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Show f 9 94 in nl A pphikh ,riN DEVOTED TO THE GREAT TINTIO MIKIKO DISTRICT HOME OF THE WORLDS LARGEST SILVER.LEAD MINES m. d, Dl; i by n, UIM h lie u. re. I JJ-JJ"- Tk "it it n ( 'J" "2, 1 I "J'JJ tauTedthaMhe admlnlatratlona Kt needa specifically Utah ahull receive nearly Ilium and a quarter .dollar, for lopnient of strategla I up these roud he listed II, and the brunch from II at laquln to I, on roud Y IrlM hEh.en d i io pm f Inral Jueelitf Perl,0d c 8prl4 ,n tf 0Hd the 35 bui rM The r,ult of ,hi. gunm .mllcsies ,nted h pparent ,hl will be runnera-u- ,,t rith recommendation of this na- it only seems na ural that the road official, pet busy and put way I m proper condition for ind. of traffic. This ha. been laed lime and again but at the ,ut time the road I. .imply aa between Eureka and the Ne- line, with the exception of the hard aurfaced la the vlci-iheof Della. delexalion or Juab and Millard uy men met with the atate road mlaalon laat week and additional niae waa given that the road Id he Improved. romlaee dont count ita the ae- act that doea. Grove of he A, , ror blrth lhe atate urnaln(.n?n , h Tlntic haa had hm lhU year. A of .iM performed wonderfully, and It' would be an injuatlce to alnple out' ,ny one of the (or Bpe ment. They have played leapu game. ln hard lufki by one point margin.. All of which reflect, credit to our couaenJ coach. Taft Watt, who alrrady' haa In the making a fine team for next year, onf . , KTATK PATROL DATA highway AKRKHTS. p. 1 letter waa received Reporter from Walter H. he following the b t! Ct.lae CLOTHS leolgn Ml Slar gge of San Pranciaco, Califor- and la aclf explanatory: n .how. that during the year Hij' on active duty covered 1,754.504 mllea or policing the 5100 mllea of atate highway under the jurisdiction of the patrol, .SS3 arreata were made, t.2 of which were for apeeding. 1,951 for lack of driver, llcenae. 1.557 for running atop signs, 494 for rallure to have car. Inspected, and 337 tnts were made for drunken driv50 patrolmen The writer and Mra. Wregge are traveling folka who had the mla- ne or being bogged down In the on the evening of February 10 Boulter, Utah, which we learn- he next morning was a consider- from your community. e's would appreciate your kind- - tng. In giving us the opportunity to Setting up of a practically new The patrol. In addition to Its oth ess our appreciation thru your 'er duties, Inspected 191 school buses WMem of state government by the publication, In order that the in every school district In the state, current legislative session scents as- Is of your community and Juab Careful attention wns given to this "ured with the unanimous passage ADS a few minute after Slier- leber Mellor waa advised of our, i: ho had action started. Tour Deputy Sheriff, Carl Eagar, i not be stopped after not be able to enlist the services of trs county or state highway dttient truck. He contacted the Mllllman Service Station at k'lthln 'AM (ad - Jnca e. 33 Wasp, of Ncphi! and play Plear- - p alon uare The Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah reiterated Its opposition Saturday to any change In the present system of dlatrihhllng to l'tah cities and counties of autumn- bile license funds, be meeting waa held at Kanub to recom- ov- - New and the legislj-tha- l Ilowever, the commendable thing Is he claimed no dependents even nr malnlalnence of the state fish me with a single in spite of tho fact that he haa tak- - Bnd 'imlaaioner, assisted by a three n care of hla mother for years and n",n uflvlaory board. maintained a home for her. Bulking of the auto license It la believed that when Mr. might the auperlntendency will be 'y ilelrtbutlon, Henry Jones of Hel-li-- tt in the hands of URoy Bishop. Pr. president of the association, ,d ,hat ,he wodutlon la better principal of the high school, and others will move up a notch higher, fce bn any stats agency to her ,h c,n best- he their present standing. When!,,,d Mr. Blight returns In a year (?) he, be association Its emphasised .III resume direction of the school island on local control and Indicated district. do' the responsibility of Improvement What la Mr. Blight going In city and county roads should be with all that 21 a month. left to local authorities. The associations legislative rommllteo was Tintic Elks Made Visit Instructed to work fo mainiciiLnce Price Lodge. of tho rurrent license fund arrangement and accept no compromise, last Saturday evening Tlntic t'hauncy Sandberg of Hurricane. Lodge No. 711, B. P. O. Elks, made rice president, remarked that If the u visit to the Trice lodge where the money la given to the publicity and local officers gave e demonstration Industrial development depart men'. of the ritualistic work by initiating It will mean every city and county rome new eaudldulea. It was Tln-t!c- 's will have to all on the governor's part of the statu contest and door step to get money for improvetheir work was very fine and the ment work. He asserted that no lorsl officers were highly praised. long term Improvement proprams After the business session a splen- will be possible under the proposed did banquet was served and the re- new set-umainder of the evening wae spent in While opposing Gov. Maw's otnclng. program for the fish and Tintlc Lodge members and their game department the association Inpartner who were In attendance timated the economy In line with the were: Harold Boynoa, Bernle Logan,! governors requests should be rerog-- : Runty litre. C. K. Rile, R. I). Alher- jli-y- , John F. Rowe, Arnle Mattson,! The bill now before the legisls-Fran- k Gear, Miss Earlene Crouiar.j ture. It la believed, will complicate Frank Garrlty, Miss Mary the situation and Inrrease expendl- Frances Garrlty, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd i lures. At the request of Paul R. Frankc Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Haynes, ; Ludlow, Mr. and Mra. Wm. Taxman, Mr. and of Springdale, superintendent of the Mr. Jon Brlndrak, Mr. and Mrs.' national parks and monuments lu Theo. Aihcrlry, Mr. and Mrs. I .eon- - Utah, they named Mr. Sandberg : rd serve as a member of the newly Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joint resolutions, one senate Jotni'Boyns. Mr. end Mrs. Clyde Camp- - rreated Zion national advisory rom- Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gunder- - miitee. memorial and f ve Joint house reso-.hel- l, Tha assurin' inn alo liar ked the lutlona. Gov. Maw has approved 24 son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sullivan, measures and vetoed one. All tolu Mr. and Mrs. Ilsy Painter, Mr. and superintendent's request that it aup- t a hill now pending to provide a James stale paid ranger for the Capital Reef Monument. and clalit house bills huve been kill- ed and ten withdrawn. Final action Lead Stocks Were Up Santaquin-Tinti- c Stake To Is yet to be taken on 215 senate bills v- Celebration. .Hold January two senate Joint resolutions, two 4 senate concurrent resolutions, 133 The Seventies Quorum of Santa- With deliveries of ler.d refined In house hilts, 11 house Joint resolu- Slake will hold It sn- me t,on" 1a,,d nB bow mon?h aS on Saturday, Mam. celebration the past fhang during mor Hh. at the Santaquln High School Increased stocks production Hills receiving final approval last ton!? auditorium eai - The annual report of the uctivl-!tie- a of the atate highway patrol haa i been aubmltted to the road rommla-- )CKS be telling talcs out of but nuvertheleHa Alexander j llllght, autterlntendeni of the Tintlc School District, la leaving right soou to do Lia year In preparation of the military defenae program. The Reporter snooper had a look at hla quest Iona I re and It waa a most remarkable document. 11c listed himself No. 1 which means he will be a buck private, willing lo Civic Clubs Turn Down Maw de-th- DSS;Mpt0.rnd,h' the m COATS It might IU.IUIIT mor.-bav- Hlphway No 6. and Hoo-rv- eU ,0 Itary ? ??. - l "lb Chli-agmf40- then xe LK. STAND. , lImlntsd Tintlc froui any cbsuml Iy," ,r. ,h ! 'I"""' upy p- ray of hope for Highway No. I .Nebo In J J,lvl,Miou the week to llKtit early y Moday iveiilnK . v. J. Brown of Chicago, e " ;"s director of the r a accom- Road and' Streets, ariivixV 1(., l tttA a offer and make survey to J 0MhJL8,,rlnvll,e ;,,h wa to ihi?.?.!!11 with eat Iona building regard lhrlller , ,ary hUhwnya under the nation- ter found ,he ( I OH DHAI-'- y dlv,l of a note to noie that I. jthe Red Devils of 8prlngvllle he H'buiIo, IIATri OFF TO AMAZE A MINUTE SCIENTIFACTS ARNOLD T1NTIC. r, is Number A rcorgunlaa- plan for governmental were very satisfactory, Continuing Us educational work Apparently religuiing to the ills-rPr oarer driving, the patrol Issued 4959 warning ticket to moiorisis " the dall Inclusive reorganization by the tower house in paiM-u cases that did not warrant ar- PProxlmaiely 75 measure rest. This work on the part of the &or r y,or, ,1 Ph ng palroI has been received favorably the senate during ,lun separately, by the public, and the training lven drivers has proven a safely far- - ie week passed five of them They 'rd li -- quIn-TInt- '! e0Brrl lc 474 SETS "P services of a truck. ' Production !"!ll Durlnf th. year the commission ber of lead refined waa lend this affair from all the coinmu" com.nLsIon and whe welfare Is public one we )ur shall experience in the patro. , Uf IsJtl authorized an Increase tons. throughout the stake. jjollies 2,043 tbo 1 .t,h1.atut1e nr: for a long time, and we o( eleyell mt,n. Coo applicants ap- - r,nBr cn.tr0! Th"se celebrations are unique In ulotk ,h I -' on In1,p,1t tah land for School, JA Training Hunting, trapplikewise not forget the true Amprivate much as they start at 3 in the for the domestic l,hj puedi 0f which 10 qualified supply Juvenile court system to the Ii.g or ramping a mlsdeunor. in spirit manifested tbese jjy U afternoon n i rt,, ted that the addiUns,l "d welfare and last until midnight, remains However, 'dustry tight. A vri to strangers to your community. depaitincnt I 7 j good Dancing, Interspersed with varied I0 ,h(l palrol wlll ,)e a KrMt help In Pub,ic of lead foreign pig tonnage d'eThere Are Still Many Utah your couimunity let us state kMlllnl 1who,,, " 'are available to relieve the marke .entertainment numbers, will last hu highway safe for mo- legislative experts 11. Legislators your sheriff's department Is mrlsls Uils year, til ( p. in., at which lime a supper bs demand Increases. Cpr Unregistered. of the remainder the nix that predict conducted by the most effirlwill be served. After this dancing 4 4 will be bills senate reorganization 1 type of men, and deserre your will .continue until midnight. to a from the According report IT BAGS upon and with house approval LOCAL 1IOY WAH AWARDED Inued support. An old time oVrheatra has been commission there are atlll NtW Machine Eliminates oTe governor for his action be-- j B,,,e HOXORM AT IL Y. I. and It will feature the good etigagfd in rare are that xrcat l'tah many BAaainn on cf bell Stamps. rings fore the rtnal Licking waltzes and novelty dances of the . her Harrington and His n- -, new .ne anio si. carrying March 13th. They they will meet. sacs older times. cctio P ate In spite of the fact that ents On Coast. The post office department has awarded rlvll aeronautic authority with but little opposition except a - bo Everybody over IS years of agr, was the deadline. atSaturday foUlld few of a the with m,.h0i eliminating to study for a Untied to minor details and scholarshin or religious affiliations, regardless 'h-f ""mP John Harrington, nrcom- States government pilot', license, it tempt, at rUnt amendn...m.l. are to attend. invited " In the near future Utah as well as d by his parents, Mr. aril Mrs. announced this 'week by Doctor deemed likely in view of the uaanlwhich rars not are probe ran of the real the nation preMs Harrington, ara now In CallB. Hales, chairman of the B mous votes cast on those already intie Visited By Heavy are Kriy licensed If they travel t hi pared for Tliey J Is visiting with relatives on the Dayn. Y lT committee In charge of sward- passed. in IMnh or and veils Is a Highways 1. will marhlnea which in Snow letter in Juno Storm Sunday, placed Then probably 1m." scholarship. session at ,,,vo l no question but what finer automatically weighed, and the cor- Rus- .'her Harrington, who was horn TP- -I- II "Wed. One of the heaviest snow storms up. srli will Include flight m,,re ,h,,n ,h" " A mon us the mailer places the of th. winter season hit the Tlntic to M afier having spent el-- b' n"r'ovo'"munlcll airport, and a on the governor's appointments cost of In ihe slots, the District, and In fact the entire slate, h. India. After a short period tbojlcenm..reason department. he They of Flight. to th. newly created that many rropi reon Sunday. It was a storm that din whatever ,in stamps the letter, make and me he will return to that mun- .. . commissions, Nineteen university. the at f .allht in secure pla'e Is that considerable damage to the road In necessary to visions are dwmed nl rontlnue with hla mlzsionaty wtk,r ach0iarhlp were awarded. - H ey believed ll.e Mate Wl- - since enactIbis area for the reason that the fall the reorganization strengthen b- - d'"dlln- d this was 0 wet and heavy that It took the many transfers CAN SLIDE ASH ;;Bnd ment. including not ' rasp. the bottom out of all roads that are of powers and duties from existing ' not hard surfaced. Even the highdcbartment and rommlsslons lo the SLIGHT ADVANCE MADE way from Silver rity to the Jericho new sgenrles. I RICF. OF LEAD. ramp was a night mnre to tra-cWith reorganization us a and mnre than one car was tied the lower house Iasi week A New York report up between those places. deviled It attention to other peml- feet that lhe price of Th pu: slate road commission has measures. RepresiMilailve Ing last Nov. inb r to make repairs to this promised tha okey on 17 house hill and three lhe hlchest since com- roud. If ihe rommlsaion doesn't bills One senate Joint reso tben the Annrran producer, raised the here Is going to be no travel over The week's sc- - lunv waa killed lding r one of a rent p.-Highway No, I, tlvltles raise tht total or bills pass quotation 3 " 75 ecu's euily In the ed by tho house to 51. Including 17 also passed by tho seau'e. Th price had been icatlmi ry at Receipts For Utah State The aensto last week p.wed 17 C.75 een.i . pound sbe l .br.iurv nmn Joint one senile Show Increase. hills, scuslo The previous high. five house Hh. rongre-- x and e erlal November gib. was reins. It hul bl,u- - rp 10 the week end Receipts of the stale of Utah for bei-had not which quotation lassed 47 senate blits and one RJM February totalled 13.393,175.01, or equalled since September of 1937. 51,014,531.95 mure than was colIncluding also six passed by the both Measure passed hy lected In Ihe same period of last house. -branches lolaled 23 bills, zlx nale Utah Legion Will IIoll year. Disbursements also were greatly Annual Session. Increased for lhe past month, there 1441 bring expended Officers and member of The ArMARCH 1941 gainst 13.118,141.01 a year ago. thur G. Sullivan Post of the AmeriPrlnrlpal receipts were: General can Lcrlon are planning on attend taxes 850.33. 67. liquor of the state nrgani-i- l hlrthdnv the properly Ing WNr.'.N" control commission 37t,4 11.37, fed l b n In Salt Lake on Frtdav, Uty QUAirHsf March 14th. More than a thousand The ash ran alide offers real thrills oral appropriations 849S.Ct5.go and are expected to be In attendance. at Yosemite National park. This special taxes 81,210,334.16. girl seems te be heartily enjoying JJ diversion from more "modern her ' Mining and Legal Blanks fur sals Call 3 in 23R for fire or ntaw1'' The International i of eliding down Icy hllli. mean teim Dog Sled derby held taf,llbry(y,jJa at C. E Rife. Reporter Of fire, Eureka, Uuk, 4UHcJ insurance. bVFaVid I recalled travel In Om ley anow aereaa full C0V,H' raclni at sptad ItttlS - rret '0 'To r 'lo " null-o-ma- '7 T.ll Sail, aim u. M '! Doe Sled Derby I' ('' whol-approve- d, Siio-liln- Pnd lt rnnimEQCZllIJiiiB "d. t 50 a el |