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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER December 4, 1964 Page Three The United States will have about 16 million teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 by 1970. Wedding bells will ring for JaNette Hyde, Allen Christensen Mrs. St. Patrick's is setting for late November wedding of young couple St Patricks Catholic Church was the setting last Saturday, November 28, for a wedding ceremony which united in marriage Miss Shanna Ryan, and Thomas E. Kokal. The double ring ceremony was performed at 6:00 p.m., by Father Strancar, pastor at Patricks Church. St The lovely bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Ryan of Eureka and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kokal of Helper. Before the wedding party entered thechurch, Mrs. Maury Newman, sister of the bride, sang "Wedding Prayer with Mrs. Curtis Butler as the accompanist who also played the wedding march. Preceded by her attendants, the bride entered the church on the arm of her father. The couple stood before an altar banked with bronze and yellow mums, and the pews were marked with white satin bows and streamers. h, The brides gown, was fashioned of peau ed sole, styled along princess lines, with long pointlce sleeves, a square neckline outlined in scalloped alencon lace. The same lace motifs were repeated in the full skirt and the detachable train. A small hat of lace and tiny seed pearls held her shoulder-lengt- h veil, and she carried an orchid, encircled by carnations and rose buds. Her sister, Mrs. Mary Newman, was matron of honor, and other attendants were Miss Virginia Johnston, Miss Janet Banks, Miss Bonnie Cook and Mrs. Terry Nelson. All wore identically styled gowns of bronze brocaded delustered satin, with matching accessories, and carried nosegays of bronze and yellow mums, which set thecolor scheme for the wedding and reception. Michele Ryan, small niece of the bride, was flower girl, and wore a cunning frock in the same shade as the attendants, and carried a miniature basket of net holding bronze and yellow mums. Best man was Frank Jarret, and ushers were Charles Kokal, Bart Ryan, Stephen Messini, and Vincent Panareillo. Following the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds were honored at a reception in the Memorial Building. An autumn color theme was carried in the back ground arrangement for the receiving line. Mrs. Ryans dress was brocaded tafetta and Mrs. Kokal selected a beige crepe and lace gown. Both mothers wore bronze and yellow mum corsages. The receiving line was from 8 to 9:00 p.m., followed by a program. Wed Garbett was master of ceremonies and Bruce Thomas sang a solo; Miss Betty Schwamb played two piano selections, Mrs. Maury Newman, sang two vocal numbers; Larry Ewell and Mike Emerine played guitar selections and Fred and. Dave Garbett entertained with songs and accompanied themselves on floor-lengt- guitars. Before the line formed, the bride's Alpha Phi 8orority sis ters, sang the sororitys song to the new Mrs. Kokal. After the program, dancing was enjoyed and refreshments served in the dining hall. A beautiful three-tiere- d cake, topped with small wedding bells, graced a table poverd with a bronze net and tafetta doth. The refreshments carried out the theme of the wedding. Mrs. Bart Ryan, sister-in-laof the bride, greeted guests at the door, and Mrs. Louis Ryan and Mrs. Floyd Gourley, aunts of the bride, were in charge of the gift room. Parents of the bride hosted a dinner in the afternoon at .3:00 p.m., at a down town cafe, for the wedding party, family members and a few close friends. Mrs. Joseph Bernini, Mrs. Darrell Franks and Mrs. Emma Lewis were in charge of the decorations at the church and for the tables at the dinner. Relatives of the groom here for the wedding were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kokal, his sister, Jeannette Kokal, a brother, Pat Kokal and an uncle, Jospeh Kokal of Calw Hyde announces the engagement and forthcoming marriage of her daughter, JaNette, to Allen Christensen of Salt Lake City. The young couple will be married Dec. 5, in the Eureka IDS Ward. Bishop Denton will officiate at the nuptials. Immediately following the ceremony a reception will hon- - Margaret Ideal gift Theirs good news for students who kant spel. Heer, at last, is help for stu-dewho are suf ering because of the inreasonable atitude of techers who expec words to be spied kerrectly. Its a speshial dickshonary for this kind of peepul. Its suppose to help those hoo kant get words down write. The new dictionary is called The Awful Spellers Dictionary. It arranges severs thousand ns A or the newly weds cultural hall. at " i i the LDS Sure Remedy commonly misspeled words according to their wrong spelling. That arrangement, according to the publishers, should eliminate a major stumbling block from the path of poor spelers. t Feel Ilk youre out Briefly explained, poor spellers dont know how to look words up in a reguar distinary. In The Awful Spellers Dictionary, they lok words up the way they sound, and thus find the correct spelling. Some 5 1 exam-pe- s: Fenominal phenomenal. Grewsum gruesome. Spanyer Spaniard. If spelling is about to drive you cookoo, lok it up (its cuckoo), but first of all of curse, you must order the bok. A copy of this dichshonary would make a idel Chrlsmas presence. Dont you think. of touch with the distant family? Long Distance puts you right In the center of things again. It's so easy, so fast, so satisfying Pick up your phone and go visiting tonight MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE Economy is just a way of spending money without getting any fun out of it () Flameless ifornia. Many former residents of Eureka were in town for the reception. After a short honeymoon the newlyweds will make a home in Salt Lake, where they are both attending the University of Utah. They are senior students at the University. . Alcoholism costs Utahns annually an estimated 87,000,000 in lost wages, accidents, welfare, medical, law enforcement. The incomparable Gillette STAINLESS STEEL BLADE gives you more superbly comfortabTTshaves per blade than any other blade! 6 for 89 for $1.45 10 If you do not agree, return the dispenser end unused blades to The Gillette Co., Boston 6, Mess., for a full refund. Cracks And Holes Better Fill Handles like putty Hardens lib wood. plastic wooer The No Oonuno-Acou- til Substitute. Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Relieves Pain Stops Iteh For the flrat time actencc has found a new healing aubatanee with the as- tonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain without surgery. In case after case, whila gently relieving pain, actual reduction (ihrinkage) took place. Most amating of all results were ao thorough that aufferera made astonishing statements like Piles hove ceased to bo a problem! The secret ie a new dise) healing substance research covery of a world-famoInstitute. Thla aubstanca is now avail-abl- o in auppoaitory or ointment form At all drug called Preparation counters. - (Bio-Dynus if. Flufih Sweet Smelling Clothes. Clothes come from your electric dryer daisy fresh. Drying clothes electrically is clean as an electric light . . . odorless for the life of the dryer . . . no byproducts of combustion to linger. Goes Anywhere. Some electric models require ED vents. Because there is only one connection, electric models may be moved easily for cleaning. Over a Year's Supply of Electric Light Bulbs with your purchase of an Electric Clothes Dryer from your dealer. Gift packet of bulbs includes: Two tt bulbs bulbs Four tt Four bulbs Two bulbs, 50-- , 200--, 60-wa75-w- Clothes Lost Longer. Sunshine-pur- e electric is heat precisely controlled, gentle and even . . . pampers clothes for longer life. Fast Drying. A flameless electric dryer dries dothes as fast as they can safely be dried. an electric dryer is flame-lesa child can operate it safely. There is no So Safe . Because FREE BULBS s, flame, no combustion. You save up to 140 on the purchase price of an electric dryer enough to operate an electric dryer for several years. att 100-wa- 3-w- ay 250-wa- tt These bulbs will be presented only to electric customers served directly by Utah Power and Light Company or The Western Colorado Power Company who purchase a new electric clothes dryer between Oct. 12 and Dec. 10, 1964. A Flameless Electric Dryer Costs LessrDries Best! UTAH POWER ft UGHT CO. SEE YOUR DEALER'S NEW MODELS NOW |