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Show 1950 August IS The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Deon Blackett Mrs. of the FJite oKhlit I'VfiiinS K,mi- Round About Town . . . Club pertains - last Wednesday Mr. lm of Bliu-ki-lt- . I tilths uut Suy.fcMteu hitvhI i delirious named and to Mrs. Prl- Mra. Clara Jerman. Mrs. Coffey, Mrs. Elaie Nilson, rueBt Mr. Mar Blackett. Mm. George Brown of visited at the home of Mr. SSrMm Maynard Cronin during . uni celebration. I Coming Events.. E. S. Menlo 1 Tintlc Chapter No. ii I, I a OES will annual Robert Morris plc-Aug- at the city park at 20 luncheon will Pjn Pot luck the order of theday. At Hospital ed , . . - . jni.ii.wi M. V. F. Meet HYP meeting, August 20, at of (JO p.m. under the direction Mr. Orion : ( o mmj I '.rents iVcuS : Mr. t Mi i, ?" m.Provo.i,y hSS!t Sherwood. ... of I - Baby Gift Set hom S? gj SLslIto two-we- for CONGRESS because: - IC 'ro will be remembered as Miss Cronin, sister of Mrs. Lucas. ... r Frank Hickman Leaflet No. ' S,n board meeting will evening at 7:30 pm. at the Methodist church. This meeting is being called by the prerident, Harry Randle. An official be held Friday The E. R Whoelocke were bock In town enjoying the festivities on Saturday. The Wheelocka recently moved to Spanish Fork to make their home, and like all loyal Eurekans, used the slightest excuse to come home" again. m Card of Thanks wish to extend onr He Is honest and sincere in trying to do something for Utah. He la a fighter with the to demand courage Utahs share of the Colorado River water to be put to beneficial use before it la lost to Utah. He has spent much time and his own money to further this cause so vital to Utah's future. He knows the problems of Utah municipalities through experience. He has served four terms os mayor of Nrphi: He Is first Utah Municipal League; member Utah Water and Rawer Board; director, Utah State Water Usand ers .Association, director, 21 counties Colorado River Development Committee. LUSTROUS lor odds a rich and decorative border to this blanket and the new baby. The deep lailn binding are padded then quilted with diagonal machine ititchlng. Uae oit lightweight wool In your favorite baby paalel to make (he set. A direction leaflet lor the CARRIAGE AND PILLOW COVERS may be obtained by sending a damped, envelope to the Needlework Department pi this paper requeuing Bolin nd family are visiting at the home f Mr. and Mrs Hcber Cushing. f The Hickmans are former resi- r' denU and are now making their h0m' ek AM for PRESTON L JONES I Grant Hands! rom of Salt Lake Mr. Orion Sherwood and Miss City viaited with his uncle Bishop Barbara Ellerbeck were in Eureka Sandstrom on Sunday. Mr. Sand-atrois leaving in September on Sunday. They drove out from Salt Lake City in order that Mr. Sher- a minion to Sweden, for the IDS wood could take care of the ser- church. He is the aim of Gus Sandstrom of Salt Lake City. vices at the Methodist church. Board Meet Notvs CiUSSUUnci Birthday At Silver con-(isVra Howard Greenhalgh is Fork. to the Payson hospital, where The adds congratula- iht underwent a major operation tiona toReporter those of her many friends Latest m Tuesday morning. In extending congratula- ore that ahe la Improving tions and bestbirthday wishes. Sr- lirtivs worldly goods you gain Jn, Ml thla struggle and strife It's the little things you give Thut make it a worthy life Offer to all, a welcome hand As you pass along your way Sow deep the seeds of kindness That will bloom another day A word for on. in, Xnj raii, to A helpful c Will clear a cloudy day veniary, Tuesday afternoon. Aug. Then turn to the path 15. at her home in Silver leading City. homeward Many friends of Mrs. Hickman called during the afternoon to ex- Knowing you have done your tend birthday congratulations. She part received many lovely gifts. The And God will witness the reward party was especially enjoyable tn You will find in your own heart her since she has Nen confined to bed fo rthc past year. Among the friends and relatives attending the party and enjoying a piece of the beautiful birthday cake, was her sister-in-laMrs. Frieda Tinder, of Twin Falls, Ida., and Mrs. Sadie Klmer and Mr. and Mrs. Golden Elmer of Spanish " iIWMIimi,ii O. (.1 nit It Isn't the Celebrates 88th Jfthe if jubilee : TO HEM EMBER"By Wayne E. (Umli Sadie Hickman SSault. prrt ; rupifli'meril.s - tn those h Marriuii(s . Charles (Burk) Eden la spending his furlough In Eureka with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eden. He Is stationed at San Antonio, Texas, and is In the Army Air Corps. Mr. orul Mrs. Warren Holman small and son, (Norma Forney) Mr. and Mrs. Jock Hodge of Salt Larry, of St. Louis, Mo., are spend- Lake were guests st the home ing a months vacation at the of Mr.City end Mrs. Jack Nllsol during home of Mrs Salmon's parents, the Silver Jubilee celebration, Mr. and Mrs. George Forney. Other visitors at the Forsey Frank Birch was a recent visihome during the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Garth Manson and tor in Eureka. Mr. Birch waa a resfor many family of Frovo. Mr. Manson has ident of Tintlc District been recalled to active duty and years. At the present time he Is will be stationed at Spokane, Wash- residing In Salt Lake City. ington for the present. Mis. Ferris Bell and family of Mr. and Mrs. David Forsey of Calif., are spending the Loa Monterey, Allen Mrs. Beth of and Payson In summer Eureka with Mrs. Bell's Forof the sister Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Katies Towers. Mrs. mother, were the here enjoying sey "boys" celebration and were also guests Bell will be remembered as Esther Towers. at th Forsey home. Mrs. Nellie Rowe returned home Miss Marcella Ekloff of Salt Lake City spent the weekend In Saturday, after a pleasant vacation spent In Ogden with Eureka, visiting with her mother, Mrs. Genevlev Ekloff. She her son and daughter-in-law- . to Eureka by Mr. was accompanied Mrs. Anna McDonnell was Provo visitor on Tuesday of thla and Mrs. Joseph May and baby, of Salt Lake City. week. wnrt dub spent fuinixhcd the evenings with Mrs. Beth Frank prize anl Mr. Kthel & Page Three ... e e home Guests at tho of Mrs. Margaret Hannifin for the Jubilee celebration were Mias Ethel Gadd, Mrs. T. D. Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan and daughter, Mary Jean and Mrs. McPolin of Salt Lake City. nt Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas were: Mrs. L. W. Hunter of Sacramento, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Golden White and Mr. George Kirk of Goshen, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Green and son and daughter, Chad and Irons of Salt iful floral offerings. Lake City; Mias Jackie Pritchett R. II. RTRINT.HAM Mr. and Mrs. James Brody and Signed, of Sacramento, Calif., Mr. and Colorado "Vernal Stockman" sons of the Sontaquln enjoyed Xra Robert GUllsple and family 21 Counties Hirer Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Rich Ekker and daughters, Development celebration and were guests at the Committee; Former Mayor of VerMrs. Sadie Mitchell are spending Betty, Patsy, Ann and Jean, from VOTE home of their son and duaghter-ln-lanal; Former member of State Lethe week in Salt Lake City. Mr. West Tintlc. "Jones for Congress" Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brady. Brown Is receiving treatment on gislature, and past District GoverPrimary Election Eat nor of Uons. Bernell Thomas, son of Mr. and his eyes at St. Marks hospital. Sept. 5 Mis. Mr. and Theodore Haynes Mrs Ed Thomas, who la emPolitical Advertisement Jones for (Paid are by their Committee) vacation Congress spending visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Garity mode ployed at the Ekker ranch, came In relatives California. southern a short, but highly Interesting trip in to participate in the rodeo, and last week They traveled to Idaho (incidentally he won the prize saddle Idaho Falls ; Bozeman and Butte money for the beet CODDLED APPLES bronc riding.) and Yellowstone Montana, through Eurelta's oldest and best, There Is nothing like a colorful, Park. They drove over 1300 miles Sir. and Sirs. Bert Thomas, Mrs. cool salad to spark appetites In in four days, and report a very Everybody Welcome L. W. Hunter and Mrs. Ed Thomas any season. Add thla new apple 3HMMP3HP Interesting outing. motored to Provo last Monday salad to your fils of choice recipes. Coddled Apples night, where they attended the cups sugar wresUlng matches To say they were exciting, would just be an 1 cups water red food coloring understatement. 1 small stick cinnamon 8 small to medium apples; Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer of Elnuts, to garnish be rta, were in town on Saturday, ounces cresm cheese ltt festhe and other 4 enjoying parade tablespoons fortified margarine tivities in connection with the Sil curly endive or other greens ver Jubilee. Mix the sugar, water, coloring, and cinnamon and boll about 9 Mrs Henry Greenhalgh of San-taqu- ln minutes. The Instructions tgi the and daughter, Onleda, of package of coloring should be folSan Francisco, Calif., were In town lowed. Some colors art more confor a few hours on Tuesday, visit- centrated than others. If a liquid Is about one teaspoonful will ing with Mrs. Elizabeth Jerman used, give a deep rosy color. Peel and at the S. L. Jerman home. core applet and cook In syrup until tender and red In color. Drain and cool. When ready to serve, cream the cheese and margarine together and fill the center of the apple. Top with a blanched almond, pecan, speaking of census figures . or other nut Garnish with endive BY THE OLD TIMERS or other greena Serve with hot IVAPOIATID PEACHES muffins and margarine. From n. E. Dutton of Chicago to For other tempting, nutritious Halves No. 2XZ can 29c I remember Marios Leonard: food Ideas, send today for your CAUNET commisfree copy of "Mealtime Marvels when song writers were 50c BANK 20c 4 with Margarine, a helpful, sioned to write songs that carried In two booklet colors. Write as recipe such Un an advertising plug, Sweetheart Deal National Cotton Council, Box 7L Tfenn. pakon Memphis, 4 23c and Sirs. Wm. Gear are spending their vocation In Spring-vill- e at the home of their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos (Rusty) Rife, and in Salt Lake City at the home of another daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Emron Birch. Mr. deep and thanks to our many MndS) neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness during We are ear recent bereavement. my grateful for the many beautWe son-in-la- w, vlee-Fresidc- son-ln-l&- At lipias Cafe all-rou- 6-- 2-- n REMEMBER MILK efaAoHe PofudcMow Mfi 133 32-pa- ge Jn Utah Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jerman and daughter, Cathy, and Misa Barbara Jerman visited over the weekend at the S. L. Jerman home. The 1940 census gave 650,310, Utahs population as while tentative 1950 figures show that there are 686,839 people in the state, a gain of about 25. But telephone population has gone up much faster. In 1910 this Company was serving 79,400 telephones in Utah; now the figure has skyrocketed to 185,000, a gain of 133 I Bringing a telephone into the world" involves a lot more than just delivering it. It has to be connected with all other telephones, which means Mix. Mary Potts, Eureka Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson and daughters. of Salt Lake City, returned home on Sunday, after a pleasant vacation spent in southern Calif. that wires, poles, cable and central office equipment must be available. Moreover, ns telephones are added, the job becomes more complex and costs (particularly at today's high prices) go up. Keeping abreast of demand for telephone service in Utah has required an expenditure of and In der the Anheuser-Buschear Lei's Oldsmobilc. My Merry from some other old timers who remember similar songs of yesteryear. h city went to town during the war with programs, sham battles and everybody singing, 'Just Break the News to Mother. My Sweetheart Went Down With the Maine. Just as the Son Went Down. No one, even then, knrw the words to the national anthem but everyone could sing 'Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight Including all verses and repeated choruses." the end of the war. And, if Utahs telephone needs are to be met, large additional amounts of new capital will be This must come from investors, anil people will invest their dollars with us only if some flooded. our earnings compare favorably with those of other businesses. jMonntain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. Keg. FLOUR 3.45 Sea and Ta dressing Whole Kernel CORN 303 cans qt. 47c nint 28c for old-lim- e tll Dog Food 2 ean 27c Corn Pop Deal Kelloggs 2 pkg. 17c 29 5 11). Hag Rolled HEWLETT IIOTCAKE Lg. Can PILIjKIHJKY Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cronin and daughter, Ann. of Reno, Nev left Saturday morning after a weeks visit st'lhr home of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cronin. They also visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin and Mrs Margaret PANCAKE 1 Vi 2 lb. pkg. for Branded for for Valual Quality-Trimm- ed Rib Lucas. (Readers who would like to list week. tunes still of the may dd memory in their Mrs Hula IliHenharh of Richfield Unerring to e was In town on Saturday, taking So on a postal card ud the Old Tuners' Column. Box 310, in the celebration and visiting at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Theriault. Frankfort, Ky.) Mrs Theriault accompanied Mrs. on the return trip to Fullenbaek tVInrhes of Davis M. From Irene a car " You can Richfield, and will visit for a few trr, Ind.: Ids shavings.' days at the Fullenbach home. penicr by Ken L Ration 32c MARGARINE: IGA SALAD by, Mr and Mrs. H. It Atherley and son Patrick of Marysvale, visited over the weekend at the home of Mrs. P. J Fennel. The Atherley daughters. Mary Mike and Marhave been visiting garet Ann, who home for the past at the Fennell week returned home with their parents on Sunday. Misa JoRae Fennell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fennell, also accompanied the Atherley on the return trip and will visit in Marysvale for tht for Hath I for Hlue Honnett Mrs. Kate lVndray and Mrs. Nell Rowe left Monday for Salt From E. E. Mrrldith of Fairmont, Lnke City, where Mrs. Pcndray I remember hiw our will receive medical treatment W. Va.: From "Dibble of Chicago: "I remember when everybody was singing. Casey Jones. Why Don't the Angels Tlay With Me? The Down Bird In the Uiided Cage. Went VcGinty to the Bottom of the 318,600,000 since Mrs. George Seal and son. Bobf Salt Lnkt City, was a recent visitor st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson. for 35c Boil-l- b Hamburger-lb- . RED SPUDS-- 10 II) CUCUMBERS Slice rs each (JR. PEPPERS (JR. CORN doz 33c fic II). Loin Pork . . Chops-lb- . Mutton Chops-l- b .55c 69c ..45c (rib and loin) Seedless (JRAPES-- Ib. Cantaloupes 27s ea. ORANC.KS 176s-- lb. RANDLE'S DAY II Delivery Tues. & Sat. Phones 179-18- 0 |