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Show ir- - Thursday? December 5, 1940. EUREKA REPORTER deals HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 0 Superintendent might and Donald Mansun attended t in Salt meeting 'l.ake last Friday and Saturday per-- apprenticeship training defense, ,he educa-u- r "r oI ,he oul of "fhool rural youth, Local Inatruetora on the national Mr. and Mrs. J. Vern Klfe and sur defense program. Carl Ihiuer, Dean Kohler, Jno Nellson, C. Hobble, spent Saturday and Sunday Reek. Frank Gurrlty and daughter, Mary Frnnrea, were Salt Lake visit- late last week i Mrs. nl.n , j C-o- rae j In Salt Lake City. A. and Seln-mp- Inin Munson, will In Bull Lake thla attend a rnufi Mr. nnd Mrs. John Morley, Jt.. vtH,, end for the of set tin purpose and children, of Irovn, spent Snn- - np of study for the defense day here with the former's father iralnlii program, ulitr relatives. There are Mill openings in the ) I ni-- ,,wrll P'rn wwol Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Elisha Dailey of American Fork, ,,UI,I,W'- ,'ie Al were gnome of Mr. and Mr.. Wilson on, I,,7 Lee on Burnley. Murphy and son. Call Lake Clly with relatives friends. and Mrs. Douglass sienl the tntst week end I kiu mi I. f t,,e Ka,,d nd' Ilaaa were nde t0 ihe money for new uniforms. As a part of this fund raising pro- grant the Boosters will sponsor a card party Friday evening, December 13th, In the Little Theatre at THS. The student chapter of the Boost- tra mg been reorganized, with Robert Laird as president; Robert RuunelU, vice president; Rill Wlrth- lln, secretary and treasurer, and Tncjr ,rc,pi,f ,"h"p C',ub e1,ep und are planning on gelling sweat- - in The American Lesion Auxiliary - of Mrs. Vir- giuia Carlson nest Monday evening All members are urged to attend. will meet her with a rememthe whole family this not present W'!Y brance from or sr . M PH.,;..; . . orfkl J de i.4 ' ... E.v crea -- b led An entire meal can be placed in the oven . . . which cooks without attention . . . permitting her to go out many afternoons or year, red : Tordi: do any one of a dozen UK :et s. uuh, . filUL fcllldMC. I night- ax cot . i 93 y . I i j i; eStr tan ' - I J i u OGfe) &foi!3GQ OGO0CHJ qjggQWtt fDOOP odaHSPttP i Lunrt intll i nt ry rice irgau i D; ditional charge. Plymouth and Desoto n i I We will call for your car and deliver it back to you at no ad- seif-s.uri-f- m-ir- y 54 work, do the job. bomb out of men's minds heroic ride. The sue-.leGodlva's ,I.ady whose streets she through city ' rode rlolhed only in her hair to lift the burden of her townsfolk, almost Nazi eirmen. wiped nut hy rut lile lr of her Ilow the im still lives, even though its scene Is turned to rubble and told in the Ani'-ricaWeekly, the nnga-- ! week's vine dlslriouied with next la-'- . Angeles Examiner, Can't Bingham Canyon In 1878 inni' $20.00 to $300.00 ON YOUR CAR Eureka Motor Co. fin-mee- n tfpplianaiA. pum. yoWL 0scdsJt on k d- - ' SALES and SERVICE i The Saturday Night ervit '- Harry MM 2 a t 1 ds mu , r":. "j M Tues H - i W. I v - . .. V . Bingham Canyon, Early hUiory of Bingham la exemplify of Ilia Iranaformiitlnn of a virtual wasteland Inin a humming industrial community and the must linpnriani alnale emerprlse In the mate. The picture above wa Uken in t7K and those who visit the rsmp :uday And it difll.'ult to vlsiiulixe the industry that hns been in this narrow ranyon for the stale and the nation lit making Utah cupper the wnrld'a tcreatest open-cu- t rnpper mine Colonel K. A. Wall entered the ramp In liiS7 and was linmedia ely Achi traded hy Its possibilities cord in to early slorie he Inspected an old abandoned tunnel driven hy soldiers who rame to Itali under the command of General I'. K. ('minor, and there found eemtdee nf cupper ore. I pun Inquiry he found that the around was open to relocation, e former rlalm holders had fulled In do their asHe immediately sessment work Hied on (no rlalnts. Hurln the succeeding 10 years Colonel Wall added to Ills huldiiiics some Sun In the district, ecqulrtn acres. During Ihesa years he kept up bis assessment work snd succeeded In sccompllshln J.Ouu fep on various parls nf the property This work began to unfold lhe extent of Ihe htie stock of ropper ore. JAS pyj r. . i; rr-a'- ed ? ' -- NIGHT PHONE NOW NEED YOU i ANTI-FREEZ- E HIIHH 187S Mr. Ernest Roy ns gave a party lust Saturday for her lit lb. daughter I Dolly, celebrating her tenth birthday. Games were played and a delicious n luncheon served lo lhe following ft. Iks: Connie Rt Edward.', Mer-leu- e Wiles. Rom Rrnderick, Kathleen I'ett, Anna Jiun Jones, lorna Ltiyns, Jane Tli iiii.'s, Letiy Rosen Kdw. luff, Dianna Wall, JJetty Kay. Evan Naef. Gourley, Lobhle Gourley, Howard Fields, IkMinld and Carl Wail, Gene Wall, Jt rry lluyns. .Also preseul was lhe littli tut'a gi-- M erand mother, Mrs. Canniu Fields, her gland mother. Mrs. Delhi Wall, and Mrs. Myra I.tiyna. Mr, lluyns was assisted in rii'ortuining tile young people hy Mi. Fayn. Wall mill Mrs. Tliomus Maxwell. lli-ll- Captain Joseph R. Dc laimar, pioneer Mercur operator, became Interested with Colonel Wall and sent two young engineer in ' hi enrdny at Mercur. I). C. and Robert C. Cemmell. to RlOgham to Investlgeie the possibilities of Ih Tbelr Joint report porphyry after an extensive examination and mill tests, recommended Its acDe Lamar, Captain quisition. though an astute miner, was skeptical and Anally abandoned tbq Idea of trying to make a mine of It. Jackllng, however, had convinced himself that the deposit could lie successfully developed and a few years later through III perslstanre and determination succeeded la launching the Utah Copper enterprise In 1903. The foundation of Utah Cupiier was built on a thin thread, as the rock that was culled ore. contained lese than 3 per cent ropper and a email amnunt of gold and silver. -- That thin thread etill exists today, end requires an extensive srale of operations to keep the mine In operation. The manaae men! It continuously romhst'lng one forre or another In order to keep the mine equilibrium and maintain l:e employment. Its puis (haslng poser and magnitude as the stele's leading Industrial -- Jai-kli- ' i Nc. In-in- f ViW rtEO COOOQIB HP BH1HHB b dtoj 2,' 1 .'Le of Klial.l ily 3Ci.'i mlis if khaki are in wtiviin did he - XI The Ncuhsiue sfftn iaaMdiaie seen Is Im aiisy diiag is see sad 4s la Ssh Uk Clip fMcdly Ucaled, silk Urge Modem inm of kcwiy oad commcL Four tko ikoyiia fiBwut rciUunnU wnriog fioo food, sad Uiiioxi crater-yo- u will fiod U mom oouvraicol rad ocommImI to May ot tko Ncwkwaw fs fitth Hole! Neujhouse fefl ni dit .r 'Kition'n; Animal Feed Horses, row. and p ;s kept wiilrn Berlin's r.ty limits linvr iiio cd on ration!! by German autlwrit In the Ilerlin area, fur example. Ihe allotfollowing monthly mixed-fee- d ment have been set up: For a horse, 330 pounds; fur a pig. 33 pounds; for a row, 163 ninds. Each owner nf lve stock must posses a rationing card in ordei to buy sup plies. EACH 400 12-- 14 ROOMS c. A little bewildered, perhaps, but not wilboul enthusiasm ftr his new hume b this tiny refugee from Lossiemouth, Scotland. His name is Donald Darry. and he's standing in n ventilator of the S. 8. Camrronia upon Its arrival at New Turk. SITII BATH OUTSIDE ht-t-- n 't. Sail Lake City fHl.:1 llJ t. III il Plklilllall. iiiiitil ' ... a n oltlliaall IMIS IS TOM A i'A I'M XHE. COAL MAN, (AUIN6 VOJ TO Stt IF M70 WANT TO RACE. VOiR ORDER FO 7 i il i i 1 I 9 NO I BtfleOf led If' N. 0. IN, HKRVK'K. PHONE 83 Ru. ilthlii tO- WRECKING DAY Mrs. William Gear, Mrs. William Trelonr, Mrs. Rowena Hanks, Mrs. Joseph and the two prist: winners. that; Hi Alden Childs Mgr. r Galla-wu.- -4 r Bridge Club were enlotl'ilu.-by Mrs. Iasi wwks Caiten et tlu-lA delirious lumheon and were the features. urd playliiR Mrs. I'.. E. Rife w.m high seore, Mrs. John koto nil rut.' Iresenl were Mrs. Stella Shea. Mrs. Curl - . Permanent Traffic Markers street! in LinAll asphalt-covere- d coln. Neb., are marked with permanent traffic lane linea made of A report from Washington wae to white atone chips. the effect that the new congress would make substantial cuts In relief appropriations, In line with the president's announced policy of trimming expenditures In the next fiscal year. Congress will consider the relief needs In March, when the rearma- 103S to 1040 nuMli-- l ears and light eaeli ment program' le expected to be trucks --contracts refinanced nearing Its production peak. Dy advanced. then employment should have InFree Parking Cullen Garage 17 H W. Snd So. creased a great deal with a conee quent reduction In the number of CONSUMERS CREDIT CO. I purchased on convenient, easy terms at your Electric Dealer. day. SCh-- , things she cant find time for now. You can make her happy every day for years to come with this grand gift which can be . OlDOUAXtlCO.,lAWIiNCflUIG,INO, Funds For Relief Needs May Be Reduced. non-defen- se automatic. .v lioin- fROOf COei.tVSO.THf Mary Ann. the llltlo daughter of Vr. and Mrs. Tony Kscarravletu. home last week end after an ere. eppendectomy performed in a Suit The Troopers Club has also been laikn hospital. reorganised thla year. They are now Al the Catholic Ladira enrd party telling Retl Crus memberships aa a hi Id on Tuesday evening of last l,ur 1 their school service. ' Tltl Friday night the basketball week, the prizes were awarded us HYU high on our own l'l follows: Bridge, Mrs. Willium dear 8 o'clock. SOO' Mrs f,oor and Frank Campbell; Ihe leant will wear lltelr clasfcy William Morris and Glen Kniiitv. . new warm up uniform silver snlln .. I The regular meeting of the Am- - with miners tools across the back, a erlcan Legion Auxiliary will be belt! Ui.e advertisement for this mining Monday evening, December 9th, at ulstrlct. the home of Mrs. Virginia Carlson. Saturday night the local team tellef workers. Owned by Pacific Finance. members are ur ed to he pres- - plays Tooele In Tooele. j All lent us there will be important busl- - 1'iineipal li.shop gave an address, , Notary Work at Reporter Office. 600 ContlnrnUl Ilk. llllCa Halt Lake ness and a good time for all. before a meeting of the secondary ! association at I'rovo on John J. lUnnifln. one of the old- - principals Wcdnea(Iay evenlng. , reel-J eat firemen of the state and a dent of Eureka, was the guest speak- K3W EngUnd Fast Da er at a meeting or the Spanish Fork K is lhe onfy New Fire Department on Monday even- - E Und1Iampshire which still observes il atc log. Ilia subject waa proper com- -' Fast d on the last Thursday in and I ensallon for volunteer April The day was first proclaimed standby service. n 1681 when the governor of the Eureka, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tracy and Province lay dying and ordered a and prayer in children have moved to I'rovo to day of publw fasting ot ndrY token of div,ne make their home, where they will V. Give that car of yours, the reside at 72 West 4th North. For dl,Pleasure. some year. Mr Truer whs arent at motor especially, the tunning , BIaDk. at Reporter oftlc,. the local Rio Grande depot but re-- w, niaraDce. c. E. Rlfa. ceutly was replaced hy Mr. Jones of up it needs, and let our expert Mr. Traey will have the Goshen second ttiek at the union station at workman, who guarantees his Provo. an Automatic Electric Range year the gift she has always wanted? It will mean many extra hours of leisure for her for Electric Ranges are completely tab. at the l2Pt. Ns.ds PintNaH Quart rto.i THIS WHISKtV 114 VIAIIOID-- 1 a . IP .. . P I 9 m ,1 I i n v NEWT vWINTEW Acoalnowj I |