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Show Anansl 21 ETJBEKA REPORTER Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ivie and son I Hilliard, of Salt vis.ted t,. Ku-- ' teka on Suuduy. J Vw ri galt Eke 7E here sin- - will , r W,,, k "l,h Kninrea Ann Silver of Phlrlcy. Mks Spanish visliina in Kali Frames stern i aho la rork Luke. in vislilug Eureka with lby MUs Cecil Wilson and Mint Mu'Io liters, Joan 1(, lls Giiurley. jiMi-rare Wlllinore RunIn vlHltinR were Mr. and Mi. Kdw. Midway i,f Mi Fennell an I I'lillrii eii of Las Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P'1"- - with relative. r- clill-irelcittn ai d Ku v..., rcka tluriiiK tin- of Mrs. U. K. Ferguson uiid vi,;, ami baby ittii. and Mrs. I'ayson were guests of Mr Mrs. 1. " Hull and j. c,, nn , go, o.li.-Hay Huy on Saturday. Joan, returned late lam Thrs.l .y for llourton. (iHUMliter, lives. week after nn enjoyable vacation in Mr. Percy J. an inner and non of i out hern California. Mr. u ml Mrs. f2ioi,:i hiraro left tlh- - week after pend ehlldren ms a returned varulii.ii with In ,.f ,.r !,ilv Mr. and Mr. Gam Corf of llerrl-Jucthis liiR spent a fiiuple of v. v ilin llriniliull city of inlerist i.liin,- polnti 81 end hairy duiiKbttr of I'tovo. were ;i.j,1 iMii'iir'iin upper Main Mr. and Mr. (Hen Sunderluiiil une roast anil In the nr:h M.tes. RUeata .if Mr. and Mrs. C. li. HI:,. i. i liildre n have d ttlonen for business till! returmd to California Wallai-on Saturday. Sunday. after visiting with Painter, h.mi of Mr. ;illli unit .peur loculi, Mrs. Hud Painter, who is lu t!.e Irleiul lu Eureka. arwere Tlntlc DlMrlct l.inlien Auxiliary r the IVlix Club my ulr rorim at Tin so,. I ,,;li. H;IH ;. ! 33 met No. even lust at in meet the Mr. Verl (irlar.s ami lilt . operated oil for :iiieidii it na (.ir Alastdainty lunch-by- era I'nioii Hall, with hr the usual prn-- have returned to their Innne In H, Ev usl lUili. He is gei'ing alo-- gram of hualiieMH, rarda and luncheon 1 feuthe crt aiialun, Wyoming, after spending plnyinK to report won bcInR curried out. Mra. Amelia I.'r- -, siveral week here with It K. Ferguson i relative. Mrs. Dora lluyiirs ha- - r t it iti.-i- l Mra. Mrs' Maynard Cronin ttea won flrat prim, in Arvillaj and her homo In r.iir-h- a George has cut Mra. Mra. Black (iourley were: takei Harlella Wilde' it,.r prltte, again other preaent a fur week In Provo w i li h r s.m in Ather- - taffle prltte. The hostesses for the over the Courley I. (I. A. more le , jj,.. Catherine 19 Maud evening were Mrs. Emma Wheeler, this city. The deal was consuiiiand law and duu liter, Mr. end Mrs l.n-Mra. Crotnar. 5111 Laws and Mra. Mra. Kdw. Fox and Mrs. Merle Cw- - yesterday and Mr. Courley took inv-Ih- e Newri-- i n. sie- i.No veiled wlih relaJin. Clara Jerman tive at Spanish uu.l Pav-omanagement this morning. coran. Crii (I Mr. John lli.iisou am! chililren o Mra. Carl Field entertained at a cotton different Also tkan ISO Pcs:s Gra'shoppers available llrlhday party on Monday afternoon Salem. Mis. Del Stewart and Mrs. Of a drtlKtiH are now Utah Ficneers. of I'ayson, were a reault tor her little non, Eddie, who was ersa Sylvester aa hosiery industry Mr. of guest and Mr. : 01,1 K.l on four Maynunl bat day. Table JLaiatlons by lb Bureliu yM,r" ril' following j episode Imvld B. Young, decoration were red, white and blue. Crigga on Wednesday. Ei'Momlrs. of the early plotiier of I'tuh I uki-t- i A delicious waa luncheon served to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil berry and son from the Itali tKbnolosIst. has developed Writers' Project Imnk Meriam Field, Jerry Uoym, Dtilly and fcUoned cotton hosiery dealgna daughter, Max and Shirley, Crawling were tm' pest Thr-sJean Deanna from and Sunday to make their home at Boynea, Donald, vary l any os Spun- - the orilv crop r'vagcrs by ih. mesh for evening wear Carl Wall, Hex Hutchinson, Howard lah Fork. They will a lunch rarly Mormon colonists In operate Gna' alii Eddie for Mrs. Fannie stand near the Fields, Fields, halts In various weights high school at that Salt Luke valley, according to an old Hen-- " Mrs. Mrs. house Robert the Fields, around Fields, and r account by Davis count v wlilr A. Wall, Mra. Della Wall. l, Km, fiH'i br """r IJ Mark SepL 24 V SepL VliUBK , 25-2- 6 . SepL 29 SepL 30 ud English . roorcss tmx frcsiocnt UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Salt lake City write rog r. 1 cirnoa w EUREKA Home Economy The buying of kitchen utensila that can be used in several ways ia recommended by home economist. REPORTER - n. Puliiuhed - hi Rri n Wi brid ry m id here nd listen, s.l- fir DISTIXCTinB BACK TO Mr. and SCHOOL PERMANENT yciir daughter a permanent that she can have kr hair dressed in Ringlets, Curls, or in any attractive cr mach neless we give you the best, at Machine NASH BEAUTY SHOP of cloth. Mra. J ! I ! Monday. They were airotnpdiiiid c far a American Fork hy Mr, r. E Ilife, Mr. Jnior Higler ami son. IBsJay. IJK'AL ADS - Mr. and Mrs. Layton Maxfleld and of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs ! Elton Tunnel Crews Near End Of Work 4 room home anil FOU SALE gu raye in Pay sun on I Vj aes; all in young ftuit; yo.id water rights: SdiMt cash or e; sy terms. Ior before 1111. WINS the 4- -: in. Ai(. It 141.) Mra Ernest Boyn. of Mr. and Mi. Y. Glen Storr the approuchiii : Eureka announce marriage of their daughter, Shirley, to Glen C. Allen, son of Mr. ami Mr City, Harry C. Allen of Salt The ceremony will lake place in St. Hauls cathedral on Saturday ev- enlne. with Itev. A. E. butcher offi- - if Coinno'K ('uli. sou, 1 Dll KENT- inoder ii d y Ih. chopper cloud and contlnuel Pnfuruisln il f. Call lo'.l J. - FONES 36 and 228 room Neil ODonnell Mortuary i Knit SH.E 6 room house on Alain St. Francis Cur Ison. t lllgolflett Hervlra a. a Nominal Ctiarge. BENT Four room iimd. rn unfurnished home. See Vei.il llerry. (OH SAl E UK Partner with small capital rliare lease rich gold mine s.ariing o:i ore. box K.U Eureka. WANTED - PHONE 54 Call Any Time Day or Night. ii Vot.iiv Work i i.iili Lodga No. I, F. v M , meeta Sad iud Uli Tuesday of eai b iiiuutb at I. U. U. sit iKliblng broth-- nulled to attena M li. HuWES. W. M. JOHN F HOWE. Meeretary ff Ifv er- - their wesiward was Pet i minute- - iN-i-- fight, in to lie a live The sequel of this story I one o! I the strangest In I'lah'a colorful ev- for it appear that the west leiicm-e- , war.l migration of (he grasshoppi r eml.d iiigloriuusiy lu the hrii.y wat- datlng. jirs or Great Salt I According to the settler, the bod Members of the Tlulic High School uf drowned hoppers formed la-band are asked to meet with In the lake, some of them ev- the new music instructor, D. L. .n,H extent, and sufficiently t several do tel w..ld, in the little theatre at ! p. in rompact to bear up on Monday, August S'th. A good wl.li-b went out on tho.--e near tin--Th-- f bodies attendance 1 essential for the reason kl(in. ooii 1; windrow , ratr.-iin that the local band will probably korc greit fioin l,e play at tin Onion Day celebration in jI0, jwo Sotn. one to thru fe- -i hit-h- . i'ayson. namlo-- r of gias.diopiM-i-f of the vast Corey Hur.ks Mind In .he lentil. apparent m Heber City who I well known in La- of the windrow which Is reported to en-tfcuve extended front the soutlii-rmile than fifty of Davis county inure county. Tli northward into HoXeld-uf tile decay in.; !.coln- - Is caul .iwa from to lime kept the seitl-r- s y j w.il,. th.i lake Shore fir ! Is Inter t sting to exami-i- this( oii with Hie famuli-- , 11 E. Ferguson eiitertiiined story ill conm-tiXlr a grasshopper glacier in Yell..w,t.m.-pleusitt-... the members of llie Elite Club in laik Ih.s a .ei. -r e a Nntio.iei ITie manner last evening. f lmd.-of mllii.i.ifio'-were Mr. laslie Crouur the winner cvi.l mtly trapp.-.- l by a f r' Mrs. M hopp-r- s, cui. Miller Ural Mr. Angus : hiicard while on a similar migrator, : honor. Other F Griggs i J. Mr. Kife. E. tlighl hkit ov.-- th- mount: in were Mrs. C. Vi llowstnne the Einnm Ilife, Mr. O. A. Allred. Mr. birth. Mrs. John Nilson. Mr. George v ameil-Mr. John Andrew. Mr. S., Forn-y- . A: u i.u ct.e n white an. Crotnar. Karleen Miss Uw., I Jerman, th- -; ut Linn, us Oil lui, ale u hi. en delicious luncheon was served hy N C i " " fcustfft. . - li their held Elks The Lady ti-- gra-shnp- A at llepnrier 'Jfflee. i 'A a In It.itik i.f Pay SALE Dll KENT two room ho ise furnished or unfurnished Will sidl cheap. Mra John Bunnell i t..se bull. r. i:i C. E. RIFE . house. nbwa vh-- C. rou f 'i V. ms- - whei-childre- . Reporter Office Legal Blanks of All Kinds Always Carried. SALE or BEN- T- Fou room hoiiM. Write H E. baddatz. If. 3. Provo, Cl. Will sell i heap. About 4 nVIiN-one la'e summ.--ftern n n In IS.'.r, the sky to the :. became darkened aa the flying herd poured over the mountain peak ami dow-t-t upon the valley. A a,f,, ma',H ,1,' araashnpi, P 'h conptrvside cov,r ,!,,rS a,,d b'llimts al- ,rnl' v.:m nom'n "Plcteiv. Tli.-rI1"' horrified lettler could do against the force of the invaslo-i- , and for the most purl they were fore .1 indoor i whero they attempt, d to k.ep thi Hut the in. pests from Invid-oir.u-kdid get In. l!uu down chimneys ami wherever there wut an opening. On the ou siih . yreai damage was dune to the ero,n;. ep,ecially to the mar ripem-y which were (Hid flat on H- iground by the weight of the In .. strangely enough, the d. appeared to he concerned migration and not with feeding, fo- the aJr niage wa .lone by tin-b' " ' or wholesale gobbling nf the ,,.; Dan Simpson of Hacific Grove Calif., Mra. Harold Frame of Palter roll, Calif., and Mr. and Mr. Jack Angeles, are In Eure- Doyne. of 1,1 ,,,'l ka, having been summoned here.. bv morning of the foll.iwtiii: div. . . the serious illness of the.r ,, at Foil s i k parnt rltiB: ideri(BPd i Ken k Murphy. PUBLIC 0 - Mr. CKEDITOEi t. E. r of NOTARY iiH-ou- 171 - Uernard Munster and children of Delta, were in Eureku nn Saturday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Black and other relatives. Phone No. 7. 'ARIW.lN ne Vein Ui.e au.i son, Itolieri, visited in Salt laike o.: Give vijr. Slurphy, EFFICIENT lbs post of fie at Ku rlas map the Act of llareb I lu eka, Ilsti. uniter under hopper. h-- ga-oli- aa ICR ormatioa vspeetlra week with Frank Bacon assumed u. w In tic aa state inspector o. Monday. Mr. Macon and son Mur- vln will Join Mr. Iiacon In Salt I ak wlihln a few days where they ait. make their home. rft&Htufae V&a d in Ptnnn how far i Prupritt red from fj Irani of In ck country i alk in a da at walkm about n o. ce n,v.a ZENITH (4 Guide ia an Kntervd a i J I J.I.. I t i'a C. K. li-- BHliJ, laklnj tart itcnimi it ountrjr u kly. the Tbnraiiay of earn ne Pint. It'.KE, Editor and Puhiisln-r- . mi '.i Kiirekn tdi-ii- Drnurv M lMaM2 Psychological Examination Engineering Entrance Examination Freshman Registration and Special Instruction . , Sophomore and Upper Division Students Regular Class Work Begins Sept 25 i. i:J thu impartaat PiniOlll. Su.-il.-- hro ! dates aa year celeadar. Thee plea fer edwetiea at aa iastitaUea dlttiaiulilied fer He facaHy, facilities aad high reek emeeg Americaa adversities. k "rl"tt. K IKjU rallon : l W n 'IdlJIC V HI K ri-l- " B "" i . I.I IIEKA lillKiK NO. 12, 1. O. O. F. l Every Wediu-sds7:30 P.M.. I. O. O. F. HALL J luting Hroilicra Invited to Attend. WIIITKOKD HATES. S. G. A. XI. BOSS, Secy. Mi-e- y FOR POPULAR PRICES HEWER, FIMER ACCOMMODATIONS SAME 1 wa-h- 1 ej a-- j Crew about ready to do their trick at Tooele-BinghaTunnel, Portal in background. kurr than m -, cultural project a well. The Row of driven water develoj d In the tunnel . being atinm-vuaTisiele valley to Hiugbam. I furnishing a j .if semi-arinow nn it niial laud Lint to the lap. Tkli bare which cut under the Tooele valley, where vuera rangn of the Oiulrrh Production has Is being driven In an ,l,e P1 quarter of a century ": to reclaim thousand The tunnel will exienJ 4 mile of ton raU'' 're that lie is expected to reduce the col and under I, rln the Klngham district, and of mining a ton of or by about w ympcct a vast expense of un- - $1.4 so that a lower grade duct heretofore valueless can be territory. Tk the water rk I being conducted by mined. The ore Iwlo considered virtually valueless Tunnel ft Mines com- JS5-National wa ? f""llUtlon of the old " ,0i; ater Apex Mining romnanv and l,un,P lhe rtct The ,u"i; l. laware M and i, have r ob, subsidiary .. f ?h ' Jratliiiial Smelting ftltetliilng malely 1.500.000 when completed. hoped, this deep Soon. It I uJ? foooel wa started In June, development program will unlock i Die ifTr nd current rate of the ore reserve that hare been for J Hbl'uld he rompleteil held under the water table and a y f"r of e year million 1911. by perhaps midyear XV,. Wentnpleted It will conned resource heretofore valueh-,ae Hood shaft of the I'tah give powerful aupimri to 11 a "f feet, ilnatrlal life of the alele rr many Mow Hi old water year to come. bkk Such is modern mining. Roln , Uf ,'1" Into the ear.h I not Wist only deeper and fartherand lowei grad ' lower by iieople of Tooele and mining "" project, but as an agrh ore. J Eltna 9i) per cent complete, Tunnel much-neede- 1 d d '!! :E"rt7S ik J l'b a '' 'oi m.-n- n 5200,000 modernization program aituroi you of ilia bait in Hia We it! Spacioui room ui the heart of Salt lake City's entertainment A andbusineis districts, four restaurants serving wandas ful food. Headquarters for tours and sightseeing Iript 400 f." s pr.-s.-n- ( r V.-r- SALT LAKE CITY OUTSIDE ROOMS EACH WITH TUB OR SHOWER 1'- f2-- 4 , -- Tue-da- y evening w.tli lii-- ! lm Less, bridge and a delicious time. he up Uk.g Xlrs. J"!'". rity won high wore. Mis Mary Trance Gar-cut. all bus The hoHss wa rity raffle prl'. lhe m-Cronin, Mrs. Maynard .nd Iiieeiing Will lie held Feptember I s hide the At Ihl meeting on sale cake and pic conduct at H a. m --il y ii,; v lirA ..Whv m you I et.t.-ic- J . llnnk. Natural Rfult ju )IU nipiHisc Jack hai vBrllt expression'. he unk of hnr.eelf a J H i WAItS....rtIOINI NOIMAN WA11RS.CO MANACtl W SUtlOtiCO MANAOU lots |