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Show REPORTER rill : ynr callin? YOUR in. (o your local correspondent before Tua. day evening SliW ADVERTISING HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER Kifty-On- Volume e T!:i Eureka I- - 1 REMEMBER" jly Mr. (Utah) From The Reporter Twenty Years Ago v, Co., had jil bv they md I per Copy- Number - Thirty-fiv- e District. This during its heyday had SHOO. I pnsluction reerrd of Horne as soon as POO would be reopened Aleiviir which pro-Mrt- y two-thir- T1,ree Hall ,hrP traWng school far dog. 1. Brooklyn and a slmla. Stacey .marly grab themselves aome ahclvea La the refrigerator to beat the beat. had been attained. Mr. Gunderson was highly elated over auccess for the property. the outlook Since he purchased full control of the lease the ore showing had imvalproved considerably and the ues had increased. NOTICE All business houses in Eureka satisfoctory progress was will he closed on Labor Unv. Monof being made with the campaign day. Sept. 3. prospecting at the Big Hill, this work being done under the direction of the North Lily Mining Mark Highly Socials to Company's officials. After sinking the a dephth of about station was cut on main shaft to 19.ri0 feet a the 1900 foot level. Water from the Big Hill waa pumped to the level which connects with the North Lily. Burglars entered the warehouse of P. J. Fennell, located in the rear of the P. J. Fennell Market and made away with considerable merchandise. A check was made which indicated that six sacks of sugar. 2 cases of coffee and one case of milk was missing. Burgla? also entered the Skagg Safeway Store and made away with about $50 worth of merchandise and some small change which was left in the till when the store was closed. Entrance was made through one of the rear windows. A most interesting Mothers and Daughters'' program was given in the LDS Recreation Hall, under the direction of the MIA of Eureka The evening was spent in a most pleasing manner. There were musical numbers, readings, short talks, also games, refreshments and dancing. More than fifty took part in the affair. Mrs. E. L Durfee was given the prize for having the largest number of daughters of Mutual age present at the affair. The lady had three daughters and three grand daughters present. Another prize went to Mrs. Julia Whitehead who had held membership in the organization for the largest number of yean. Mrs. Whitehead had been an active member for fifty-on- e yean. The reunion of the Bauer family was held in Maple Dell in Payson canyon. It was attended by a large number of people from all sections of the state. In the morning a iplendid program was given, Opening of Primary, Mutual MIA (Mning The opening social for Mutual classes of the LDS church will h held Tuesday Sept. 4. at 8 p m. at the home of Air. and Mrs. Lee Bird. All members are urged to attend. Primary Social Opening social for Primary classes of the LDS Church wiil be held Alonday. Sept. 10. instead of Alonday. Sept. 4. as previously announced. Sacrament Service The Sacrament service at the Eureka Ward Chapel were under the direction of Lnrin Thomson. Bishop's first counselor. The congregational singing was under the direction of Ruth Wahlquist, with Norma Jameson at the Organ. The program consisted of musical numbers by Ray Colovich, Charles Robinson and Irene Kay. The speaker of the evening was Don Colovich. on furlough from his station in Hawaii, where he has been stationed with the Alarine Corps for the past 34 months. Mr. and Mre Vera Xevem are varationing in Compton, California. where they are the guests of relatives. Mrs. J. A. Martin and daughter, Eileen, of Poratello, are spending the week with Mrs. Martin's mother. and sister. Afrs. Alary A. Stack and Mrs. Clare Larsen. w son-in-la- .. ry h. r''-rek- a. - Saints, particularly tin- - Eureka rela- - scientists potinds, dressed weight. in j Methodist Church i News, Activities V. B. Cor let t will conRev. duct Sunday morning services at Eureka Alelhodiat Church ,,aV. Sept. 20. Rev. Cnrlett will t H! supply pastor for a few Sundays until apaiint- ment can lie- - mude. The Communion Service previously announced for next Sunday will be held instead on Oct. 7. which is World-wid- e Communion Sunilay. About ten young people of the Alethodist church will accompany their sponsors l(w. and Alra. Orion Sherwmsl to the YACA Camp near Kainas. Utah for the annual Labor Day Retreat on Sept. 1, 2 and 3rd, sponsored by the Salt Lake Council of the United Christian Youth Alovement. High school and college students from ProSun-Wils- ' ' Mining Company Has Funds For Development Project Auto Price Will Rise If Excise Law Is Passed If Congress enacts into law the proposed increase In excise taxes on new automobiles, passed by the House last month, the price of automobiles will rise about $50, G. Lowry Anderson, local Area Chairman for the National Automobile Denlera Association, said today. The present discrimination la made far greater by the House hill which would raise manufacturers' excise taxes on new automobiles from 7 to 10 per cent. The hill lowers tax levies and raises automobile levies,'' he pointed out. "In order to raise treasury Kiwanis Members ference. And Partners con- Alra. Atabel Butler will la the new sponsor of Methodist Youth Frlowahip group. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Kurts and son, Freddy, of Mammoth, drove to Evanston, Wyoming, over the week-en- d and were guests at the home of Mrs. Kurtz's brother and alster-in-laMr. and Mrs. Bernard Green. Meet at City Park Installation rev- enues by $412 million car and truck owners would be taxed and additional $502 million more annually than under current rates. 4-- testant rhurchea throughout Utah are expected to attend this Utah, and has taught for several years in Utah anti Idaho schools. SiiMrintendent Blight reports that everything points to a very aut'ccNsfiil year in the Tintic exhibits. A much imprnvwl poul-- I try exhibit is planned for the 19M fair, with the addition of commercial xHiltry. Stress will In plnced on this industry, which has rapidly grown, and ranka high in the economy picture of our state. Poultry and poultry products are now tming shipped daily to coast points, and even to the Pacific Islanil, from Utah dealers New exhibit cages grace the pigeon section, which in past fairs hn always been an outstanding show. The newly decorated Rabbit Building is ready for the opening, with tho pens in place. The new Swine Barn has twen and ininted. Here completed, again, the pen are all set in place ready for the arrival of tho champions. Outside the front entrance a fine judging pen has been erected, and on the side of the building a wash rack has lieen fitrd up. This building is supplied with water lines, is well lighted, and the flooni are sloped to drain outlets, so a maximum cleanliness will prevail. The interior of the Home Arts and Homo Economics Building Is being entirely redecorated. I , Jess Hamel of Esrakm, Calif., la visiting with Mr. and Airs. Chief Consolidated Mining Company has raised The Eureka Kiwanla club met in Lee Bird and with Mr. and Mrs. regular session Alonday, August Wendell Mrllor. Mr. Hamel is a sufficient funds to carry out an exploration and de27. at the City Park in Homans-villformer resident of Eureka. President Wm. Treioar pre. velopment project in its Eureka district mine, is was sided and expressed his pleasure Air. aad Mrs. Fred IMltmer drove reported Wednesday. at the fine attendance. The firm haa withdrawn fur- Nev over the week-ento At the conclusion of the busin- and Ely. ther public offering of capital the horse races. They enjoyed ess m vision a pot luck aupper waa returned home Boy slock for the time being. No rc Monday. served to Kiwanis members and ofering of remaining shares is furtheir in the immediate future. partners. George Forsey planned Mrs. A. K. Cellahaa and daughniahed the ice cream for dessert, Mrs. Whitney Haight (Maxine Figures on number of shares tater, an'1 n 'hf WM ken by the public, after they were enjoyable Callahan) or Salt Lake City, were one for all those attending. first offered to present stockholddinner giieata at the Fred Johnson In Fall ers. have not been computed as home on Thursday of last week. yet. They came to Eureka to attend Mr. and Daskl Mr. and Jaicr The funds raised from the stock old son of Air. Neil Warr. for Oscar (Swede) daughter, Carlene, are sieiiding a funeral servicesCallahana and Alra. Ivan Warr escaped ser- issue would go to pay in part The Dr. V. K. (Roy) Bartlett, of Ada. learson. formerly k with vacation visiting ious injury last Wednesday when the Chief's share of the S463.420 Oklahoma, waa in town on Monday friends In Denver, Colorado. lived in Dividend. Alinrrala Administration visiting with old friends. He was he fell from the family car as they Defense The project in the No. 1 mine. A ma- a guest at the home of Mr. and were returning to Eureka. Aim. Ella Klrholl of Bingham ia Mr. and Mrs. I'ete Sorenson and mishap occurred near the Copper jor part of the funds are being Mrs. Ned Hickman. Dr. Bartlett fHmily of Afammoth, returned last visiting at the home of her daughLeaf Hill, when the rhild loaned expended for pumping costs. Mr. and Mrs. ter and is a professor of psychology si week after a pleasant vaChief officials said Thursday East (Smtial n the door handle, causing it Wendell Mellor. at State Ada. HoovLrn cation in College Angeles, spent to open. Outside of a few bruises that most of the exploration area Oklahoma. He is the son of Mr. er Dam. and enjoying the scenic nr. watered and that and Airs. T. K. on hi arm. one leg and hip. and had brvn Bartlett, and made wonders of the Southrrn Utah and been had Air. anil Aim. Don Dalton out raising drifting "frightening the daylights" n the 2700-f- t level. his home here for a number of pinks. to Saratoga on Sunday and of his parents, he is as good as roinmenced the his time father during Under the DMA grant for years attended the 011 Fellows and new once again. Ivan haa just waa of Tintic Mr. and Aim. Curtis Phipps and c the firm Sehool Superintendent exploration, Outing, whirh waa held at about decided to make use of some wife Dr. Bartlett's Distriit. f uf Spanish Fork visited at the resort that day. Both Mr. and and the company good strong baling wire next time puts up as Miss family the John Phipps home on Wednes- Mrs. Dalton were very lucky and of tin cost of the projict. will tie remembered In takes his young son ut rid-- j Blanche a former Anderson, ' day of last week. Sunday visitors each won a worthwhile door prize. . ing. at the Phipps home were Atr. and They rrfKirt a large number of Mrv Alonro SandMnitn and Atrs. Howard Phipps and family people attended and all prnnounc-e- d and Mrs, George Brewer ,jv Mr. ami Mrs. Jack Shepherd and. jn Neweastle on Monday it a most enjoyuble day. Marie Hanley i and children, and Bn( Tuesday of this week, visiting daughter, Janet . of Rail Like City l' Mrs. James Hanley of Provo wen with Mrs Sandstroni's parents. visited for a few days last week at the home of Airs Shepherd1 Sunday visitors at the Mrs. Ag- Mr. and Mr John Tulhs. nes 1'iatt and Mr. and Mrs. Jay parrnls. Mr. and Airs. Ned HickThe Afrthodist Youth Fellowship of the Methodist church held their installation service Thursday. Aug. 23, in the Alethodist church at 8 p.m. The outgoing officers planned and presided at the candle lighted service for the new officers who are: Bill Bate, president; Ronald Thomas, Richard Bate, See. and Tress.; Nelda Childs. Worship chairman; Gloria Daniels, recreation leader; Jny Vtati," wortd anii community service chairman. Folowing the meeting refreshments were served. Little Escapes Serious Hurts in town e. d vire-preside- From Car ; 2-- mo-to- ftr-hek- ah lead-zin- one-bal- one-ha- lf Eun-kan- fam-M- r. i iSummer Kindergarten Closed Aug. 20 With Social Given by Teacher fhatterton homes. Mr. und Mrs, Wm. Brown nnd man. Mrs. S.Kl.e M:tchell are spending Air. and Atm. Arthur Smith te- Mr. and Mrv Fred Milliman f tin week in Salt Lake City. Inst week after n three-wee- k on were tumed in Salt Like City and vaeation sN-n- l in pwrts of Mrs. and hiihv Sunday visiting with f Provo, who have heen Miiho, Wyoming and Salt Lake attending th Eastern Star pienir daucht-visit ing at the home of Mrs. Nellie City. , fn-nd- s : The summer kimleigartro sored by the Board of Education Stewart Salt and Falwiinl Hath IjcpI. tv,urnnl home on Tuesday. Tintic K hool District ekisod on Air. and Mrs. John llilpps were of Lis Angeles an spending the Mrs IiTimiltn Laird and Mrs. Kelweek with Henry Frank e nt the lie Lut'd mc'inpanled them to Pro- in Iteher on Alonday and Tuesday Monday, August 20, after a very mu- G. A Franke home. They plan vo. Mrs I,alrd will join her of this week visiting with relatives. siicressfiil amnion, under the Thins-daIn on husband wlo is teaching school their homes to ltH'e Portland, n 'he next week. fr v 4 Mr. anil Mrs. John I'ennell mil iron: Salt Lake CitV oil .l,i y iiii-- lu- - l vis-tei- ! tber. Mrs with Mr I J Fin-- li'i Sa--.- ii Fiii-iii'H- - 11 's Mrs. June Cartwright an! Mrs John B'lik- - were in Salt Lik Citv mi Sunday visiting with Mrs .!:' pi rNin riv-i- e (Lima i p.ivn. who is ir. a Salt Mr.. Until Randle and ehililrn Lake Citv hospital rii iiMra'inga f Pol." Mrs. Jasprrson is in Tom and I" me. and Mi- - Curt: 'it of Afamuioth and nnl fm ii.i-- n r.iiiii" and i bd!ren, Sh known in the wl' tors ym I'. m!v vis I'r.i'n "in of Mrs. Ab'lvtn Wall-- r y j 'k M i 1. '" of Ui: 'le hns hern imj !ji"l if (I Ii 111', i ! .1 for ki.-the ..r-- t Hirer 'r niliron n Mrs. I'. V I'M'l somewhat in. proved T r w i h M:ke.-- - II .1111 Sll. I'..-- tune. ' Like City are Visiting at the- , :)., T.ixWin b,.n:e of Mr and Mis Mr- -. Neil o'llan nnd non. Jack i ,, S:i ' I i t'itv were visitom on Mr. and Aim. Clnremi luiirbi ' ' horn ' J. J. Coffey l .,,, Mr nil' I Mr Mh'Ti imI ('ror.m Mor l.iv Ei ' n furlough mnl will Mm. sl,ll, Baili' .Pi. k 'll'-I- I t ll Pt.iVd I i.! Satlir-Il,f r : to p, o'uinire on fnlPal" till r- Spt '! ? evl'MUg SiP'l SJiel'.t the mgl't a cm i, pui will !' :i g'i'rt , f V"' Painter Of Mrs Myrtle hone Veil le nn.l il.uic':'! Mr. John Kiinl, anil m.h, BABY MAPON . . Stealing lha act from brother who left fako drove In Provo Sunil. tv the I ' !' use. Idaho. Hre viit M.ik.ii Elk's Pnipt' weight bar on carriage. Betsy Files Shoe, I moo., makes like Kamsoa I ,, i .mvi'i'i .'iiil ni"'. celebt.it- -l ii g at tl;- t'Oiiie of Mis. Knfdy Aim. I' J- - D,nn,ll "f was at Philadelphia playground. "Iv.ih being or I'.iV H1 I.'" n.oU'T. M'- ' '1 Citv is visiting at S.i' or Mrs. Elh' l l'"i.: ' r son-in-la- 10-da- y iif 4 1 i i Di-tr- . nt , i I . ft . , t 1 ii: . 1 gr-ni- ,,''''pll'cd a turkey of only in f.iV. . 10 HIAMOM) FOB DANCER . . . Puppeteer Kill Ilalrd adjusts diamond In navel of a puppet appearing In Broadnaj show, FUhootrjr." ' p J hsvi'll i e , w an,l ,v,K,ting frienda. j I In-ii- who whs cm-!- h P,,rk r',y "in'M Prt Ilf One by one exhibit buildings on ter's IVgree. Airs. Ruth J. Howells, teacher of Home Economics and English. Ati-s- . Howells haa bora director at Carlson Hall at the University of the State Fair grounds are lining put in shape. Already, the new poultry exhibit building, enlarged for a complete section fur pigeons, has lieen entirely repHinted. Hnd all the exhibit rages have I wen set in place, and the building is loek- -' ed up ready for receiving of the ; tah-Jua- - Plnvill1. Coffey, Readied for Event Relief Society. Survivor include a son, Darrell Chandler. Saiitaiiun: two j brothers. L. L. Keller. Temple itv. Calif.. Walter Keller, Salt Like City: two sisters, Mrs. Clyde Carter and Airs. Annie GnVn. . h imucn's Associa- - both of Salt Lake City, and three lion was held at Santaquin on grandchildren. Saturday evening. August 25 Funeral services were condiiet- n Monday at 2 p.m. in the P 8 TiL progJam hy .r"ka A meeting. very L-and were as follows: presented by the host department ()H'nmg sing. "Sometime We'll and a delicious hot supper served Understand; ()a-ninprayer. to the members and their partners. George Forsey; song. Know Red,,en,"r by the Those attending from Eureka chorus; speaker, Thomas were: Elmer Weaterlund, Air. and' Chatwin organ aolo, Air. L K. Spurrier, Air. and Airs. Perfect of Santaquin; Day," Norma Jameson, J. J. Cherry, Air. and Alra. J. speaker, Clarenre Bauer; tribute, A. Pilon, Mr and Alra John Rowe Tola Newman; song. In the Garden" Ladies Chorus; Closing prayand Air. and Airs. Jack Nilson. er, Alax L. Shirts. The next meeting will be held Burial was in Provo city cemin Payson the date to bo announcetery under direction of Fsirbsnks-Pyn-e ed later. Alortuary of Orem. out-of-to- '"wy Teacher vacancies at the Tinlic high schiMil have heen filled. Krith Wilson, coach and physical education. Air. Wilson, formerly has (aught at Bliss, Idaho, and conies well recommended. He is a boxing iiml wrestling champion and a basketball and football star. He wns secured through tho B. Y. U.. where he has completed his Mas- Exhibit Building At Fair Griunds two-wee- Mrs. (Hear Pearson of Dividend by games and amusements was a Salt Lake City visitor on of various kinds and at noon a Wednesday of this week. delicious dinner was served. Those Mrs. Wesley Christensen of Divatending from Eureka were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence is recuperating at her homo idend and Mr. Bauer, Mrs. Heber stay at the Bauer, Miss Kate following a ten-da- y Bauer. Heber Bauer, Jr., Dean Holy Cress hospital in Salt Lake and Fred Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Citv. Eldred Royle and rein Evan of Bberta and Mias Edith Barthol-neAirs. Ini Miller returned to her of Goshen. home in Dividend on Wednesday Miss Della Green, a teacher in after spending the week in RailI Rden was in Eureka, being a Lake City with her daughter an flfrst of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ilatt. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mrs. r. J. Russell. Jr. entert- Conlin. ained a few frienda in honor of her husband's J. It. (Kinphell returned home on birthday. In the Playing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wednesday after spending the past where Bcn won the prizes. A delicious two weeks in Butte. wpper was served to: Mr. and he visited with relatives Mrs. Bacon , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. "iwon. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Jones Miss Mitralien and Miss Emmie and Mrs. Hannah Reece. of Glendale. Calif, daughHogan The members of the Entre Nous ters of Bishop and Mrs. Clarence club, starting out on Hogan of Lvndyll. visited with also twenty-firs- t year of work, their parents last week. They with eeaumed their No sos-ne- spent a dav in Spmigville meetings. wen held during the Gloria and Busty ". Mr. and Afrs. The paper Mary Carlos Kife. The lfogan fanuly Scots", was given by formerly im.de th-- ir home in jjenD- of J .Kuw,,H. Sr. and all aie well known in fie Mrs. Walter was hos- - District. Morgan, to the members of the Felix folks ,ti. the time was spent playing Anions the of Oscar ndgp". The high score prize here for the funeral a won by Mrs. Clarence Gniir-th- e I Swish i rears 'n. wen Aicbros Mr and Mis rut prize- - to Mrs. S. R. Nord. Ivan neriey. Following the cards a Manuel L'V'ila. Mr and Mr J'' " u'. luncheon was served to: Hodge and sun. Jink "f Vern ,i,vnrd Cronin. Mrs. Allen Mr and Mi MwGnurlcv. Mrs. Goshen. Mrs I'- - il J';,k George . ' T. Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Eer-gmim.l Mr and Mrs Cal H'"" , c nd Mrs. Hugh Atherlev. Mrs. I': i U! ar-- fMi;. Mrs. George What-"t- - layson. resident-- . lf'lin Nilsnn, Mrs. May-le- v CT Mrs. Clarence Gniir- -' . Mr. a ml Mr. M"m ll'fhiii.nt Mrs- - R. II. Atherlev. aid 'b.ldcn " iL-i- Ail'll'' weik-el'Elmer i-Paulson of Ran d ' " ' U'.r spent Irovo Calif, was in Eureka Ml r tilat Hn"r Yith h,r "'stere. U.Mrs. G. Andie" nn,l Mrs. Hrnn.;,, ..' J Iailtcr-da- y Firemen Conduct Meet at Santaquin m fol-kw- sum-mont- the n nicncc Wednesday morning. Mrs. Liiiihc Keller Chandler resident of Seelye. fix, long-tim- e Eureka, died Friday. August 24. at the family residence of n heart ailment. Mrs. Seelye was Imrn in IhK.'l in Mona. Juab county, a daughter of Henry and Klii.-- i Keller, and spent the early part of her life there. She attended Atona schools and was married to Clarence C. Chandler in 1900. They made their home in Eureka and she had resided here since. After his death she was married to George Seelye in 1919. in Salt Like City. She was Hn artive mem)er of the Church of Christ of had purchasinterest in the ed the Scotia lease held by Arthur Ferris and Virgil Berry of Mammoth. TOtse men had been operating the Tin-u- c property located in the West Martin Gunderson mom-i- jr, September 4. Kejjistration of all students will be held at ii a.m. and regular class instruction will com- - Mrs. Louise Seelye i for stveral Mining Uistrict months, during which time they had shipped considerable ore of a fair grade. Many losses had wor-l- d the old Scotia property and lots of money had been spent there but up to that time no degree of Schools in tlu District will open Tuesday Funeral Services Held Here For eonstimated wheivsecured control of Sacramento Gold and (juick-,-Hv- r uf the Company Abning liv-e- 10c continually adding to in Utah. Mr mineral holdings was that a mailt, Aniuiin'i,,i,nt - Old -- of the North Li,y MininK npr the Friday, August 31, liiol- - Tintic Schools Open Tuesday, Sept. 4; Teacher Vacancies Have Been Filled IMfo "ivlnUniHtional Smelting lieporti-r- , iT r.v of Mrs. Fred Jidinuon. students were regia-o- f and the daily attendant'' perviaion j Twenty-tw- o tered was very I i got!, children attending kindergarten will lie eligible to attend first grade this coining school year, and who will In six years of age bv Oet. 31. 1951. The students were given a party ion tin closing day of school at the home of Atrs. Johnson. The yoiingstirs had a grand time playing games on the spacious lawn at the Johnson hoine, and ,is a fitting cliiunx to a uifiiiotHhle day. Mrs. Johnson solved tasty refreshments to the llttli people. Atm. Dcllu W all of Salt Like City is spending her vacation in Eureka at the home of her son and , Air .and Mik Iniighter-hn-luwWall. v son of I.jnn Warr, Mr and Mrs. Rex Warr, formerly of Eureka, now making their home ' in Payson. was stricken with polio Hus past week and is in a Salt Like City hospital. Latest reporta Hre that the little boy ia quite ill. |