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Show Pane " 4 Local Rationing Board Gives Out Timely Information. Thursday, December 3, 1942 EUttKKA UEPUUTEU 21ks Arranged Program For Lodge Memorial. I i 0 who believes lliMt notional or. Diilt'UKe rul loiif iik I not needed falls to ri'KiniiT fur mileuue rulluu or books In newly ruiiiiiii'ii uri-us-, does nut fill nut it tiro r fiord and ba- -' FRIDAY - SATURDAY ill- - nillivyf application form or have 4lh uml Bill Ilia lima Inspected, la dolus bla bfai Alexander Konlu to lose tin war. preaenta to tako Ol'A docs nut unIi KIDYAltD KII'LINO'H lime, putlenre uml enerKy lo sell Idle Urn, fill out forma, no to In-- ! "JUNGLE BOOK In Teehnholor bpeelluu eelitcrs, fie, Just fur tlm full of II. Ileporl lo ilio eoutrury, mile ' l 'uk rutlonliiK la rrlili'iilly SUNDAY - MONDAY .In every pan of tliu ruuntry. dill and 7 III Tim liarueli report an id emphatic-- ; "Tint emit mil ten hu examined j ally: MATINEE ON SIW'DAY. various in Kaaollno aa a mean of I'oiiacrvliiK rubber, but by TYRONE POWER no oilier procedure run we be rer-lai- n In that the annual mlteas will "SON OF FURY bn held lo un average of 6.01)0 mllea. lln Story of llftijuniln Make "There la no ahorlaKe of Kaanllne wllli In Ibn weal, midwest or rouiIiwuhI,i Gene Tierney inuat lie ,but every gallon of UUOItUE H.MK1W rationed In every part of tlm I'nlted , FH.WCKM FARMER Stale beruune of a rubber shortage. lUlllUV Mi 1MV .11.1. We inuat aavo tirea and to nave ' I belli we must Nave mlleaKe and Ibe he, way la lo rut down on Runoline. TUESDAY - ONLY This inuat he dune and will lie done. IkWiulNT Hill Every cIHzi-i- i who dues noi laku l h In rrlllral aliuailou Its III K FAMILY SHOW aerloualy selfishly JeapnrdiiliiK the proKruaa of the war and Hie nrlual lives of the BASIL RATHBONE and men flKhtiiiK if fur us. NIGEL BRUCE There ia a serious shortage of ( In fulfill ion to move pe-- 1 transportation SHERLOCK HOLMES rolfii in from one producing part of AND THE the co ii n try lo ibi consumers. Oil' SECRET WEAPON tankers are scurce. They euniiot be nut from Texas lo New York but Hinted on the sIih y "The Daneing Men" liy hey must he sent lo McArthur anJ Elsenhower. Hilt AltTllt It I'lNMIX DOYLE Chap. 10, "(lunK Dusters' mk. I STAGESCRE VITAMINS A5flii your cooking. night, December lit It, eonimeiii'-at S.3U o'clock. The public U cordially Invited to n By VIRGINIA VALE t'l.len. Kilt.wil by W'ril.rii K NUkhr i Sava f t'uder Him direction of Neil O'liure, 'at her (Josaelin and Leslie (Toma r lie program for the Elks Memorial hservance Is now complete. It wilt e given at the Elks Home on Sun-la- y Aiiyoiii illeud. hearts didn't MAYBE but some of them Darrel Selection, TIIS orchestru, Norris, director. certainly cracked when Jinx Opening Exercises, Exulted ItuU-- r Fulkenburg announced her nd Esquire. Invocation hy Chupluin. engagement to Tex McCrary, Cornet duel, "Holy City," Iluuald and admitted that the ring she was wearing had been Jrlggs und Hill McDonnell. Hull Cull. Exalted Hulcr and Sec given to her by him when site war in Miami, where he was a candidate tetary. Eulogy on Samuel Edwards. commission in the army air for Vocal Solo. "End of a Perfect furces. There'd been rumors that she'd wed him, but her other suitors Day," Mrs. Monel Fairbanks. Altar Service, Exulted Ruler and ust kept hoping. Officers. "Some Day lie'll Make It Plain," George Hail finally bought his contract from Warner Bros., after Eureka Ensemble. Memoriul Address, Alonso Sand-strubeing under suspension for most of the last year. He did get away to make "Broadway" fur Universal, Vocal Solo, "One Fleeting Hour," paying Warners $27,500 in order to Nell O'Hare. do so. Hes now working in their Closing Exercises, Exalted Ruler "Background to Danger," his first and Offlcera. picture made at the studio since The lodge loat only one member he did "Man Power, back in 1941. the year, Samuel Edwards. during Maybe now we'll see him more often. Blasters cl Others Wasn't it nice news that an allThe Japanese os a nation are i dedicated to the proposition girl troupe of American entertainers, headed by Kay Francis, Carole that all men are made to he slaves Landis and Martha Raye, had ar- and servants of the Mikado and all rived safely in Great Britain? and ic unices are created lor They'll entertain fur our troops the glory and grandeur of the esM-nllu- I r e Tests show that of the vitamins in fresh vegetables may he lost through improper cooking. Its easy, however, to conserve these important food values if you're fortunate enough to own an Electric Range. Try following these simple suggestions: one-thi- Use little water in cooking. Half a cup is ample e for most vegetables. vitamins are boiled away and poured down the sink when you use large quantities of water, wasting the very things )ou pay for. By steamcooking vegetables, this loss is held to a minieffect of mum. Avoid the the boiling process. Water-solubl- vitamin-destroyin- g Avoid prolonged and violent boiling. The less time foods are exposed to high heat, liquid and air, the smaller the loss of their vitamij content. empire. 4 I - THURSDAY December Vili amt lOili MltDED WITH o DYNAMIC FF.HVF.lt "THIS ABOVE ALL Authentic President Roosevelt just recently appointed him rubber czar of the nation. He is al.-.- president of one of the western railroads in the cuuntiy. He started with this same railroad back m MOO as ofP.ce buy when he was only 14, and had just graduated from high school. He is said to know his railroad more thoroughly word is to the effect the end of this month th-- i big construction job at St. Johns for that hy the Cliemleal Warfare plant will be completed. TYRONE POWER and Thu Job bus been in progress for JOAN FONTAINE several months and has employed In jtlm ncighhorhool of 1200 men, several of them from the Tlnllc District. It will be the end of the Job tYfliih Tlirir Wright Fur rtii-- dozen eggs piinhnvd. a for these workers who will have In about seven seek employment elsewhere. hen will KAY FRANCIS Thu permanent personnel for the pound- - of feed. be filled will rlvi! hy the big plant Canadian Electric Power aa misthere, Miss Francis Central electric stations in Can- - service rxcept in u very few Instan-ad- a tress of ceremonies. acting been They've kilowatt HliO.tHH) wise 311,445, where are other res persons produced and navy trainat army appearing 1941 hours of electrical energy in 'qualified ing bases here, ru they know what compared with 3tl.(!I!(i.2IH.tmO in 1940. the boys want. USO Camp Shows cent II of are an was inert This per work at Reporter Office. them. sent Notary to date. and was the largest output Orson Welles new radio program for the Aviation Industry isn't his family's first brush wfth aviation, llis father long ago had the idea of attaching n glider by a long rope to an automobile, lie tried it out with a family retainer in the plane, and everything worked fine till the aged filer screamed for help. No-b- o ly'd worked out how to land the pldi.e! Somebody cut the rope and the plane fell, with slight damage to the experiments victim. A photograph of the crash is Orson's proof . Stxwllss of his family's contribution to avia,1 tion. Starring , Me" histy and bett"r than any other railroading preside:. I knows the one he is working for. This native Nebraskan is well liked by all his employees, and is also known by them for his fair-- , ness. Incoir.pc'.enry he hates. Mistakes he condcr.jff. lie'll send an pelent boss to a less important position, to a position he can handle, rather than let him go from the service uf the Union Pacific railroad. Hu has a knack uf getting things dune. As rubber czar it seems lie's go-- j ing to bring good results. This is his name, which you have seen so often in the newspapers: sjjjjar u)jck tueni!.i ,. that 7r f xAtft. S Bob Hope and Lenure Aubert were hit on the head by the White House, when wuiking in They Got Me Covered." A giant cutout of the President's mansion, suspended front overhead by wires, brute loose when a wind machine wrenched it from its moorings and sent it crashIt just missed ing to the floor. wrecking the career of one of our best comedians for some time to come. .ITS f lOLD SumyBrook fHM.Yf) KENTUCKY STRAIGHT HOUR BON WHISKEY National Hi tiller IVuilmT Gnrp.. N. Y. 90.1 Proof w. MKftl (M ow kMt RhmI fftwnh.1 D George Sanders and Tom Conway, life brothers who play brothers in RKO Radio's "The Falcon's Brother," were born in Russia. Their father was English, their mother Russian. George worked in South America, Tom in Africa, and Hollywood united them. fvTS 5v, More War Workers such as these are needed to keep metal production up. The Ktute ot T tills, in ,iil, i( ,.r ficiats and Its un. lm,ing aliiruii-i- t over ttn n ot trail amt rim-- , utn.-.- i comes primarily from Tji' aiiiwi-- - - il.-- nd mines. It is will known that minlnc the liiirklmliu IndilKlry ot Fiat: and that durina normal Hiium Hi.- - IsuIim- try supports dlrertly and indiroi .ly nearly our half tlm popul.i'ton of Itah. Yet, ilurinx a world war. 'ho product Ion uf lend and sine has r been permitted to derlim 15 to rent from the first iimnili In the middle of 1912. First let us consider the market for mining stocks which Is n li.ir- muter of conditions. Stock uf Vtah produeinR rnmpnnle nro at depression level. The pnh-llehas virtually abandoned the mining market, Indirntlng that there Is no confidence In their ability to narn a fair return under Why ratinot prexent eondlilutis. they earn n fair return? Mont or the producing hive conipanit ores. large reserves of low gmdo -- W..J' ' r i.rim to lie In fosts. Dunne ilio p.i.t eight month, nuni-ru- n war indu-.trl- r have loraleil In I'tah. Surplus workers have uid.ir.-i and ihi war Indus-trio- s have drawn upon the older mdustrir for their rm- p.-- s iw;.jt,. :ti,. fa, ih.it n, jn. tn lniiri.iut war t'uliistrv It '"S has not n,i,. ,u m;,n :is Ii has been tn a tll ineet ih,. hiither waa.-- inwni.,,, ottered In oilier war ronstrin-tluliulniirli-s- . Tims mines wllli I men a ml an Insiinti-ien- i mimln-- r of Inines have h forced into an i, nt ' n-- operation. iimlen-roun- Wtieri-a- nns miner f.irnierlv pro- duccit m of on.- - ton p,.r h" mi pm ha fatten tn .7 of t,n In im i in pm l.nit mine. Rivrnsly step hnvp token InukiiK toward solution t.f Ilesi Sidilicr proMcm ll.lVM wh.i worked lit mine are given If they return in their fiirhinyh work. War.- - and inial prlen .id-Ju- un-il- l arc aim under tbt m mmtimm n, Turnstones Turn Stones Bids ca'led Turnstones i nrm-Pc- e Peanuts Are War Veterans Peanuts first became nationally known as a result ol the War Between the States. Before and during the war, they were grown only in a small section ot Virginia Un on soldiers, fighting in live territory, ate n the Confedei delicacy ami liked them thereby stalling Americans to eat:ng peanuts. ate-grow- "And this 'tops' can mak your car last longer yet, if you dont hunt up grief at 00 miles an hour! That's no wisecrack 00 miles an liour. It's when you car ia standing and your engino is starting cold, needing lubrication the wont of ever. So I don't just change your oil. I change engine with my you to an Conoco N(h oil that attaches inside your engine, sort of by 'magnetism' keeping from all draining down to the crankcase overnight, and all day, etc. 35-m- il D , OIL-plati- FPFF rnLK. Elect yourself lo the ONCE-JUi- n st Your Mileage Merchant's Conoco otation. Chaos your own regular day lo have him check tires, oil, radiator and battery. 1 lie aystematic attention Ha'll report in admeans vance on lubrication and anything that ha finJs you need for fha duration of pour carl CARE FOR YOUR CAR. ..FOR YOUR COUNTRY trouble-preventio- .Mis - fan tfiini a ill put af jtlm n iitlun, Ihm m ho is "l.iye Iktlnm," ierelri mm k uf hi (pare lime In paiins ( nr e Sim is a dml ink 1 I' the Hat y . . . Gracie I'irlJ will lrr iiHf a nnm her n her popular awn in Sd I rxpr't "Mae floor Canlern"; a haie ol ike Mm'i fiiili-rmi nil rii In her amrile rhariliei rereipl, an In Imuthltm mini hi n ie. ' ' Mm faniheuer, are Aeromms faieiitan iili:rn,-- they ,mA iml I hrir tril pu pen aOonl lare mnnlht . . . .4 nan h ram puny u tpnntorms n air ihnu un ( hr in a mat ai taiila lo mir armed lOirt, A.WEXX CLUB n. CONOCO CONOCO S3 MOTOR aa 1 "Sooner than you're In tba car, is up wliere you need It instead of taking time getting there. You've bad lota of people's word besides mine, that tba wont danger of wear comes in starting cold. But what's plainer to get around that, than your engine with Conoco Nh oil? Im extra glsd I've got it for you now in wartime." oil-platin- u oil-platin- jl discov- that and slugs ered lor 5 are apt lo be rnd-- r stores and so of turning make a lequ'ai over stones to net fod "Couple of my customers could even get a new car by U. S. regulation. But theyre careful with the car they've got doing under 35, same as others in wartime. Tiial'a the spirit I s 4n hmiimtn 9091 ml ' Garfield's four - year old daughter, Katherine, gets a chance to follow in her father's footsteps in an acting career; she'll play her father's daughter in "Air Force," because Du odor How ard ll.iwks thinks she lias talent. I'al-Srin bionraiAn ( hinrt Imdn , . . V after t hm pari of a .Wxi-pp rii its unn limn ihctrti an hour... i John Son ml Leib-man- 1 turns kimJ Beans (or Boston V.'i.Io regional variations throughout the United States in taste for lea. cuiTce. meats, fish, distilled spirits and other funds and beverages were discovered by Dr. A. J. of New Yoik, head of the Schrnloy Research institute, in consumer preference studies. jitter-buggin- - ii immrWi hf America Must Ret: o:e in America The most riir.-and least explored section in America is a roadless area covering l.fCO.OCO acres in southeastern Utah, propored officially as Escalante National monument. -' Joan Leslie, star of "The Hard Way," danced 675 miles during the making of the picture, as proved by a pedometer. But she's now brushin cope ing up un her with the dancing of the service men with whom she dances at the Hollywood Canteen. fmr fmm j Jerry Wald, producer of "Action Atlantic, recently became the father uf a son. Then the same thing happened to the assist- ant properly man. Then to Artur Paul McWilliams Jr. "Cancel that order for Irainrd seagulls," cried Dirertor Lloyd Bacon. "In this picture our ship is going lo be fol- lowed by storks." in the North 4. li P.w Kilm tali 35 worft hurt your car if youre careful at OO miles real Underground Mines Seek to Solve Problems Btddf imrmtim-.pmJmt- md LIGHT CO. & working tor it, Hit OF GOOD CHEEK this Holiday Jicason L i POWER UTAH than any man p'mvvwwmmimmnimwwww k; Use covered utensils and do not stir. Air destroys certain vitamins, and stirring simply puts extra air iiitii the food. Always use covered utensils when cooking on the surface units of your Clectrir Range. Work At St. Johns Should Be Finished This Month. WEDNESDAY nl g |