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Show July 18, 1969 THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Bob Hardman of 'San Diego, and an aunt, Mrs. Agnes Sandoval of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mr and Mrs.' Montoya came ' to Cheyenne, Wyoming to attend the r funeral services 'for his brother, Arthur Montoya. Mrs. i Hardman is the former Carolyn Montoya and she and. her husband are leaving for Ja-pan, where they will spend the. next three years. He is a mem-ber of the U.S. Navy. -- -- . JSirtliA Oorrectoni Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fife are the parents of a baby boy bom July 5, in the Payson Hospital. The little boy weighed six pounds, 1 4ounces, and will be named Jason Cliff Fife. New mother is the former Pamela McIntyre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steele McIntyre of Mammoth, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fife of Eureka. This is the first grandchild- for the McIntyres and the Fifes. - Mr. and Mrs. William Bate of Price are the proud parents of a baby girl, bom July 10, in the Price Hospital. The welcome little girl has three brothers. She weighed seven pounds and ten ounces. Happy grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Price and Mrs. Roy Watts Norma I Bate of, Santa " Clara, California. Mr. Bate is a nephew; of :Mrs. Vola Nevers. Vola also received word of the birth of a baby girl to another nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bate of Hillsborough Oregon. The little girl weighed eight pounds and 12 ounces, and will be named Debtwo little sisra Lee. ters. Mrs. Bina Bate of Provo is the maternal grandmother. of - She-has- , Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Holden are the parents of a baby boy bom July. 9, in the Payson Hospital. The new baby has a four year old brother, Scott. The new baby weighed eight pounds and two ounces. No name has as yet been decided. Mother is the former Karen Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dale of Eureka, and paternal A new posted pheasant hunt- tto appoint, a (board .of claims ing .law will' be in effect this to r review , damage complaints fall and the changes are abig and authorize payments. Enforcement provisions in the improvement for both landown-ersan- d new law .include . appointment sportsmen. Information, on the nowaday of special deputies, in each unit is already? in the hands of' the and, for. proper posting. of unit boundaries. 62 posted units which were licensed last year. 'Under the The newt law .is a result of licento be units several law, desiring years work by a joint sea1969 the fbr pheasant sed, committee of landowners, son must submit a petition , sportsmen .and- - the Division of the Fish and Game.from landowners along with ' usual application form to the Board of Fish and Game no ' later than August 15, 1969. Always check labels on cleaners and. follow ,the directions Two types of hunting permits will be issued. Landown-ne- r strictly .to be . safe. Many of permits will be issued free these products, have ingredients, for use by landowners in each which, could, prove harmful if unit, and public permits will be carelessly used. sold for a maximum of (8. FifPeace won; by compromise is ty percent or more of public achieveon must be pubusu&lly .a short-live- d placed permits ment time and lic sale at a specified Winfield, Scott,. American general. place. . At least 75 percent of lands within each units boundary Mathew' Henry, one. said must'-bNone so : blind as those who open to hunting. The . new law provides that will not see. units must pay valid claims within Save by buying U.S. savings limits from perlneome of the; bands and .also learn the reunit is required wards of. mit sales-Eacpersonal; planning for and yourself your family. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Holden of Payson. Never touch an appliance and Another addition to the a water faucet at the; same time. If the appliance is not George Dale family is the new son and properly grounded, tiie result baby girl bom to their his wife, Mr. and Mrs. ; Boyd could be a fatal low voltage Dale in the Naval Hospital in electrical shock. Jacksonville, Florida. The little miss weighed .six pounds and Edward I ' proclaimed his son 13. ounces and will be named (later, to become Edward H) as Sandra Jean. New mother is the first' English prince of the former Carla Beckstead. Wales in 1301. New dad is in the service. Pierre Corneille once said Who is all powerful should fear everything." : ' Glen .Campbell at the Palace. Salt .They newly, opened were overnight i guests at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page. : ge h To find -- Mr. :and . Mrs. - Lee Bird, Mr. and - Mrs. Verl Sudweeks and Dr.-anMrs. Norman Obom of' ' Payson spent 'the weekend at Fish Lake, where they were ' guests at the summer home of ' Mr and Mrs. Wilson Lee. ' - - ' . ning. John Weldon, who is visiting here, hosted a "dinner Sunday evening at the Village Inn 'in Provo. His guests were Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Hannifin and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hannifin. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. Erickson off Mammoth drove to Logan last Saturday, where they visited Girls State held during the week at the Utah State - University. Guests on Saturday of last Guests over the weekend at Mrs. at the home of Mr. and week Mr. and the ohme of Mrs. Raymond Archib&l were George Gillespie were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent "Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sulllnger Montoya-andaughter and son, of West Jordan, Mrs. Sullihgsr Kathy .and Robbie of Radne, is a daughterof Mrs. Archibel, Wisconsin, another daughter and will be remembered as the . former Virginia Swensen. and her husband, Mr. d . and-Mrs- THE FIRST VESSEL. TO CROSS THE ATLANTIC WITH THE HELP OF STEAM. THE SAVANNAH, MADE HISTORY IN ISIS. deeuneasAake rah fry tide dam-rastnt- tra at a cookout After tiie food hae been cooked but while the eoala are still glow--inf, place several j kinds of rods in' tiie' coals. Ton may -- see eoms of the rods crack almost Immediately. In about 10 minutes, when the rocks have become very hob t ake .them out of . the ? . , brush syysshsR Everyone knows why the ' United States flag has stripes ( but even historians are not sure why it has stars. They have three possible answers, however. The stars may have come from- - a Dutch'' flag. Or the idea may have been borrowed from Rhode Islands flag.. Also .it could' have come from the stars on George Washingtons coat of arms. ! - .were in Nephi Thursday ..ning .attending the Ute Stam- -' pede Rodeo. - havt start T ! . Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler by MARTHA GLAUBER SHARP, Editor, Tbs New Book of JCoMtafes ! - i ) Ju Brian and Monica Lindsay, children of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lindsay of Salt Lake, spent four days here with ..their grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fennell, Sr. Mr. and .Mrs. Lindsay were in. Altamont attending funeral services for a niece,; Teresa Lindsay, lsix year old daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred .Lindsay. The little ! youngster was fatally Injured 'when she was thrown, from a ' horse near the family residence. Funeral serryices were held Tuesday in Altamont. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay returned to Eureka Tuesday, evening, and left ,for the city Wednesday mor- dle. r Wn jLmmss vis-iti- ng Helen-B- v Why dost (A VnUsdSMoafiag1 Mrs. Jim Hansen of Hollywood spent Tuesday here with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanks. She is a cousin of Mrs. Hanks, and will be remembered .as the former. Fern Green, .a former resident of Eureka. Salt Lake were in. town on Wednesday of last week visiting with his mother, Mrs. rown and Mrs.. Dora Ran- . I. . 9 : - i Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. 'Jerry Brown of , hunter-caused-dama- and- - Barbara were. in - t -- . Sunday evening visiting with Curts mother, Mrs. Amel But-- ler. Other members of. the fam-il- y also made a trip to the city and a good family rerunion Was enjoyed. - e ? Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler ; . i - . - -- , Show.- - i . i -- .and Coll were in Salt Lake Saturday evening attending the , fhn,;ameo andtoewleage , Mr, and MrsHamilton Laird law to be in effect this fall THE tVESTeKN ENGINEER WAS BUILT IN THE EARLY IBOO'S TO EXPLORE THE MISSOURI RIVER AND WAS DRAPED WITH A HUGE SERPENT . eoals, using a longhandled tooL. Examine the rocks for eracks. Boms of tho rods will 19 FRIGHTEN INDIANS he broken. Heat makes s solid, such as s rock, expand. The outside of the rode may expand eo much that it breaks away from tho cooler inside. ALONG THE WAV . ; How are hurrioantt mmadt 1 , , " THEM A HAS A SAFETY ' . Meteorologists of t the United 'States Weather Bureau give girls names to hur-ricanes that start in the a 3 AN ENGLISH SEA CAPTAIN BUILT THE SWAN OP EXMOUTH . IH 1876. SIXTEEN FEET HIGH.THE BIRD'S idevatarted John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States, wrote in his diary .that .the tan stood for the new Amer- ' ! ! ican Union. He also said that the stars meant that Americans hoped to be at peace with the world. People at the time used the word constellation' to mesh the 18 stars. To some it may have repre-sented a new country-beinborn, tiie way a new constellation of atari suddenly in the sky. g during Wdrid War II and has 'fheen continued ever, since. It i v Hm name that starts with A, such as Audrey. The nest one becomes Brenda or Barbara or ,:eny other name 'that begins with B.The next one is called by a name that begins with lesson tho .C, and so -- names-are changed ao that HI A CERTIFIED . on-JEs- eh N hurricanes Will notbe con--i fused with storms ofprevious years. Mak CMPtb L.. WINGS FUNCTIOHED AS SAILS AND A BUJE SILK FUG WAVED PROUDLY FROM HER BEAK. i ap-pe- an JJ2 is a way of Identifying each hurricane. The first hurricane of the eeason ie given a girls , CERTIFICAT10NPB0GRAM MR BOATS UNDER 26 FT. LONG. ' PURPOSE: TO HELP; BOAT- -' BUILDERS COMPLY JWmi REGULATIONS AND SWlDAROS AND TO PROMOTE SAFETY. A.. iUnstraled is color . from Tha r OS TODAY OVER MLWOOM PEGFLE ANNUALLV ENJOY RECREATIONAL BOATING, ACCORDING TO THE BOATING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION. ENTHUSIASTS FLOCK TO DEALERS TO SEE WHAT IS NEW IN BOATING. BOATS |