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Show AugusU.iss, The Eureka (Utah) Reporter Page Four PUZZLES GAMES STORIES PICTURES DO-I- T King Mike of (Patch Facts and Things Keelboat Fame About Illinois BY LEE PRIESTLEY J)EM EMBER Paul Bunyan? Well, herei another (abuloua fellow called Mike Fink, who from the day he waa born In a log cabin In Pittsburgh, way back when that waa the edge of Indian country, it waa plain that he was going hero. to be a tail-ta- le For one thing Mike had as big a set of hardships to light as any hero before or after him. For another, when he'd licked one set of 'hardships Mike made it a point to tackle some new ones. Even in his cradle be wasnt satisfied until he er all the other could babies in Pittsburgh. When he was still a little tad, not more than half as tall as his Bang-a-ll rifle, he could outshoot anybody in Ohio Territory. Any time there was a beef or turkey shoot, they gave Mike and Bang-a- ll the first prize without even letting him shoot at the target That was to keep Mike from entering the competition where hed be sure to win not only first prize but all the others! Mike Joined the Rangers then. He licked several Indian tribes single-hande-d, fought bears out of their hollow logs so hed have a place to sleep, and got so he could out-ro- ar the thunder of Niagara Falla. At last he was in good shape to become a keelboatman. You had to be tough to live in the West at all, but everybody said the toughest of all Westerners were the keelboatmen on the wild rivers. IEeMOUSE WREN sings a SONG OF ONE SECOND PUMTlON ANP REPEATS IT AT INTERVALS OF TvO SECONDS.. .OFTEN FROM DAWN UNTIL . ... : JATLllUL HABITAT OF iheSEASPIPERjs IM THE ANTARCTI- C- Utah Am. Legion To Work For U. S. Stabilization HAVE EARFLAPS TH4T CAN BE PULLED POWN fol IM THE DAYTIM- POSERS: 1 Oranges, Wheat, Cheese, Automobile. 2 A pup. 3 Red. 4 At the South Pole. 5 Because most kinds of dirt dissolve in water and water la safer than most cleansing liquids. an Indian. Mike was king of the keelboats good many years, but he finally got licked. It was all the fault of Robert Fulton, who Invented the steamboat Mike had predicted steamboats would be a failure so he sulked considerably when they not only traveled the rivers but began towing keelboats. for a her whistle and rang her bell to signal that Mike must heave to and wait, for she wanted the channel. "If she takes the channel, 111 sink her!" Mike thundered, setting his jaw. The steamboat came on, pushed by her paddle wheels. The keel-bo- at jumped ahead at every bite of the keelboatmen'a oars. The steamboat pilot's face turned green and his arms whirled as he twisted the wheel trying to get out of Mikes way. But it was too late. With a terrific crash, the steamboat stove in the side of the keel-bo- at The steamboat went limping off, badly smashed, but the keel-bo- at began to sink. Mike Fink went overboard in a long dive. And from that day to this, he hasn't been seen on the Ohio or the Mississippi. But Mike always said when he got licked hed go off to a new river, and Mike waa a man of his word. Folks do say that there's a new king of the keelboats on the River by Clem S. Schramm, chairman of Secthe Utah Legion's three-ma- n urity Commission. Schramm said that members of the four-ma- n special executive board are currently preparing a civil defense program for release thla week to post com- CHICAGO, largest city in Illinois, la the center of this word The second word ia diamond. "a pronoun, 7 third "a steeple," fifth "muse of poetry," and sixth "aelf-esteem- ." C H 1 CHICAGO A ACROSS 1 Illinois city of floods 8 Regulations 7 Hawaiian garland 8 Haughty bearing 10 Eternity 11 Ceases 13 Courtesy title DOWN 1 Crinkled fabrics 2 Symbol for gold 3 Middlewestern state 4 Bamboolike grass 5 Willows 9 Decays 12 G O Posers What outstanding commodity associated with these statu: California, Kansas, Wisconsin and Michigan? 2. Is a baby squirrel called a pup, a aquirrelette, or a kitten? 3. Is the first stripe in the United Statu flag red or white? 4. Are penguins found at the North Pole, Equator, or South Pole? 5. Why do we wash in water? 1. He Meant Well is Pair (ab.) a pillar of business BROOKS NO EXCUSES "THE SLAVES EITHER TOETHE LINE OR "One of the main purposes of the special drive la to educate Utah citizens In the evils of hoarding to prevent rationing of essential foodstuffs and commodities," said Schramm. "Hoarders, by creating artificial scarcities In an The nice old lady smiled at the little boy who had bun left in charge of the small bakery. "Don't you sometimes feel tempted, son, to eat one of those Depends Where cup cakes?" she asked. The little boy appeared someIn most places, if you don't tell what Indignant "Course not, all you know, you're considered ma'am. That would be stealing. smart At school, if you dost 1 only lick the icing." youre dumb. The total la approximately what th state spends annually on state including coat of op--1 era ting its Institutions of higher education, its roads and welfare. According to the commission, per capita consumption of ciger- ets during the year ended June The use of residual fuel oil If electric utilities reached an time high in 1949, according to To government figures. The peak fir the year was hit in October wba TI ODS $42 Million 6.7 million barrels were consunri ' over 103 per cent more than h October 1949. Similar figures wif reported for other months as smokd and drank lea. 71,5 Packaei Per man com- industry expansion increased suyear than they did in the preced-- 1 ing one, the still spent 342,451,805 an and chUd during th preceding pplies of all types of fuel oil W on cigarets, beer wine and whis- 12 months. home owners and industry. key, according to a report WednesBeer consumption dropped from day by Patrick Healy, Jr., State 11.3 to 11.1 gallons per person tures for wine and liquor dropped tax commission chairman. per year and per capita expendl- - from 318.93 to 318.05. Cigarets, INTEGRITY manders. CROSSWORD: Diamond The Human Race Quincy Straightlace, Cost Drinks Utahns taf MlS SfuNIONK pacific RAILROAD "One of the world's great thinkers has said: 'Countries are well cultivated, not as they are fertile, but as they are free That's a good warning for all A of us!" A HIM p CHICAGO ERATO EGO O E- le, 11 rubber bands together with, slip knots. SPIRE Le shirt, blue Jacket and a leather cap. To show that he was the beat man aboard in a fair fight or a he wore a red feather in the leather cap. But Mike wasnt satisfied with that He wanted to be head man all up and down the Ohio and the Mississippi riven. So he started out licking the champion of every boat on the liver. Pretty soon Mike had so many red feathers he didn't dare put them all in his cap at one time for fear folks would think he waa rough-and-tumb- C SHE k, TO SHUTOUT THE NOSE- MAKINO IT POSSIBLE THEM TO SLEEP 4 DIAMOND: Crossword OWLs Fasten cletli around ball a RUBBER BAHtt. ILLINOIS CITIES: Springfield; Elgin; Princeton; Vandalla. TEnaau T m. ILLINOIS RIVERS: Sangamon; Kankakee; Rock. Rearrange the letters In each group of mixed up words below to form the names of three rivers in Illinois NO GAS MAN EKE AN AKK CORK nt The American Legion of Utah thla week called upon its 117 active posts to man special post security committees to handle a civil defense role aimed at stabilizing American economy In the face of growing war hysteria. nils announcement waa made CLOTH to Lit around a RIMER Vandalla to Springfield. Illinois Rivers or poling, or pulling the boats upstream by a rope. After hed fought the river all day, Mike would go ashore and lick anybody between Pittsburgh and New Orleans Just to keep his muscles from getting rusty. If nobody wanted to fight, Mike would dance all night and escort QNE day a brand new steamboat the girls home at daybreak. all white and gilt paint met To show ha wu a keelboatman, Mike Fink's dingy old keelboat Mike wore butternut britches, red face to face. The steamboat tooted Jordan. bush-whacki- 1 Cut a piece of J Puzzle Answers SCRAMBLED SENTENCES Van-dal- la Lincoln, led move capital the the then Abraham rising fight a young, from lawyer, state out-holl- IN no time Mike Fink was the best In the West at rowing, or I Words do not appear in their Four Illinois cities are hidden in correct order in this sentence this rebus. Careful study of the about lllinola Can you straighten words and picturer will bring Abraham Lincoln, then a rising them to light: young lawyer, led the fight to them out? move the Illinois state capital from to to lllinola Springfield. pUS., . Illinois Cities Scrambled Sentence rmsna nm NN GfA SSOCfATION TRAVEL wE.pwrttarssrj Chief Brand Lime THE RESTFUL WAY Visit the great cities of the East . . . the nation's many historic shrines. CHIEF HR AND HIGH CALCIUM modern equipment coaches or Pullmans. Enjoy delicious meals LIME S. ! c Specialize in High Calcium Chemical Hydrate for Mills and Smelters !! J i , I ji CHIEF 608 Dooly Huildinjr in new smart dining cars. Relax in air conditioned comfort, without a care in the world as the miles whizz by. t : CONSOLIDATED S artual time of plenty, cause prices 4 "Next year's bathing suits are rr bi ungh to keep a girl to skyrocket and bring about hated from tanned being where she ought but necessary government con to be." - Southern California U's trots." Wampus. I FERTILIZERS O PLASTERING I Take your choice of MINING A trip on the Union Pm is a vacation in itseli CO. I Salt Lake City Plant: Saddle, Utah A I For Dependable Passenger and Freight Transportation Be Specific - Say UNION PACIFIC |