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Show reporter the prtriai-- i your colling ln Zt YOUR ADVERTISING y'01 10 HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR Respondent before Tuesday evening OWN NEWSPAPER Volume Fifty - three 20 'Ijcari i tn 0 Ole l(j)orla v Kiwanis Plans niii.li-- . Air ami Mrs. (ittn , rfrik). uf rich o.o was JcagiT district iilie .1 liiiiM il tn I vui-t.- i Tint mining lii-- I n.lltJ tiu.!lll SI e tin y l;:nl piu fia.si. - r.icii f jvnval illi'i-Kii- Kill lir William ea",n'kr was mink- - on t dear, dear Mr Sell i, reluim-- ,lt Fuivka (Utah) IIeK)rU-- i ii h,.i ,.i l.un,,. s i( i f visit in Ku I. field. J,. was ae. ground on Ins by Orlandi Hii.1 by .lurk D i.: nl ami located in linn ran- - gun, vl,o wasictuin U.iguest a! )jj M 7 niil.-Gear In hi. distanro of about William lliillyi King Irlunicd , Vun-k- hi' road. Mr. Munding home alter hilling spent STmd ore' nirlit at tin- gr Tt, ltd Zavs showed values Iron. in a Salt ltke laispiiai The man Sjlo SO percent load und 8 to 12 was quite Selii'iisly mjiue.l u iiei; he was run down an auti-in'firel'w.'.k on the now strike bile. Neil () llaiv letiuiied to Eureka nJ!,n, flolll Salt Ijuke wfieie lie liad of about sjsnt widen-iTnseveral iiimillis. Mi1 was receiving the rich vein to have treatment at the Veteran's to about h fixit. Thia work special then stopped and a tunnel Hospital in that city and was niiieii Sutod a little farther down the improved in health. A number of Eureka giris Inked untain si.le. The tunnel inte- to Homanxville, where they enjoy-- , rred the vein, aa anticipated, cd a weiner roast. Those in the it to be better and larger party were: Miss Kathryn thin above. Aliss Irene Lattimer Miss connection A pleasing feature in Margaret Beck. Miss Dura Duckrith this strike waa that the e next to the vein matter waa worth. Miss Alene Kife. Miss Carlson, Aliss Helen Sullivan. with mineral. ijw Impregnated wall carried Miss Mildred Itife, Miss Doris Fox Even the talc on the 13 percent lead. About und Miss Audrey Bottenll. aa high u The i tons of high grade product waa were members of the Fidelis club tunnel near pleasantly entertained by the portal odtd up Airs. I. J. Donnelly, ".khi" was limiting the time when a shipment played, the high score was won by m ready. Airs. Charles Zabriskie. The cut Ur Munding and three other Bineis were hard at work in the prize by Airs. John Kowe. The hostess served a delicious luncheon pmperty. Two were working in tunnel, the other two on the to the following ladies: Mrs. Dean Mrs. George Tinsman Airs. md, to make it possible to haul Beck, John Allen, Airs. F. A. Grant, Airs. Du ore from the mountain aide. B required about 1000 feet of new Cecilia Bacon, Airs. Airs. John Bunnell, Airs. Euroid. The claims adjoining the Atund-m- g gene Blackett, Airs. Katherine RusAirs. and holdings. 31 in number, were sell, Mrs. Zabriskie owned by S. L. Jerman and M. Kowe. J. Downey, both of Eureka. Quite a celebration took place The new sales tax, now 20 years at the Kkker Ranch in West dd went into effect in Eureka by the occasion being the golden all merchants to purchases mHdc wedding anniversary of Air. and a their places of business. The Airs. Albert Ekker, a pioneer schedule called for the payment of couple of West Tintic. lc on purchases from 25c to 31.25, The slate outing of the Loyal to Order $1.26 3c on purchases from of AIoosc and the Ladies of 4c on 3c and to $3.50 $2.01 $2.00; Alooselieart Legion was being planhorn $3.51 to $5.00, ned. The affair to take place at The business houses of Eureka Saratoga Springa. They planned a adopted a new time for opening dance, sports, luncheon and a genand closing. The time was openieral good time for all. ng at 8:30 in the morning and Air. and Airs. George Cromar dosing at 5:30 in the evenings in- were at Provo where they visited cluding Saturdays and all days with Air. and Airs. D. Cl. Henroid, preceeding holidays. former residents of Eureka. A new ordinance waa passed at Memorial Building il tin-me- . s - . l,- - 8hto1.a ut Kill-murr- y, ma-(ri- al I an in' Fuiehn Kiwanis el"ii 1, liiM -- Numlier 10c per Copy- - held nut-diii- iiiivt.ng Wednesday ''mug at the la uae of Mi 'I is. lice flrii-rrand ll;e seltll'f! wa., pei reel ai. 21 inen.bei s and lieu wiles weie in atteinianee at1 tin y enjoy;. 1.;, Hireling. Foll.iuiiig tij,. regular uf aasm.s. a it had; dinner hiding Club Awards Offered . Mining Uo. plans expendi- in development work at the Chief ,tuiv of No. 1 mine, Kureka district, during the next three rhipf : . . . Uonsolidatvil i Vi-- i years. I Tin-- progrum, one uf the hud for a mining approved A. firm by the Defense Materials I Agency, includes $283,373 in government money. However, none of thia money will lie paid by the government until after the work baa been completed. Tlioae funds, incidentally, will be IMiid back to the taxpayer from Asoseiation ore aalea. The I'arent-Teaeher- a Cover 8 Projects will hold a meeting Friday, July Officials of the independent 31, at 7:30 p.m. at the Utile concern said that the demining Theatre. Officer for the coming work will rover aoine year will lie elected and h good at- velopment eight specific projects, invovling tendance la urged. 22,000 feet of drifting and rroaa cutting and 40,000 feet of diamond drilling. The diamond drilling program ia in connection with the location of on- - bodies by drifting and cron rutting and dora not represent any Officers To Be Named At . T. d.seiisscil various i jeets wlieieby enough money could be laised to finish Inlying linoleum tile to ciiiupli-tfloor coverage at the Memorial building. The lon- key hallgaine dul'iit bring in qin'e enough money tn complete the job. and the members are anxious to get the project finished as skid as possible. s pr-.-- e Meeting Friday Lu-cil- Ore Shipments for Week of July 24 Mine Accident Chief Consolidated. 39 ears; Dragon Consolidated. 25 cars; K. L. Clarity, 6 cars; Kllerberk of Jericho. 1 car; Empire Alines, 2 cars. Takes Life of Us Bris-ke- Tin-ti- meeting, which reduced the salaries of the various city officers by a considerable margin. Following is the new Khedule: Mayor, $240 per year; Councilnien, $144; recorder, $900; treasurer, lSu; justice of the peace, 130: city attorney, $420; marrhal and w&termaster, $1,080; police, the y, c, city council watermastcr, $1,800; Methodist Church News and Activity policeman. ed Just recently people in attendance. to Salt Lake City. The local American Legion Font n sponsoring an entertainment Program for the purpose of rais-p- t funds to take the Tintic High School Band to for the tte convention toOgden be held there. The committees in charge of thia movement were: John Morley, Jr.; Bacon. Kay Sorensen, N. "illmore. V. one-ha- lf c. 1elt. Maynard vocal solos by Colleen Burruston. At the close of the program Iuul J. Timn.ietti, were enjoyed anil refreshnes F. Watson, Mammoth; Ed-r- d games served. All those atSimpson. Fred J. Milliman, ments were tending report a wonderful time. CrtRfs. J. o. Webb. Dividend! st, T lunn. Karl Eager; Silver gly. D. C. Wheeler. Jr., W. Earl nd William Davis. Goldie Wheeler returned . sal-ua- Te Nama1 i. wen-fire- n d Alun-(hi- y h'-rs- fin-me- n - Wa-Ib- l 1 connec-Bolih- Eureka People t Pat-houg- : n p''e e cun-creg- it v81-Als- Vi ' ,l" ,UlV 1,1,1 - Auto Accident s The Kureka Junior Baseball Team won a thriller of a gnme last Friday at Goshen. The Goshen boy were several fKiinta ahead up to the last inning, and the Eureka boys rcHliy spurted ahead and nut ilie victors by two runs, the score at the finish waa 8 to 10 in favor of thc home town boya. Kurekana attending the game reNiit it to be a very well played game by both Goajten and Tin- - Kureka. Nightly Rainbow Takes Place Of Heat Wave I ain't know if this ia worthy of Kiplry'H column or not, but resident a who chanced to look out the windowa facing north Inst Sunday night about 10:30 p.in. were rather startled to see a rainbow. Itnin-botftoin the sun Hrcn'l unusual, hut as far as we know, one caused hy the irnsui is very unusual. This definitely wasn't an optienl illusion. ns many of the townfolka saw it. no figure it out for yourself. At any rate it was a very pretty sight. LDS Ward Sets Arrowhead Fete 1 1 JoNi-p- 1 ! i Car-ncsi-cc- a, ' - - ( 1 pl-- i In-a- j ! Firemen's II- weeks II If for NcVillU. when-M- r l Ciimptieil was ni pl'ivi-the P.l.uk Rml: in if Ii in eon juliV Stayiat Tm. pmte Anytime fi-- : ton. Ii:i w.i- - ioM Ini I t heat and humid'-- ! One day was suf-l- a 'ir' .iice tlu-- to leave pen spaces ti- Ion,; )' if, ilidn r.ilght's - I1,- !.e f f i to I'- s :.i ! Names Officers Health Tests Urged of All Club Members 4-- H TI 4 M Chib Camp will In- - held at Dad and Sons Camp at Ncdd on Any j.d 6 7 iilld 8 All those to attmd must have a I binning . ill pi'V.ual (licrk-Upromplide Older to lie (lipihle to attend the to he nt the Camp, and me of t'.e Public Health Noise, Mis Malibu Vail Wagoner, lit 9 o'llisk A. M on August 5. Dr. P.ei ti ml will tie at the office to do tin- - ( li- -i I'aieiits an- - Hired to see that llie'.r dani'Meis tie at tin- - Noises offur at We stated time o'-li- e k-- after 6:30 p.m. Miss Mi Id nil Dm is and Lyman Davis spent lust week hi Ogden visiting at the Stanley home. On Sunday they in Sail Iike thc I lodge r return to EureCity anil m lln-iby ka, they wen- - accompanied who will visit Itiiiime with Ins aunt h r a couple of I 'ks. Kiiiuiieii's Auxiliary of Juab mt last week at tin- home of Mis Osi ar K nek son and elce-e- -l of I ii its or tiic organization. Those were, president. Mis. I. lick Son: Vile pfesl-lell- . Alls June Kcuiii'dv, sc i Hary and tieiisuicr, I IlHpillill. Mis I ,a Vef'lle i Air, anil Mrs. Al.ic Itiglcr and Mis Lunt; rhairiiMfi of Tamili- - and Ciaig Fennell leturned BesI uiriiill lee. Alls. sie Tihiiic; i puller. Mis Kl.ime last week after a vacation spent at Kish Lake. I. uni 'I In- wen- - very pli'a.id at of Air. uliliiiUt. I'lirrell tin- - tuin-oii- t at Ibe meelilig ,il:d !iuie Hi.- - memln-i- s will rotilinue to and Mrs. Ciaienee W.ihlquist, reallend tlii- - meetings in tin- - tutuie turned hiiine oil Friday of last At tin- - close of the meeting, week, alter a pleasant 2 month h nt in Santa Monica vacation wen- - served light The next Hireling Will In- held with hi- - t rot tier and family, the Aloa-lav- . September I. at tin- - home Iniiwiiiii Wuhlquuds of Mrs. Thelma Knbrits Colleen liiimm and Peggy Ann over the weekAir. and Mix. ticrnld hcnmsli Nai-- l wen- in Fn-vMaimuolh end visit. ig with Jane Hickman and riiiugblcr Nancy home. They spent Pioneer Day In Salt !akf at tlte Rex Hickman I 'll v returned home Monday. Tin- - : Kd d'l I rip they Mopcd (in slilnu-at f..ir.v III i. illy tl.o'-- - around Nauvnn mi-nith- d Take Exciting Game from Goshen You are again reminded of (lie outing to Is- - held at Arrowhead on Tuesday, August 4. by the LI 8 Eureka Ward. Swimming, sports and a proMis. Wiii Galcr, Mr. Hml Mra. mt tin! aenntii-iiwill In- - the main events. gram Wash. t a ii brokm Mr ('h'l'pliell McIntyre, Seattle, - jRoheri Bring sliniilyour lunch. i lldlt a to Ills e!l cg ICJUI s An evening uf fun is assured all ii-mid l;ei k mi'll ics those attending. - lift Kmeka a 'I lie ('.III Aux. t- tiE - r n ,,Ml 1 Eureka Hurlers ll I .! out-of-to- t nt ' iClm. Iw Hurt HfK-n- '"ficr the program the fnenan of spoit-Th- e xh. n sored a program "I mused race chicken on . nnThnVrm Meeting will onMnue the spectatnr-i" among meirii-et I n'i Hetir rushini itis' Thursday starting in The ynuncsteis wen- sepni at" Lo ali.l Young fcunii "' ,i ec .Liferent age groups l ollni'T of Napa. Calif., ( of 12 through 2 me mut'd 7 Hickman. rhukens were turned loose, wlh wassn jie l giust at th tend. the hnm. .sf t Cushing picntv of resultant scrambling on Tluusilay of .1 J. oldest the were 0 ('::;. Pll7.cs given MIN Mr- -. to Del i at Iasi wnk I" Viid Mr. ufc-the O, ',f j' ' man and woman attending new cat ami was Sh Bradv Matilda j ii k up " (n onWednes-- ' nd daughter Mrs nnd H mi-- l lain home in Napa. ' iiiruute a few davs iecr Day In Salt Like ( ('ontinued on Page Two. K Hh her Bister and faintly. Lagoon. begin v Kun-kan- s d fr.-ii- Tur,wlB-- ot - Return From Extended the East te The members of the Methodist church plan to lake a systematic um,e in Silver City after census of the entire community. k V"?, weeks vacation spent at The pui'iKise of the census is to and Richfield. While at enable the churches in Eureka, ii. i ,,! tter Pluce she was a guest of with the knowledge of each famir Mrs. Mel Done. ly's affiliation and needs, toccnsns-- P serve their people. Similar s . . es across t lie country have brought "urn lunched" back of the NrPmOn 'many 11 vlllCII MdlllCU into contact and active part icipa- Records T . lion with their church. for the lxt clown. tn will U- - turned over pn.e 10 AirOnrl kept, carefully fiich youngster participating w HI IVHU to the church to whiili preference the jwiadi was given 25 cents is indicated. Tims the census will Mrs. Roland Gillispie w as in cliarge of I'digu-nhe a cooperative eff-n- t f tin division and shouM feel revival led by the Mrihmlisl proud of the results as many folks church. pronounced the parade ns "tb'' Plans leading up I" the vis.ta-- t best ever ' W'-ad ion week include the pieparu'ion Judges for the I'.'1 i of a map. the se turning of the 'ut of town. Following wa aiad a splendid progiam town to visiting teams, ptep.ua-Inwith Mr. and Mrs Kail of icligioux preference cards pres-'idc- d folthe with sessions in Lunt ihatge. The program and Information the frill "America" by that lows: song. pastor for those made to innn: opening prayer. Alax . plans are being church vocal so!". Bessie T''n-'Lir-en- : vite the assistance of. high As plans rending. Lillian Elton; piano officials in this iin-aFust ei : speaker. other announceare completed ments will follow the programs Spurrier. The refreshment stand- Sun-laand hopes of the s visit.iti-- n week. wond- - iful hiisiness and tinDiscus-dollWai l 6. nf the Mammoth Starting Thuisduv. Augustwill School d.iv s the of end of this i had barge Atethodist Youth Fellowship on f discussions a scries renitie'V'inl K,IWa on lx-gi- n ni t- Community singing was enjoyed hour, which was for about led by the Pastor: and "Talent Time" by the young folks proved to be especially enjoyable and was as follows: 2 piano ducts by Alari-ly- n Newman and Sluinna Ryan; two trumpet solo, Tom Randle; JnsCarlene numbers dance by tap two and Farrcn. Manloti per and ot coniM-tition- I n. Friends of Dr. Ostler, who practiced in Eureka for many years Sunday School at 10:00 a m. were pleased to learn that he was Church Service at 11:00 a.m. bested in the Boston Building, Tlte topic for the sermon will be with Dr. Edwin M. Neher. Thermometers or Thermostats" Dr. Ostler was Jackson, Pastor. limiting his pract- by Rev. Alan Chun-ice to the eye, nose, ear and Party throat. Since Tlte Atethodist Family Party Eureka, Dr. leaving ind specialized in diseases of the held last Saturday night at the .head and had studied in Berlin, Church proved to be a very enterGermany and had taining evening, with about 50 returned s coni-titor- n. recorder, $1200; justice of peace, attorney, $600; marshal and 11.620. j Pioneer Day Celebrated in Grand Style At Mammoth; Thanks Given to All $180; treasurer $600; KOO; Everyone Invited to the Riding Club Elimination Contests on FrL&Sat. (iN-r-ale- these coun-cilme- Korean Front out and out exploratory drilling program. Officials of the mining concern emphasized that the program waa tn a very real acmw dependent c prices. upon revival of While work on the projects already la under way, auapenalon of the program could come if economic factors get any more unfavorable. Below 2,700 Feet Alain portion of the work will be rarried out in two projects at the north end of the Chief No. 1 mine an and below the 2,700-folevel, it waa reported. Thia include development of ore bodiea that level. mav extend to the 3.100-foConsiderable Improvement looking toward greater efficiency in handling ore, has been carried out in recent yeara at the mine. Changes include installation of a new hoist and completion of new pump hntteriea capable of moving 14.000 gallons of water per minute. lead-zin- Bernard Paul Fennell, 49, waa fatally injured in a mine accident in Nevada laat Saturday morning. Air. Fennell and another miner On were drilling underground at the day evening in Nephi. Template 85 mile northwest of (taliente, when they met instant Airs. Lauren Atherle.v received death Saturday about 4:30 a.m., word from her son. Tom. from when they were buried in a cave-i- n Korea, where he is stationed with eauaeil by the dynamite rliarge the armed forces, that he was conthey were handling, lie had been fined to a hospital. He suffered working for the Black Rock Alng quite a bad cut when a telephone Co. at Template for two fell on hint. susThe pole injuries Mr. Fennell waa born June 29, tained were from a spike on anotii-- 1 1904, in Kureka, a non of Patrick er marine's shoe which tore quite' Everyone in thia locality ia in- Fork Friday, July 31 and in Neplil J. and Ellen Duggan Fennell. a hole in his i Tom's i arm. He He spent practically his entire vited to see the two final elimina- Saturday, it waa announced today assured his mother that the injury Purpose of these elimination life in Kureka and received Ilia was not a serious one. and that lie tion contents of District Five education at St. Joaepha School contests is to ch'sise expected to Is hack in action be- of the Utah State Western for the state finals and iuter for anil Tintic High School. fore too long. . Riding Clubs being held in Spanish the nltermounlain He worked for ninny yeara following Ilia graduation from high Friday's activities with a parade at 7 p ni. to Iw fid Hcliool, in a store owned and lowed hy the competition at by ids fattier, t tie- late 1. J. p.m. in the Spanish Fork rodeo Fenneli. In later yeara lie followed grounds. A similar schedule will mining. He waa unmarried. bo observed in Nephi Saturday He served in thc Armed Forces with a parade at 7 p.m. and com during World War II, for 18 montlis. He was a member of SI. petition beginning at 8 pm. These will la- the final two elim- Patrick's Catholic Church. a ination contests which Survivors include bin mother. week earlier with races in Pay-so- Eureka; one sister, Mrs. S. B. Margaret ) At her ley. Alaryavale; Art At Wish! will act as cliuir-in.- and seven brotln-ra- , Onci ajrain the civic minded residents of MamJohn V. Fenfor Friday's activities at nell. Sail Ijikc; Edmond J. Fenmoth proved that a lot can he done hy a few people Fork rodeo grounds. nell, Alujnvc, Cal ; Francis M. if one has sufficient community spirit. There aren't Scheduled is a grand entry, jud- and Joseph L. Fennell, Ivis Vegaa, ging in men's pleasure class, men's Nev.; Marlin J. Fennell, Eureka; very many people left in Alam- matched pairs, parade class. Iironm Patrick J. and Gerald T., Pocatelntoth. but they can really show polo contest, clover leaf race, bar- lo Idaho. many larger communities how to Blights rel race and drill. put on a celebration. Holy Bosary whs recited Tlte pioneer celebration was outWhen entrants gather Saturday evening at the family home. evening Spence Itowles will act as standing every way, according tn Requiem Mass waa celebrated those attending the festivities. chairman for the smnsoring Nephi Tuesday morning at 10:00 o'clock The day started off with a club. There will lie a grand entry a.m. at St. Patrick's church, with in Trip at sunrise. 21 shots followed hy slock horse class, wild Rt. Rev. Alsgr. A. F. Giovnnnom, cow milking, cutting front tlte Emerald mine dump judged pastor, as celebrant. Alls. Air. und Alexander Blight drills, calf roping and the broom Oscar Erickson. Glen Six of the Fennell brothers were hy exbearers. Kusby and Chtiss Sorenson. That returned last week after an polo championship finals. pall was the signal for the townspeo- tended vacation in tlte east. Burial was in Alt. Calvary CemeCIiiIih participating in the dimThe first art of the trip tok inution contests includ" Cocleluir tery in Suit Lake get up and get going, which ple City. them to St. Louis, Missouri when-Air- . Riding club. Payson; White Ime services were they did in grand style. .Military graveaide ended the sessions Riding dull. Ssiitiupiin; A delightful miniature Blight alt parade While conducted by the Arthur G. Sulliwas staged at 1 p.m., with many uf the Grand Lodge of the Ben- I.'ike Ruling ('Inti, Goshen ; A van i 'oxl No. 34 of Eureka. youngsters from the entire dis- evolent and Protective Order of cliih, Salem; Arrw-liea- large number of former Riding trict participating. Praise for the Elks. Riding club, Benjamin; Dia- and family friends met the cortege clever little floats was heard on After the (lose of the Grand mond F rk Riding rluti. Spanish at the cemetery nnd attended the awarded were all sides nnd prizes Lodge sessions, the first stop was Fork; Hobble Greek Rid.ng cluli. graveside services. as follows: first prize for the best in Springfield. III., where the Spnngville; lien- - for Members of the Nephi Rilling club. visited and studied the Nepiii and Silver Sage Rulers, of the funeral were family pioneer float was won hy young- Blights Air. and Mrs. 0f intei'-sconnected with Max Sorenson. The float waa fash p, S. B. Albeiiey Hnd family, Air. and ioned out of an old cart with can-- Abraham Lincoln. Traveling on to Mrs. John V. Fennell, Air. and Airs. Second wheels. vas lop and heavy stops and visits were Vnguua Edmund Fennell. Mr. and Mra. won h' made to hudoiicul shrines y prize in this division was Mr. and Afra. Franns Fennell, Enckson. His float W8S!t,.d with K. Lee, Stonewall Joseph Fennell, Mr. and Alts. Patmade of two shoe boxes, cedai Jefferson. k,in ti, rick Fennell and Air. and Mra. and sage brush, mounted ru md George Waslung-oGerald Fennell, and Airs. Lydia won Elton Dawn in a small wagon. t(m Duggan. arlismost l were the first prize for the visiting folka Among thtic float and Linda Lemmon was wtllui riiwlmi and the vicinity were Mr. and here fur tin- seivn-cj j.uucstuwn ami Yorktown. the 2nd prize winner. Thanks is Mrs. Gcmge E. Brewer. Bill Rita, extended to all those entering a Wiiiuimslniig, John D. Provo; Mrs. Julia Sullivan. Ilets-in the parade. Ifeiler. Jr l.n $32.tMin.lHi to .Jones. C. Camp-beB. was Payson; Afr. and Mrs. Dick Mr Mis and iflifi character Prize for the best flll. u,.in to thc onK,ni, Whccl'H k. Spanish Fork; Hugh J. vine involved in a won hv young Randy Hudson of head-odais aco Wind. Mr. ami Mrs. Eureka, lie depicted a boxer Mis Jr., Air. and Mrs. Joseph mitt'-nthe oil ('alinite bigliwav with ring complete Mr. and Mra. nil II leg Cai nesecea. .Ir a ( cd Mill il 'alopliell ether necessary paraphanelui. the tin- light Mde md Ei'idio Carneseecn. of Spnngville, on won nun and Eureka f Iconise King Accident w-i- fwu The previous salaries for offices were: mayor, $300; Well Known Man Ralph Cloud, Scbhen, Slate President, right, and Dale Worwood, Nephi, State Director, Chairman and Ring Master of the Utah State Western Riding Clubs Association view the trophies that will be awarded tc winners of the District Five elimination contests being conducted Friday evening in Spanish Fork and Satur- Serviceman Hurt In Thirty-on- e Chief Consolidated Mining Co. Plans Improvement Program Next Three Years Vays to Tile Tm- - I Friday, .July alti-nile- (uiiily - cli-rtc- M-- n lefl'-shment- s - 'r |