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Show Th'ulsflnt, ioly 20. Queen's Heart Enshrined The heart of the late Queen Moth er Marie of Rumania la enshrined in a folden urn In the chapel of monastery overlooking the Black sea at Balcik. BROWN and BROWN New Semloh Hold Mr. ami Mrs. William Melh-tWalter Huealay and little boii, were of southern California Lake Suit children out from City Jerry, with vlaltlng In Kureka with relatives during ths week relatives and frienda. friend. They ere guests of Mr. h AHMAYKRH Custom Work Holirlted We Standardise on Accuracy UTAH EUREKA end-vleltln- ; and are and and Mr. Ileryl Kaatwood Mrs. Itoy Myera. Sr., and oon, Ku-- 1 Curl 8. Miller of Klugsnmi, Arl-eben, returned Saturday from Den-- j last week landed the largest ona, two where Colorado, they spent weeks with Mr. and Mrs. lloy Myera. flth taken out of Kish Lake so fur 'this season. The fish was 43 Inches Jr., and other relatives. long, 24 inches In girth and weighed Don Manaon, who la attending 30 pounds. summer school at the A. C. at Lo i Mr and Mra. Then. 11. Miller of gan, visited over the week end t rlth Salt Lake City and Mra. Warren his parents, Mr unit Mrs. A. I) of Run Francisco, spent the , Tyler Msnson. week end in Eureka with Mr. and ,,d ter, f0' Bniinia Reid, 12 year old daugh-- ' MIk" r of Mrs. June Rehl of Mammoth, near suffering n severe acri-- j Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Morris and dent lust Thursday evening, when ton and daughter. Lurry and Natal-sh- e fell from a truck causing a e, of Abilene, Texas, spent a couple The little girl, of weeks In Kureka visiting with Mr. slight concussion with others, climbed Into the rear Rnd Mrs. John Karrcn. Mrs. Mor-o- f a truck In Kureka which was rls and Mr. Furren are brother and Mammoth bound, and when the ma- - slater, chine started quite suddenly she be--. son Robert, the little came overbalanced. 8he was at- -' of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cartwright, tended by Dr. Robinson. broke his left arm just above the elbow on 8unday evening when he fell s short distance from a tree, fracture was set by Drs. Bailey and Roblnuon and the youngster I now getting along nicely. NOTARY PUBLIC j at Reporter Office Legal Blanks of All r;Bdy U-- Kinds Always Carried. C. E. RIFE FONES 36 and 228 I f Kd of Crus Lillie May Ur. foxes CUD 0CQ3CEQD 6r. At Ogden last Sunday C. K. Huish, 100 You con forgot tho caroo and worries that go with in the singles event. At the Utah State American Trapshooting Association meet at Ogden on Au-- ! gust Sth and Cth Huish is expected water heating methods when you install completely automatic Electric Water Heating in Water ia your home. to heated the exact temperature you. desire and is automatically Stored for your use. When you want it, day or night, anytime of the year . . . iud tum the tap. You never need give it a thought once this equipment is installed is Hot Water Service Electric Automatic home. your lose convencosta no more than ient methods averaging less than $3 a month for all tho hundreds of families now enjoying this come in and get carefree service. Don't wait ed all 'competition ln j ! i week. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannifin and ,eont Bill, Mr. and Mr. Fred Tasker and son. Boh, Mr. sd Mrs. Leonard Brown and ion, Jerry, Miss Dora Carlson and Miss Patricia Beck re- turned last week after a very enjoy- able trip through the Yellowstone i If Tintlc I going to observe La-- i bor Day with a celebration, or in any manner whatever. It I none too eurty to idart work on the event right now. Helper Is planning on a big celebration end already they have named various committee, the members of which are lining up a j Wednesday Kureka Lilly Cona. 33c. Little May 14 c. Mountain View 6c. TinMc Standard $4.42 4. 1 . I . 1 Till.-- made that Antiouiiceinenl has for the everything is in rendineproper observance of Pioneer Day In Kureka next Monday, July 24tb. been celehratluii has The arranged SlIAKll AT DANCK IiPKN AIR ky the vuriou brunches of the L. b. MGI1T um.Dll... ON I'lT S. church and Int ludes the followThe Tintlc Tooter havi that thi-- will play for a dunce a the American Legion's open air pavilion, The Silver Pit, on Saturday evening, July 22nd. This will be the opening dance fur the new hall. The Tintir, Tooter, a local niulra! organization, ia fat developing inm e one of the best orchestra the assure and ever had ha trlct they the public a full evening of latent dance hit. uniit-uuc-- p. m. 1 tests. 1. Itaei-- Prize 3 p. L. Program at the and surprise s to 1.30 to S3JS0 We Now Feature Free Oarage USE THIS COUPON! Litcon- given. m. Children's dance ul the S. Aniinteiiii'Ul Hull. The Tin-ti- c - Mining and Legal Blank fur the Reporter office, Kureka. Utah. and on as It TEH GBQHlSt, That you can get a Kentucky straight bourbon de whukey-qiudity-ma- since 1 Mr. .... ths house Tooter a 111 furnish the music. Everyone up to 1C year hi iuvi'ed. 8 p. m. Minuture Pantile. Every youngster is invited in enter. Carry ! your pet. ride j nr horse, or enter a ininaliire I lout. j 7.30 p. m.-- - Radio and hall enini-a- t the city park, after which a hlz dance sill lie held at the American! Legion Silver Pit, open air dance pa- -' vilion. dis-,Tb- entitles NKW beds, springs, mattresses, carpet throughout ths - ing event. 10.30 a. m. tle Theatre. COUPON' holder to 23c reduction nny room at the rate nny room at the rates advertised one coupon the room -been Cminur and .Mr. George , were in Ctob Qtcjtaxd &v Kangaroo laing Keoun Magna.. i for the greater portion of tho week ( The first kangaroo ol wnj visiting with the former' father, F. from Aru and was living in the gar 'den of the Dutch governor at Bata A. Cromar and other relative. via, Java, in 1711 Sir Josepl Dunks. Mr. and Mr. I). S. dement and botanist to the Oaniuin C,,l,dre,, ,T"ef,df5; rrlT!d fi was the first naturalist to a liv- ter a two ing gpecimen in it8 nativt. haun,s Beach, California This was on the famous trip tc- Aus frt',ldiB'io l visited other They points t f In- - tralia in 1770, when one of his r.icn ereht n lhat locality and report reported seeing animal n Utge having had a most enjoyable time, j as a greyhound, of a mouse color ,,r-swift." Nature Magazine Mr William Maxwell wa call, d ihe! l0 Butte, Montana, yesterday bv or her brother. Kd. Shea, 32 j year of age. He was fairly well known In Kureka where he had Thltofd on Kurt-ku- ) cr rei-crr- -- taiNV soussos eitltUT W.J l ' 880that'srkhcr, smoother, me llov. cr. Ask for CIU OWfUMbyrnun,. 90 Proof No. 46 Quart No. 47 pint No.48MaHPiBt No. j. ; 57 Calls - s i rjTuck ; d V'jjn aic htT sous ion ?wHiia iitaui Ditsun owKtt , In i 'y hi dt-at- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rowe and baby Fay Lucile, Mr. A. L. Ruth George and daughter. Miss daughter, Murphy, and Jack Culver, all of Salt Lake City, were guest of Mr. aril I t Then. At her ley returned early In tlie week after a trip to Wolcott, i ' ColorKiln, where he spent snnut tii,i with his brothers. Lnrin, Brig and The Atherley Brothers are. Hugh. operating placer ground near that place in the large scale. ' ! Miss Bt uli.li Alston of Masrath. Alberta, Canada, returned to her home for a month's visit last SaturMr. and Mra. George Wilde of Ku- day after being In Kureka for a year T,'l,''d ,n DHa during the past care of her grandmother, Mr. -week and in Deseret on their way taking to California for a vacation. Mrs. Wilde's niece. Miss Bonnie Black, !of Delta, went on to California with Ur- - nd Mrs. Arnold Larsi-und and will visit In lam Angeles daughter, Josn, returned from Sjii , them, with her aunt, Mrs. Nlsonger. Del- - Francisco Sunday where they spent tlio past week visiting the fa'r and ta Chronicle. other point of interest. They also Keith Boyer, Kureka, and Verda visited for a , in day with relative are among the Uni- - Oakland. j Ruaiell, Nephl, versify of Utah students whose i grades gave them high honor stand- Bishop Wendall Francis, former Ing for the spring quarter, according tealdent of this city, had the mlsfor-- i tc announcement from the reals- - tune to lose his wife, Velma Bellows trars office. To make the honor Francis, through death on Tuesday.; toll x student must earn a scholastic Her demise was the result of a mail verage not lower then midway be- - Jor operation. Surviving In add!- -' .tween A and B. lion to her husband are three small all the facts today. 1 Program For Eureka's Pioneer Celebration National Park. ( . ! j d. 1 St IT Darrell W. Greenwood, state WPA administrator, returned from Wash- ington, D. C., late last week with the announcement that 3000 WPA workers would be dropped from the rolls In Ihi state. Starting laL .Monday, July 17. it was the plan to lay them off it the rate of 100 per . 'IVIal Carload Mountain View North Lily 9 Sc. Tintlc I.ead 13c. Valley, veteran traps hooter of this city, lied for high score by breaking 99 out of 11 3 1lulu i i ' ni Tuesday Kureka Bullion 31c. Kureka Lilly Cons. 31c. S4LT LAKE CITY, t'TAll 3 Muinnioih United S'ales Miner North Lily Kurekr: Hill tdunin Kltiplr Mine I lull Fire Clay Co. IhIIIcu) Iron Rlns-o(lodlvu Yankee Cons Colurudn Con California, I in Kureka visiting with relatives and friends. He reports that mining activities In that f section are Grass Valley j fashion. oqgcih -.- SvK-teBElS lirlnglcHon, 'Chief Con Tintlc Ktandurd Monday Kureka Bullion 33c. Kureka Lilly Cons. 33c. Kureka Staudard 40c. c. Little May Mammoth $1.05. North Lily 96c. Tintlc Standard $4.45. Yankee Cons. 4 Sc. r, EFFICIENT 19m tentative program. Then, you too. will take a permanent vacation from water heating methods. old-fashion- I . sre YOUR DEALER OR . Smart Economies! ! BATH TOWEL SETS. I IIJ!W.,.IUJI.I I HI. 'J! PfBSIWBBI I ! I Information received from the Works Projects Administration In Washington, D. , is to the effect that there are ins administration '(niplojees In Utah who receive the sum of $100.00 or more per month, This total up to the huge sum of $6,533.33, and It doe not include ihe office employees who receive less than hundred per month. j ; i 39c Gueet Towels Wash Cloths 25c 10c Soft. terry in beautiful solid colors with dobhy border. sizes! ahsorb.-n- daughter, t u A h: hy boy was born to Mr. and Basil Hro.idhont of Paysnn on Thursday, July 13ih. The mother va formerly Mix Merlenc i:il. worth, daughter of Dr. and Mr. J. HKINworth. It Is the Broadlw-iit'- s child and incidontly the KH.j. worths first trand child, Thick! TERRY TOWELS Revei sible Cdcrs! 25c A substantial weight that will lake plenty of wear. Colorful plaid renters. Size 22 x 44 In. Ur. ffl - H! The Lady Klks held their usual reported to he enjoyable session on Tuexdav along nirety fotlowinr an op- - Ing. In the playing Mrs. Ji lin ciatloa on July 1st for a severe rase F. llowe won high score while ihe of appendicitis ait the Holy Pro cut prize went to Miss Jean Rowe hospital. Miss Madsen came to Ku- - and the raffle prize to Mra. Myrtle reka about a month ago to relieve Painter. The hostess for Ihe Mrs. Charles Vuu Wagoner as public lug was Mrs. George GourW. health nurse while the latter I takMr nd Mr"- Kd Thomas and ing a six months special course of family returned lust Saturday after training In Philadelphia, 1'a ' o week's trip, during which time A flipping from the Denver Post, they visited In Vancouver. by the Reporter the other Seattle, Washington. Portland, Ore-ifor,ler Kureka gun: the 8. in Fmncixeo World's bou! .VT y?r "r,udar"h Fir. Us Angeles and Boulder Hum. ' .irlaWhn f0r h:r 'Leh T" Prt having had a attending very enjoyable time Colorado. Fairplay, High School. Fhe Is Mis Phyllis Zimhllg, daugh- The regular meeting of tli O. F. Mi Teiry Towels Soft! H. Madden is Heavy! Good Quality! TERRY TOWELS 25c Colored even-(Tili- Borders! An t a I lint, to-ve- rnlun . . Just at whin you need extra l eablo aiae, 24x46 In. - d Caua.la-rectlve- " eiiVM, ler of Mr. und Mr. Jite Zlmblis, for- - F- - r- - held o Wednesday! coin m!t tee was chosen u - . HIRAM WALKER & SONS, PEORIA, ILLINOIS Guardella Bacon of Modena visited at tho home of his father, William 11. Baron last Wednesday and then went to Salt Lake for . visit with hla mother. He also took In the hiko and celebration on Tlmpanoga Friday and Saturday. He was ar- com pan led on the trip by hi cousin, Mbs Marlon oodwrrd. of St. con.-t- it lit ion; It eon- - and "L;!?' ,h' I" a,"r fw ntemm-Rernlre Gourley. r TERRY TOWELS Doro- - p,anni"l an near future. were voted In. . The. many friend of Mrs D J RiihnoII, Sr., will bo pleased I., learn that she la much Improv. after tw montha of serious Illness. g.e Is a George. Mis Woodard and Mr. Ba- - pioneer resident of Tintlc and I eon returned to the southern part cf t ow making her home at oikt tho state Sunday evenlns, where the California. "ti Her son. B J Is latter employed a Junior weather Jr., of Kureka. visited recent lr with meterologist at Modena. hi. mother In Oakland. t, Size 17 in.x29 ,7 V A sense. tionnlly low-- price fr these soft, fluffy towels. Willi cdored stripes and border TERRY TOWELS 17 in.x3G A In. 1 0C low price liJid-'o-heliei- e heu- - Tor smart towel, in bright solid roli-and pretty plaidI r - |