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Show Codiva Tinllc Standard Mammoth United 8t ala Mine Eureka Lilly Con. Colorado Con l. nf til T. Iron . . . .... . nioithoni n . .... Tl K. Total Carload NX 11 E. It. lir S a a aa STOCK1 SALKS . . th Tmaday rd .i" Chief Cona. 23c. Tintlr Standard $2,13 m- platea. The combination, which la a of thal used tliia year waa. derided on by the atate tax rommlsalon followlnx I'oniiultn'IoiiH with officl- ala of other weati-rstales. An effori la alwuya made to adopt color ar 2 ranxements which will nut be con- 14 fused with iIiom of nearby Mali- -. and platen will he aianipcd 121 painted at the atate priaon plant, tbn work to atari anon. The aiieet alnel waa ordered aeverul month ago und la expected aoon. Some of the Mates are going to Ue the 1141 plate for 1142 due to the extreme shortage of ateel and H 4- Monday. Crown 1'oint 2c. North Lily C4c. Chief Cona. S4c. ii' v s. Ml: Mil Ml: U K. in fill TphlMory of liberty Wednewlny Rig Hill 9r. Chief Cona. 21Vfcr. Sliver Shield lc. Tintlr Standard $2.20. Dewey Kin Mayer An uncle of Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey. William Davis, was mayor of Fort Worth. Texas, for 15 years. The Frrlile Crescent Civilization was cradled in Egypt Prof. and in the "Fertile Crescent James 11. Breasted of the University of Chicago coined the phrase, the "Fertile Crescent. It applies to the region, crescent shaped on the map. between the Persian gulf and the Mediterranean, which includes Mesopotamia. Palestine, Phoenicia and Syria. These were the ancient lands where the soil was fertile though on every side they were surrounded by deserts. ! HAIU.l. - "to : I m. nf of Mil 1 Th II. l I Ki nf Si' 1h. m. f. i . . If yon nr Ht awner. Hnvt you wov of KNOWINQ for? aro accounted lip Se M. rpl nf tin 1. Nt XV. 1 s. I ' I ai: M of all your charge , With an ordinory, 2 puct Mlnsbook, than is littl control ovor lost ilipi. And occasionally, thy ar lost in ovary ompany doing charga buslnMi. t 1 thi Hint Usually profit lo ownor iotsni nou Itl not wkot It should bn. Hi Ho only knows fkut PROFIT must bn guarded, locausa lossis in businass nomo only from profits. Losses cannot bn doductod from th Pont . . . from tho taxis . . . from salorios or ovor-boaProfit I tho an ly ploco whiro loisss strike. That's vhy profit must bo guardod! r ... Your dl ebargt accounts con bo "miurod". Remsmbcr that omdH plocos of popor ors vulnoroblo to firo, carslssmsis, brosisi through open window, woitspopor boiksfs ond L. losing. I II. St rot 1 20 Isforo you ordor now supply of solosbooki, lot m shew yoo how you con Insure you oolf ogolost such losses with m Red iform tslosbooks" 1 I MS-oo- 0. 20 S. Am4 vt or handy to you - - of L. 1 N lin St i'OI I hi It. 1 S, It uf It. 4 of S.. Eureka Reporter Phone 228 Collects 4!,0Jg Pencils The pencil collecting hobby that Ed Johnson of Pratt, Kan., started as boy has grown up with him. He now has 42,000 of them and claims it is the "largest pencil collection in the world outside of a newspaper man's pocket. Phone 36 razor, . r- sI.K 5 j I UKf.r h' SS EUREKA 4 J- - ; Says : Neil O'Donnell Mortuary Dignified Henlrf m i Nominal Charge, PHONX M L Call Any Tim DJ Night. 1 it?" sauce gives a magic "I did. about an hour ago. touch to hamburgers or broiled meat cakes. Mix 4 cup melted Broadminded, Anywav butter, 3 tablespoons of grated horsePrgreSiv, ir con' radish, 4 teaspoon sak and 4 tea- spoons each of paprika and celery She I don't know. She wears last alt. That will do for four servings. jrear'i hat, drives this years car, This sauce also may be heated. and lives on next year's income. Associated Newspapers - WNU Service. i h ..?ui?,he I Sure to Fail Testing Officer And what is the white line in the middle of the road for? Applicant-F- or bicycles. 1 Is It Protected Beal Him to It don't you show your who s master in the house?" "XVhy Against FIR Quick Thinker "My wife found a while poker Pket this morning and jtoP " I told her it was a dyspepsia tablet. And did she swallow it?" ut AM; nilTAtt) mbit tm tUTU' A home is one of the proudest possessions a person has, and wife therefore "She knows. the investment should be protected. The cost is so little that no one can afford to be without it. BRAVE SrEKCN h-- Ml Hanover Fire Insurance Co.ofN. 7. W,nt .fc- - Wt be- - Hubby-Y- ou forgot. That's huw you and I began, by fluting. In 4 Dad-W- Fire and Automobile Insurance. the young people broughl l,arm to anybody1" S. 4 J NE. ft. rd rd GEHOCniDUl m.; . It. 14 room modern home 1, .1 ne Lodgu- - 'ill th at Ok o Ml S. K. 10 Hj gsreks He was so full of love for her distkisT LAND OFFICE, that it made him poetic SILT LAKE CITY, FT III. my c "Darling, he whispered, love for you is as boundless as the May 19. 1941 ocean; oi-- like the ocean, it cannot that on c. E. RIFE. Editor and Pibd Notice i? being given be dcn.tJ " . March S. 19.".$. Don Clyde, whose ad- say it cant, was the Riven a Heber City, I'tab,! cool retort. 'T ve kept every letter City' Kn'ereil la 'hr postoffb si at ion Salt fiM u)plll ''tab. soeoad dig i you've written to me." 042373 as amended April 1941, ew under 'be n nf gug 1 Graz-8 of th section under Taylor n act as anu-nueto seh-c- t the Etx I S7S XV g r.? 22. V'2, KX-- Set. 21 XV NWXi NE'i, XV 013 Gallons Yearly SE,. S'- Sec 27. NE'i XE4. See 34. T 11 8. It is estimated that tin inn It 4 XV, S L M, I'tah, in exchange motorist uses 683 gallonigfpai lor (he S4. Sec 28. all of Sec 32. and 35 quarts of oil in i jtnr. T C S It r. XV. K4 NE'i, SXVXi NE S4 SK'i. NXV 4 SE' , Sec. 20. N'4 NE'i. Sec 29. T 8 S It ti XX'. 8L hr rd co L,r ytanellz, r SALE- - Modern home unfurnished. I'ull 24 or 2. 1(JU 4 Ml 2 7 1,1 - It. of It. fr a'olf and My Neighbor a. ,h bsving Laiorsd t er- - rr; mvkx Ml i th th .S 6s r ok SALE Praclieally new Oliver typewriter. $12.!i0. lhone No. 3. London Foil SALE -- Modern 4 room home, with closed In porch, garage. Will Aber- an to introduced hotel was Mr. Mildred iiIho sell furniture. "And what donjan who asked hint. Anna McDonnell Mr. at Nolan tae? (J0 belong you lMJUn(ry -home. I'l.e gieulest country in world.'' replied the American. -I i. ranted Mai: o due I," replied Sandy, Scots-rlfl- e. you dmr.a speak like a :,u ,i.J in the A'mted 'i-J'U.e. 193'J, total .ti ct" ri.ii.u." tj 'ii on Bf a - d An? gitu be M. I'tali, privately owned land. This rot ice is for the purpose of allowing all per Min claiming selected lands, or having Inina fide objections to the pK'luxed exchange, an opportunity lc file their protest nr olhi-- r objection in this office, together with evidence that u copy of such protest A few blueberries or raspberries rv?d Pon You won't flirt with any " ohJtion in the seooped-ou- t hearts of grape- of XVifey within 30 from days the the at stenographers office, thi fruit halves give a delightful flavor dale of tin firt publication of and color note. Serve as an appe- will you, dear? the nut ice. I should Hubby not, say or you tizer dessert course. A. S. BIIOXVN. Register, oughter ee the bunch we got there. lisle of first publication July 10. A little chili sauce mixed with 1941; date uf last publication Jul Greetings by the Wholesale finely chopped parsley gives a 31. 1941. to Receptionist (into Retelephone) jellied soups. piquant topping member to always include a wedge Good morning! This is Dil worth. of lemon. Those soups need the Barnaby. Stokes. Waltingham, and lemon lang. Voice Well, good morning, good Flowers that are to be sent away nornni. Kd morning, good morn-shoul- d be packed in a box of paste- - nR morning- board, corrugated is best, and sprinkled oer with small pieces of ice, Deed Accomplished then covered with wax paper. They "Say, Mother, can 1 have that will arrive in perfret condition in orange on the mantel?" hot weaiher. "Yes Well, whv don't you get Horse-radis- 1 l oini em-mia- ! o , w'd u s 1 . , jr in - had Personal llherty Is the partm.iunt l htinian iI kh t am i uii happiness.-- Wilwer Lyttnn. I mean. Is a lib- Th(; ()njv iix-rconntecled with order: that no exists uIoiik with other than vlr-Iwhiih cannot exist at ti juo-.turned with the following verdict, "Your Honor, we would hitve cheerto have ju,. .. j ten j0iaI!l each , Albert Wickmau and Arvlll Good-all of Eureka were killed in a rock slide In the Santaquin quarry. fluth Murphy entertained the following little friends: Merle Clark. Mildred Mitchell. Vera Nuef, Irene Brady, Lola Wall, Nina Noel, Frances Jones, Frances Andeison, DoroLloyd thy Murphy, Jean Cromar. llanson, Blllio Galley, Walter Jensen, Ralph Sylvester, Lyle Conover, Webster Bruly, Ernest Boyr.s, YOU DO j Idl4 riW true. and consider a retire you to ; mining and bmdnesa intercuts. Puellenbach George and Joseph opened up a tobacco and candy More., Charles Baket died at hi home in Mammoth. In one week City Justice Churlo Kruger levied and collected llOwn In fines. Albert Johnson, assistant to Agi.tr E. J. Duggan ol the 1) an.l It G Ity waa spending his vacation la Denver. The little daughter of Mr. andj Mr. O. T. Christensen was accident-- 1 ly afcot through the le with a .22, s.. 1 ii in1' lh- l definition !" ?' Hrs. ? hi i N. In uJ tl"" packed Lincoln. lo rarih Hprln n Trui h itiHhmI spontaneously upward, uud whlspen It- to tin breeze mans In.ilietiabh Mr' i Mllu HACKS 01- - 'I1.!!1?. 'll,e juie t0 the tveivc "d "Mr. Circen engaged in a Mi. White. Mi Lteefi "'with a butc.icr , ul Wilson. Th world liu , Attorney X. It. C. Stott of Salt was In Eureka looking aftei s. I a Johnson. . 4 1 Metal-- ' to0k an option on the luralcal Co. The Little May levied a i,u)r rent assessment Slan-Th- e ijohbx, lorcmnn of the Tlt.ti1 plin mine the ard, Muted tint 0 inatall wet machine drills n)nK cn-Walter Fitch, Jr., aaid that Ina the break to would make an effort ahaft slnklm? record in tin world ter lily shaft of the Cb'ef Cons. gupt a C. Nelieker reported good progress in slnklm; the Zuma shaft, Fun-h- si-- : lov hlatorv In a of governmental powot llmltat it.- Woodrow er. not the lr.cnaae of I lin i4 jST. Lsihtef. ioiiM &jxsszx's: - 0 of I.. er i Mountain View Chief Con Chlof Con, (lime) Chief Cons. (dump Orel 11' In coiihIhi Tin liberty of a people which they U.nc governed by laws under wbat-roevhave made theiimelvea, rornt it he of government. and numeral on a white background will be the color arheme for tba 1142 Utah licenae Black letter C. E- - RIFE, Agent Phones 36 or 228 Good Company what kind of did you make in your finals ,r)ljes Son-- All right m everything but one study, and In that I tit ell, SKs.ttra? a Son I went down in history. . T PEERY H0TXI 8II.T Maybe, but it doesn't do any good then." mksi I1F FLAB PRICED MOP ( hotel L t you think, dear, that manias more sense alter he . miir. Don Cbttl.Xn.Wn lhNUitrully .iIin: 'sarmlwh $l0 to ttnmitwa) slid Wtl I REK iMHMi Teof" |