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Show 1J- august la. The Eureka (Utah) Keporte Day Sef Eastern Star Page Thre Ptoiic y 'i y , n,Srrn Moms Hubert ;i,tthr Mortal Emntta of IS, Order of MHnwir thi Pay I Vine Hundiy. August l!(.iniin:ivilli Pink, requested to bring Ire-crea- m Miss Lola Webb, Donald G. bfvrniRe-L- iiil numbers ut rintio No. . and their families arc also to attend. . . . Xis-sle- 1 Church Rites i.t Mr ami .'far in K. A tloral liai'kgroun.l f,,i., the ting for Hi n miiunv SaniLstioni ,,f ti,, . . . Newlyweds tast Wednesday evening members of the Margaret Lucas family ami the Cronin families din- cch-bra-ti- a family gether at the Memorial Huilding. The party was originally scheduled at the City Park, hut inclement weather made it ntrcHHary to chunge to the Memorial Huilding. The evening honored Mias Itegina Izieaa, prior to her marriage to Krlc Hallquist. It wna alao In celebration of the birthdays of tw members of the group, Alan Pilon slid Mrs. John Covei's were laid for Mrs. Hilda Sirs. Mina Grig , Mr. ami Mrs. Kit Weld) and family, Mrs. Shirley Jet ten and sons. Itoger and tarry, Mr. mid Mrs. Wayne Heck and son, Don. get-t- o Cronin The group enjoyed a delicious picnic supper complete with birthday cake and a really happy family Attending were Mr. find Mrs. Jack laicas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I lira and aon, Philip, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cronin ami daughter, Mary, and their house gutui, Terry Michel-treMr. atul Mrs. John Cronin, Mr. and.,Mrs. J. A. Pilon and family, Mrs. Margaret Lucas and Miss Regina Isieas. Mrs. Earl Potts Honors Visitor Mrs tail Potts was hostess at n luncheon last Friday afternoon, complementing Miss Vera Podge, who is visiting here fnmi California Others attending were Mias Mildred Pavla, Mrs. Henry Franks, and the hostess and Sheila Potts. Mis. set- l.l'S Waid iiCiniited at t ails. he radiant hnde. given in hi-- arranged birthday Welih, Ali-iiz- I niri-l- Get-Togeth- er Honors ies. A very pretty home wedding last Saturday even-- u the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward I, Webb i marriage their daughter, L.la and Donah! Sullivan; Wed in Wed Recently Nissley Married in Lovely Home Ceremony John 4. Sullivan arc spending visit ms with relatives. SLare Klimt ut the home of JJdlJ. A amily ner aaa given laat Sunday at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Heck. The dinner honored Sirs. Heck and her year-ol- d grand son. tarry Jetton, ami of Mr. and Mrs I bin Jetton, on their birthday anniversar- Kur- - JETfinrh and dishes. and 'pU'r will fnrnlHh Dinner Marks Two Birthdays mar- -- e, Mr. and Mm. l'red Wella-l- l nnd small Min, Mark of Murray were in town on Sunday visiting with For UN flhrs in Korea, winter friends and relatives. Mrs. Wrihell is a tatter season than mimmer. Is the former Miss Carol Finch. j Skies are clear 10 to 1.1 days a month, whereas, in summer's rainy Mr. uiul Mm. Win. Clark (Res- - reason only one to three days a sie Giiiirlcy) of Whittier. Calif., month have clear skies. ' Were tack in town lust week visit- As of last June .10, 14.303.783 ing with friends and relatives. They were guests at the home of1 persons, not counting military per- Mrs. Clark'a brother nnd sister- - nonnel. we nceiviiig cliecka from Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the Fcderul government each month. riage by father, i ln.se a ballerina length welding gown, with r brocaded satin bodice, net voke finished with small collar of white Kit in and iivlmi m-- t skirt ov.-satin Her illusion veil of net was caught to a tiara of s.ed peiuls. and sin- earned a liitiqiiet f deep pink gladmlas Miss Maine IMt. bridesmaid. Were a hallerina gown of yellow Must d in gaud V. ami her enrsai;.' wa of di ,'p pink split .arnations r A Oiiiiiian in.'iiil .r of the Air Korea at I mg wav I'luving i li'olinds, wa Is'sl man Fi Mowing the nuptials the young ronple were honored at a reception in the Meniori.il l.iiilding. All entertaining pn.giam was with Wilson Is-acting as master of ceremonies The follows' K.'iinilh Spui'rir sang two solos "Mv Wonderful One" and "Oh Promise Me"; Vocal duet, "Tile lowliest Night of the Year." Hindu Karien and Shunm llvan: vuenl solo. Thru the Years". Mrs. TV.Tj Pohinsoii Cornet solo, Always", .lames Anderson. Darning was enjoyed during the evening and refreshmetns weie served. A lovely tine' tiered wrd-- ' ihng i"ke graei-- the mam serving r - I in-la- ENJOY YOURSELF pl'o-giii- m Modern Mrs. Club Entertains Husbands table. Mis. H'imM ('but win and Mrs. I'i'Wi'v Ihilnnson were in eharge The Modern Mrs. Club of th gift room. ami Mrs K their liusliands at u entertained M..r-iliie Kied Spurrier and Mrs ful picnic supper last Sundel, glit 'veie in charge of the in Salem Park. Those Alsnit III mi gii. sis called P day evening were Mr. and Mrs. JosI'Xteud best to the llewlv-Wed.- i. a'.tending eph Herninl, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Priissell. Sir. and Mrs. Curtis Hut-le- r, The young couple left alter Ml Mr. and Mrs. Kent Riddle, Mr. reception fm a month's honey- and Mrs. Keith Wilson, Mr. and moon. Tiny will visit Mr. Nissiev's Mis. Kail Potts. Mr. and Mrs. mrer. Is in Pennsylvania, and 'ill Paul Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd visit in Washington. IV V. : n i in I Jamesmi ind Mr. and Mrs Darrell I New York Franks. :i grn I'lat i Ni'.v Mrs NV.-'eand has r of Tintir high re, illy been eiv.ploved at Img'.vav Proving Gr"ind The groi :n is a sergeant in the Air. Corps and is On return stationed at Piigw-ivfrom their lionevnumn th"y will in.ike a Lome in Tooele in gin-s'.Among the la f,ir t.. wedding were Mr mi-Mrs. W. I Mills, and son Kuv. One iif the most famous raring of Salt I.akr: Mr. and Mrs, Juek cars in the uorld. Ab Jenkins' Fen n, Mrs. Opal Pamenti. Helper: Mormon Meteor III, was perman-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klliolt. Keni- enlly retired to a place of honor lworth. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Juliano. in the state capitol Friday. The ton juggerKenilworth: Mr. and Mis. Joseph huge naut which has set more Npwd records than any other car in in7i Mr. and' Mrs. v. g. Pett and the history of racing; the car which has done such a t remen-- 1 daughter n. ien ..f Murray. dons job in giving Utah worldwide publicity for nearly ten ' and she carried a bouquet of red years; the car that is so closely roses and white gladiolus associated with Utah's famed Mrs. J. A. Pilon, sistiT f Bonneville salt flats will race no, matron of honor, was gowti- more. n nvjlin with pink arces-nun- g i Kirll.K Miss Vatrina Lin as. ni the of Cal. after Septcintar. hrilt' was hriilpamahl, and f New Mrs. Il.illquist is a graduate Sl. a nj0 preen nylon lai'e and Tuitir high s hool and the H dy of with n,-- t ballerina length, dress, Kchcnl "I nursing of Salt Cross H ntt'T.dHn' th white accessories Shu has tarn in the VeterIikc. carried nosegays of deep pink ans Hospital in San Franciaci) for several months. the past unele of Mavnaid Mai'or Cronin, The dutli-Ilf groiiiii i eiiijdoyed by I lie the bride, performed the best man. and young Jon Pilon Ralph Mmpliy 'instruction eom-panin San Rafael. was the usher inisei!-- a A delight ful Mrs Lucas, mot her of tin ti shi,,,-ewas Miss lanenus given nvlon print.1 of chi pink ' gown by "rs Charles Slu l.li n. with white ai i essoiim Hi t eor-- 1 Liiois of Mi stiT Hallquist. at sage was of talisman roses. in S.m nsolmo, Cal. home the Immediately following l White glade 'h and yellow Mis Lucas, mother of the the butfet I, ride lmnorcil the newlyweds at ' santheiriuiiis and ling open house. 're also used in satui J11 The voting couple h'fl Tues'Ui.v 'iei attractive home, ora mg veiling for a liuni ymoun to Sun l:M included friends ol Tla gue:.t Valiev and the Nurthwint. They area. WH lie at home in San Rafael, i the bride .i"ii .he Hay irfr-sh-ment- i Wl-ll- f- s out-of-to- A at St. Patricks ceremony, Tuesday, Aug. 12, church in Eureka, united in Marriage Regina Lucas, daughter of Airs. Alargaret Lucas, mid-afterno- and Eric of Capt. organ, and Miss Anclla GiovanMp H'lilqmst of San Raphael. nom condui ting. The bride, given in marriage Rt. Msgi. A. F. Giovan-fjf- u her brother. Jack Linas, was char-- : effieiate.i at the ceremony in her Ballerina length wed- at 4 p.m. (:own of whiti Chantilly Ian1. Ths flower tanked fashioned with fittri Ix'.hce. top- Sanctuary -Me a fitting background for the with 'i small collar, long fit- rmssive cereniany. s whii-- t.ioered , ver the sleev' t?l The bridal party entered the wrists. Small buttons joi ned the 'aurrh to the strains of the Ixihcn-i- n front of the tadire. Brid.il (jhorus, and prior to Her shoulder length veil was wvilding. Gounod's Avc Marie Anne wing by the church choir. caught to a yueen Mum Gertnido Church at the trimmed with seed pearls -' h-- Pa-v- . p-- Iuls llu Jt'ir Place Jelly and Jam lit I. : ! SURE-JE- IVrfwt Seal lime! h-- icrc-i'-."n- chiy-oratei- js-ll- s r m llj 1 J I SALT vv a; CARTONS NO-LEA- K M AZOLA MEATS SLICED BACON Onlfl Coin Pound salads s,nl I'ooking-q- t. cans 63c rK 27c PIEKCES PORK & BEANS (tic CLEAR WATER YELLOW TAIL FLAKES VEAL CHOPS Shoulder 7!)r Pound 43c 79c 2Cans SNO-KREE- M SINCLAIRS FIDELITY and Meaty PIG FEET 5!k 1 1 !) ox. ox. Jar 35c Jar 23c COLD MEDAL Sided BEEF LIVER Young Steer Beef 7!k Pound FLOUR SACSACE (oiintry Style l!U Pound a . C Pound 1110111013 04 u3S BUTTER, rOTTAOE HEESE, ( REAM, HALF & HALF, 5c & 10c Frozen Treats All Flavors KE (BEAM Iean tilUULUiV 5C' Qt. DLL 57c Ft. IU1. 35c ARDEMS MILK NEW - 29s es BORDENS SALAD DRESSING Short Kilts of BEEF Kf Dkjj Jams-Jelli- ; YIC every- - Package For sealing ITe-niipt- i - Live UublKr y styl--tiar- 35- U ( lt d -- Capitol "S'Vrber'or SI; : on MLs Kd the lati Oliver Liieas, touRlas flullmiiKt. wm Famed Racijig Car Finds Resting 99c FRUITS & VEGETABLES GREEN Hi PEPPERS m 25c CALIFORNIA ItillbK GRAPEFRUIT 29 25c ; CANTALOUPES -- rg CROCHETED BUTTERFLIES-Twardrobe will bcom colorNI hutlfrfli- -. A' with crwh-t- -l hutl-rf- li hat very P'in v ' ' Pir X', .J0"' th. up litUw 0th,riM prfMUy S5ssi sns srft: u siSEwtv mm. xssmtasA ,r 0B h mi. OWf IICIIIIVICTlDAYII RANDLES DELIVERY TUESDAY & M A USENET SATURDAY PHONE 179-18- 0 |