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Show mtm THE REPORTER appreciate s your calling in news items to your local correspondent before Tues- day evening Volume I 'i I I i i ; i I 5 Fifty T.S.M.0.L&P. Chairman Gets "Court of Honor Letters From Washington, D.C. Held For Scouts ual falls within an enumerated occupational group, however, does not in itself make such individual an employee under this paragraph of the definition, unless the contract of service by mining lessees) are to be performed personally by such individual, there is no substantial investment (other than the investment by a salesman in facilities for transportation) in the facilities of the trade or business with respect to which the service is performed, and the service is not in the nature of a single transaction. I hope this information satisfactorily answers your questions, DOG JOINS UNION The but whenever I can be of further wonder-do- g with the homes service to you. please do not heal- braia, Bebe, puts her paw print tate to write. on an application to Join the Sincerely yours, American guild of variety arK. 6000 and I am, therefore, makW. K. Granger tists. Though Bebe Is considered letter for your arrangements ing Member of Congress a brainy canine, shes never and the resolution to be made part bothered to learn to read or of the record of hearings. If for writs. any reason this is not satisfactory Injured I will appreciate your letting me Clyde Campbell received painknow without delay. ful injuries while at wor at the Sincerely yours, Chief Cons. Mine on Tuesday. Walter F. George Two ribs were torn loose from the Chairman. 3 breast bone, and the collar bone Dear Mr. Quigley: was damaged some, when he was I am sorry to have delayed so crushed between two mine cars Chief Consolidated, 56; Godiva, long in replying to your letter of on the 1900 level of the mine. He 4; Centennial Lease, 2; R: L. Gar-itlewas attended by Dr. Johnson and January 4 relative to certain 1 (silica); Dragon Consolid gislation, but I hope you will later taken to his home. dated, 6. that the pressure of legislative business has not permitted an immediate reply. To your questions Number 1 and 2 relative to mining legislation, I want to reply as fol- I ... Ore Shipments For Week Ending Feb. y, under-stan- Tintic Plays Host To Springville lows: The House Public Lands Committee amended the bill, S. 2105, so as to provide more effective aid than was provided by the bill as passed by the Senate. The ComTintic will be host to Springville Friday mittee contemplates no further amendments if the measure reach- the Tintic High School Gym. Even though Springville es the floor. It is the understandis a the battling additop that of Committee position, this game should be ing worth going to see, for the Miners tional amendments to provide are from thrir defeat more effective aid would result in at Springville and will do their a veto by the President. Pertinent best to tip them from their high amendments made by the Committee are as follows: position. The Tintic team always gives plenty of tough opposition reThe (a) provision requiring on their home floor and are in just exfor funds of payment granted j Last Saturday was a big day for the right frame of mind to make ploration projects in the event Miss Bonnie Ryan of Eureka and this "breather" for Springville a profits should accrue from produc- Miss Mary McIntyre of Mammoth hard one to swallow. such tion resulting from explora- when were The promise of a hard fought into social they pledged tion, was deleted. sororities at the University of clean and sportsmanlike game of definimines (b) The Small Utah. Miss Ryan was pledged into basketball can be assured to all tion was broadened to include ores the Alpha Phi sorority and Miss who come to see the game. of minerals and metals other than McIntyre into Delta, Delta Delta. copper, Wad, and zinc. Both young women graduated (c) Provisions were added re- from the Tintic High School in quiring (1) that each producer be 1949, and they are both members furnished a copy of each analysis of the University Band. i of his case used as a basis for aid Climaxing a week of a formal extended or modification or de- membership drive, the new pledges nial of his application, and (2) (some 160 freshmen coeds) were that annual reports in detail be feted by various fraternities in the The Eureka delegation that atpresented to the Congress. It was first day of their new sorority tended the State and Area Methfelt that small mine operators in life. After signing pledge cards in odist Youth Fellowship Church in particular would be aided by keep- the Union building, the receiv- Salt Lake City, Sunday made a ed pledge pins in solemn ceremon- great scoop, thanks to the initiaing all matters in the open. ies conducted by their new sis- tive and personality of Lois and added was (d) An amendment The was a whirl of act- Eleanor. providing that Advance payments ters. and day fun, with many of the They secured the next meet may be made for exploration pro- ivity The Committee felt fraternities holding open house for which will be April 2nd, for Eurejects, . . ka. This area consists of all Utah, that small operators would not be the coeds. I able to conduct exploration propart of Western Colorado and Eastern Nevada, in the Ely Mcof if share Government's i the jects I' i Gill district n the cost were to be paid only after to a hunan Inspection of the completed proProbably seventy-fiv- e dred young people, together with and audit of the ject operator's I pastors and adult leaders will conbooks. verge upon Eureka; it will be up As the second part of your first to us to furnish certain musical question, Do you think that the and as we Mrs. Milton Jonen and daughter features especially, fifty percent contribution by the Government ran be interpreted Laronna, of Malad, Idaho, spent shall need the moral support of at the home of Mr. the entire community to help put to mean that the Government will the week-en- d and keep Eureka on the map. furnish supplies as a contribution and Mrs. Don Carlson. The following made the trip and against the miners own labor for Mrs. Genevieve Kkloff spent the attended the meet: Mrs. Lula Bahis contribution? Jet me say that in Salt Lake City visit- ker, V. L. Anderson, Allan Randle, the Committee recognized this week-en- d with her Mary daughter, Miss Mar- Harry Randle, Adelza Dean. Eleanneed in its report on the bill. The ing Lou Farren, Carlene Jasper, first sentence at the top of page cella Ekloff or Jackson. Lois Randle, Bonnie 8 of the report reads as follows. Snell. Betty Weitzeiland, and the Sand-ntrnAlonzo and Mrs. Bishop "Furthermore, a portion of many Pastor. Tullls Scott and and a producer's share in an explorafamily All stopped on the way at a tion project may be in the form of were in Salt Lake City Saturdinhis personal services and equip- day. Bishop Sandstrom reports restaurant in north Provo for ner nine out of eleven ate and has Haun Charles (Chick) ment, supplies, and utilities fur- that and chips. nished rather than a direct money been very ill. but latest reports "fish The Methodist Youth Felloware that he is much improved. outlay." Mrs. Wendell Mellor was in Pro- ship, which meets every Thursday No date has been set as yet for this bill to be brought to the floor vo on Monday getting acquainted eve at 7:30 will give a Valentine 16, using living valof the House for a vote because with her new grandson, the new PaPrty Feb. admission No and everyentines. the Rules Committee has not yet Forsey baby. body welcome. Next Sunday is acted upon it. Should S. 210ft be en"Rae Relation's Day through our Mr. and Mr. Wesley Robinson church. acted into law, the Interior DeSunday school at 10:00 partment must obtain appropria- were church service at 11:00. The tions. Assuming that appropria- a combined business and pleasure W.S.C.S. convenes at the residence tions are granted, it is entirely trip. of Mrs. Ada Randle Thursday of , . possible that several months may this week. elapse before rules and regulations Mr. anil Mrs. aiimlell C hristen c M Wilton. Pastor re promulgated and an effective sen returned home last Saturday j Harry Randle, varaschool siiperintenden.t organization is art up and func- after an enjoyable two-wcc- k Sunday tioning. lion spent in San Francisco. While Now with reference to the new - Spanish Fork Social Security Act as it was pns-c- d which . proved by the House. I want to re- era of Wake Island, port the following: ron,. H. R. 6000 seta forth a new derathS Feb. 14. Instead of Wed- Tuesday. heart finition of the term "employee" T? but nv ovrnlnR. to play their whirls in effect would repeal the brrnking lo what months of 1Be wifh Gearhart Resolution. Paragraph imprisonment hadLI' I Coach Sudweeks Fork. Spanish 3 lf of the definition covers inrfcct work,n to dividuals who perform services for Prisoner of War for 44 months and nRKinilt Taylor and with d(lfpniie Remuneration as lessees or liccn-ce- n 7 days. a little luck. Tintic should come , . of spare within a mine when home with the goods. Both teams 1 Mr. and 1!? uhstantlally all of the product of are In good shape for the game urh services is required to be sold tained at a birthday d'n"r should give a good account and Miss op turned over to the lessor or liof aelves. Tuesday evening, in honor fn censor. Thus an individual who un-d'- T Mildred Davis. lease or license from the ownCovers were laid for Mildred and er or operator of a mine under- Lvman Davis. Sheila IMts and takes to extract the ore or other (lie Host and hostess. County Assessor, Joel Taylor. will be In town Tuesday. Feb. 14. product therefrom Is included Mrs. Henry from 12:30 to 4:30 at the Memor-Frnnk- s f . Within this Mrs. Earl occupational group (together with all individuals associaand Miss Ruth Potts were ml Building. This will be your ted with him in such undertaking in Iavson last Friday evening at- - last rhnnee to get your license of plates In Eureka. 6 partners, joint ventures, or cm tending a shower at' the home pieces i. when substantially all of Mr. and Mrs. Isike lliatt. given in 4 First carpet seen In the Amer-Star- k the product so extracted Is re- honor of nrwlvwed. Mrs La Verne J Mrs. Stark is a niece of iras is said to have been one seized quired to be sold or turned over to i Captain Kidd's booty Mrs Franks and a cousin of Ruth as part of "Jjjt owner or operator. ' i when he was executed in 1701. The mere fact that an Individ and Earl Iotts j Basketballers Friday Evening night -- at for Eureke Students At "U" Join Sororities Eureka Methodist Church Activities i1 'About Round-- Town . . . m gK fftTSSSttSs; t .jets!; Ln.i w , I1 I I I HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER The Eureka Reporter Friday, February 10, 1950 The following letters were received by James E. Quigley, the First dated Januar 31 and the ; necond January 30: Dear Mr. Quigley. Permit me to acknowledge and : thank you for your letter of January 27th enclosing resolution adopted by your Association urging that H. R. 6000 be amended so that "mine leasers be definitely classed as I shall be glad to give careful consideration to our suggestion and shall also bring it to the attention of the other members of the Committee. how difficult it I appreciate would be for your organization to send a representative to Washington to testify before the Committee during the hearings on H. i YOUR ADVERTISING " -- 'l Sunday evening service at the L. D. S. ward was under the direction of L. K. Spurrier, Scoutmaster of Eureka Boy Scout Troop No. 111. The entire program was given by Scouts and Scout parents. e, Number Six Kiwanis Club Entertains Scouts To Vinson Brown, noted explorer, traveler and Naturalist, was the attraction at a National Assembly given Tuesday morning at the Tintic High School. Mr. Brown has had many varied experiences and has a wide knowledge of the history and conditions existing in Central America. His stories of lost treasure and attempts to find it were exciting as were his experiences with the wild animals and the natives of the tropical forests. The students were well pleased with Mr. Brown and his descriptive and entertaining stor- In connection with the program, a Court of Honor was held, with Commissioner Lorin Thompson presenting the following awards. 2nd Class Scouts: Quin Roger Carlson, Kenneth Spurrier, Phil Thompson, Richard Bell, David Johnson, Kent Nelson, Ronald Nelson, Gary Peterson, Albert Eva, Carlos Christensen, Gary ies. Redmond. Ronald Thoms. Tenderfoot Scouts: Everett Miller. Roger Redmond. Life Scout Award: L. K. Spurrier. Miniature Life Badge to Mrs. L. K. Spurrier. On As a climax to Scout week, a party will be held for all Registered Scouts on Saturday evening, February 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the L. D. S. Amusement Hall. Utahn's bought a total of in United States Savings ON HICK LIST Mrs. Ruby Shaw and Mrs. Ev- bonds In 1949( it was annonuced elyn Williams, teachers in Tintic this week by Carl Gallaway, Chairman for Juab County. The figures High school, and Mrs. Lillian Buys were released by Charles L. Smith, supervisor of the school lunch, have all been on the sick list dur- Utah Chairman for U. 8. bonds sales. ing the week. This figure was sn Increase of PRIMARY UNION MEET 5 nearly a half million dollars. to be exact, over the $17,667,-41- 9 Monthly Primary Union meetin purchases during 1948. ing will be held Sunday, Feb. 12, at Goshen, with Mrs. Millie Kay As a result the state more than conducting and Pres. Tola New- held its own in planning savings man presiding. through the United States Savings Bond, according to State Director Clem S. Schramm, and CONVALESCING Mrs. John F. Rowe is convalesc- also exceeded its assigned quota ing at the St. Marks hospital in in the 1949 Opportunity Bond Salt Lake City following a major Drive. Juab County bought a total of operation performed last Tuesday, Jan. 31. Her many friends are $75,903 in E, F and G bonds durwishing her a speedy recovery. ing 1949, compared to $71,701 In 1948, it was announced by ChairMiss Lei ah Dewney has been ap- man Cart Gallaway. pointed Clerk at the local Post Office. She replaces Mrs. Peggy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill of Tooele Sheldon, who left last week to former residents of Mamoth, spent Join the Womens Army Corp. last Thursday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Milne in We were glad to sea ou genial Mammoth. friend, Frank Beesley, out 'and around again following an operation performed recently at the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake City. Cor-bridg- 10c per Copy- - Juab Bond Chairman Submits Report Past Year Sales $18,-147,5- 04 $480,-08- Mark Anniversary of Scouting Twenty seven boy scouts gathered around the Kiwanis table Wednesday evening with the Kiwanis as hosts, and with the wives of the Kiwanians joining in the commemoration of the an- nual Boy Scout Week. After the bounteous repast had been served and consumed, the group watched the Boy Scouts demonstrate their skill and their stunts. After this every one enjoyed a picture show of Utah Wildfowl, by George Tripp of the Utah State Fish and Game Commission. The meeting was then adjourned until the next regular meeting. Special guests who were introduced during the evening were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Max Shirts, Mrs. Melvin Decker, Jack Webb and George Tripp of the Utah State Fish and Game Commission. The businese of the evening concerned the reported delay of the Mobile Unit's trip to EureX-r- ay UEA Representative Attends S.L. Meet Mrs. Eearlean C. Gear was at Salt Lake City on Wednesday and Thursday of this week representing the Utah Educational Association at a regional meeting of the National Education Association Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards. Mr. Qear has been serving on the Utah State Committee during the past year and because of her activity in the work she was called upon to represent Utah at this National, Conference. rresident Vernon L. Anderson Regional from Colorado, Participants stated a letter would be sent by Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyothe Kiwanis club to the ka. expedlate srrival of the unit. A letter was read by Past President L. K. Spurrier from Supt. Blight of the Tintic School District to President, W. W. Gary of the Flltrol Co. stating the cultural and educationanl advantages of Tintic District to be considered in the choice of a site for their Manufacturing Plant, Pres. Andy commended the letter and stated that everything should be done to make possible the erection of this plant and similar industries in Eureka or vicinity. The Scout program was enthusiastically received by the members of the club, and by the guests of the evening. GOLD-GREE- BALL N ming took part in group discussions of current educational problems. The meetings were held at the Newhouse Hotel and presided over by leading educators of the United States. Eureka Ward M Men Gain Place Jn Regional Toivney The Eureka ward M Men have successfully completed their divisional games and have garnered a plaee In the Regional M Men tourney to be held at Spanish Fork February and 18. Date set for the Gold and Green The teams of the Region Ball is Saturday, Feb. 25, to be Three beat are In this tournament and held at the Tintic High School the Eureka boys have a Job on direction of under the Gymnasium, their hands, when they go to the officers and teachers of the the championship. They gather M. I. A. have proved their mettle, however, 17 games and are looking forward to the tournament. Young men of the District participating in the gamea art Gerald Chatwln, Ken Franks, Don fact that a new hospital building Hudson, Richard Forsey, LeRoy la now in process of construction, Gourley, Billy Tinder and Mike replacing the old buildings loocat Toone. ed on North Temple street in Salt Lake City. With the majestic Cecil Filch, Kr and Mr. and Wasatch mountains to the east Mrs. Cecil Fitch, Jr., left Sunday and overlooking the beautiful Salt for Tuscon, Arlz., on a combined Lake Valley, the new building is business and pleasure trip. They located at 12th avenue and C. spent Sunday night at the El Ranstreet It la expected that it will cho Hotel in Laa Vegaa and conbe ready sometime next fall. on Monday. tinued their Plans call for a completely mod- They plan to journey be away for a week faciliall medical renter ern with or ten days. s s ties necessary for aiding alck and crippled children. In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blight, and the medical staff, the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rows and maintains teachers so that lessons sons, Alan and Robert Jr., were are continued during hospitaliza- In Ogden on Sunday visiting with tion and also constructive recrea- Mrs. Blights and Mrs. Rowers tion suitable to the needs of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siler, s s s patients. an During the month of February, Getting early atari on Sunday volunteer workers from the Pri- Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cronin and mary organization will call at the daughter, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. homes to collect the Birthday Clarence Gourley, drove to Provo pennies." One penny for each year for a abort visit with Mr. and Mrs. of your life to add one more year W. F. I Bub) Painter. After chinof life to a child. Public spirited ning for awhile with Myrtle and citizens who know of the penny Bud, they drove to Salt Lake City drive have their contributions and had an enjoyable visit with ready, and for those who have not Mr. and Mra. Alan Ivey, and Mr. known of the work of the hospital. and Mra. James Cullen, all former Information la available from any residents of Eureka. committee member. The Penny Drive will continue Mrs. Mabel Bird,- and Mr. and Mra. Dallas Bird of Satina were through Feb. 14. Hundreds of children through- Sunday visltora at the home of out Utah and other states will ben- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bird. Mrs. Maefit from contribution made to bel Bird and Dallaa Bird are moththe Penny Drive. At present the er and brother of Lee's. hospital is serving patients from as far away as Florida and New Legion Auxiliary York. One patient was recently American Legion Auxiliary will released to return to his home in hold their regular meeting at the Canada. Memorial Bldg., Monday evening. LDS In the rhurrh Membership la not a requirement for admission Feb. 13. President Esther Nellson to the hospital. Any child la wel- la urging a good attendance. come regardless of creed or reThe word "fortnight" is from the ligion. More than 3000 rhlldren have been cared for since the hos- Old English term meaning fouraccording to the Enpital waa organized and built 26 teen nights."Brilannlca. cyclopedia years ago. In Purpose of the Penny Drive Mm Verda Allred of Salt Lake By Mildred It. llall City and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan In Grandmas day the sugar Greenhalgh of Goshen, were in bowl on the shelf betown for a few hours on Sunday came the chinacupboard bank for the spare saying hello to friends. pennies which a frugal housewife could collect. These were carefully Mrs. Stella Donnelly, Leonard saved and when a special need Jex of Salt Lake, Edward Shaw arose, she brought out the penof Bingham, and Miss Marjorie nies. Harding of Provo, spent Sunday At this season of year and when visiting with Mrs. Hannah Thur- the approach of Valentine day mond, Mrs. Shaw, and Charles brings thoughts of love and afDonnelly. fection, the little copper penny one of its most Important Mr. and Mrs. John Phipps re- plays From the sugar bowls and parts. turned to their home on Sunday. piggy banks and purses the penMr. Phipps has been confined to nies flow to the aid of the Primary a Salt Lake City hospital for sev- Childrens hospital. eral days, and is reported to be This hospital operated by the much improved. LDS church and supported by the birthday pennies of the Primary, NOTICE offers medical and surgical care A Deputy Collector of Internal for children of all creeds up to II Revenue will be at the Memorial years of age. Once a year, people Building in Eureka Thursday, are asked to contribute one penny February 16, at 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 to the support of this Institution for each year they have lived. p.m. The drive this year is of more No charge will be made for this service. interest than usual due to the News Twenty Years Ago In Tintic . . pre-seas- on .... ess - One of the finest surface plants party. The affair attracted a capain the Tintic District that of the city house and all enjoyed the Eureka Standard was soon to be party immensely. In the card playin complete operation and that ing the prizes were won by Mrs. mine then be almost entirely di- Hyrum Jenkins and William Laird, vorced from its parent company, first; Mrs. K. Hales and Donald the Tintic Standard. Evepr thing Beck, second: Mrs. Fred Fisher was in readiness for handling ore and Erwin Sax. consolation. After thru the Eureka Standard shaft. the card playing a splendid lunchUp to that time all shipments for eon was served. that mine had been hoisted thru L. O. E. club members were the Tintic Standard and for two pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Geo years they had been sending out a Castleton. 500" was the diversion ami the prizes were won by Mrs. splendid tonnage of ore. Theodore 1929 Fulmer, 1st. Mrs. B. V. the Copper industry During broke all records, according to the Hickman, second. Mrs. Agnes Rodainty lunDepartment of Commerce, with a berts consolation. A Mrs. refinery production of about 2.722.. cheon was served to: Bus. Cecilia Mrs. 000.000. pounds. An increase of Bacon, Mrs. Joseph 11 Bant. Mrs. Harry Carton, Mrs. over 1928. Osliorne. Mrs. William Gear, Something quite new in the line Jack B. V. f a water column was to be used Mrs. Henry Osborne, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Hicknsin. Agnes seldom has the honor of j ulation in connection with the emergency By llarty Randle Mrs. Theodore Fullinorc. Mrs. A. A trip to Washington D. C. Is being the home of the President of pumping equipment at the Tintic M. Stewart and Mrs. L. A. Brady. Standard Mine. The Management the wish and hope of evrrv citizen I'a national association, but thia Miss Estelle Taylor entertained of these United States. To some. I year, Gerard Klomp of Ogden a planned to churn drill a hole from a. numlsT of friends at a very plea- the experience comes of the State Retail the surface to the 1450 ft. level early In life, and to install an 8 '4 Inch water Sant danrlng party at her home In bthrrtl jn the twilight of Grocers Assneistlon. and an Ogden column inside of the large pipe grocer la In line for the hmor. Mr. whirh the drillers would use in Klomp has the respect and admiration of stale officers, national offigoing to that depth. The point cers and grocers from every state selected for this drill hole was 250 in the union, and it was the will feet to the south of the No. 2 of our state association that the shaft. i The new Stratler Uriel in Wash president snd secretary sccompany The past Exulted rulers of the Kill Haws. Mac Bigler. Atm-rReed Prison. Greenholgh, Cynis Elks were honored by the order. infrton Is a modern structure, built him on this trip of national y. In Washington. Our Once each year a meeting of this Householder. Gerald Naylor and in the early 191Qs and Is equipped Mr. Shrrm P. Lloyd of Salt nature is held and offices are Clifford Hansen. with every modern convenience for turned over to past exalted rulers! Mr. and Mrs. Jsaamon willmnre- (he romfort and satisfaction of its Lake' City, who Is also our legal who conduct the regular business bad as their guests over the week- thousands of guests who make council, has a fine record In the of the lodge. The past exalted end. Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Burton of Rtatler their headquarters from National Association. He served " president of the NUonl !" rulers who were in charge were; SbU Iakc (My, every country In the world. Association In 1946. Secretaries The management of the StBr has H. E. Wall. Edward Pike, P. .1. agency Every transportation was well prepared, The to free a show program the Theatre Melwhile gave tours to several visitors W. Hehcr offer F. Shrlver. Fennell, were In the hands talkThe of district. Old the topics Important the n It CofIs people the city, and surprising lor, A. L. George and Arthur shown number of interesting places these of rapai'le speaxeni ana tne inter-droppfey. The initiation ccrrmnnles were ing picture Rio BIU was r! tnetrnmmer, and the Inde-th- e hack several years and and enjoyed by all the old folks tours open to the tourist's eyes. To tlila city, aa the President of pendent grocer, concerning therand Mates were given a sample who atended. the nation, was dlsAt Salt Lake Cily. Theodore ; the Utah Retail Grocers Assorts- - f""i of what used to be the ordinary rmm every angle, of Eureka and Miss Msry tlon. I had the privilege of attend- proceedure a few yeara hark. Foi- - Athcrlev or Silver City were mar-- 1 ing the National Secretaries Con- R la interesting to hear com-bufflowing the lodge aession a splendid Brindzak ried. Following a short honeymoon veil tlon of the National Kclad Gro- - pnrisons. concerning prices, store lunrhcon was served. ; type- - and living atandards of the Women of Mooscheart Legion the voting couple rrturned to make cers Association of the U. S. (Continued on Iage Three) Utah, being a small slate in iop conducted a very successful ran! their home in Silver City. My Trip To Washington .... , past-preside- nt . . sec-rolsr- I ( j ! ed j J . et |