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Show mwte THE III POUTER ) appreciate your railing in ri0Uif items to your ltral correspondent before Tuesday evening Volume Forty-nin- e i HITS HOME WHEN YOU USE YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER Kureka, Utah, Friday, February STORMS PLAY HAVOC ('1 YOUR ADVERTISING Club Commends Number Six Copy- - Elks Launch Program To Teach Our American Youth Their Heritage Road Crews In WITH TINTIC MINES Per 10c 11, rings at 9:30 and 111 a. Sunday school, and church service begins at 11 a. m. l)ur .teachers aie alert, faithful Hnd Snowplough Breakdown Will Probably Delay Filins Made Available To Schools As Means (nullified; bring your children to The members of Kureka Kiwan-- ; Sunday school and thus fill! ill Hie Complete Clearing; Schools Were of Acquainting Students With Muster's will - Co gather them is club entertained their ladies at Forced To Close Monday Due To Storm in!" i a covered dish supper al Hie Development of Our Free Institutions Our church is reputed to have regular meeting on Wednesday Leslie Randle list the Mines in the district have been forced to curtail taken in a halt million members evening. As' part of their national program to Make last year How many of these club in the pledge of allegiance to In Hie and was due the offered storm to lie flag rn nil Eureka? However, we hope grace (believed to operations again, Work, the Order of Klks today launched a Bishop Alonzo Stiidstrom. fiirmsh a few next Sunday, a by Rdhe about the 45th one visiting the district since Novem-- ! it will available to schools a slide lilm pictorial make to Bate, accompanied by Is church-goinCapt. Ilulip Thomas, 33, for- plan day. which struck over the week-- 4 M.o Yamashii.i "Clur entertained the mer called American' history resident died of in Kunka, Barents are especially imited t club with two very excellent end. The railroad linen leading to hVb. 1, from Heritage." The filina were pro- Islands Philippine our 11 vu c Hi o'clock sti Sunday trumpet solos. the mines have been closed, and Reader's Digest In injuries received in an air force lin ed by Thewith i.mmiug. with no cars available it has boon Lee the American Wilson initiated Isiuirt 1'ixipcriition And then that Valentine party Oorhridge, the new necessary to cut production. Foundation and Hie Na- of Heritage manager Chief Con. Mining company ami Monday evening in tlu church at the local J. (1. Ieiiny Co., into the lioiiul Education Association. Gen- To Be In 7.,'111. You'll nut want to nuss that. club; and Harry Randle perforeral editor of Ha series was MarRagle and Blue Boll an hoping to Tin "Upper liiHiin readers did med the duties that made Rev. get going Monday i if a new storm quis James. Hu noted historian. In IQ you note in tin lesson of Sunday. Wilton a member. doesn't hit the district!. North The program waa set in motion ID ll lUUJr Fell. i. the expression "Kiireka!" when Grand Exalted Ruler Gorge Lily nsumed operations Tuesday. Dr. Norman Oliorn was the I have found it! and do you principle sHaker of the evening. I. Hall called on a million Klka in The Gisliva has been working for The Rvann Shaft A deputy collector from the In- know Hie origin of that remark? His comments were about the adthe past wek lodges throughout the country to Mayor W. K. Redmond fai makhas bien able to work most of tie- ternal Revenue Office, will be at Hear alxuii it Sunday morning! dress delivered by Reed Gulp at present sets of the films to their ing an apical to remdt'nls to "A In use can't pull while kick- tin Kiwanis Training School held local schools. with the city and keep Building, time, with the exception of Mon- the Tintie Memorial N a. in. to 5 nor kick while pulling." Feb. IN, to ing. in the Temple Square Hotel at p.m. give Each act consists of six strips, fire hydrants clear of enow. If day. C. M. WILTON, Pastor. Salt laike City in leccmbcr. Dr. each telling a part of the story of you live near a fine hydrant help An engine on the L. & K. G. any advice or awistance needed. HARRY RANDLE, make them accessible. Thia will Olxirn stressed Hie ohjiftivcs of our heritage as Americana In track at the I tomans ville crossing No charge will be made for this Kiwiuiis and urged the member Supt. of Sunday Hrliool. and interesting fashion. be to the advantage of all the has been compielely snowed under service. to be belter Kiwaiiinns. They show the development of our nwidenta of Kureka regarding since Friday of last week. Word free institutions from Magna possible flrea The following petition was prereadied the district that a snow Due to the heavy storma which Dhnrta through Colonial times and sented to the club by Victor (1. plow would be sent lmni Provo j keep1ett ii nd Harry Randle; the struggle of the early Republic have kept road crews busy Wednesday to open the roads. rends open, it has been main ing down to the Here's hoping that it doesnt get WHKRAS: The abnormal lica-- . Emphapresent. right emminute sis is placet! upon whnl democracy an lmpi suability for the city as snowed under! vy fall of snow, high winds, and (Last and work this to perform ploys means had Hie to individual. blizzard conditions that prevailed flash! plow broke down, have In pnst years. PLEASE in Kureka and the Tintie Mining Mi. Hull said that the scope of they to return to Salt Lake. COOPERATE IN THIS MATHie series is indicated by the titles TER. Dstricl during the latter (tart M'IuiiiIh Close of Januury of this year completely if Hie six films; "Till Birth of Tmtie schools were diWi'J Mon- blocked our and closed our Frcdom." "Freedoms Founover highways, winds and Dr. and Mm Max Stewart and Snow high day. streets and mads, and dation." "Freedom's 1'rogress," children and Mrs. L. D. Stewart closed the roads and the week-en- d "Freedom Today." Tlie Vocabu- of Iayson were guests at the WHEREAS: The e.losing of nurj Purpose of Meeting Set Monday At 8 P. M. students from Mammoth. Silver safe-- 1 un-- 1 of Freedom," and "Tlie litera- home of Mrs. Max Stewarts paraffected the roads were lary seriously Junction and Tintie Is To Devise Means of City Raising mid of Freedom " They arc de- ents on Wednesday of last week. ture comfort health, Classes general school. ty, to to able get To With Which THOMAS Funds DAPTAIN Furnish PHILIP of of this the Building signed Dr. "Max" came up to take economy on people especially for use in (cachwere resumed again Tuesday, classes in history, civics ami some pictures of our beautiful locality, and ing crash. English. Each kit is nccompanicd snow and was very glad he didnt WHEREAS; The State Road jet planeThomas was horn in 01 a ninnual to assist the teacher have to make hla way around in by gamzaiions, Crews, the Officials and vmploy- - Capt.March 1915, a son of in liest possible use of snow like this when he waa a the officials Mr. and Mrs.31, Edward making Tlmmas. Hie films. the nuident of the District. resided Thomaa have The family our by Mayor W. K. Redmond to attend a meeting to he U"!j of a Kureka numtier in lor years, held at the Memorial Building on did an excellent job of ojienir.g lie retvived his education In Monday, February 14. at 8 p. in. it he highways. Mi vets, mads to the Kureka schools, graduating Kaeh organization has been mines and Hie desert roads to the from Tuilic high seluxil in 1932. We wen off to a fine start in more one of to or asked and stranded livestock, ranches appoint 11c enlisted in the Air Dorps in $ our first rehearsal of "The Crucitheir members to act on a finance So Ik it 1911 and his wings at d by a Sulmcrilter Cnntntiuti dent Rinnans, Die feast of the fixion." to is given Easier cominitee to work with the hoard' RESOLVED: That Hu Kureka Randolph Field, Texas, ami served fourleeiilii Is The fell on alsiul that day. of February night, April 17. in the I.. I. S. of governors of the Tintie Mem-- 1 Kiwanis club otfieiallv go n in the Pacific theatre for 23 ciilb ' I St. Vulcntines Day as the Possibly the early Christiana conchurch. to in in order assist vote , Building, the Mitchell had a Sadie Mrs. months. He received several nie-- name day or feast day of eight tinued the happy spirit of the hearty ,.n extending A gniup of about thirty enthumisfortune of breaking her wrist devising ways and means to raise of thanks to all the jssiple who d '.s for nirritoiioiis service while different Christian martyrs named wit limit Us pagan meansiastic and ambitious and maintain this assisted our community In ny in combat. At Hu time of his ilia- Valentine. That is, in the medieand fell while funds to furnish when she The origin of the custom ing. ers greeted us in a burst of song at work in slipped the school lunch room building. way during this serious cmrrgen- charge he had the rank of a ma- val church, services were held on was generally forgoten, and in that bids fair to make a great l iSt Wednesday, A proper dedication cannot v And la it e jor. He reminded a shorj .il nu af- that dav in memory of their the gifts were called Valen-Tehonis. was attended by Dra. Bai- - held whde the building is very FURTHER RESOLVED: That a ter she custom of sending tines fnmi the name given to the discharged and had t vrtlom. Saturnext and of then bare furniture We rehearse again equipnearly jry and Johnson and was copy of this resolution be sent served a total of 9 vea is in the valentines or gifts lias iiuthing to day. This is a good example ef ment. to the chairman of the Slate Roid air force. He had Hu rank of do with the mail yrs, however. In the day evening at 7:30 in the L. D. S. taken to her home, way customs survive, aoine-laechurch. Her many friends arc wishing The Memorial Building is one I ( oiiimiseioii. The Dhairmun of (.Tip!, at the tune of his death. no une seems In know Imw or Diiiii.'in a Dri in im.iii'kiI her Mrs. that every resilient of Hus district the Juab Donut y Mr Stolz at the organ and when the eustom of acnd'ng valpedy recovery. and county should lie proud of. The Mayor of Eureka City, and An lri'.ia while i.u service. Nonna Jameson at the piano give entines started. It is known that sx-nMueh money has Sutv.vw.g arc h.s widow and a a springtime festival of the an- - arose. us splendid support. upon that it lie displayed in a cornp.c-- i it ami now it nerds equipment and nis place as well it, a copy daiigh'iT. Loirs Ami Thomas; You art welcome to unite with Tintie diMriet has entered on tffe minute hook "f A list rah. i : his parents. Eureka; furniture. us in this most worthy undertakiwo brothers. Beit and Burnell never before had proper entertain- our club. ng. regardless of crerJ or denomIn Thomas. Eureka, and two sisters, to is ment facilities. the It up ination. Mrs. Opal Close and Mm. Rachel organizations and i Iivcnh.ilgh, Richland. Join us now that we may perWash. to make the building a D.& R.G.W. citizens more fect our organization for Eureka friends are regretting Utah hv.x produced $367,000 complete success. worth of honey and $22,000 worth thorough work! Dapt. Thomas' untimely death Birthday greetings from niem-Ixt- h ind are extending sincere symIs Ihoni L. K. Spurrier. 499. or of beeswax in Utah during 1948. Mrs. Alonzo Sandstrom and son of one'a family are always to niemliers of the Thumiu Rev. C. M. Wilton, 242. Mr infor- according to latest U. S. Depart- Jerry. Mrs. Clarence Bauer and pathy eaiiA for happineas, but when ment of Agrieulture records. Dr. son David and Ijlm Mary Potts family. mation. that greeting coiiicm all the way G. F. Knowlton. Utah State AgriEmbargo aganst all ores and spent Friday of last week in from England via cablegram, it Mrs. Kinda laic Anderson, 73, recultural College entomologist, concentrates to American SmeltSpanish Fork. is a real thrill. died Wednesday at 10 a.m., In a and ported Tuesday. Refining ing coniany. That is what Mm Margaret Salt laike convalescent hospital of Government records further in is cancelled immediately, acMr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashworth v, of Eureka Hiought last causes incident to age. FreeUiy received word by Agent and n Stephen and Ray spent cording to when she nroeived Wednesday She had been residing with a 1 onies of bees in Utah during 1948. Jeffers at the Kureka depot al birthday gnvtlngs from England daughter. Mm Frances Searle, This is a drop of 6000 colonies m. Tuesday. Feb. 8. p. 12 Dhief Consolidated, cars; from her aon, Thomas Johnson six mouths, moving to Salt Lake from the 57,000 recorded for 1945. North Lily, 2 ears. (These cars and family. Mrs. Freethy celebrafrom Eureka. The low price for honey and The Elberta boys now boast a Miss Lron Hatton suffered a were on track and sent out when ted her birthday on Thursday, and City Bom Feb. 12, 1875, in ML Pleasa knee to completely organized Scout troup. high costs of labor and materials last her resumed. Miss service Tonne and railroad Miss eve painful injury the cablegram arrived on the Beryl a ant, They are enjoying festivities and have discouraged expansion in county, she waa a fell while she when week Sanpete doing Paulsen of Salt Lake sient of her birthday, making the hapour beekeeping industry of Brigham and Marie - bit of shoveling at her home in programs commemorating N daughter end their :the parwwk visiting py Notice complete. day Jensen lire, and attended public Boy Scout week. On Sun- time when many bees are ents. Mr. and Mrs. James Toone Dividend. She will be laid up for Commercial Service and Recordschools there. Her husband, Frank day evening, the meeting of the to produce maximum crops Mrs. Dean Row of several days, but her frienda an Mr. and and LDS church was under direction alfalfa seed, fruit, and vegetable Mammoth. The young ladies arc will be ijoscd Saturday, Anderson, died several yearn ago. hoping her recovery will lie er's office of the scouts, who appeared In seed crops," Dr. Knowlton said. Feb. 12. Lincoln's Birthday. Boy Mrs. Anderson was a member in Salt Lake. xody. employed were full uniform for the occasion. Honey production figures of the Church of Jesus Christ of They received their badges and generally good in Utah last seafjitter-da- y Saints and formerly presented complimentary ones to son with a report of 2.548,000 was active in Eureka Relief socicomb and their mothers. extracted pounds of ety. On Tuesday evening, at the M. honey. If the price of honey was I l. S. Senleei Survivors include two sons, Eureka I. A. meeting, they were honored high instead of being so low. 1948 Anderson, Salt Lake City, Hugh Sunday guests st a party. During the eve- would have been generally a favMrs. Win. CsHr entertained thi Auto association, Utah will have, Bv Mrs. C. E. Rife John and Anderson, Shasta, Cal.; m. a. 9.30 hood Priest ning. Bill Oram, member of the orable year for Utah beekeeping. meting. a fine mining exhibit at the Elks L.D.K. Club at her home in a defour daughters, Mrs. Searle, Sait 10:30 a. ni. sehisd, Tmup committee presented the Dr. Knowlton said. Sunday mu to "500" in be was held liner. of convention the to lightful Due played scope like City; Mm Dapitola Fitzger100 per cent pennant for subResearch by federal and Utah work of t he growing Bishopric meeting, 6:00 p. in. Consolidated gclcs in July. Mining men of und a d'dieioiis luncheon was servald, Coquillr. Ore; Mrs. Myra 615 Adult Aanmie in, p scriptions to Boy's Life the offi- Agricultural experiment station meeting. ed. wen nwnrded to Mrs extenPrizes Utah were deeply interested in ; Blanch Reno. cial Scout Magazine. Merlyn Jol- entomologists and plant scien- Mining Do., calling for an ,uid Snerument services, Sunday eve sion of operations in the Plutus this exhibit and every effort was Jack Osborne, first; Mrs Harry Okla., two sisters, Ada, imi p. hi. ' 7. ley, Junior scout mBsler accepted tists is helping to improve the to have the finest ever Darter, second and Mrs. George ning Mrs. Iva (!. Edmunds, Salt Lake the award on behBlf of the boys. lot of the honeybee, the beekeeper, Mine and other properties in this being made Cast let hi. ei ins ilalii i. Other Tuesday end of Hie district, officers of the made by the stale. A various City; and Mrs. Vera Darter, South-gatand Re2 display, depicting Ill 00 Relief i. the seed and fruit grower, xx'etv. Mrs. ami Itowe John The Ameruun Smelting guests wire; had secured the services Dal.; six grandchildren and Scouting activities, and prepared this all points to a more stable ennipuny IS. V. Ili who assumed fining Do. advanced the price of Mrs. James Rant, Mis. Pnmnry. J.jn p. in. (Hlt, grandchild. by the hova Is st present in the agrieulture for Utah, according to of J. Fred Johnson, I 7 M 30 p. m. A.. Mrs Cecilia Bacon, Mrs. the position of general superin- lead from 6 75 cents to 6.x5 cents window of the Elherta Supply Dr. Knowlton. iinernl irn lem will he conduct m rvu es nf Tin Thomas Mrs was Win. Tlr.s Hiund. the a Drew, vice Deni highest under Sunday evening Fitch, tendent. I D'.nipany. h h ud brougiit tor a Mrs. Jos. Buys ami Mis. Tli'.idon-FiiIIiiiit- . the Eureka ward I.. D. S. elmi'li Saturday at 11 a.m. at 260 president ui.d general nianag r. price win oli.M-Seoul of Vlllli III were Die nts South Temple, where friends Mr. Johnson well known through- long time, (lie sIllpllK Mr. and Mrs. George F. Forr (me of (lie (I liglitlul lex ial Week Iitm Thompson, rust uiik were 'J1 carloads. out Tmtie hud been emmei may all Frnlay from 6 to 8 p.m. ney. Mrs. J. II. Andrew and Mrs. ' i't.i s ol in vas Hie was Hie DoJviii was the i '"its week in bishopric sd for Dim f Ray with many years. quite and after 10 n m. Burial hseph Thomas mot ore to Salt fiVtii bv llm Tmtie ilialge of tl.e plopiain Tin i.i'l'V- will Saturday In it h.el r s'giicd to enter Hit injured hi the Eagle ui.d Blue l.iil pirty Isnkr hint Friday. The Forney's in ,it. Pleasant cemetery. I hiii. s thhim-follows Wi N'.ike lix at of inleiiial liime ll' Mine, reiovu.g ary. injun r turned home the same d.iy. but mire control business lor 11 rliaiids or Mr Johnson was n v iy nl.d bavil'g tour Vertablais of h.s Mrs .Ini, ii If Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. Tlmmas Doi.giei:iitiiii id riML'Hii: 'True lo h.1 ntil.i-The in t id i.t utii' is si!nii bat k lire).'!. tb.s F.'iitb '. piavii. Il"ir' Mail spei i.il g'.nstx remained for a further visit with mpuble mull In le pl iyi-- ;oil a d lienai.s pi i m n! al imi of i "!"i .lav Tli'niii-v- i wh' ii Mr. Dolvm. who w as i.i:ii a off. i.a Is h.l gnat Coim relatives I'inf e Pirn was al nee Was cairg.'t .n f.i'.ih m Ho Em lei end M the a :'i'i. si; jpaird Mix l.i Mrs Th uii.is. win li is spel t v. 'mb w.is al t .vl ' '.a'.l tl.e drift and 'I h.idgrnit posS'bil.tn s lw. S iiioi I'b'if Fa Men iei :u. iiv 'ho past several weeks visiting in ,iiy .l.'.tri' m V.dhK itl i;t.i! Utah horn' lei It Was th"'i; lit I!, at "l.itid Mi a ' i'il .s' le iia i cri in Til'tn- I'lid, fa'll loi'ioii I1"M1. of i.imiig Imli as stung as in a nr.'"- ' Ih;:'k:i with her daughter ard till' !"' i X (M I'l'tl.il !iy OUIAn.' g til'...'- i, ivirg A Si Mill'': mlv I'1 G'"l." talk. .iii'J s.i'.i t H. ' The d'Vi'!i .:i'i.t of the i, v ' Dividend e;.'.elts WlTl ll'lj'py l!.e Mr. and Mrs. '. y ot 1917. u T. R the i,t!.i;i wm Vi arid .Mrs D"rwn n WnMirii f "A it's to ms' the in. 1. truck make town ei " A I " . It. V.! ppit'is f'lepillv Wl'.ill had '.drew, will visit relitives re--m s. r tir' Utah Sli: ty Dm; Inr V .ns n i E.irl I'. ills Mr .ir.d Mrs le'nige lei'v t ' solo, on Tuisiliy. Tin truck had been rv " i oni'-('. Bill! n a t :dt Lake nnd Ogden ie il.ol. j'ulti'! TllesililV. operating !"r m vi ral It years i M s ; d.t I; .1', at tile T.lilie Mr !' MiI:!1-- t I'll I; l i .e pani.'-liV r i r.t t'lrn-nunable to get into the cmniuiiri'ty whn i.nnl and sey I'a'ar j',, way to her home lu.Th' ! lion1.' d'fitlis yiar quiet D ('. Timii-j.- , Ml a Mr. laVii i.i;d snn.lar Stiiii' Dr Nmman anothson. of .is, for a few days, ami the nwdentx diseoi'i-rs iho. Kper. .iiiipted gave promise mi Falls ihvid-lol'.ows :i d wire n Do. ii w:tli He- .'rim I. Mrs lit.'. i n "Si m. mg and Hie Bov;" were really m.iroono. lliile of ll'.ill'!- !iz itloll. Situ lied Andrew returned level plan s. Oo. la - down stall s er M iidav. la!,'. LiiYi ini' Bain r. "Scouting in than a Hide west if f.l!:lr; a l:it ii'iiV in i !e bv H'.e it hit:' from falls 2. I. lulls Ironi J l llli' I'l s' glut loll "f J"M 110111'--A new plan designed by Dougtinsolo. Bil liard eoin-it. mist ratrun. HiKr.ightsville pl ,n windows. 2. lad IC1'"' i"1" !i Yama-(In'Mivo M ss Darlene 1errson left h would w las ore Aircraft will carry 50 thousand win of zone Bauer a ni'eou.pnnist 2. si aids ing iiii;i- 2. fails on knives. A v ty i rjoyiihlr nastaig nf the a mil III b ngth tin senut onth hy inninds 12 hundred miles. dt Lake Monday, where she repuiting umloiibti'illy fi. jirove p"i-luiins and eonil.igintioii. I'edlbx Ciilb wax lli'ld lit tlie lioiiie S'l'iits nnd Si'initers. il by Rich-srM. Urix ker. consulting engiij'ivpted umploymciit w'th ns. 1, suir ation. !. ibsmng Tin United States has about nf Mrs. D.iri Mi'Dami ".ViO" w.is Utah Power and Light r i. Miss Tintie Hie Blit: reading of tin Scout Iain neer Uompiiiiy. and f'r onds thne-fifth- s of the worlds gold Perraon has hern employed nt fjeariiis. fi; ilrewr.''! 3:in an xamination Hi feat'.lli' "f the Vi lillig, the lawn tv Henry Franke; had who compldi stiangula he local Utah lYm-eMis col- stock. 21 million dollars worth. vwit of Rex jsi'i.ri ami Light ditiliesi. 9. gases. 2 nnd Kngi the stat'd that high ti IjCi: retiring of this rty, electrojuojx in l'd'. ors. by the color guard. for the past two .veara. tmn i balnes sixteen feet or lead Biai km. Mr Thomas Trylbal won cution. 3. Natural gas was first used as w hh h was high tlie all cut prize. A dainty him "f some ore. concerted nmpaign IT".r t" a Mr. and Mrs. Anton Malmstroni an illuminant in 1824. at Fredonla. , was nerved to Mrs. been opened up and had grads-Mr Bailey N. Y. Tintie was Luisman, Mrs. .Tulin Allen, Mrs. Uimi by Kinron Birch, (lettysburg J'f Dividend have been on the sick lx gun three vnrs ngo. deaths or- Hu JUMP- of accidental Iwt for the F. A. Grant. addri xa hy Robert llasscll, reading Mrs. A inert Mali 'ilin nf Green, the past few weeks. latest said, home eM Regular meeting ouraging 135 and lW vin' Tlie first ImimrtaHon of bananas Jensen. ea n legion Auxiliary will he held Mrs T. E 'mi Lineoln by Mrs. porta are that thry are recuper-Bn- dinarily ran between diviThrough the coopmuiinn and Mrs JohnandBuiimll. nnd expect to he out soon, He praised the home safety Mis. Blackett mid, A large mmiber of patrons also Monday evening. Feb. 14. at 8 into the IT. S. occured In the late of Ins the Bartlett, Elks of P. courtesy Mrs. if they can 1860's. atteiidi'd the program. o'clia k In the Memorial Building. "dig out" of the snow sion. headed itsby and Soiithrn California Mrs. TtyUml. bank in Dividend. campaign to make Parker, for Tin- - liell in. for Formal Resolution World War Captain Former Resident j j Dies i ! De-mocra- Phillippines ; cy j g tH-r- ) I Deputy Collector To Eureka i I: a ii Mayor Asks Citizens Keep Snow i j From Fire Hydrants hriHay pah ite ' ' ! 1 dra-mal- ic I I I Public Meeting Called At Memorial Hall Feb. 14 , ; , j i j ! j ! Community Chorus Gets Pine Support un-da- Go-.slu- EitS j i i What is the Meaning of Valentine Day? y al 'I first-night- S -i - t . 1 , hi nutr-jlliu- , i , j t Ix-e- Utah Honey Brings 1948 S36.C00 t, I ! ComuiL-s.oiiei- I Birthday Greetings Funeral Saturday public-spirite- d ComeFromEngland in Salt Lake For Former Resident Embargo Canceled Five Elberta Scouts Car-fiel- d. Report Progress Ore Shipments For Week Ending Feb. 4 Lin-ne- i Scouts Give Sunday Program News As Reported In Eureka Twenty Years Ago . -- j Is An-Dhi- ef Cron-Mr- a. N'-v.- e. I i Tp-lou- Homes Responsible ; r fr I m'l-d- I For Record 1 Ill-I- e'mn-s'i-o- y an-mi- - - s, '48 Accidents 1 1,- - f I Truck Gets Over To Dividend li v.i-i- l - 51 In-- , ,1 1 -- - I - i I"t-l- ! r I J- p,i-.- i I IT - I , r : I -t :!- - 1 , ' , : I n- t t i.i-l,"- ii - .iii-.- Ii I I.- s j 'il. 1 - . t a. ti-- - ! t h d t "i i t I i r J 1 I 1 r ( - Is-h- l g Iz-il- a e I An-grl- I I! t i I I |