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Show Mra. Melvin C. Miller, of New Vork e City, und Mra. Arthur D. liaaler aud 7terns of the 1 ou)n VTconin, of Madison. were viaitora at the home of Mr. and Mra. U D. Green Wednesday. l l"..':. - I ! Vlr-vlaitl- extended and'' ,,t reka, Utah. M Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hunt and son hsva returned after a visit to Alplrr with relatives. Mra. Hunt haa been' e marrlK of their daughter, ' til for some years, and she was takei. to Alene, O. Fowera, of Og-- . Frank there to see If the climate would help n Mrs. Elisabeth Fowera. Ler condition. Her health seems con- - den e marriage took place at NephlJ alderably Improved. Auguat 2nd. The ceremony! Mr. and Mra. Mackay of 8alt Lake City have moved to Silver (Tty to w,s Performed by Bishop Alma C. Tranter, of Nephl. make their home. Mr. and Mr. Vernon Lemmon have moved to Sliver City. Mr. Lemmons la Recreation Leader of the Silver City young people. Mr. and Mra. Leo Green are busy enlarging and remodeling their home both Inside and out. Eldon Lemmon Is slowly gaining In health and strength but It will be a long time before he will be able to work again. William Davla Is gaining In health MINING NOTES ... . The Walter V , " Electric Refriger- Tnplt-Thn- fl ator!. You save thru wijri Automatic THRIFT UNIT EmU-w-Sc- c m U C-- E eiJni Quieter opcrsiion, lest current cot, lunger life S Year Fed arm oik Protection smwll down payment ..... .. .... -- . - 1.elner Vt'd m ' A f th C- ,tated lhal de for the kd . patenting of Happy Jack claim, ln, w"t Tlntlc. A Urge FORM Fit FIREKA MIX belnK natalUd at rt?r MIRRIED AT BALT LAKE ,h- T,nl,e Standard mine. AccordThe inarrlr.ge of Miss Doris Bet- - ing to W. D. Loose a campaign of t0 b Uken P on ?en.t trldge, daughter of Mrs. Grace O. l.rl "lu round. The Beltrldge, 631 Harmony court, and If onlh uf Jn,L F. Bromley, 713 South lh Jaie wa,Cl f the . East Street, was solemnised Wed net-f., ,led wllb producing y m,m dollars, gome rich day In the Balt Lake City. L. D. 8. h" opened up In the Tin- temple, with Stephen L. Chlpman of- - a price, ou current coat aad oa upkeep. co,,r-c,- n Jb will pul any G. K. refrigerator In your home .. ' : SlJLmlw j year, during Is S'bIm a former resident Ml' ,.1;:,?.' con,PnJf ws also busy construct which time he was pre- - , new lodging house for some rlnct Judce of this cliy. of eD,P'oJrpe-lef- t ' the Following reception the rouplc 'orkln or the Knight for a trip through Yellowstone MI , eyo l0' ,b holy of WII- f?und r.d Glarler National park, the Can- ' I ,h Mulhcrn part or RorVlM and Uke Uni M. Thty ,51 1 a UntlC THflrldl A it aarltl Km al liAina .Ass ! Phone Eureka. Utah 61-- 11!. WIWM4M44444444444444m44444M44$4444m . Attention, Ford Owners EUREKA MOTOR CO. SALES SERVICE Is Now Operating a Complete Service . We have recently secured the services of Mr. George W. McClain, who is experienced and schooled in Ford Service and Repairs. He is competent to handle your requirements. "rfh Hme he van- Ished, that lasted for several week a J loiotod at the Utah Ore Sampllns plant at Rllver Chy. died from effects of his Injuries. He was " jj I ft" 25 ri'd Samuel Chatlerlon of Eureka miner, died at 8alt Uke City. Mr. Ellen Freed, mother of 8 B S-. l,y of E"ka- - dW at Salt Lak. renty years ago. J r 1 r. Miss In 1 rMd.M.k j KISl. ltT WM k1 ,om,r nta m"rrl,,d ,o jow,p On July JJ. mT 13 alala ofTuesday, Ulah went prohibition. I f th AH the aalnons being closed on that data. JFn?efc aCkUnd; a forrnfr rldenl of killed when a table fell on hint while it was ttool be- 3 log removed from a building. y Shrlver, M. D. Ilnwleit and 1 , " STrS uK ,0 El- beyond C k MX NOTICE TO CREDITOR Ilat.. of RlulNih Ui Creditor will prem-n- , voucher to the undcralin. on or b September, A. D., IU U j UinT'l Elizabeth T. Date of First Publlcati 1937. ln NCIfKTiiuTtnro ESTATE OF WALTER piT.,. DECEASED. Creditors will present claim vouchera to the underalIBd m Continental National Banlsnim Salt Lake (Tty, Utah, on or the 30th day or November n HOWARD W. FITCH CECIL A. FITCH. WALTER A. FITCH. MRS. LILLIAN C. JOHVgnv Executors of the EW-Walt- er Fitch, Sr., d (Date or First Pu bl Teat loa :"jib A. D., 1137.) , " ' tttt,,44Wj Expart Plumbing. Itijtlil now Is llie lime to ban be work lnne under the ge rnment N. H. A. Prices Reasontble 1 Robt. II. Towers Parts and Grates for iD Stoves. MO Who desires to engage is a permanent, fast growing business wherein he has an opportunity for a steady, monthly income. Experience unnecessary. No selling. A proven business offering an unlimited future. The man selected must be of good character and be able to make an investment, which is protected. Information thru personal interview only. Eureka Reporter, Eu- (contributed) 1' Ifor0l WI: WANT A MAN E luer,,mlne,(nl0iMIniI11 or Furtlier County Cerk 0f Juab uiDjqgiwru!.Mrtaigi THRIFTY BUYERS ABE r,iuh jr- - miles Only 6 per cpiu of the entire population of the Hawaiian Islands la pure Hawaiian. ut Mrs. I net Lemmon Squriel of Salt Lake City and daughter are here visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Lemmon of Silver City. K It was decided to hold a social meeting at the Hot Pots on Sunday, August 8th, to which the ladles will be Invited. jurij aatit-facd- a few bert. ' p AlTENDANt An unuxually large number waa :it at the Kiwaul meeting lust piv-iviiiiUK. A large perctninge of the iniiub-r-li- ip being present. Dave Eagar preaided President (.ml called upon all committee chair- men to make teports for the paet mouth. There was a general round- table discussiou of the activities that have taken place with regard to the Eureka park and the coming celebration that is to take place later In the month. Hugh Atherley Joined the Klwan-l- a club last ulght. bringing the mem- bershlp up to ita full quota of thirty. P. J. Fennell reported that he had contacted state road officials thla week aud stated that they assured him that the bids for the Santaquln road would to KIberta be advertised within a week, with a possibility that the oiling may be 6c ;:r: tei LuV.roa Hie AT TIIK KIW.WIS .MKK1IXG LAST NIGHT GOOD ; .u '"'k.ot Utah, ookloliii; at Hi. secouu ciaaa mat! eka, Ltal. matter uiiuer the Act of March 3, 117k. ill lh-tt- If you want to make your budget dollars go farther aad buy store ia convanicaca, la ityliag aad in all around ice the acw General I ot cut b wee lau. J. VEilN IIIHK Kiri: iublliilitr & 1- ' GtHf 51 ILui-tla- y al I ELECT Rtc UU AN!iHi notick, l rubllntiMU i spending the week at the home of Miaa Darla !'or, , .,Lily iiimei MIm Helen Cronin la spending her Mr. and Mra. e.. C. Land. 1 . vacation with relative at Reno, Ner la the girl who won the city golf 1 championship al Logan laat Sunday. a da. lllll ' Mr. Trealdder, U. 8. Deputy Mar- Miaa Dorothy Parker of Balt Lake ' ''' khal waa in Eureka on Thurada, , lli la In Eureka visiting with hei In who City, 1 aervlng auniniouaea on people ' I Dunker. Mr. Nell and Mr. rilallvea 1 the paat have owned land in the TinI Mra. Capltola Fltxaerald, of Cog tie valley, which the government la 1 'ank"! 'villa, Ore., la vlaitlng with her reclaiming. 1 ! Mra. L. E. Storra and daughter Hragon 1 mother, Mra. Frank Anderaon, and Bl k J y 'other relative In thla city. and Marion of Loa Angelea 3 6Dlrftl ( 3 Mr. aand Mra. 8tanley Cook of were gueata at the home of Mr. and JVad . 4 wlah to announce the birth Mra. Glen Storra laat week. They ... , pir (lav Co (silica) ; Eureka, 1 of a daughter, Sunday night at the ere accompanied to Eureka by Mis Sliver I lty i.alilnwi, ' 8hirley who had apent a three week 1 Crane Maternity home. Zuma j Mra. Marguerite Hodaon and non vacation there. Alan Pike and son and daughter. 110 Raymond returned to their home In Alan and Eureka Total Dorothy, were In ... Salt Lake after a two weeka visit , Bd Mk S?1 with her mother Mr. Marlon Ruaaell. Alan la in- and Mra. Edwaid H K T O T K I, K Mra. Percy Hank returned home ln the mlninI proMfrty Franlaat week after a vl.lt to San end f dlalrlct ,nd keep- cUco and Oakland. where .he waa , , cloM ,0Ucb with the work MONDAY. the guest of relative, and friend. and h ftber bM UDder wb,cb Point 6c and 7c. Crown Sunbeam Tlntlc Camp Lodge, WBy t tbat pare. aud 7c. East Crown Point Daughter of Utah Pioneera will meet The reKUiar weekly meeting of the; East Tlntlc Con. 45c. at the home of Mra. Peter Jones nest j;u,.(jka Club, of the United Proa-- ! Eureka Bullion 26 He. Thuraday Auguat 12. perlty plan will be held In the LDS Eureka Lily $1.074. Mra. O. F. Wardle and non Billy Church on Thuraday evening, Aug-- ; Eureka Standard $1.35 and $1.40. returned to their home In Salt Lake nut 5th at 7:30 p. m. Matters of, Iron King 34c. Saturday after vlaitlng with Mr, vpai importance will be taken up Little May lc. and It la urged that all member be Mary Vander and other relative. Silver Standard 2r. Patrick Hannifin of Butte Mon- present. Visitors alwaya welcome. Tlntlc Central 4c. Mra. John B. Campbell, Miaa tana, was In Eureka during the week Tlntlc Standard $8.00. with hla slater, Mra. Mar- - ginla Campbell, Johnnie Campbell, Yankee 3c and 3.c. garet Hannifin, and other relatives, and Mra. Clyde Campbell and child-- i Zuma 23c to 31c. d Mr. and Mra. Owen McDonald 0" Sunday morning for a TUESDAY daughter, of Balt Lake City, has been visiting for the paat week with Mr. month, vacation In California, where; Central Standard 3c. and Mra. John Bowden and other tiieX will visit with relatives In Palo! Coloradao Con. 4c. Alto, Oakland and San Francisco. relatives In thla city. Crown Point 8c. misunderstanding j vlaitlng1 ttj East Crown Point 5c. Mra. Barlow Bray, who la ,h ,a?? of ,he- Eureka Lilly $1.05. In New York with her coualn, L. R. Mutual Eureka Standard $1.35. Smith and family. Is enjoying a tour lkli(,he d,d otImprovenl 'lcIt. Iron King 37c. of the eastern aUtes In the company fund for the 24th of July celebraNorth Lily $1.05. nt the Smith. iton. Thla waa wrong, a. business North Standard lc. of the Lady men The regular meeting eontribu(ed liberally toward the 2c. Silver Standard After wer held club Tuesday. ;Elks expng8 of tha afftlp The M . A.' South Standard 7e. '.the bualneas aesalon, bridge was play- -- offlcerB wlah 0 tbank everyone for Tlntlc Standard $8.00. C. II. Allred, of the state patrol, ed. Mra. C. E. Rife won the high- lbg lupport given them, Zuma 32c. was In Eureka on Friday, while here score prlae and Mra. Frank GarHty Ben Tbnrmond entertained Mrl waa Luncheon he examined a large numper of ap- - the all-cprlae. the Fldelli Club ,Mt Thursday even- WEDNESDAY pllrants and laued drivers licenses served and Mrs. Lydia Ferguson was , The time waa snent nlavlne Chief Con. 10c. bhoateas ot the evening. win bridge. Mri Euge, Colorado Con. 4 4 c. Crown Point 8 4 c. East Crown Point 5c. served a moat dellcloua and appetlx- -' East Tlntlc Con. 46c. Ing luncheon. Those present were: Eureka Bullion 2kc. Mra. Cecelia Bacon, Mrs. Eugene Eureka Lilly $1.10. Mrs. Dean Mrs. Frank Beck, Blacket, Eureka Standard $1.25. Mra. John Bunnell, Mrs. Brlakey, Iron King 40c. Mrs. Mrs. John Percy Hanks, Rowe, Little May lc. George Tlnsman, Mrs. Charles Mammoth $1.80. Mrs. Frank Garrlty, Mra. North Lily $1.10. Frank Bacon and Mra. Donnelly. Tlntlc Lead 5&c. Tlntlc Standard $8.00. SILVER CITY NOTES Zuina 36c. CHOOSIHS r::oi;.Ti: am, clAn. REPORTER EUREKA daughter, Th'b , Tlmreday. ECBEKA REPORTER Pape 2 " |