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Show Page Four-- Goshen Sens foies Alewd Bubrilt news to Ruth Whit by Tuesday Evening. -- HW SANTAQUIN NEWS D. C. Doyle Cook la spending a 90 day vacation visiting with his wife. Jean, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cook. Doyle has been released from military service but may rccnlist after that time. Railroad Orders New Cars To Haul Steel Products son-in-la- d. Orders for 93.200.000 worth of new equipment, including cars to haul steel products from Utah, have been placed by the Western Pacific Railroad company, it was announced this week. The orders include 2.10 new gondola rars, which will be used principally for hauling steel products from Geneva Steel Company's plant to Tacific Coast points. Also on order is enough 110 lb, rail to build 70 inilea of track. Friday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waterbury were Mr. Floyd Watrr-hur- y of I as Vegas, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waterbury. Kay and Carol Jolley spent day visiting with Kav's mother. Mrs. Hattie Jnllov, in Pavaon. CARS 1938 FORD V-- ? 8 Good Motor New Paint Job Good Tires $650 Sunday evening visitors at the dinner guests at the John Rauer home were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hauer and Mr. and Mrs. Don Penrod. Sunday 00 ... GOSHEN MOTOR COMPANY GOSHEN Gene and lARue Rauer were in R g j ; WHAT HOLIDAY APPROACHES? Joan Conger, 15, and sister Jndy, eight, are rafting the sen on n bit as they visit the huge turkey ranch near Wheaton, Md. They had their pick of 7,500 turkeys, and took a big white live one homo to Uvo la their back yard until Thanksgiving Day. ... In Grateful i ; n. Mra Theora Jarvis. Mra Zetha Craig, Mra Melba Hansen, and Mrs. Melva florrnrkn. Sewing supplied the diversion of the afternoon and a light lunch was served. Appreciation I use this method to partially express my wholehearted gratitude for the kindnesa with which my friends and clients in the Tintic Mining District have treated' me, in a business way and otherwise, throughout the many years that I have lived here. I thank you one and all for your patronage, throughout more than a score ami ten years I have been here. However. ail good things must end, and it ia now time for me to conclude my residence and associations here. I should be glad to say a more personal farewell to my friends ami rlienta. Time and opportunity do not permit me to do an. I wish all of you the best of luck, and I submit this as my farewell. WESTINGIIOUSE 191 - TRADE-I-N TERMS ALLANSAPPLIANCE 4 BRAND LIME CHIEF BRAND HIGH CALCIUM LIME We Specialize in High Calcium Chemical Hydrate for Mills and Smelters O PLASTERING CHIEF CONSOLIDATED MINING CO. 608 Dooly Building A. M. ROSS Telephone 55 . Mr. William LcRaron from boys and Lethbridge, Elberta, Canada spent girls of Santaquin 2nd ward moFriday at the home of his uncle, tored to Mantl Saturday Nov. 6th Mr. George Le Baron. Sr. to do baptismal work for thedead. d There were over 300 names Mr. and Mra Charles De that and family spent Sunday these boys and girls were bapat the home of Mr. and Mra tized for. They were transported James De Graffenried. by bus. Accompanying them were Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. C. O. Mra John Card ell Ladies of the Jr. literary club Openshaw, Santaquin and Mr. Ewell held their meeting at from the home of Mra Madge Dunn. from Genola. Thursday evening Nov. 4th. Mrs. Mr. and Mra Wesley Roper reEdith Tischner presented a deturned home Nov. 2, from a trip lightful hook review. to Fresno and Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Alice Armstrong enter- Boulder Dam, Nevada and a visit tained members of the Social through the St. George Temple. 500" club at her home Thursday They brought with them their son afternoon. Dinner was served to Glen who has been laboring in MMra Cora Olsen, Mm. Lou Kay. the Northern California Mtaion. Mrs. Mra LaRus Houghton, Blanch Peterson, Mrs1 Della HudMira Oneida Greenhalgh from son, Mrs. Jeanette Snyder and San Francisco ia visiting her parMrs. Zola Ahlin. Mrs. Jeanette ents. Mr. and Mra. Henry GreenSnyder and Mra Cora Olsen re- halgh. ceived prizes for high score and Mrs. LaRue Houghton for consoMr. and Mra Dell Kay served lation in "500. a turkey dinner Sunday to friends and relatives from Wades and i, Mr. Charles Hansen of Goshen Utah. Guests Included Mr. and was the honored guest at the Mra. T. R. Davis, Mr. and Mra home of his daughter. Mra Alice Art Lamb and Mr. and Mra James Armstrong Thursday night. Nov. Vickers. Altmiumm teen-ag- e Rom where I sit Graf-fenrie- ... Ne-ph- Dunk or Not To Dunk? To Dunking doughnuts Is Sober Hopkins' favorite morning pastime ...and fur a long time Ms Hopkins has been trying to break him of tho habit Feels it sets a bad example for the children. So one morning she puts s heavy froeting of chocolate on the doughnuts... figuring that will stop him. Sober thinka it over for a while and then: Dunk! Taste? Smile! I And Sober compliment! the missus on the lovely mocha flavor I to dunk. But from where I sit, IA a matter of personal choice and taste like some folks prefer beer to eider, ale to beer. And the leu we criticize those differences of taste, the better. In feet, Ma Hopkins got so carious about tho flavor of chocolate-covere- d doughnuts dunked in coffee; that she tried it herself. Now-yo-uve guessed It she's a daily dunker, too! I guess therell always be two schools of thought: to dunk or not Copyright, 1913. United Slulei Bremen Founiatian It's time for a winter car. ...y Joe Marsh check-u- p for your Drive in to your favorite UT0C0 I Come in and Sec the Beautiful FERTILIZERS Representative former resident of 4th. The occasion was hia 85th Dividend. anJ L. G. Naylor were immedMembers of his birthday. 1,1. D. iate family were present to con- guests of hunt. Paine uurirg the pheasant on this occasion. gratulate him M. !I. Howes, Thirty-seve- n President Janette l.e of our Stake Relief Society was present at the Ueli.'f Soc! ty Conference held here Sunday evening. (otoco ; Salt Lake City .'KtC? better winter car care. service-f- or R.S. Conference CHIEF FOR SALE d. Eureka Saturday night attending a show ami helping Darh and VivC. N. LEATHERBURY. ian Franka celebrate thpir wedding anniversary. Veda Sizemore of Spring Lake. with Enjoying Sunday dinner Faye and Malcolm Jolley and the A. D. Jones' were Vere and Don and Doris Penrod were in Spanish Fork attending th; PalFrimyra Stake M. I. A. play day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carler entertained a houseful of ri mpany on Sunday when most of their folks came out to he preent at the blessing of thoir twin 'laugh lets who received th" ns nes of Colette and Coleen. CHOOSE YOUR XMAS RADIO! LIBERAL Further Information HUDSON. NOW IS THE TIME TO No nerve cells areThhtfjr?r human body after birth. it trip. home of Mr. and Mra. Kav Jolley were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reek and Mr. Ha Nair Reek of Lchi: and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gaines of Provo. They say that Ha Nair was so puffed up that he seemed to he walking ahout a foot off from the ground. There is a reason, of course. He became the father of a fine baby boy on Sunday morning. Consult County derk or the Respective Signers for FinSSb? This appreciation note wag sent Fave and Malcolm Jolley were in Salt iAke City on Monday on to the Kureka Reporter just before Mr. Lcatherbury left on hia business. 4ilMIHHimiHIIIHHIIHIIimillHllllimHHW1rtHHHHmiimilllllwWHp USED Sun- Guardianship Notices SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION Colleen Christensen, daughter of A school board election will be FOR SALE 4 Mr. and Mra Wesley Christensen held in Eureka Precinct No. 1, monkey stove. A fireside chat wan held at the of Dividend, spent the week-en- d home of Elizabeth Goodall Sun- visiting her parents. She is a stu- Wednesday, December 1, 1948, for MraHungerford. DivifiSj the purpose of electing one mem-th- e day night after church. Member dent at the U. of U. Blip the from District Tintic School from the M. Men and Gleaner classes were In attendance. Bishop Nimrods reporting success hunt- precinct for a term of five years. MISCELLANEOUS Dunford of the Payaon Seminary ing geese and ducks are Wesley Every member of a board ofa remain and be PERRY shall Braithwaite. education was guest speaker. Appliance Si'n'icewiut; Christensen and Roy pair or service all makes Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Bray and They hunted in the Mona area and resident and a qualified and regisschool repretypes of electrical appIi.jS? two children Jo Lynn ami Norman bagged their limit. Ira Miller tered elector in the Call Provo 3791-sentative precinct from which he or 1216-jTooele were at home with Mr: bagged hia limit at Mills. is elected. It shall be necessary md Mrs. Andrew Borgeson and candidate, or at least five CURTAINS LAUNDEKEoTTv, Miss Dolly Jean Boyns and Miss for each In family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mra Franklin. Phone 118. jJJ behalf of each candicitizens at home make to visitors thoir were Frovo Bates Bonnie Bray plan date, to file with the dork of the I 'eor ret. Mra. Bray is the former over the week-enboard of education not less than Mario Borgeson. fifteen days next precedin'? the EUREKA BRANCH OF , . . Mrs. Clara Lem'enar wus In Diviof The Primary children day of election a Bign-- .i stateI':cvo Monday attending to bual-- n dend held Hala very successful he is the is that ment announcing UTAH BIT & STEEL as ms tiers. She plana to leave loween last week. The fir Calif, in the near future to youngsterspartybraved the "ghost a candidate. SERVICE CO. j JOSIE SULLIVAN, vi:t her daughter Jeanne. trail, which added to the fun, and 1 Sc'io Tintic of Clerk an hour also enjoved dancing for Ornamental Iron District. Mrs. Helen Gordon entertained or two. Refreshments were served & Sheet Metal Work Aluminum members cf the Neighborhood to the young folks and all report All of Welding Types club at her home Thursday af a very good time. M. D. Paine was in Dividend: 8c Steel Bit week-entemoon. Those present were the ss d on in but in Reconditioning was under the direc- over the The Pneumatic Equipment Repair hostess, Mrs. Lucille Wall, Mra. tion ofparty Mrs. W. A. duff. Mrs. connection with the Ti itir StandDafne Smith, Mra Essie Higgin-ao- Jesse Pace and Mrs. Leon Hatton. ard mine. DI11A r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jolley, of Provo, were Sunday visitors at the home of their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Pen-ro- self-walin- Probate and Colo. The Sylvan Greenhalghs were guests at the home ef Hill an'1 e.'i Ilene Penrod on Saturday evening of rook playing. The Cyril Rwk family left on Sunday to make their home in Eureka. We were very sorry to see them leave, and hope that sometime in the near future they will he returning to live In Klberta. . . 12, 19 Heres an idea on l,w walnuts put nut m,.Ht,0lrS g clean i jar r,nto crew bands on tightly. ! 225 degrees in the If meats are to be a short time only. put loaed jar. in the rerrigera IHIAL NOTICES Donald Pearson, DIVIDEND son of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Pearson, returned home last week after Despending several months in been troit. Mich., where he has Conemployed by the Walvoord struction company of Denver, M- have spent the past month visiting ELBERTA CHIT-CHA- T st the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deloy Cook of Goshen. They left by plane Thursday to Elvi Groenhalgh, Reporter Join her husband, who is superintendent of the Idaho Concrete The Bon Ton 500 club were enPipe Co. at Nampa, Idaho. They tertained at the home of Mrs. will make their home in Nampa, Marguerita Waterbury on ThursIdaho. day afternoon. Iriae winners of the afternoon were Ixirie Foote, Mrs. W. P. Okel berry has just Iallue Hauer, and Valeria Hauer. returned from a three week vaca- Also in attendance were Doris tion visiting with her daughter, Penrod and Vera Whitney. They Mrs. West K. Tarklnson and son, enjoyed a delicious luncheon served Dr. Rnsroe Creer and their fami- by the hostess. lies of Washington, Dividend of AleitfUbohi Mrs. Doyle Cook, the former Eunice Cook, and small son, Gary, i November The Kureka (Utah) Reporter Well Attended 1. A large crowd SANTAQUIN was in attendance at Relief Society conference In the First and Second wards Sunday night. In the First ward, Pres. Emma Wall conducted exercises and the following program was carried Oil change with the dependable oil Vico. r Crankcase flushing. out: Singing, rhnrua and congregation, "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet; prayer. Bishop Gordon Herlis; Relief Society chorus, "Bless This House; (Chorristcr, Johanna Rorgeson; organist Erma Cloward.); approval of officers and teachers, read by Dafne Smith; welcome aiidrrsa, Emma Wall; talks, Alberta Ferre, Jennie Hendrickson and Bertha Nelson; two numbers from Relief Society chorus: closing prayer, Effie Halladay. The Second ward enjoyed the following program: Singing. Relief Society mothers, "Sweet la The Work"; prayer, Mary A. Smith; sustaining of officers, Fsy Cnxik; report, Genevieve White; talks, Vivian Kay, IVena llorrucks and Fay Crook; piano solo, Shirla Wcstover; singing, congregation. "Have I Done Any Good"; prayer. Bishop Lynn for radiator protection and radiator flushing. Anti-freez- e Battery service including quick charging and new batteries. 5. - Crook. needed. Chill your hands thoroughly in cold water before you touch the fish to keep them front smelling "fishy" after handling raw fth. Very handy in the kitchen are a pair of heavy canvas gloves which are more convenient than pot holders for lifting covers, pots and dishes. Try them and see how you like them. P DCAlUj RANDLE'S MARKET Phone Plant: Saddle, Utah liper ISO Wesker Servlet wlfk Gentle Meytef ferti Winter lubrication supplying special winter lubricants where 6. New Atlas tires with a written warranty. , t In addition, it is a good idea to have the air cleaner cleaned and the oil filter changed. Get highest quality products and service at Utoco stations and dealers. There ore more than 34,000 Individual firms comprising America's progressiva petroleum industry. The Utah Oil Refining Company, as one of these firms, Is constantly developing more sources of oil production more effective methods of refining, research ond soles. Result? You get mora for your money at service stations today. UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY |