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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER August 7, 1970 cu n Wednesday rites unite young Kent Cushing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Cushing and Miss Margo Neff, were married Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Knotts. Bishop Christensen Officiated at the nuptials and following the ceremony refreshments, complete with a lovely weddiing cake were served to the wedding party and close friends of the couple. Ladies of Elks They will make their home in Eureka. flot6 ... who made the to Canada with the Tintic trip High School Band and their families enjoyed a steak fry last Saturday evening at the City Park. Several pictures were the among passed was had living group and fun over the events of the trip. Those attending were Mr. and and Mrs. Ron Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sanderson and Cindy, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rob- inson and Andi Jo and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blight and Laura Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler and Barbara. Mrs. Bessie Toone and Mrs. Lilly Erickson were in Evans- Wyoming, last Saturday Chaperones -- . - m Bridge Club Mrs. Darrell Franks was hostess: to the Bridge Club at her home Thursday evening of last week. Prize winners were Mrs. MarJean Finch, Mrs. Irma Gourley, Mrs. Ina Clement, and Mrs. Minnie Painter. At the conclusion of the card games the hostess served a tasty lunch to those named and to Mrs. Alice Peart, Mrs. Faye Wall, Mrs. Alliene Farren, and a special guest, Mrs. Grace Eureka couple YjtWS m Ladies of Elks met Tuesday evening' in the Elk's club rooms with president Deanna Sorensen conducting. A routine business session was disposed of and a social hour was enjoyed with bridge and other games furnishing the evening's diversion. The prizes were won by Alliene Farren, Thelda Eastwood and Mrs. Sorensen. Mrs. Ina Clement was hostess for the meeting and served in half lengthwise while still frozen. Whip cream. Fold in the hext 4 chocolate whipped cream between layers, Following the ceremony, open house honored the young couple at the Memorial Building. A lovely three tiered wedding cake formed the center piece for a small table, draped with a lace table cloth. Many of the friends of the newlyweds called during the evening to congrat- and Mrs. FYancls Scott Shepard of Santaquin. Bishop Christensen of the LDS church Mr. performed the ceremony. Matron of honor was Lois Ann Evans, and bridesmaids were Gale Davis and Peggy Webber. Jamie D. Underwood was the flower girl. Performing best man duties was Dennis Baker. ulate them and extend best wishes. Refreshments were served during the evening. The newlyweds will make a home in Santaquin. Camp at Santaquin Canyon. They make the trip each day, returning home late afternoon. They are having supervised classes in Crafts and also enjoying a lot of outdoor fun and recreation. Names of the leaders were not available at this writing. More about the Day Camp in next week's issue. A marijuana farm is seized by Mexico. "What Utah makes, makes Utah. ooo I Years ago, man discovered a new process, which, fltfhe time, proved very useful: Scraping. Well, now scraping has been when an electric st No frost. No frost, no It happened un-Invent- ed. no-fro- de-fro- st, freezer-refrigerat- or de-fro- st, un-irwen- ted no scraping, Underfill. Buy Her an Electric Mo-Fro- st Freezer-Refrigerat- or Replace top. Keep cake in refrigerator until ready to serve Zodiac Hint: Drop teaspoons of leftover whipped cream on pan Place in freezer until frozen. Cover. Serve whip cream ""For afroeMSdet1 . in Santaquin Canyon Brownies and Girl Scouts and their leaders are attending Day n, Cancerian . . . Moonchild . . . With moods subject to the of the moon, yet with a personality as tenacious as the Crab sign suggests. Romantic and whimsical, yet possessive and melancholy; a mrahinatinn of the creative and traditional: that's the Moonchild who likes "small evenings at home with friends or family For dessert there's a dreamy Chocolate Whipped Cream Cake, appealing to the traditionalist Moonchild because it's just like mother remembers grandma making. But it's creative, too, with a new touch in the ' frosty filling being added to a completely baked, fresh frozen Sara Lee Golden Cake or Orange Cake. Chocolate Whipped Cream Caka I W pint whipping cream h 8 tablespoons cocoa, sifted r S tablespoons sugar W cup Creme de Cacao ; fA teaspoon cinnamon 1 completely baked, fresh frozen Sara Leal ) Golden Cake or Orange Cake, cut ; Miss Joan Underwood, daugh-t- r of Vance Underwood, and Billy Shepard of Santaquin, were married Saturday evening at the home of the bride's father. Parents of the groom are Brownies attend camp attending a shower for Mrs. Toone's granddaughter, Mrs. Debbie Padilla. The honored guest is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lester of Evanston, The afternoon was spent in playing games and a tasty luncheon, complete with a lov- ely wedding cake was served to the guests. Mrs. Toone and Mrs. Erickson returned to Mam-tomoth Saturday evening. tidal j Saturday home ceremony unites Joan Underwood Billy Shepard tasty refreshments. Moonchild Plans Evening At Home Cut yIngredients. Spread Page Three and other Zodiac serving ideas write! "Zodiac Cake Serving Ideas, Kitchens of Sara Lee. 600 Wau-- i kegan Road, Deerfield, HI 60016, Please indude the name of a Hus newspaper 'U. A.6V- i A' i w UTAH POWER & UGHT CO. ' |