo.dl- - ' verted from.. springs at a - . W.-40- . -- . . 50' i - 4 ?i: point S. 763 ft. and Cor.' Sec.'sC, .. . ft, fromr-NE- . r T1S R3E.,. (Snydervlllq.',; ' and domesused for Area); tic and miscellaneous;, pur- - ", poses In home's and places of business on lands In Secs, 30, ; 31, 32, T1S,: 1WE; fee. 3G,.j, v-:- '' . TIS, R3Ee i7M85i2l-l29l)- ." Thot'nasf' James .Haycck, ;2327 W. 4700 So., Roy,'. Utah B40G7 P.O. Box 565 proposes to change, the points, of diversion and place .or use ' " Coalville, Utah 84017 0.1GG7. acVft; of. 'water as of Published in The Summit . evidenced by. DU. Claim-21-- . County Bee January 22, 29 ." 1291 as amended by'. Change .; and February 5 and 12, 1976. The--' water. has been.;-.- ' V " diverted from an 75-1NOTICE TO LIVESTOCK ft,, deep at a point N, 200 ft.' and E. .86Q ft.' from OWNERS S 14 Cor., Sec. .10, T2N, INVITATION TO BID FOR R10E; and used for the duin- -, . YEAR CRAZING THREE estic purposes of one family : In. SW 14 SE 14 Sec. 10, ' y PERMIT, ' within , T2N.R10E. Bids enclosed sealed envelopes and marked Hereafter; 0.1CG7'- ec.-ft,- '1. of water, is to be diverted sealed bids for grazing from sn 8 -- Inch well, 7ir.o will be accepted b the ft. deep at a point N. 530 ft, Northern Regional Office of and E. 580 ft. from.S 14 the Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources, 166 East Cor, Sec; 10, T2N, R10E, .' : 4600 South, Ogden, Utah, (1.5 ml. E. Bear River Ser' 84403, between the dates of vice); and u&ed same as V heretofore, . February 2, 1976 and FebProtests resisting t h e 4 ruary 27, 1976 Bids will be opened at 9:00 a.m. on granting of these' applies-- 1 tlons with- reasons the re-- 1. March 1, 1976. The three year permit will for must be filed in dup- llcate with the State ci,. authorize grazing of cattle 442 State Capitol, In the amount of 600 Al'M's Salt Lake City, Utah 84114,!.'; annually the range to be on or before Feb. 28, 1976. utilized between the dates DEE C. HANSEN . of May 1, and June 30, each STATE ENGINEER year. Payment for eech Publ lshed In. The SumiMK year will be due prior to that grazing season and County Bee Jan, 15, 22 mm'I v sealed bids should be based 29, 1976. - - - 1 Cook delicious, nutritious family meals in minutes instead of hours! microwaveoven IN in VOur NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the state Civil No. 4902 THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUMMIT COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH ADA S. LEE. Plaintiff. 84107 EPA estimates - ) SUMMONS Lake City, Utah. Ceme- 75-9-- 5, , . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of KEITH HUSTON the provisions of - ning. The above property is located in Section 9, T 2 N. RS E. SLBM. Parcel 2 Beginning 4.27 ch W and 1 1 .46 ch N of ctr Section 9 T2N, .R S E. SLM thence W 1.35 ch; S 2.24 ch E 1.3S ch; N 2.24 ch to beginning. Cont. 0.3 acre. Dated this 12th day of' January, 1976. By Robert W. Adkins . Attorney for Plaintiff City Recorder Published in The Summit County Bee January 22, 29, February 6 and 13, 1976. 75-9-- 5, FOR SALE '71 Detroiter House Trailer, 12 x 65, 1 Vi bath. Call " Beginning 249.7 feet S0 SO' W of intersection of c1 Salmon and Cemetery sts. Plat A CT thence S0S0 W SO feet; S 8832 E 108.2 feet; I933 W 62.2 feet; 8609' W 52.6 feet; 3 16' W 11.8 feet; 8740 W 33.5 feet begin- Mayor ATTEST: Rons R. Wright V r This is an action to quiet title to two (2) parcels of land located in Summit County, Utah, and more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1 ities Plan in writing. Written testimony should be directed to the Coalville Gty Council, 8th North Main, Coalville, Utah, 84017. To be included in the official record of the Public Hearing proceedings, letters must be postmarked no later than midnight. February 29, 1976. Dated: January 19, 1976. Russpl Dean Geary, Heriefer,' neajr.;; . ! Summit Co State of Viah. V The Division cf Wlldltfe Re- sources reserves the right to re6ct spy and all. bids.? The grazing regulations. pur-- '' suant to .which the permits' " will be Issued, a well a the forma for submitting, ; bids are available at the ... office of the Division of ..Wildlife Resources in Ogden .or ..from. -- Conservation Officers Steve Kearll Echo,';' V: Utah, or John Pratt, Morgan.. ' Utah 'y. ..' Published In Bee January 22 and County ' 29, 1976. copy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of EMMA LOUISE IVERSON and EDWIN IV- HOMESTEAD REALTY IV . . to-da- News 74.232.14 87,504.037.79 above) TO-DA- Y 3900 Burial, tery. Coalville TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS (luma of Hems 34 and 15 above) HiniNIIINIIHIHIInllllMniINMnillllNIIII f 400.727.10 total uadiijties. reserves, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS of Items S-- lp ville. 16,991478.47 TOTAL LIABH JT1ES RESERVES OX LOANS AND SEClUTlEg Reserve for bad debt tones on loans (set up 0 7443114 pursuant to 1R8 rulings) TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECM...0 URITIES CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital notes and debentures HIIINHIiMINHHHtnmlnit (specify interest rate and maturity of eaeh Issue outstanding on publishers copy) Equity capital, total (sum of Items 00 to 40 336-562- 0. . 01401412.23 (a) Total demand deposit to' discuss the recently City completed Coalville Wastewater Treatment FacMorgan residents ilities Plan. All Interested dial persons are invited to attend and express their views REED'S MOBILE HOMES concerning this proposed CHECK THESE plan. Have 8' x 35' nice clean Copies of the Wastewater home, good condition. Will ' Treatment Facilities Plan are travel anyplace. Also have available for public review 10' x 45' front living at the Coalville City . office, room, all set up in nice park'. 8th North Mailt, Coalville, Have either one of these for Utah. special price of $1 ,995.00. Any person unable to Sec them y, Don't wait attend the Public Hearing REEDS MOBILE HOMES may give testimony pertinent 1030 West RlverdaleRd. to the aforementioned Facil- Area Deaths 550.ISI.00 8.000.00 eel by located above-entitle- that on Wednesday. February 18, 1976, at 8:00 p.m. in the North Summit High School Auditorium, Coalville, Utah, a Public Hearing will be held Shaklee, a fast growing association that is really going places. Start now even if you already have a job. For full details phone Francis Peoa News Of Kamas, in the State of Utah, on December II, 1975. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given - famUy. KA3CA1' STATE : S-- lp 733-487- . ThurwUy, January 29, 1976 for the three year permit period. The area to be grazed lsK'i on annual payments ed NOTICES HELP YOURSELF- - Distributors are needed in Morgan nd Summit County st . L ;f!i , FREE- - Blue Heeler puppies. Call Boo 5 Coolvflb, Utah and required to file, with the Clerk of the above-entitlCourt, an anawer in writing to a complaint to be filed in d the case, and to serve upon, or mail to Robert W. Adkins, P.O. Box S6S, Coalville, Utah, plaintiff's attorney, a copy of said answer within 20 days after service of this summons upon you. If you fail so to do. judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said complaint which; within 10 days after service of this summons on you, will be filed with the Clerk of said Court. A copy of said complaint, if not served upon you by mail, or; otherwise, will be deposited ' with the Clerk of said Court and you may there obtain a Gouty PUBLIC (OL'ASSIIWIS! month old son, Jason, leave Sunday. They have been visiting with them since after Christmas, and (lew back to their home at Barksdale, AFB, Louisiana where Brad is stationed. Brad has been on special assignment to Alaska for the past month. He is a First Lieutenant in the Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Williams were very thrilled to receive a phone call from their son, Capt. Michael Williams, last week informthem that he had been ' ing called to the ' position of Second Counselor in the Ward Bishopric jn St. Joseph, Missouri. Mrs. Judy Crittenden is very happy to be back home "where she can get some food. rest," she said, after having Clyde and Maty were surgery last week. She is happy to have their children feeling as good as she can, to visit Sunday. The Dick but is glad to have- her Walker family and the Jim Joan Fawcett, daughter, Van Katuyk family all came around to help out for a to visit with Mom and Dad. week. Sheldon is back and Did you know Reed Schuforth from Kemmerer, wyo., mann is in LDS hospital where he is working. where he will undergo knee Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner surgery. returned home after spendMandy Welsh, Grace ing a few days with their Maxwell and Jessie Stevens daughter and her famiy in met at the home of Edith Yakima, Washington. ReNee Bamum to hold their Special and Williams Waddoups are Interest meeting. Grace gave very proud of their new baby a moat interesting lesson daughter, born Dec. 12, from the Book of Mormon. w: eighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. She will be named Melanie end she has a big ' ReNee, brother, Mark who is 6 years old. Agusta and nephew, Dm Also boasting a new baby Prescott were weekenders in daughter are, Mr. and Mrs. Green River, Wyo., with Lee Jerry Murray. Their little and Linda Thomas and miss was born in the family. Cottonwood Hospital Jan- Thursday, Wayne and uary 19. She weighed 8 lbs. S Berniece Prescott picked up' oz. She has one sister and Florence Wilde for a visit to two brothers. She will be the Salt Lake hospital to see named Jodi Louise. Her Melva Prescott who had grandparents are. Mr. and undergone surgery WednesMrs. Gyde Murray, Rooseday. velt; and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Jack Houscl Stoddard, Murray. The Murof Phillipsburg, Montana ray's live in the Gail ' were Sunday evening visitors Stockman home,' and are with Mark and Leile Mitch happy to have Carolyn's ell. leaving thjir a , Mike Stoddards, parents, the and Steve for the evening. . ' them. with this week spend The Housels had come with the body of Wayne Witt to be buried in Heber. Becky Housel and daughter spent the night with Val Keith B. Frost and Sheron Housel and Funeral services for Keith attended the funeral services Beckstead Frost, 54, Coalof Wayne Witt. Sheroi and Nila Northorp ville, who died Jan. 24, 1976. in an auto accident, were came from Salt Lake to held Wednesday, Coalville attend the Mitchell Wilde LDS Ward Chapel. wedtffig. He was born May 31, 1921, Mr. and Mrs. Chad Mitchell and son Reed of CenterPeoa, to Eugene and Jenivea ville came Saturday to check Beckstead Frost. He married Donna Warburton Nov. 14, on Mom and : Dad and have 1953. in the Salt Lake LDS some old time food. Later Bob and Jerry Fenton and Temple. Mr. Frost was an employe, children came to share the Ideal Cement Co., 30 years; goodies. musician, drummer in sevJerry Bates was injured in eral dance bands. the mine in Wyoming so he Survivors: wife: daughand his family are down ters, Mrs. Jim (Donna Jean) visiting Mom and Dad Bates while he is recuperating. Blonquist. Jill, both Coal- Mr. Algie Anderson. Grace ' Turnbow and Ethel Gibbons I' Roy Brinton and family spent the weekend with Mom and Dad Brinton before returning to their home in Denver. Todd and Ruth TueUer of Logan spent the weekend with the Ray Anderson family. Checking on friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Field Joined Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stembridge in a couple of sessions in the Provo Temple Wednesday. Neta Brown, Mariyn Scmbridge and Lorca Blon-quimotored to Ogden to see Teddi Ann and Tom Wilson's new baby boy. Grace Maxwell is home after spending two weeks in Pittsburg, Texas visiting Tyler Brona and family. She and two lady friends made the trip. Cherole Anderson celebrated her eighth birthday with her friends Wednesday. The usual fan things took place, with lots of yummy MADE ONLY Snoaeiiam MODEL RR-4D- W The most efficient, energy saving way to. cook! Dom roait I In 35 Baked potato In 4 minute . minute Save 50 Sleek 'n tggt In 3 minute - Harburgcr In t - minute Hot dog in. SO lifordii 75 of the electricity in cookingl use you -- ; Than are 9 . Radarange models to cheese from. One tor every family, avaiy kitchen. Come for demonstration. tou-j-- . ; - otters top automate performance. exeluCve Modal convenience feature, and luperb Amine quality throughout. Pull Down Alien full 439 Doer icctf to tne cirt from, e.ther (da and let you v.j"y check the toed ntt l coekrng. Ear, to clean with damp eieth. Fully featured for mere convenience:, e Two Autometie Start Switch Automatic Detroit Control Cantrell Removable broiler trey Switch e Oven hht switch Timer Stop Uinta Lumber & Hardware Coalville 336-220- 9 Kama 783-13- 52 |