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Show Thursday, Angnst 10.: EUREKA REPORTER .Tajre 4 ? Heavy Buying' Causes Metal Price Advance ic.nuisn THEATRE ENTERPRISES FRIDAY AuguM SATURDAY lllh ISilli SUNDAY - MONDAY .ukuni mill Hiii ...Prize Musical A Drama of A Col- orful Era With $? iy V 'iWf The Prize Star Cast oi 1939! Stas Dust An exceptional demand for copper resulted In an Increase In price In; the New York metal market during the peat week, the advance being to 10 Vi centa a pound. Overueaa quo-- : tatlona roue to 10.71 centa, the hlgh-- j eat since laat November. Record aalua of copper were made In New York during July, figures released laat week showed. The! month's total of 183.G76 tons sed the former top of 180,052 ions reached October, 1930. The high spot of domestic desl-- ( Inga was the purchase by Japan on Friday of 2000 to 30U0 tons of copper, the first nl reside buying since the government furnished notice of termination of the 1911 trade treaty with the far eastern nation next January. The aalea were made In' a price range of 10.70 to 10.75 centa a pound. Topper men weighed the possibility that Japan might be stepping up her buyiug before the sixteen months grace period allowed by the treaty, I ends. Lead continued to move at a good clip. So good, In fact, that purduc-cr- a and custom units had to resort to a waiting list for buyers at one Sellers boosted their quota- -' (line. tlons a total of 20 points to 5.05 to The London 5.10 cents a pound. level, In the meantime, moved about the domestic level, thus leaving an additional margin for a further advance in this country. Sales for the week of 11,174 tons were the best for any week thus far In the year. Zinc remained at 4.60 cents, deDealers spite fairly good business. pointed out that the overseas quotation had not yet risen to a point where the local price could be raised without fear of attracting Im- mu Picture Without Men Remembered for Another Right Up Raft's Alley Ily Virginia Vale A U'T'IIE Women," the movie A version of the very successful play of the same name, is going to be something to see. Norma Shearer, Rosalind Russell and Joan Crawford head the cast, which includes those excellent actresses, Phyllis Povah and Florence Nash, and one hundred others, all girls. Women will want to see the picture, it only to aee the clothes super special frocks have keen whipped up for their benefit. One of Joan Crawfords la black velvet, split to the waistline, and worn over very tight black knickers. And men will want to see It, both to see some of our best screen actresses trying to outshine each other, and to see what of them Union Pacific railroad employes, tbe other half silver cups 13 In the great stadium frophicsTurtag the famous Sun Valley rodeo Auiust It and to be awarded sx -u.... center. r.i. sports at Sun Valley, Idaho's . cut-thro- ,m. Eureka Motorist Got His Deer With Auto i . not Hogan Munson of tills city did wait until the opening of the season to get his deer as evidenced by the fact that be brought In a nice big doe on Friday morning of last week. fi-- r Increased Payrolls Are Reported for Utah Industrial payrolls in Utah have Increased 1500,000 per month In the second quarter of 1939 as compared with the first three months of I l he year. Col led Ions fur the unemployment compensation Insurance fund due July 31, now total $625,811 with ap- $30,000 yet to be re-- ! Roscoe Kama has played featured celved, according to Ray R. Adams, ' roles in more than 100 motion picdirector of the State Industrial Com- tures, but is best remembered for mission placement and unemploy- one he didnt play. In a series of ment Insurance department. Col- pictures in which he didnt appear. cut-thro- at g, UNDERCOVER DOCTOR TUESDAY - PiriRKil Plctere ONLY lections for the first quarter at the; delinquent date totaled $576,678. Collections for the unemployment fund are abont 2.7 per rent of the average payrolls for 1938 and 1939 lo date. For years his friends and his fans hsvs Insisted on remembering him as tha fight manager in the "Leather Pusher series, in which Reginald Denny starred. But It was not but Hayden Stevenson, who Compensation Is now being paid Kirns, the manager. The two played l 3,300 unemployed persons since men don't fight even faintly resemble to' January 1, 1938, when payments eaeh other. ltene-lll- s unemployed workers begun, Karns is mystified, but at last is paid total $3,467,500. Balance in the fund Is approximately resigned. Just the other day, when he arrived at the studio to work in "Everythings on Ice," an assistant cameraman hailed him with, "Il'a Lead Smelter Reopened been a long time, Roscoe, since we worked in the Leather Pushers' toTuesday Morning August mill uiTIMCMiuii HOLT STITFI BIN IKO RADIO out i:kui mu snow it run everyone WEDNESDAY THURSDAY August lliili . I Till can A jun GRAHTV (ARTHUR oik mu money Muirr ox TlllESI Y OM.Y New Semloh Hotel MALT liAKK CITY, UTAH for 250 Froviding employment g men, the American 8melting and company resumed operation of its lead smelter at Muiray Tuea day, according to William J. O'Con nor, general manager of the com pany'a Ctuh department. The plant closed In April because of shortage of ore. Tha company began operating the roaster Tuesday, and plans lo liavt I he blast furnace In operation by thi end of the week. The company has continued to buy and stockpile ore during the ; shutdown and Mr. O'Connor says II 'now has euough on hand to assure j continuous operation until spring, providing shipments continue to hold np to normal, 'moil MN HK1.no TESTED '(KEEN COUPON entitles holder lo 2.V reduction any room at (lie rate any room at the rate advertised - one coupon the room the on aa aa 10 NEW beda. springs, mattresses, carpets throughout the house KITES fi-- m to fa.no We Now Feature Free Garage VKi: THIS COUPON'! K1YKK George Raft's performance in the new James Cagney picture, "Each Dawn I Die," won him a new contract and an assignment to do a remake of The Patent Leather Kid" (in which Richard Barthelmess or.ee made a come-back,- ) as his first picture. He is to make three a year. The hero of the picture is a prizefighter, which is right up the Raft alley in his days as a fighter he fought 22 professional bouts. Inex Beatrice I.indsay, daughter Mrs of Mr. (. I.lndssv of this city, is one of the prie winners in a National Contest sponsored by Scranton Craftspun Curtains, It was announced today. The prize was u Scranton lutre Pinner Cloth. I The contest, which rati tor sev.-ra- l months In newspaper- - and maga zlne, attracted mid- - spread interest, end many exciting pointer on decorating wvte subtiil't-M- . It was sponsored to stimulate Interest among homemaker In heauCfv-in- u tlieir homes and becoming in window draping. e hnni--windo- ... j be thing iliat g.tidr mtm lo tnirni ber a bout Alee Tempi Ion, the blind ptan-ir- , i not bis superb abihl j si pianist nml computer, but the full that unlit hr lens nine years old he did nut irni.ic ihm he uss hlinil . . . Television old etomuh to that Ino gills are signing over nhirh one has the rigltl to call herself I ha first Ijads of Tunisian' lh lied v l.amairi fiit iUia since ...Hi Alfier pul on the shelf and ilia next one ha i ing remake trouble, il t a que'linn nheihet she's a amid an imetimenl ai l.ntlsunod ihtthl often she made hei pm debut beta . . . lannia Hrire feels that ''Hose of H ashmPm ,uure Ai in: ttsJ d her rights pit, ms, d looted ker rharai-let- , and is an aifnir h.-- t I i, l.le lm n.lbiiui permit pi.iilicn ' News of radio programs that take the air in the fall is coming in regularly. Tommy Riggs will be back with "Quaker Party," Bob Becker will resume his dog talks, and the Screen Actors Guild show will have its old lime on Sunday nights with $10,000 for each broadcast going to the Motion Picture Relief Hill PltOJECT ' W 1flMlft - The Following are Event that Happened In Tlntlc lMslrlcl a Seore of Year Ago. I'tuh: Beck, Simmons, Mikesell, Kt aial Harold Shriver, Hillman, Hick, man. Honuer, Brown, 8elmaa u4 MINING NOTES Tlniic Standard Mitchell. opened a wonderful new bunch of C.iilie West berg and Jamea Garbed ore on the l'lr.ii foot level. Waller were arrested s by Ctah rounty more than Fitch. Jr., reported dial for severely beating up William a hundred men were employed on - inch of Goshen. They were relathi sliaM sinking Job al Shuinokln. ed under bonds $1000 earh. It tu 1a. HI Tlniic men in charge them Fliu-that had made dairyalleged were John Malhewson. Julius Santo, Mrs. Yeiiber. The Chief Cons. ing remarks about and B. Ferguson. The preliminary hearing In lh of dividend a SH Co. distributed Utah vs. the Harris fiatty of State cents per share. The East Crown end Edw Tharkman for the fcinipg as folPoint Co. elected officer of Jess Cone near Trout Creek b lows: Charles Zabrlskie. president; western Junb rounty wns scbednIH E. HuWh. vice president; Frank to start 11. 20 years tfo. August Wilford I). Kimball, treasurer; r Elm-Dunand Beesley, secretary, 2.NOO W P A EMPLOYEES TOcan, director. M. C. Morris, secreEast of Standard, the reported RE PROPPED MX)V tary the purchase of new machinery for Orders from Colonel F. C. Hip development work. Manacer J. H. Manson of the Nor h Standard re- rlngton to dischnrge all WPA worported tha shaft down to the 500 kers who have been on roll of tkc level. New officer for the Pinion agency- for 18 months or more viU that between 2400 and 21M Queen were elected as follows: Thomas Plerpout, president and gen- such employees will be discharp-eral manager; J. Will KnieM, vice this month in Utah, State Admiib-trrto- r Darrell J. Grcenwell lab president; J. C. Deal, secretary and treasurer; Andrew Sutherland and Sunday on being advised of lbs William Scowcroft, directors. .Washington ruling. ' Between 500 and 600 surh ns John Hanley purchased the inter-i- ployees were dropped before the diTreio-uinof W. J. In Hie smiss'll suspension of July 2$, Mr. and Hauh-business which Green well said. He indiral:-die consisted mostly of handling local under the ruling will charges business for W. II. Child ft Co., Salt at about 100 daily until ill latke brokers. such workers are cleared from lh Edward Juarez used i. knife on lolls. Ihmii.lo Andre durlus a quarrel at the Tlntlc Standard and slashed him lSHOTIIKK OK MAMMOIIl terribly. He was arrested by Utah RESIDENT DIED county officers. Mrs. Ihinna Lunt of Mammoth war Sister M. Eusebia, formerly MIkh at Santaqufn last Friday atteadiii Nellie Shea, was In Eureka visiting the funeral of her brother, Th with her sLler, Mrs. Joseph E. aged 32 years, who died n Taylor, O'Connor. tbe Sunday previous at Storktos. Pvrnn Wheeluck of Mammoth died California, of an accidental gun dot at Ml. Pleasant while visiting at a wound. Mr. Taylor was born February ! sister's home. 1907, at Bantaquin. a son of Hehr John I'rin nearly lost hit life In C. and Sarah York Taylor. II b the Centennial Eureka. He was rld-lu- g survived by his widow, Mrs. Rh a pump which was being lifted Wilson Taylor; two daughters, Jeu ftom the sump when it broke loose. and Eva Mae, of Stockton, Calif, Later I'rin was found iiucnnjrlous end two brothers and sisters. -- ofil-n-r- 1 M Tre-gnnf- y d cos-tln- ! CHEERFUL AS ITS NAME " fund. this urea samplKngineera are Paul Whiteman's band is Alma ing land, making testa and classify- Sister to nine men who are now as mill a ing preliminary to the Green Kiver water project that la leading their own orchestras. Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Henry Basbeing contemplated. se and Ferde Crofe among them. Juab, Tooele and Millard counties were with him 10 or II years must supply 8,000 acres of land They Another member of the baud ago. worthy of water, not excessively un- at that time was Bing Crosby, who fit for production, and which Justiwith the band but rouldn'l fies the enormoua expense of get- sang play; Just sal holding an instruting thli proposed water to It. ment so that he'd look as if he beSome of the far west land In Juab longed there. Too bad they can't all county bus already been adjudged bt gathered together for one more unfit for the projert. It is almost performance, with the great While-ma- n certain that the western sections of holding the baton. Millard end Tooele counties will al" so be turned down for the land Is J. B. Priestly, author of "The Identical with that of Juab. Good Companions," has been commissioned to write a novel for broadThe largest Roman Catholic church casting, the first ever to be written in existence in St. Prter's In Rome. directly for radio. The seating rapacity ran hardly be estimated, aa much of it conalsts of OIW .4.31 MBS-Hub- ert Tash and cortdors and halls, The building Barbara SlmtHft h, preparing lo tala a I flf'WfiiMt, covers four acres. ryfiffr h ihwt itnJi ! Tills gether!" across n timber, huvlng fallen Mi sets. Hud lio regained coniciotundi before the rescue took place he ol4 surely have fallen to his death. The following baseball playtq from Mammoth and Eureka vm preparing for a tour of southern Twenty Years Ago However, lie wasn't so proud of the kill for it is rusting him a nice pin e of change, not in fine, but for redamage done to llie frini' pair ' portion of his car. It happened about one o'clock in the morning when Mr. Hanson was coming Into Eureka from the valley. At a point neur the Dividend baseball field the deer bounded onto the road directly in the path of the maand the impact was so great chine NORMA SHEARER th: t It killed the animal instantly. battles women can get into over , Mr. Hanson brought the deer inmen. to Eureka and turned It over to If there were any other who had Marshal Lon Sandstrom, battles while the picture was being the animal dressed and distributed made little things like arguments the meat to (lie poor. over billing, scene-stealinand things like that the great public LOCAL GIRL WINS PRIZE IS will never know. NATIONAL CONTEST ports. feature DOl'IILF. Ho! Silver Trophies For Rodeo Winners Hi In KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Theres a rare, genial qualitv in Old Sunny Brook a friendly smoothness that makes it cheerful as its name." Whjr not buy a bottle tonight? -- T Cad1 Cod1 -- Utah's Fastest 9 Selling Whiskey ! J 1 lt VNHi If ; )utk tors svnnsvi pimuais taooven coiiHiavnni. ftlVB Dabs am fI O' suAoik BRAND BintgxrnRaKir I0VBBMI MU6KCX |