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Show November -- The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Two Slyc 2Years Ago... tatrrlut Sfjuirtrr (Continued from page One) lal guest. Sira. Fisher club leader, PUBLISHED Miaa tauiae Mina Ihylia Bant. Black, Miaa Normu Guff. Miss Kdith Singleton. Miaa Virginia ART CITY PUHLISIIINC2 COMPANY Miaa Merle Jones anl i'.udwrcka. Sprjnoville, Utah Mian Aleen Whitmore. sccond-rloss matter February 10, 1949, at the "Entered na The Kedilia club membera were poat office at Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March 3, 1879." entertained by Mra. Cecelia Bacon. Tlie program conaiating of cerda Subscription In Advance, Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10c followed by a dainty luncheon. Mra. Harrison Conover Editor and Manager Frank Briakey won the high arore Mrs. F. A. Grant the rut Mrs. Bells Coffey prim. Reporter Mra. prize. Othera present were Bart-lett. MTIONAt ASVHTISINO IIMISfNTATIVI Tinaman, Mra. T. A. Mra. Charl-- s Zabriakie. Mrs. Dean Beck, Mra. John K. Bowe. EDITORIAL Mra. Kugene Blackett. Mra. Frank Russell, Baron. Mra. Catherine N.A.S.J Mra. Pan Edwards ami Mra. William Gear. iUSIAiNLNO MIMIfl Mra. Mavnurd Griggs was hosTOM ilATTLC one CO tess to the Elite club members. 1n Hutrio 1 The uaunl program of bridge being followed by a delirious luncheon. High score prize was won by Mrs. Leslie Cromnr and rut prize by Women buying awiink t rapines Uemity apols ussoriated with Mra. John Franke. Present were evening gowns mrely argue that Robin HinhI will be protected from Mrs. O. A. Allred, Mrs. George they are not getting enough for damage by a new tank training Forsey, Mrs. Walter Franke. Mra. their tnoney. - Mnrsliulltown (la.) ground in Kherwoml Forest. Lon-do- n Jr hn Nelson, Mrs. Kmron Birch, Mrs. A. D. Baird, Mrs. C. E. Rife, Timca Republican. Dally Herald. Mra. E. P. Sax. Mrs. Vrrn Rife. Mrs. Cromnr and Mra. Franke ami Mrs. Angus Miller. Mias Dorothy Gillispie entertained the new Domestic Nine cl lb members. The time was spent sewing and playing "500." High score went to Madge Knotts. Refreshments were served to the followrt. ing: Miss Donna Meilling. Gall Stewart. Edna Smith, Beth Laird. Yvonne Vanre. Lion-neNaylor, Madge Knotts. Mr. and Mra. John Forgle and in daughter Zella of Midvale wereand Eureka visiting relatives friends. They were former residents of this city. P. F. Donnelly, returned to Eureka, after spending some time in a Salt take hospital, where he had submitted to a rather serious operation. to go out all Income Blanks November uvi-- 20, the r 15. p 8. In past the Wunk8'aie ,I1X,r ry 4 Inquire for others stating P did not receive the l!l?1 the mull. In nuiuv Out This Week The postoffice announced this SC fin that the income blanks 1010 ut Pant officials offici state. and 1040A are being delivered by mail this week and patrons are British shipbuilding urged to watch for them and to take care of them. The blanks were over slump in Industry. uneay WEEKLY AT EUREKA, UTAH Printed By fiffc It..0 week BUSINESS COLUMN c Appliances ASdijjgN Ficaecr fp Amy Frigldalre Foraeya Appliance Zenith Television, Appliances, Fowler Water Heaters. Phone 60. BROWN . .. POW CELL E. MaJ. Bober aectlae, of cello in the Brow, Judge-advoca- te im blood-scattere- d FIRST IX BROWN & Local News Local Sports Local Society Locul W. L. Brown, Mgr. Phone 249-Box 310 Advertising Sulmeriptions, 83.00 per l'HOXK Iftg K EUREKA 31 n. June Kennedy, Mra. lone Ryan. Mias Mildred Davia, Mra. Ella Harper, and Mra. Florence Iilts were in Provo on Tuesday of this week on Legion Auxiliary business. war in Korea The three-yea- r ended when the United Nations and Communits senior delegates at Communist. senior delegates at the Punmunjom signed the armistice agreement. e it I HAVE always though! to silly fight for husbands uii'l wives I have over a Lrhi-.g.itie. changed my minu. hwever. since last night. We had mine fr:iiis in and we were right in the middle of a good culihrral. game-n- ot but It's easy to eat your rake and have it too; that's why bo many of ua can't get into last year's clothea. Alma Denny. good bridge when my. wife jumps up from the tab'e with the remark something to it's time to se.-v- "snack" Banking on. See Commercial Service Corp. ua for all your fire and casualty insurance needs. Spanish Fork Xephi, I'ayson semicompounded 2,i annually paid on savings accts. i i Tho extra yean enrich the gnat Bourbon taata and warm, friendly character of Old Hickory Straight Bourbon Whisky. In the tastefully elegant Gift Decanter at no extra charge it makes the perfect gift for tho coming Holiday Season, or on any special occasion! AHrocMvaly PEERLESS CLEANERS Let us help you look your beat! packaged Abo available id PROOF OLD HICKORY DISTIUINO In kud Monel reund beMe CORPORATION DRY CLEANING Give Us A Trial! 175 W. Utah Ave. I'ayson PHBADILPHIA PA. Fhone WTIERE FRIENDS MEET STARS IN BALLET . . . Noels Adams, who trained for ballet since age of eight la aow star CLUB 1 10 TWO LADIKS, part time weft. or 4 evening per week. 2K hn. per evening. $10 per evening. Box K rr Eureka nR TURKEYS Farm fresh. Hm only. 10 to 15 lbs. Oven ready. Dressed to order. MrMullini Genola. Phene Pays 4423 before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Will deliver. nffl ONE gent's and one ladies' wardrobe trunk, practically new. Cil 256. n2Hp WANTED LEE'S advertising postcards. Must hurt good handwriting. Write National Engraving. Watertown. Van. A BIG SELECTION aSDp OF GIFT ITEMS The guy who figured out how it get 25,000 units of vitamin A ta one tiny capsule imust have beta a bus driver. W. O. W. AND TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS Use Our Lay-- A way Scientists say that this univtnr made up of protons, photon, electrons and neutrons. He forgot to mention the morons. Dunbart ia Market Weekly. LAIRD'S MARKET . Fresh Meats, Groceries, Dairy Products and Produce Frozen Foods Free Del. Service to your home Phones 58 or 59 When a fellow breaks a dal, he usually has to. When a girt breaks a date, she usually baa two The Bluejacket NAS, a J Humphrey Bogart will Paramountfor film first making THANKSGIVING SPECIAL! WE WILL GIVE TO EACH PURCHASER OF A NEW BUICK or QUALITY USED CAR, Between Now and Thanksgiving Day, a CHOICE THANKSGIVING TURKEY - - - AT NO EXTRA COST! LOOK OVER THE USED CAR BARGAINS LISTED and see for yourself what a REAL BUY You Can Make and GET YOUR TURKEY TO BOOT! BELOW -- -- 1952 BRAND BUICK Special Riviera loodod with KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY thf.ioul! blend oltvays Kentucky's finest Sunny Brook KENTUCKY KENTUCKY BLENDED SUNNY ScnnyTirooK BROOK JjjTOewrattuHjJ Rioa whi CONTAINS 65X GRAIN. NEUTRA COMPARY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY 11.00 WILL HOLD YOUR GIFT ON LAYAWAY .Dynaflow, EVERY Club Coupe PW Radio. Radio, Heeler, a Real Berqein! Vitor, Seat $84511950 Hea'or. Overdrive, Covert, Twin Pipet, $795 DODGE Seat Covert: ohor $1495 OLDSMOBILE DeLuie 91 Sedan Radio, Heater, Soot Covert, Now Point, CAR A TOP CAR O SBANP BLENDED WHISKEY WHISKEY S1995 11949 FORD Cuitom V. Spotlight, Car etc. For blend drinkers there Is Radio. Healer Coup 're. Only 15.000 milot. oitrat 1949 OLD Ph. HELP WANTED SKOUSEN BUCK COMPANY dancer la ballet troupe appear h In Paris, France. OLD 86 PROOF. THE SPIRITS Service I'llOXE U wa KSi&isiuuuxustuKsasiusitiusiuxitscuxuuuxxKuxuaaaixiuuuuufiusiSiUSixxxstsiSixsiUs1 Ask for Kentuckys finest straight bourbon 'BOTH Complete Automotive The only sign of toil that shows on some girls' hands la an engagement ring." Dan Bennett. at the SILVER 19 General Merc. Utoco Service ENJOY YOURSELF rOil, FULLER Brush Product a. 392 V. Center. Springville. Send forfm catalog. ju R-U- -S ki oeiorM carton) Liihriratloa Gas Santaquin. Cleaning 80-ho- ur in the exquisite Service FOR SALE Don's Cafe Hungry? Enjoy good food at Don's. Ice Cream, Soft COAL STOKER, used one wn drinks, pastries. Rooms for rent. Call or write Walt Cailmr The cards had just been dealt FREE and with one glance I knew I had By a powerhouse. "Not ni.w, honey." j rubber." finish this I. "let's says AIR "Oh. we can play while we LES one hour If the President gave snack." says she and trots hap- a week to each of the independent pily off toward the kitchen. j The wealthy man stormed out 1 shuffled agencies in the executive departmy hand, his homo, climbed into hla Impatiently of ment of the government, he would In about 15 minutes she returned ear and snarled at hla driver. week with have to put in a 75 or of cheese, olives, "Drive me downtown, I just on that job alone, according to stuffed plates etc. These she puts j caught my wife kissing the celery, Former President Hoover. butler." on the bridge table. She retreats The driver smiled tolerantly to the kitchen again and return and said, "Oh, come now, youre with cups and a pot of eoffee. cream and sugar. These too, she just trying to make me jealous." distributes over the bridge table. Now," she says, "we can play pastor read the following and nibble at the same time. text at the evening service: Things ware all right for the next "The light of the wicked shall two or three minutes while we bid. be put out. bid la I got it with a grand-slaInstantly there waa a clap of spades. Then the trouble began. thunder and the church was She arranged her eards before her plunged in darkness. With hard-I- v spade on one aide of the celery, a pause, the parson went on. hearts on the other side of the "Because of this startling fulcheese, clubs arranged beautifully fillment of this prophesy, the around her coffee cup, and dianext few minutea will be spent monds on the very edge of thi In silent prayer for the power table, anchored by the olives. company." Play began. I reached across ta the dummy for a trump, the celery Stranger: "Say. mister, do dish skidded and hit the cheese, you have a criminal lawyer In town?" the cheese bounced toward her Native: "We think we have, coffee cup. the coffee cup sailed across the diamonds and smashed hut we can't prove it. to the floor. The women screamed, and Jumped and the table danced. RANDLE'S Cheese, celery, olives, clubs, hearts and spades tangled. It waa Impossible to separate them. And my wife t bless her) can't understand why I blew my top. 6 years old Eureka Auto Commercial Bank of Utah serving you with offices at i Full yeM Service Station Cafe e riusrIODIBOI1110 reporter Assayers pri of Uny CM Bo Wol Boo headquarter la Chlnnsmpo, Korea. UN rOWo wero oonllned hero before trace. examines Fay-Stewa- President's Job Would Be Big eureka Assayers, Chem. OGfl cE(sisoin) Newspaper MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE Hydro-mafi- ALL WINTERIZED FROM SKOUSEN BUICK CO. 325 North Main Spanish Fork, ELRY Utah Phone SPANISH FORK and PROVO 20 North University Ave. 32 - |