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Show Thursday, July ft ECBEKA REPORTER PaR2 NOTICE OF w-No. C002. acres. 2.691 for 1ATEXT. area Montana. Net applied Butte, SERIAL NO, e WEEKLY ORE SHIPMENTS 1'ruf. I. L. Williamson. aiipt. paid Sally lode location W xltuuted Odigga - e preparing In the Northern-- quarter of Section Tlntlc schools, wa Ago build a residence on upper main at. . of Sec- - lulled States Land Office Bnii or em. orb SK uiid 'the NorihucM tiuarter .... Tbuia-Tlmlc Standard 10 Range City, Utah, May so, iJlT Uk South, ee Twin girl were born to Mr. ndjMblM.heS Township lion 27, I 20 In NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVE Mammoth Kurrka, record Is at of 20 Event ago. that and L. M.. are The Following Mra. Lee Manaon year Went. S. ' of Eureka Standard Consolidated in Tolled Stan Mine . . . . Recorder the of Word waa received In Eureka of County office Happened la TlaUc DietrlcC a the J. VKI5N HO V KIKK . Chief Cona Score of Tear Ago. the death hy drowning of Andrew; Utah County, Utah, and the nearest. 1lK company, a corporation. . s con- - oulhorlzed Utah Kira Clay Co., nlllca 'UMikini agent and atlorcj "" and Ellen Carlaon, eon and daughter known location are the above . I j North Lily Mildied Eureka CharsBavarinan former and fun, Carlaon, of Victor Hurd, whose , flirting claims 4 Gemini , lbs postuftice residents who had taken up their and Dutch Doctor, lode mining) Ur address Is Walker Bank er war Notek Efforts being Mining 5 class Grand Central uond a a t te '"ka- home at Warren. Oregon. gurey No. 002. and Withe lag. Salt Lake City, 1 put forth to Induce the official, of PlHtua eaaeeeeoeaeooeeeeoeee to turvkn ttlJIi.r under I liu Art of March ..Ro returned . application for United State? pSJ Ce... No 3. Rurvev No. 8766. 2 the Denver and Rio Grand, railroad Eureka Lily eeeeeaeeeaeei n long auto trip Into notice be put er this that taking I direct East Into the line build a branch to 2 Eureka Hill wtern part of the Reporter, I Hshed in the Eureka . I Tlntlc Diatrlct. The Chief Cob. MinIron Blossom and Mr to born sail nearest was A baby girl newspaper published anotbed dividend I lug Co. declared Apex Standard . . TO MIKDITOIW. Mammoth 20 of mately 1500 feet In length of Mordue a Mra. StnifE for John period claim, lode of n total or mining 1 of lOe per share, Chief Cone., lime weeke. consecutive ago. jslde of aald lode and surface .r7.! yeura nine 19) t 000, which amount would bring the a a e a Codiva left 'and 600 feet wide, except as exehUL THOMAS K. THOMA8, KITC1I, SK-- . Carpentler WALTER this OK for of dividends ESTATE 1 total grand Mountain View atate.. In eastern the ed, the eauie being Survey So 7iiT visit lcnded Register, E. A. DECEASED. 1 company up to I74I.1S4. a e a e Tlnlle Silver . i and described in the field she Intended t with i,.N 11. SHIELDS. nt Minn., claims Brelnard, United will notes the prescut 1 Creditors Greenwood, representing Dragon Cona. eeaeeaaeaaei with a slater. plat of tha Official Survey ou flu States Smelting Co. wu In Tlntlc ! touchers to the undersigned at 920 I.asl Pub. IhU orfice, with magnetic variation " 10S and visited the West Tlntlc section. Continental National Bank Building, ir,i pub! July 1. 1937 Total Carloads l d- min. East, as followabefore or on 1937. A report from tha U. 8. Geological TINTIC JUNIOR TEAM HAVE 26. Suit Lake City. Utah, Aug. CHAMUIONHIIIK K CHANT FOR Beginning at Corner No. 1 of hu showed that Juab county. November, 1937. Survey ,L j0lh day Rose Lode Mining Claim, which ms which meant lbs Tlntlc Diatrlct, NO'IICK OF APPLICATION FOR STOCK SALKS corner bears North 82 deg 41 In another part of this paper Is a ranked second In the production of PATENT. East 1067.2 feet froa Z metal lu Utah, for tha year 1914. brief mention that the Tlntlc Jun-A- n No. MiBhK!!) corner of Sections II, Moiulay accident caused by pulling the lor baseball team were out of the -- 7 and .8, Township 10 Bonk Chief Cons. (6c. Executors of the Estate o! cage into the sheave wheel reused running because they had auffered sinlcs I .anil Office, Knit Lake Help-Chi2 VNet 8a,t Uk Bass and Provo onesided defeats at the by two Eureka Bullion 23c. deceased. for down a abut 1. daye Walter Filch. Sr., 1;17. jUIM. j-,. ls4 nilllt and running thence Nonh Merldlun: This le wrong. Tintlc Is now Eureka Standard (1.40 to ft. 20. Con. mine. It was staled that . that GIVEN HEREBY NOTICE Id 84 deB- Wet (fold Chain Site. conditions at the Emerald mine at cliumpiona of district No. 2 by tot; Eureka Stamford Consolidated Min- nc N"1 - 28 mln- dKlooked Irovo 27c. very favorable son of taking a double header from 1 Me. Us a by corporation, Company, lug 'Vw,t kl'0 Bilver Standard I Hr. t Corner No. with prospects bright for the open- - Provo yesterday by the score of 4 authorised agent and attorney-ln- Roee ore. Supl. to 3 and 10 to 4, This making It two M Tlntlc lead 66r. In Of- MininR Claim; up of commercial whose Mildred rod Hurd, lacl Tlntlc Standard $8. to. 8oth John Westerdahl slated that the our of three for the Tlntlc bovs. deg. 49 mla. Eut flee' Is Wulker Bank Build- address G0 If Tintie ran duplicate this feat For Further Information Consult iIm Stums 10c. feet t0 Crne' No. 4 of new shaft at Ttnlic Standard would ing, Salt Lake City, Utah, has muds South 1 deg. 27 all. reach the 1300 level by Aug. 1, 1017. against Helper they will be winners (kiunly Clerk of Juab County. rlaimjthenM BDDlleatlon for United Statea Patent Governor Tuesday Bamberger announced of district Nos. 4 and 5 and will 6 lode mining claim, East 1150.1 feet to Corner No. l, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Chief Cons. 90c. that 2370 men would be taken from then go to the slate tournament. Tlntlc Mining District. th Plac of Beslnnlng, Frances T. Lundell, district mnna- - Estate of Elizabeth ladnl, Deceased, East Crown Point 2c. . Utah hy the Relative draft for war Excepting and excluding modi- l t jh ' Eureka Bullion Er. Creditors will present claims with J J1 ( " "nute being fron a11 ,hat Portion of service. 111 of these to romo from per of Jnnlor harebell for Nos, 4 , A 5, wus here witnessing the gamer vouchers to the undersigned at Ku- Gold Chulu lie and 13c. . ... ' Juab county. , n talned within the area of Yin and I5'h known North Lily (1.03. well slated that a the '"?! yesterday David H. Green, M,n,n C,,lm, Borvtj 0fflot ib a, P,ttt ;irrAhD0nSh7 dl'ot'a Silver Standard l4e. 8,,S. resident or Tlntic, died at Balt Lake state playoffs would take nlare on file in this ufflce, with ',al Survey Zuma 10c. He Rpringvllle hetwern July 29th and ROBERT P. LAIRD, Nt City after two months lllneas. ous i eg Executor of the lain Will of tragnetu- var ai waa a son of Mrs. J. W. Green and August 2nd. acres. Wednesday Elizabeth T. Laird, Deceased. a brother of Malcolm Groan. . That the aald mining eUla li No j of Eureka Lily 94c. CARD OK THANKS, "Hue ted In the Southeast quarter if Guy K. Miller, e representative of from 6 No. lode Cedar claim, mining Gold Chain 12c. the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers the Northeast Quarter which the quarter nei tioii corner be- - r Iron King 29c and 20c. I wish to thank nil who so kind-an- d Union, was In Eureka 20 years ago Section 28, Township 10 Soitk, 27 28. and Sections Township (ween North Lily $1.05. was the prlnrlpal speaker at an ly assisted me during my recent 2 in South. Range 2 West. S. L. B. and Meridian 'Vea1t' 8aU Uka B Silver Standard I He. nlr meeting. reavement, raused by the death of and Its location notice M. bears South 51 deg 06 min West Tlntlc Lead 53c. f Eureka defeated Lynndyl In n base- - my husband. I am grateful for the ,a n the County 47 Tlntlc West Mining Company, 614.2 feet: thence North 49 deg reJ,da Tlntlc 8Undard fg.00. word of comfort end sympathy, for ball game by a score of I to4. forder Utah, ul bounty, Lo No. of of to I tab. 880.6 the Stale Corner ft West 2; t Zuma lie. corporation The atats of Utah was to go pro- the floral tributes and to those who neare8t knowB Ioftlons are tti Tlntlc Mining thence North 30 deg 0 mln East l ertion of property. hlbllion on August 1, 1917. On that assisted at the funeral. v na 00 n vic8 n ca,m Ten - 333.2 feet to Corner No. 3; thence the Location of Utah. . prinDistrict, or LOCAL ADS. MRS. EMIL BRANDT. dale the legal sale liquor or beer an oda 8 of business. Eureka, South 64 deg 00 min East 868. feet ; cipal place bewould cease. LOST Aluminum Coffee Pot, 456 Polal N?' or 4 6 No. No. Utah. lKU,n"' said to Corner Cedar had a real Legal Blanks at Reporter Office. tween Airport and Eureka. FindTwenty years ago Utah nl11 nt od ' iol' ou There i are the front which corner No. lode ,5! delinquent , er please notify Clarence Wahl-qul- Insect problem to solve then It was 6081 U "Bit Row Ns. ,,rejr lowing described stock on accouut ! of South Standard No. 3, Survey or Phone 36. grasshoppers, and now It Is crickets. TAX RESOLUTION OF EUREKA of nite Rose No. 7, amended, assessment levied on May 2Glh, No. 6757 bears North 5 deg 16 mln W. H. lose, traveling freight and CITY, UTAH, PASSED AND WANTED Clean cotton rags. Will N- de mlnllf No. 1 of one East, 605.1 feet; thence South 30 : , 18 assessment 1937, being Denver and APPROVED JULY the for 10S7. IS, passenger agent pay 7c a lb. Reporter Office. ,76Sl cent several the 550 00 Wert min feet to Corner (lc) per share, who waa wall I direct r!?y FOR 8ALE Overstaffed furniture Rio Grande Railroad, that this notice be puIn Tlntlc, waa promoted to Councilman Briskly offered the umountj aet opposite the names of No. 1, the place ot beginning. blished in and fruit Jura. Reasonable. Call known the Eureka Reporter at folas the shareholders and respective the company, following resolution In writing Excepting excluding therefrom a newspaper publlih-ei- l at K. J. Fennells, near high school. commercial agent for Utah, Eureka, ,owa: ell of the portion of the ground here-n- it Do It resolved by the City Council at Santa Ana, PAY with headquarters GOOD nearest aald consolidated mlnlui fcTUtnY WORK CertN- ame s Shar inabove of Eureka City, Utah, that the tax described, embraced within WANTED RELIABLE MAN u period of nine (I) to California. . . 50u0 t"J 0ft Cedar No. 4 and Cedar No. 5 Amends'-- claim, forweeks. William Core, of Silver City, in- for Eureka City, Utah, for the year 2T- - C. Maxwell call on farmers In Juab A Utah 0 . .500 00 ed a Griggs No. mechanical la an lodes Cameo 6737: Electrova, Survey 1938, hereby levied and assessed No experience or capital stalled THOMAS F. THOMAS. County. A. Jones .5000 .O.flO No. 34 lode, Survey No. 6757; and musical Instrument. In hi confec- a follows, to wit: required. Make up to 913 a day. Register. . . . lOOo Colovich 10.00 10 No. White Rose Mills on store. Five taxaAmended of the dollar lode, DAN B. 8IIIELDS. Write McNESS CO., Dept. 8. Free- tionary I. Daniels . . 350 8.50 Survey No. 6766. W. D. Myers returned to Eurrk-- i tion ou all real and personal propClaimants Attorney. port Illinois. . Gear . . Iu0 to American Fork. Net area applied for 2.337 acres. erty within the corporate limits of FOR RENT Cabin and garage. In- after a trip Publication May 27. 1137. (First . 1U0 Franks D. J. Sullivan, accompanied by his Eureka City, Utah, Bald Cedar No. 6 lode location is made taxable Publiratlnn July 22 1,37 ) 1 quire Erwin Hillman, Eagle St. J. Moon .. .33334 83 1.84 situated In the Norlh west Quarter of daughter. Miss Irene, made a trip to by law to defray contingent ex u SiintNirom 1000 10.00 Setlon 27 and the Northeast Quar- penses. Bacon 2uu0 20.00 ter of Section 28. Four Mills ou the dollar of tax10 Tintlc Lodge No. 9, F. D. ColovU-...1000 10.00 South. Range 2 West, S. Township ation on nil real and personal propL. B. and M. & A. M., meets fid 1UO0 Clements 10.00 aud Is of record in the office of 'the erty within the corporate limits ot and 4th Tuesday of Dahle 1000 10.00 t'ounty Recorder of Utah Eureka City made taxable by law Co., Utah.' mnnlh each at I. 0. 0. Mathews 1000 10.00 and the nearest known locations are to purchase water sources, streams F. all. Vlsithlng brothBosa 10000 100.00 thn above end lauds upon which the etreama conflicting claims and 1 ers Invited to attend. are appropriated; also canals; also Cameo No. 33 lode, Survey No. 6766: V. K. CARSON, W. M. Kaddatz 2u00 20.0 Bnd Barvsrlan to construct water courses; and to Charger lode. Surrey JOHN F. ROWE, Secretary 100 Farren, . No. 6002. supply water for Irrigation and Deck 1000 1 other purposes. dlre,t that thl notice be pub-Hannifin 100 Three MIHa on the dollar of tax- Il,hed ,n ,he Eurek Reporter, a at Ion on nil real and personal prop- rewiPaP,r Published nearest ssld ? ?.t33. 333 S? ,nd n,,n,nR erty within the corporate limits oi for a period of And accordance law and nie said Eureka City made taxable by rnnvut!ve weeks an order of the Board of Directors law to Improve, open and repair THOMAS F. THOMAS. on nade the 12th of ' day May. 1937. streets and sidewalks. Register. I One Mill on the dollar of taxa- so many shares of each parcel of n.AN H. SHIELDS, A Dignified Kervk-at a tion on all real and personal prop- - stock as may be necessary will be Attorney for Applicant. d Bt ,he ,cuPrirF Hire of corn Nominal Charge. First Huh. July 1. 1937 erty within the corporate limits 'of Last Pub. at lh offlce of the Eureka Re-l- o Eureka City made taxable by law Aug. 28. 1937. PHONE 54 Eureka. Utah, on Tuesday. construct and repair aewera and July 27th, 1937, at the hour of 12 drains. Cal Any Time Day or One and One Half Mills on the ,,ock- - non 10 PF k delinquent Night. dollar of taxation on all real and assessment thereon together with E. R I E It bin the cor- the coat of advertising and the expersonal property NOTARY miLIC porate limits of Eureka City mads pense of sale. Ambulance Service IlcKrter Office JESSE HAWS, Secretary, taxable by law for the erection and Eureka (Pint publication July 8, 1937. Last maintenance of the City Hall. One and One Half Mills on the dol-I- sr publication July 22, 1937.1 of taxation on nil real and personal property within the corporate NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR llmlte of said Eureka City made taxPATENT. able by law for the maintenance of No. 002030. Twenty Years ! nf n ; i .....I.,. L- hrwi- S -.I, ..... a a a - ef - -- T1 B- then-groun- eon-th- e S' at'-orllf- slon 'er. at r e 7-- . rn 11 2-- 14-C- . m lu 19-Je- 20-Jo- flcui Telephone Directory cr 25-De- an ..... ... .. J,fl0laatjd Neil ODonnell m I Mortuary - c. p (i)UL yoWL yicunsL Ssl Zti&hiL? I Ordering a telephone now will place your name in the next directory. Enjoy its convenience for a few cents a day. One call in an emergency may Le worth many tinier its cost. If you already have service and plan to move or desire to change your present listing please let us know now. For advertising, additional listings (other members of your household, eta) just call our business oflice. Call us today Phone No. 0 Hospitality the library fund. The total amount levied being Unilnl Stales I .ami Office, Salt loikr sixteen (16) mills on the dollar. City, Utah, June 23, 10.17. Councilman Thoman moved for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the adoption of the resolution, sec- - Eureka Standard Consolidated by Councilman Van Leuvan. The Mayor ordered the railing of the roll upon the question of the of the resolution. The Roll being railed the vote upon the resoluliou was as follows: Councilman Thomas Ten. N Councilman Bauer HYea. Councilman Van Leuvan MYes.'' Councilman Miller "Yea." Councilman Brlskey "Yes. The Mayor thereupon declared the resolution passed and adopted. ALBERT M. JOHNSON, Mayor. 8late of Utah. as. County ot Juab. City of Eureka. II I, Wilma O. Webber, hereby certify that I am the duly elected. Incumbent and qualified. acting Recorder of Eureka City. CHy Utah, that the above and foregoing lax resolution levying and assessing the tax on all taxable property, both real and personal In Eureka City, Juab County Utnh, for the year 1938 waa duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council or said Eureka CHy held ou lbs llth day of July. 1917. and that the above Is n full, true, correct compared copy of the minutes of the said Council Meeting pertain- lag to sold resolution. WILMA O. WEBBER. City Recorder of Eureka cur. (SEAL) rub. J.. cm,, Mln-onde- AND Good Fellowship ARE d TRADITIONAL Ing Company, a corporation, by li. authorized arent and attornsv-i- n fact. Mildred Hurd, whose Po.of-sdoptlo- n flee Ing. address Is Walker 8alt Uke CHy. n.,k nh. ha application for United States Puitm for the Sally lode mining claim, situ- aled In Tlntlc Mining District. Utah County. Utah, the tame being Survey No. 7141, and described In the field notes and plat of the Official Survey on file In this office, wtth magnetic variations 17 deg 30 min East, as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1 of said Rally lode mining claim, which I. Identical with Corner No. 1 of Rur-vs- y No 6071. Trlxy lode, and from which the corner of Section. 21, 22. 27, and 28. Township South! 10 Ranve 2 West. 8. L. B. " M.. bears North 4 deg 1 5mVn Weal' 5 thence South 14 deg II min fOI.2 fet ,0 Xo , South 77 deg 23 mln West 3X7 7 1 to Corner No. 3: 1 West' !ee, 17 14 m,n deg 60 ,o nor No. 4: thence Norlh 77 dec -t min' East 387.7 feet to Corner No of said Satlv lode mining rfolm ihi place of beginning Kxrentlng and excluding there-an- d from U that portion of the hereinbefore descrllied and embraced within White Ro No. Four lode rfolm. Rurvev No. 6786. sn,l that portion of Trlxy lode rfolm Survey rrn AT TIIE HOTEL Build- - NEWKOUSE Silt Lake City, Utah M u.Sr.IIJKTIMi: The Very Center of Summer Attractions The Nslluual rarka The Beautiful U--0 Tbs The (iorgeoua .Mountains (inyun, I eke The Historical Mormen Temple nnj Tuliernuelr '"Suit thkiu.im; Konros week of July mil Finest Food in the West At Reasonable Prices lhjjj fit DINING ROOM cr. 'und mi, , ,nw wiii HE OU1S GUEST THIS DLLICilfFU I. BUFFET CAFETERIA . NO EXTRA IfAllC.K FOR MEALS KKitVKI) IN ItoOM m NEWHOUSE Mr. J. H. Waters President Chaut.ccy W. West Mannyer. |