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Show January Mrs. 20, 1956 The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Three Robert Fife Has Bridge Club Mn. Robert Fife the members of the last Thursday evening. won by Mrs. James entertained Bridge club Prises were Ferris, high scon, Mrs. Med Alllnson, all-cand Mrs. Elmo Boswell, the raffle ut prise. After cards Mrs. Fife served a tasty lunith to those mentioned and to Mrs. Martin Fennell, Mrs. Tom Judge, Mrs. Orris Sanderson, and the special guests, Mrs.. Heber Cushing and Mrs. Marion Beamons. Entre Nous Club Hears Book Review Social Events of the Week Chicken (or Dinner Is a Dish to Crow About d BY DOROTHY swer. MADDOX cun be better eating than a tender frying chicken "Nothing" is a good anperfectly So lets get on with preparations for an WHAT on-frie- d? easy-to-prepa- re feast. Cards, Lunch Are Club Diversions Miss Dixie Stephens was hostess to the evening club last Thursday 500 at her home in Mammoth. In the card playing, Mrs. Harold Sorenson won 1st prise, Mrs. Chriss Sorenson, 2nd high, Mrs. Oscar Erickson, and Mrs. Bill all-c- ut Roberts, consolation. At the conclusion of the card games, the hostess served a delicious lunch to those named and to Mrs. James Toone, Mrs. Dean Rose, Mrs. Bob Ashworth, and Mrs. Clarence Rostrom. Club Remembers Little New Baby Mrs. Dick Laird entertained the "600 club at her home on Wedevening of last week. nesday A tasty lunch was served to members, Mrs. Ned Allison, Mrs. Glade Berry, Mrs. Bill Morris, Mrs. Bill Eastwood, Mrs. Max Larsen, Mrs. Peggy Hawkins, Mrs. Bob Robinson, and Mrs. Max Berry. Prize winners were Mrs. Morris, t, high score, Mrs. Alllnson, and Mrs. Hawkins, consolation. A beautiful gift was presented to Mrs. Robinson for the new baby at the Robinson home. d well-greas- For holiday party wear nothing Is more versatile Thursday for California. They have made their home here for the past three years, and during that time, Mr. Barto was with the Longyear Company. They will visit in California for a few weeks, and Mr. Barto. will continue working for the Longyear Company at a new destination. The Bartos have made many friends during their stay in Eureka, and all are regretting their departure, but are wishing them well in their new home. eve- ning sweater teamed with a slim sheath of a skirt, or a wide and wonderful one. To knit this sweater blouse, choose lustrous Kentucky All Purpose Decorative yam smartly sophisticated In black and gold, or ecru and sliver; gay and girlish In pastel pink or blue. Free Instructions are available. Send a stamped, envelope to the womens editor of this paper to receive your copy. Mr. and Mn, Ilarnld JameMin and family were in Provo on Sunday attending a family dinner at the home of Mrs. Jameson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis. Mr. and Mrs. William Barto left d chicken, bcneenll with cream si table. bring sprint time to a winter-wear- y Inches and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) about $0 minutes. This cake will stay nice and moist Frosting for Potato Cake One-ha- lf cup sugar, 1 tablespoons cornstarch, 111 squares semi-swechocolate, grated; cup boiling water, 1M teaspoon salt tablespoons vanilla. Mix sugar and cornstarch. Add chocolate and salt Add walto Cook until mixture thickens. Remove from heat Add butter $nd vanilla. Spread on cake while hot for n glossy frosting. PARTY MANNERS than a lacy, hand knit "party-mannere- d" self-addres- sed Ladies of Elks Plan a Party For Saturday Eve Ladies of Elks met in regular session on Tuesday evening at the Elks club rooms, with President Audrey Sanderson presiding. Plana were completed for a party to be given on Saturday, January 28, in the Lodge rooms. All Elks and their partners are Invited to attend. After the business of the evening was disposed of, cards were enjoyed, with Mrs. Harold Jameson winning 1st prize, Mrs. Clara and Mrs. Jack Lucas, raffle prize. tained at a birthday party last Friday, honoring her daughter, Susan on the occasion of her 7th birthday anniversary. The email fry had a big afternoon playing games and enjoying the delicious party refreshments served by Susan's mother. Those helping Susan celebrate her birthday were Max Berry, Boyd Dale, Steve Evans, Cliff Fife, Jane Fitch, Kay Morris, Boyd Hore, Victor Peterson, Jeannie Pilon, Sandra Hansen, Connie Boswell, Denyae Schena, Barry and Eileen Franks, Judy Naef, and Jerry and Michael Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ekker and family of Bountiful were in town on Wednesday visiting with Mr. Hairis-Breadt- h Hercules and Mrs. Martin Fennell and Mrs. of gasoline were a If gallon Naomi Ekker. stretched out a distance of 15 miles, it would make a tiny stream FOR SALE about the diameter of a hair from a horse's tail. Yet that thin thread HOME on Church St. Price $3500 of liquid can move a 3.000-poun- d or will rent to dependable party car 15 miles, with the whole famC. G. Hogan, Lynndall, Utah. ily in it. Oil companies spend mils23tfc lions of dollars finding new ways of Increasing the power and efficTAILORING, Alteration and Re- iency of modern gasolines. As a modeling. Call Mrs. Glen Rusby, result, gasoline today la 50 per cent 143-J- 2, Mammoth. J20 more efficient than the gasolines of thirty years ago. Market LAIRDS MARKET Fresh Meats, Groceries, Dairy Produrts and Produce Frozen Foods Free Del. Service to your home Phones 58 or 60 Newspaper EUREKA REPORTER FIRST IN' Local News Local Sports Local Society Local Advertising SulMcrlptliin $1.00 per year PHONE 108 Service Station Neighbors Give Surprise Party Pot Luck Dinner Planned by OES Tin tic Chapter No. 18. OES, held its regular meeting Monday evening, with worthy matron, Lula Baker in charge, assisted by worthy patron Vernon Anderson. After the business of the evening waa transacted, a surprise cake walk was enjoyed by the members. At the next stated meeting the Chapter will hold an old fashioned pot luck dinner at 6 o'clock, preceding the opening or chapter. A feature of the event will be that all members are to appear attired in costumes of days. Robert Steele, who has been with the Chief Consolidated Mining Company for the past several years, left last week for Ruth, Mm. Rex Cluridge (Joan Nevada, where he has accepted and small son left Tuesemployment with the Kennecott Copper Company, Mrs. Steele and day for Puerto Rico, to join her two children will join him as soon husband who is stationed there as suitable housing is available. with the Air Force. Mrs. Claridge was called to Eureka the latter part of November on account of Sunday dinner guests at the the death of her father, Tony home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Liv- Echevarrieta. Site remained here to ingston. were Mr. and Mrs. Buhl be with her mother since that Draper and daughter and son, Joan time. Mrs. Echevarrirta accomand Craig, of Moroni; Miss Mary panied her daughter and grandaon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coffey were Cronin, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil to Salt Lake City where they in Nephi on Sunday spending the Livingston, Jr., and son, Scott of boarded a plane for their day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn. Dugway. by-go- a) Jer-ma- n, all-c- ut In the A group of neighbors called oq Mrs. D. J. Sullivan last Sunday evening, and surprised her on the occasion of her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards and visiting, and enjoying some tasty refreshments, complete with a lovely birthday cake. Helping Mrs. Sullivan celebrate her birthday were Mrs. Sadie Mitchell, Mrs. Mae Brown, Mrs. Nell Rowe, Miss Ruth Potts, and Miss Edith Pendray, Mr. and Mm. Bari Stewart had as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baum, of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, of Springville, and Mr. and Mrs. John Boss. The dinner was in celebration of Mrs. Stewarts and Mr. Baums birthday anniversary. Mrs. Dewey Robinson entertained at a farewell party for Mrs. William Barto, last Saturday evening. "500 furnished the evening's entertainment and Mrs. Robinson served a tasty lunch to Mrs. LeRoy Gourley, Mrs. Louie Barrett, Mrs. Harold Chatwin, Mrs. Wesley Robinson, Mrs. Collette Gillisple, Mrs. Alliene Farren, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Barto. In the card playing Mrs. Barto won high score, and Mrs. Gourley the all-cprize. IpUUV&rii1 J. A. Bernini Mrs. J. A. Bernini was hostess to the Bridge club on Wednesday evening of last week. In the card playing, Mrs. Darrell Franks won high score, Mrs. Ray t, and Mrs. Badertcher, the Curtis Butler, consolation. After cards, the hostess served a tasty lunch to those named and to Mrs. Gerald Drusaell, Mrs. Ncno Schcna. Mrs. Frank McCabe and all-cu- SHrodl 0 In O virtually every model, a Ford a $ equipped the way more and more people want it . . . costs less than any other uuvua- - (New York) (Seattle) recently completed or a Auto Service Y car in America! Come in and Test Drive the Ford in your future! a city test run of fluoridation water supply. of fluorides 2 It was conducted to test the effects on (tooth) (bone) decay. Results indicate that addition of the chemical to the water is (detrimental) (not detrimental) to general health. 4 (Ford) (Rockefeller) Foundationa recently made a money grant to the nation hospitals and educational institutions, ap6 It (was not) (was) the largest single of Philanlhropy. in the history propriation do liars. 6 It amounted to (50) (500) million to advised (lighten) heen has 7 The President the PrefnL for load work his (increase) are (optimistic) (pessimistic) 8 Republican about chance he will run in j6. 9hief Justice Karl Narrfn (has) hM nol)-t been mentioned as a possible oG GOI noml10-ye- ar 10 Bad on m comparison of iuggntoJ list priem. Latest fiareup in Middle East is between Israel and (Egypt) (Syria). I Check the rorrecl word A rcore of luperlor. very ropertnr. average; 90-10- 0, 70-8- 0. Gosflneim Decoded Intelligram Oil, Gas PHONE 24 $ full-size- d Lubrication iSgS engine DTrDSjf&drKS Jerry Buller. Check the correct word: V--8 V-8- Club Hostess - PW Fords Thunderbird the standard "8 in Fairlanes and Station Wagons, is the most powerful "8 in its field at no extra cost Ford has built more s than all other makers combined I ut Mrs. 0o te.wC rufs pio, e 3 01 rju.nujjjap 1N .. : KJOA l GOSHEN, UTAH kin-r- e re thunks and appreciation to our friends, neighbors and relatives, who helped In any way at the time of the death of our mother. We are also very grateful for the many beautiful floral offerings. . Signed: The family of the late Mrs. Louisa Erickson 0-- Eurelca CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our field. low-pri- ce INTELE1GRAM 1 son. Mrs. Peart waa the winner of the high score, Mrs. Jonea the allcut, and Mrs. Farren, consolation. Mrs. Lauren Atherlry and her brother, Lon Olsen, were in Salt Lake City Sunday and Monday visiting with relatives. Enroute to Eureka, Mrs. Athcrley visited In Lindon with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phips. Mr. Olsen remained in the city for a few days. Business Column ZJtn- WSC8 met last Thursday afternoon at the home of the President, Mrs, Vola Nevers. The meeting was preceded by a 1 o'clock luncheon, with the president offering grace. The business meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. Nevers and the members joined in reciting the Lords Prayer. A lesson on the Indiana was given by Mrs. Nevers. Members attending were Alliene Farren, Marie Holmes, Edith Pen-dra- y, Annie Smith, Elizabeth Stokes, LaVon Ryan, Myrtle Theriault, and Mrs. Nevers. Given Farewell enter- Sanderson At Luncheon Mrs. Wm. Barto Is Seventh Birthday Calls for Party Mrs. Leland W.S.C.S. Meets Mrs. Harry Dean was hostess to the members of the "500 club at her home on Wednesday evening of last week. After cards Mrs. Dean served delicious refreshments to Mrs. Frank Peart, Mrs. Alliene Farren, Mrs. John Phipps, Mrs. Minnie Painter, Mrs. Margaret Greenhalgh, Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. Anna Franks, and the special guest, Mrs. Ted John- Pan-frie- KNIT A SWEATER WITH' all-cu- Mrs. Dee Clement returned home Monday evening after spending the past month in Long Beach, Calif., where she was called by the serious illness of her father, Benjamin Larsen, a former resident of Eureka. Mrs. Clement reports that her father is somewhat improved, but is' still in serious condition. While In California she had the pleasure of visiting with some former Eurekans, who made the trip to the hospital to see Mr. Larsen and Ina. Among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carlson of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Montebello, Gaisford, of Englewood, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer of Lakewood, Calif. Friends of Mr. Gaisford will be glad to learn that he has been released from a hospital, where he was confined for two years. While not entirely well, he is much improved. ed Rake Hale LD8 Primary classes will conduct a bake sale on Friday, January 27, at Lee's Variety Store. Sale will begin at 12 noon. Mrs. Harry Dean 500 Club Hostess ch Here's a novel potato dessert to add to your culinary repertoire. Chocolate Potato Cake One-ha- lf cup mashed, warm potatoes; Vx cup shortening, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 eggs, 2 squares melted chocolate, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, ft teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg and doves, Vx cup chopped walnuts. Cream shortening, sugar and salt; add eggs and beat. Blend in melted chocolate and warm mashed potatoes. Sift flour with other dry ingredients and add alternately with hiilk. Add ehoppAl nuts. Potir Into square pan 8x8x2 The American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a food sale at the Tlntlc-Jua- b basketball gams on Friday, home-madJanuary 27. Hot dogs, e punch, candy and popcorn will be sold. Ryan. Chicken One chicken for frying, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons salt, Vs teaspoon pepper, 2 teaspoons paprika, Vx cup butter or margarine ( V pound), shortening, 3 tablespoons water. Have chicken drawn and cut into serving pieces tfor, if "quick-frozen- ," thaw according to directions on the box. Rinse in cold water and drain. Mix flour, salt, pepper and paprika in a paper sack. Shake 3 or 4 pieces of chicken in sack at a time to coat thoroughly. Heat the butter and enough shortening in a heavy skillet to make a layer of fat deep. With kitchen tongs place chicken in hot fat, skin side down. Brown and turn. Add water and cover tightly. .Reduce heat and cook slowly isbout 30 to 40 minutes or until chicken is tender. Pan-Frie- Food Sale Mm. Alex Blight was hostess to the Entre Nous club on Wednesday evening. The book review "Papa Married a Mormon" by John D. Fitzgerald was given by Mrs. Leonard Ryan. Following a short business meet. Ing, the hostess served tasty refreshments to Mrs. Jack Andrew, Mrs. Ethel Donnelly, Mrs. Elysa-bet- h Franks, Mrs. Steele McIntyre, Mrs. Leslie Randle, Mrs. Myrtle Theriault, Mrs. Jack Coffey, Mrs. Robert Thomas, Mrs. V. L. Anderson, Mrs. Elva Bonner, and Mrs. IHIIMIIClIlWIIIIIISIWMIlSISWIMnMIlMXlllHMIlWIIIIIWIinillMlllinMIllllllllUIIIIIISIIISI Pan-Frie- (doming. Events (5s |