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Show 26, 19oL September The Kureka (Utah) Reporter vcnti Coming AXr V Hh un.u St t CCaStj Cl)oc.i Club at Mammoth Party removing oil and grrasa spots from tho basement floor, especially when they're fresh, uses dry Portland cement for covering. Let remain for several hours and Uw cement will absorb ths oil. Knotty pine, when finished prop-- , erly, improves with age. A tawny finish is achieved by applying a light oak stain, followed with a thin coat of beige paint while it's still wet. When the wood Is dry, finish In tho usual way with was. rubbed welL Use soap and water to clean the garden hose, as dirt will deterio-rat- e the rubber. If stubborn spots remain, sponge with dry cleaning ! fluid and wipe dry. While lead paint la good for coating top and bottom edges of storm doors. If left unprotected by paint, moistur will rot the wood. Make certain the paint is dry before hanging the doors. at her home iXSfurnished the evening JSkinment and prizes.were won ;orc; Dora Roue. high 3L Resale Toonc, 2nd high and prize. Si Rose Carter, all-c- ut of the card game. ,teAtatew served taaty wfreh-t- o tlioae named and to Mrs. fErickaon. Mr. June Kennedy. Mae Roa-m- n Jerry Craig. Mr. and the ieclal guest, Mr. Kufslie Dunn. ',r S , ' - J- - - J,-- . f . fJfe-- fni J . , Features Meeting W.S.C.S. TTg c. S. met at the on Thursday of STweek for their regular mecl-Z- g covered dish luncheon was CLdat l:0 oclock p.m. Follow- of the luncheon tlie business S day was disposed of, and the jon for the day was given by Meth-parsona- Urn Pat Brady. were Eleven members t the mce.ing. Next meeting wUl be held on r the members are to help with some Your help will be very ask-ta- for helpers quitting. appreciated. much BEDROOM ELEGANCE Make the most of your crochet-abilit- y and dress up your room with a lovely white bedspread in a rose and popcorn pattern. Each dainty motif is surrounded by picot loops which provide the lacy effect. Obtain the directions for crocluting a single or double size bedspread of ROSES AND POPCORNS, by simply sending a stamped, envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper for Leaflet No. 6123. Mr and Mrs. Kulon Krudford were in and Mia- - J- - B- - Campbell gag Lake City on Monday for the funeral of Wm. Jones. YJewd Woles... Mr. and Mrs. Vaundell Christcn-ac- n and children spent the weekend in Eureka visiting with Mrs. . . John Hola rests In a Bethl- Imperature, 110-deg- Pa., hospital. ehem, 50c SHOW 10c 7:00-9:4- 5 CECIL B. DeMILLES Start tha day off right.. ORANGE JUICE SIJNKIST cup grated processed cheese Add butter, egg yolks, salt and pepper to potatoes. Add milk and beat well. Pile into buttered bakiitg dish and cover with meringue made by beating egg whitea stiff and folding in cheese. Sprinkle with paprika. Bakt In a moderately hot (375 F.) even for about 10 minutes. MIA Party Enjoyed Adhesive paste is used for gluing plastic base floor tiles. Hava all surplus paste work out after laying and wipe off paste as Its more difficult to remove once it dries. If It has dried, use alcohol or some floor cleaner. If you havo copper accessories, make them shine and gleam with the following treatment: dissolve ordinary table salt in vinegar, ting the fluid take as much salt aa posaibla. Rub eopper pieces with mixture and buff with a dry Daughters Thurs. Tlie M.I.A. held u Mothers' and' Christensens parents, Mr. ami daughters' party at the home of Mrs. Dewey Robinson. Bishop and Mra. George Forsey last Thursday evening. A very enjoyable evening of games whs enjoyed and an entertaining pro-grum was presented as follows: Janet Lee; vocal solo by Kelda Childs accompanied by La- Von Walker; piano duet, Virginia Lee and Charlene Bird; clarinet doth. duet Jeanine Sax and Yvonne, lMeB fumi.hlngs have rust Maxfirld; aceordian solo. Noel ; oU ,b with 0Q and let Archibald; vocal solo. Linda New-- , off oO. them JL ipJ with sand- - i week end and took in the Oregon man accompanied by LaVon Wal-- ; b d foot-ker. ; State and University of Utah woaL ,oth A brief outline for the year's ball game, and had a chance to see the marching University band. work at MIA was given: Karlean' Their son. Jim, ia a member of the Gear (Gleaners); Ruby Bigler, utllei fTOm Tintic High School band, which of course, added in- - iMiaMaidsi Pearl Forsey irepre- - Iait Sprin . terest to the whole affair. They senting the Beellive.li 4. visited the State Fair on Sunday! Priesthood Advisor Darrel Dix- was in Salt p. sullitan Mr. and enjoyed the "Holiday on Ice", on gave a very interesting talk Laj,e City over the week end. She production. Miss Ann Sutherland on the requiremenla of LDS girls attended funeral services last them to the city and and the advantages MIA offer the unay Mra. Helen Beesley was a guest of Miss Eleanor Jack- - girls. Closing prayer waa given by sines. Biahop Forsey. Dainty refreshments were served to 50. Lillian Klton, Wanda Mrs. Leighton Pritchett and Colovich, Elna Bird and Iearl small son, Michael of Mackey. Forsey were in charge of the Idaho, are visiting at the Wm. partv. Lucas and Mrs. Althea Kkker homes. the Americun Mining , , , convention. Cecil Filch, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beesley was in Salt take Cecil Fitch, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John G Hall and Harold Spencer are City last Saturday attending tlie Col- - funeral of his sister. Mrs. Helen spending tlie week in Denver. are attending Beesley Sines. where orado, they Mr. and Mr. Gerald Kennedy and daughter, Nancy, wen- - in Spanish Folk last Sunday. They were dinner guests at the Inina1' tif Mr. and Mrs Is-- Larsen iiiidj with Mr. and Mis also W. K. Wlnvlnck 16 EARTH i, HUNTERS ATTENTION! flans Don't Put Off Getting Your Guns and Amunition Too Long! for 2 37c 31c WOODBURYS SOAP Bath Size For f and discover as thousands of housewives from coed to coast hove that IGAs prices fil your purse. DHL MONTE STEWKI) TOMATOES No 2 Cans 2 rod qudily ind vduoi PIUS visit your IGA Store today for 45c Brown Gravy and Sliced Beef 1 Hi. fans 63c to make light. ..to eat Quick Ml MM1 lYTIttr 1 for 37c CUIUHAYS Brown (Jravy and Sliced Pork 1 Ih. Cans PIERCES SLICED BEETS 2NSr 0.c.ans. 5v 27c. IDA SALAD DRESSING fr ftS 51c NALLEYS BEEF STEW 45e SHORT THE SEASON BY THE TIME OPENS! PORK A.IAX CLEANSER 2 cans Delicious flavor you're sure to enjoy I Cut 2.7c o m LEAN AND TENDED WELCH'S PINEAPPLE .1. Sunday dinner guct at the J. w,-- e Mr. and Mis. (Vl'i'cy freedun and d:n:i:l.i s. M.cli.iid Aii'i and M.irv M.ugaiet of :.n"l,aiu. i S1N('LAIUS CORNED BEEF HASH (:,,unl 4 I'ranee Imiic was in S.i.t (Mv iin S.it in d.iv allending fnneial seiviec f"i Mi. Helen Sines . i Mi 1 eoov. 49c SMOKED PICNICS ((!ut any way you like) 43c BACON gffV?; 59c VEAL Wm. llill Bate, win nf Mr anl Kl-Mis. Win. Bale. Sr., and Jciry ton. son of Mrs. Lillian K!!nn of Mammoth, left Sundav foi Irovu When they will enter the Brigham Young University f it lie miningsehiHil year. Both young men gre!- We have a nice supply of Guns and Shells! GET THEM NOW! 49c PRESERVES 1 1 B .... No. 2 Cans vi.-it- cd i STOCK MAY . . SHOW ON A J, .... GREATEST "THE at Paprika i Week! CHILDREN A few Strri va IS )I 1 Now - Runs all ADULTS ; tt cup hot milk By Mothers, MIBACLE MAN . ler, who survived Mrs. Curt la ltutler entertained In some cases happiness consist the mcinlicra of the Modern Mra. Club at her home last Tliuraduy merely of forgetting the paat and evening. The meeting waa turned ignoring the future. into a baby shower for Mra. Kent Biddle. A very pleasant time wua Jackie Ekker Has Hiciit by the members and a delicious lunch served to Mra. Darrell Birthday Surprise Franks, Sira. Joseph Bernini. Mrs. Little neighburlioud friends of Jack Jameson. Mra. Paul llanaen, Jackie Kkker called on her on Mrs. Karl Potts an dMrs. Keith Tuesday evening and aurpriaed her " ,lson on her birthday. Helping Jackie' relebrate her birthday . Kae, Eileen and Martin Dean Brady, lhilip Lucas, Louise King. Adults dropping In for a piece of the lovely birthday rake were Mrs. Doris Pritchett and son, Mr. and Mra. Marvin Bacon of Michael, Mrs. Martin Fennell and Suit take City are receiving conWm. Lueaa. gratulations upon the arrival of Jackie thought tlie surprise waa their first child, a baby girl, born Just alanit perfect and reporta a Sept. 11, In the L. D. S. hospital. very happy day. She la not only the first child for the couple, but a first grandchild Kecent ibdtum at the home of for excited Mr, and Mra. Agnea Platt were Mr. and Mra. 'rank grandparents, Bacon, also of Salt Mra. Wm. Krinlen and eons, Jim- Luke Ctty. Mra. Veda Allred of GOOD LUCK . . . Beraarr Mo my, and Jerry of Alabama. Mra. Suit Luke City is the happy maM, physical eultariot. Fadden, Krinlin la an officer In the U. 8. ternal grandmother and the new kiss from wife aa ha hoards Navy and haa been stationed in mother will be remembered aa gala far Franca to make para-thplans Alabama for the paat two yeara. Mira Marjorie Allred. All are forJump over Setae to provo Mra. Krinlin will be remembered mer residents of Kureka. oiooa Mviag hoe pa o mum yonag. aa the former Miss Maud Hanley daughter of Mrs. Alveda Hanley of Provo and the lute Janies HanIt s a boy for Mr. and Mra, FOR SALE ley. The Krinlina are visiting in Kent Kiddle. Tlie welcome little Provo with Mrs. Hanley and other son was liorn Friday, Septemlier modern home. Call 130-relat ivea. Kureka. a2(i til, in the Utah Valley hospital In RECIPE OF TIIE WEEK Cheese Meringue Potstuca (Serves fil 4 tablespoons butter or substitute 3 cups mashed potatoes 2 eggs, separated Itt teaspoona salt teaspoon pepper present I and (vi 0 which Is generally A METHOD safo as well as successful for r,ofrrycaXuhrSin Luncheon r , Card clows HUH-rviso- ! Tint!.-F'sJww- Evening rri Provo. Tina is tlie first child for the couple. Proud Dad Is the music at Tintic High School. Mrs. Curtis Butler Is Club Hostess Mortal iEmuttii of Autiimn Ilitll Ball will be held l 3. in the Auditorium, and will direction of the Sen-iumcnibcr the diite, Page Three LOVE . . . Fred 1 shown with his Ellrnbrrg, former the Margaret Beebride, In be, 3. after their marriage New York at the Little Church Piotluce DECEMBER Around The dTTER..' Corner. 'BEST! YAMS U CABBAGE- "UTAH CELERY Complete Line of Hunting Needs! 79c SHOULDER STEAK 29c 5c 'Ss 19c PAN READY CHICKENS (Whole or ('ut-up- ) 69c FRYERS 57c STEWINCJ HENS T0MALES',r-5-02 Red Shirts, Red Sweat Shirts, Hunting Caps, Cleaning Kits Sleeping Bags. Wool Socles, Gloves, Gun Oil, Solent, Decoys, EGG PLANT Recoil Pads, and yCls good.:. better... and Many Other Items! LET us take 10c Each care of your HUNTING NEEDS! X RANDLES MARCiET bourbon fft Hs 'Best DELIVERY 6 II MOOF the Hill Alio HILL COMPANY. lOUHVIlll. KENTUCKY TUESDAY & SATURDAY PHONE 179-18- 0 |