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Show October Thnrstlay 1931. 13, i THE EUREKA RZPORTKK utivmMil.my gicfuti: III I! l I. (Ol.il in: Shipments incTt: i sMTIoS' CVUiol.M Paje MYI llritltY OP M'lUNii. or itrk n - I'ailmlii1 ri'sitli'iiiH nf l.'uivka, with iisHisiaiu'r uf Kuiiii iif their fnfiiih, idiiiliu l a iiuist plenum ami iiJn)uMi at the Il" HOME OWNED ti-i- i.anioib l'- 5. du,nP ore) - 10 Interested Iropertles: ('ona. development ruiupuUu 2ilmlve F. Walker of Salt Lake Lily Tentral greka Grand '' become "t" ,,U ' ui..l i litre of u I'V" silver tea uansioi, hope to ,jl(l furtiith of the anniversary for the1 Lake parties who have it. hi proposition the Ialnier mine, adjoining, 5'be able to work out h plan 3ft Balt Stn,lrd jiil rtk Lily S areompanlei! T Bechtol to Col.l Hill on Ins Inspect..,!" 72. trip and together they aeveral of the claim. the - I Monday, Salt Lake Stock on Monday on (W (lotted Limbua Day. Tba r fti' iltne0 T dire,, Knilils of ('idumhui lot. TO THE and V! and Ml T .. 2c. ,7,r T XW 10 '' l 1" 1,1 I FINE TAILORED HAND BAG j lltiVs a value! Till lined ulili allk imdie, ha crnli-- lnide zlx-- r ure (wlilili I m very Kpilar) a very nice mirror, and a fancy celluloid ileln nap cIonIii. Which color Mill inalcli fall coal? Black, l.roMii, Navy, (irecii or Tan? ! WnlnmUjr, Eaat Tlntic Cona. 26c. Eareka Bullion 18c. Standard lr. Standard $3.35 to $3.3 uMo-itic-inlnii- l' EACH ( ac-th- is lTHF.lt HIIKF.IIY SUDDENLY DILI) AT HALT LAKE Ith Father Sheehy, one of the well of the Catholic ,wn members Utah, died suddenly this Sng at Salt take City. New. hU death wa. wired to Eureka tire he had quite a wide circle of Father Sheehy had visited on aeveral occasions but had here for any been stationed Oth of time. He wa. at the St myi of the Wasatch post at Salt Ed City at the time of his death dick In a way was anticipated as h,Dnt ,hu Pvene,lj dv,a ."nd nJh,qoU DL' I.?? JjfJJ i form, Vn!hi,Jf r- almoi a Eureka- - wh"R n LV,- - ? "innell EACH 89c FOR I.ITTI.K (ilUOi 7 TO 14 YF.AIIH Wliat a warm, practical, attractive little coat. Wliat an amazingly low price. Tliee are Home of the reaon that will make llieiie nell In a hurry! (Wl are uede IIimmI, are and have neat wide ruff. Navy only. A- douhle-lpreaNlet- l, EACH $3.19 (TIUKlil. 36 INCH BLEACHED MUSLIN AT ANOTlir.R GOOD OLD DAY'Nn 1RKK The Beaver section of southern There will be services at St An Utah promises to be the merra for Ihrrish have returned home after Church on Sunday drewa niany of ,hp Tlntlr deer hunters iMorlng to Las Vegas, Nevada. evening.Episcopal October 18th. at 7 p. m. wju.n the season opens there nezt lUrl.rwa,80i?Ci!Uded ,he authernjThe Rev. James L. Hayes will be the TMday. A telephone measure from! were visited on Everyone Is rordlally ,hal piare nlitew that early In the" return journey. At Boulder (Preapher welcomed to attend these services. preMint week all the saddln horses IhT. near Las Vegas,- they visited been engaged and that riding had !th Mr. McClure who Is employed Sound aves produced by a Sira- - at0fk to he rented to deer hunters, a the big project. A number of (.h.r. ireka people are working either at ing towns. The state fish and gamej Yegas or at the place where the j commissioner has announced that an Ivgs dam is to be built and all of effort will be made to register and mb are getting along In a satis- MONEY RAISED IX EUREKA check deer hunters In order that re- ACTIVITIES SCOUT ROY FOR fy manner. ports as to the number of deer klll- Mildred, the daughter of Mr. and Pened and the kind of deer can be com-ne- y C. ki C. E. Rife, submitted to L. O. McMichsel of the J. Provo was at piled. Information as to the expen-laEureka store of uther major operation at the L. of the hunting trips, number of al- of for the purpose evening I1 Hospital at Salt Lake on Tues-U- f and daya In the mountains, etc., also Is officers of this week, an abscesa being tending a meeting of the In being sought by the fish and game the Boy others who ire Interested haoved from the of one of region Is department. what in Scoot organizations 1b kidneys. The child haa been In Ue past many deer have been known as the Timpanogon District.' & III Blnce aum critically Into Tlntic from the Beaver early brought and Bishop Blglow, wh h feI1 "Jr a tree and Thomas Chatwin and ac- & both of Mammoth, also mountains by local hunters dorr Wlou.1, Injured. Soon nfter I. Ibnt .hr rordi. rrpom Mrtdrnt n nrrloun nprrntlon wnn, (rPom plrnlllnl n. In lor.ll.r nrn lullr I Lena undouliteilly been year since youve aeen oft flnlnh, (ualily muslin at a wire like Ibla. Wliat an Incentive It will lie for making quill and for oilier lioiMeliobl use, ami will sell now, al till very special price for It I n only PER YARD . - te lh taunt tv Dh entertained .. Riiv. by ?d.tJr eVe?,nwf' Snmi tv featUIe,1f.,he Sfhv I? fard plaJr,n nJtlJg -- present .. - ."tlng 1 rmr. r,t.ll ' -- . " " ut R.ClUb 1 i Barnes Bant. Members praa were: Mr.. Ce- James Bant, Mrs. e,t' Mra JowPh Buys. Mr- pC0 i ,fr! lluTr - r,rn. v. B. Brew. William Mra. ickman, Special gueata on Mrs. ijV811 ere: Mrs. Frank Oar- Vk , na yrruni Naylor, Mrs. Mary Mra. Batea. price. IJlen to till! Just 4lr for thl 49c sturdy overall made of while lawk denim. Men you'll rnjoy wearing ll for It' full rut-w-ell nuule nnd eslrn roomy. It luu the high hack, la made with oao pocket on Mb, I wo front and I wo hack pockrta, and tool pocket on right leg. It'a Triple Ht Itched Throughout. Nlzea from 34 to 48. BKTTF.K IIURIIY! roa-tlnuo- ua 49c In order to obtain thl H pedal lUrgala spend $1.00 In our lry Good Department aad the Mixing Bowl are yours fur only 49c. Juat one art to a family so gel youra early. inefit slon of congress a blllwaP hr ed approprlat Ing $55,000 the Nephl building ol w be erected on the n the northeast office site, It county court house. thought that started on the Jb first of the coming yeur. enormous copper tonnage. First." Try the Home Merchant Bert Wheeler and Dorothy HARRY H. JOHKPH OITKIW two nitwit lovers of Rio the PARK TO SALT LAKE CITY Lee, of another whirlwind In Rita," mirth, st the Btar Theatre, Saturday A Georgs Washington memorial and Sunday. containing a tree hoaorlng park, . each prealdent down to Herbert KURKKA MFBC. (X)MMIH8IOV STORK HAS 1IKKN CI4MKD Hoover, wae offered to Salt Lake 4 City early la ths week by Harry 8. of the Kureka Mercan- - Joseph, Tlntic mine operator and atore The J tile Commission Co., Operated by K. exalted ruler of the Salt Lake Elks' , ; F. Birch aad son, Kmron Wrch, and Lodge, Mr. Joseph aspects the city will years occupying the weatt , for several business room of the Klks' building, further Improve the land, forty The concern haa acree, a short distance north of - has been closed. specialized In radloe nnd electrical Heck'a Hot Springs, if the offer la 4 aooda and UBllI a ahort tlm Bgo al. accepted, he eald. He hea alreedy ,80 handled th affairs of the Sioux planted 4$ Chinese elms on the trect Cons. Mining company. The book of and built atepe landing from the foot the mining company were recently of the land to tho top of the hill. Besent to Salt take, Mr. Birch and as- - sides the trees honoring the presioaoclatea having transferred the con- - dent! It la planned to placo a troe jtrol of the company to the offlciala for each signer of tho Declaration of 4 of the Tlntic Standard Mining com- Independence. Dedication ceremonies would be pany. Kmron Birch atatca that ho may conducted on February 12nd la conInstall an entirely new stock .of nection with tho Washington bicenelectrical goods, take the agency for tenary. radios, washing machines, etc., nnd reopen ihe store on hie own account, A alga In a Chicago chain restaulie la now putting the place In order rant reada: Second helping free on for such n new business. all orders $6 rente or over." See Jimes uant, Mrs. T. K. continued week leader p of the Utah Copper mlna s 'ot one 0f these men has said J Harry Ctrten, Mrs. '..and a FMr- - Wl,,l"m aer- Bingham are c"wmp'ajd ihe fairness of the HKI.P WANTF.D FKM U V! fh.Ci!,tlet0n accoru.n this time, nosiess. The special guests. "andVrdlztlon of sliver. Surely If -l r. Jackllng. the Pf',,d"h,,o, were: Mrs. Chsrles! educated tsolful woman- f aI)d W0lld hMp mll. ao bm heal.h for perthe Urge Enk Csrrlty, Mrs.,nlarV.,ed In public why BOt move quickTlire In the state Inst week. Mra' work along that Hue, 'ni wB' conference? Such an ay Barney, Mrs. onsl around Salt W. NHor. n. X.) . or ot nurae n. : act would start the .he.1. take ('tty and Bingham that Friday evening of last wee lh0rt hours, reasonable r"Jnila merPe m0,ing and glv to the grop r.u l- -. e Box the Utah Copper waa to rut Ha George Caatleton entertained tlon. reference. Wrlie du a"",,!' Ing millions a chance to a"1pt aBd reduce the working ind aPM,al gueata of the reka, Utah. bringing for themae vea. I output thing Op In a delightful man-- , P . 4 relief and new life to f j. staled that the 4 jjr ja(kuBg Plajr,n of ,,60,, waa ,he wor d J ,W xm- -. cannot go on lor- riii- depression hifh ib There are millions In ,nHi. . some- ten rved a ixHwoire ua(i0uhtedly thal delicious luncheon. na. Ensland, Mexico and If t the silver " card playing thing will be done for Mra. Thomas who are anxious ror erica Is fedconference intPrnatlonal 1 i 4 a uucceasful In winning the Nephl H1 Ntorstlim of sliver as a meat will lh ses- action such and (bBt fajlw R all-cpr,I eral building. At a prize copper mining. The Mrs. - L 1 til-c- ut t hV.M- NOX-AL- In Jk ltt. 89c ,h J ht first prize, tltib EACH n Provo there ACTION OX NILVEK NEEDED now, HYH J. WILL KNIGHT was a general discussion of the proyear the coming posed activities for iand Mr. McMichael statea that the Qurk reI(pf wmiout Injury to one was only the lorul organization n(her( u what lka people of the that had are meeting Ihe d 8atpa and lha worId sl represented of amount had full be best the caB pray)M forf and lhla already rsled that tj lbroUgh Prealdent Hoover calling an money asked for In order recovery will be rapid and f"A7 llie perfrrlly fascinating rotor romblnathin iIkmppu your color! ComThese items go on sale beginning October 15th at Norman-Jenseattractions and pany. Dont Miss Them! Theyre fresh, on sale only so long as the limited quantity lasts. Come Early. See them at this THRIFT STORE. 'f IHr --V0" 79c You're going lo adore these gay. Jaunty foe they're wearable for waking hour aa well aa sleeping! One ntyle features the button shoulder, the other offers the poHilar tie alioulder. (tome In and are PAIR Bowls Mixing RIXUUK $1.00 VA1.UK st rhT.;h!:!-- Hfi 5c 3 Green Enameled I 1- EACH OVERALL at a truly spectacular ! F. O. McClure and Miss and (lilna ltlue color. THE FAMOUS -- Mrs. (Yiroa m pa-Jain- ae . city. rt wool w eater In pull over atyla, warm anil mart llila fall and winter. Two rtdor Jacqnanl dealgn at sleeve am! band. Y'ou may rhonae from Navy, These will be ONE PIECE RAYON PAJAMAS Made in two delightful styles. ALL WOOL CHINCHILLA COATS iwk-en- - 4c SWEATERS Hurrah! Just the thing for school! roulng Thrift Ilargaln! Ilre I a iart wimiI, Ncotcli weave, alngle Kplcndld blanket, laiund on lailli end with 8 Inch colored aaloen binding lo match llie lilaukeS. Cdor are: lloe, Blue, Gold, Green and Hello. At n price like IbU, lliey'll go like wildfire for whiter I coming, you know! Z J?? !l.,SVhV,J0f Jj! - You'll find n splendid assortment of strictly wash fast colors the moat wanted width, In this sHH'lal offering uf Wright' Ilia Fold Taie. Regular irlrrs range from I Or to 90r but lNcnuM of very slight liiierfi'lJooa Iu the fold, etc., we offer It iu you now, for only 88c Another J tJ.1 WRIGHTS BIAS FOLD TAPE PER PIECE PART WOOL BLANKET ong resident a member of fhurch h" a,w ken an In- "! ,MMt ,n ,h" durational work of the . H" " 8U,er of ,hc Cro Ih Trtlpp an ld latetl some of his observations with r7e"7,Jr ,a'led, reference to the school and liberally wl,h Vpralaed those who have been active ,5 po,n f7f .1 carrying on this excellent work , ver a period of forty year.. Mr. "f? ht y ,1 talked In a reminiscent ' mannep w,,h reference to the early ,1 PrJiPC daJr ac,,v1,, of be Catholic Church of ore worth about$ 50 per ton. In Eureka and related health had been poor for some ,nf many pleasing Incidents In connection with the LADY EI.KN EXTEHTAIV. camp's first school. He also gave the names of some of the first to LOCAL AND PERSONAI. Lady Fdk. of Lureka conducted a al 8t Jow.ph., s,hoflI and at pleasant party at the dub rooms of Wednpaday nlRhl wpre party.on order on Tuesday evening, erv three who Mrs. Margaret Freethy of Eureka to make up the helped refreshments after their usual first lldted in Salt Lake 'City over the In rlass. Mr. Fennell graduating ot, aUn program of cards. PrizeMra-winners paypd a k,owIdr tribute to the GMrs. Robert w" Sisters who pioneered educational Cartwright and dillhs and Mr. and Mra. Lewla Cart- - jank and Mrs. Clarence Gourley. work ,n h,a p,y and he othpr mem. Uht and son spent last Sunday as Thoae having charge of the social of 1he,r ordpr who r0n0Wl u guests of friends at Moroni. them and maintained tlm high slan- M5rr r1, Yilllam Owens. In chatge of the Jac, N1In and Mrs. krank danls of pffHpnry. Bacon. Hereafter the ladles will liille k Blue Bell and Victoria; I Lake the pay ot1 bridge and 500" at their MNY TINTIC XIMMODS WILL Lies, was sent to Salt liber day on account of lllneas. He weekly parties. IIUXT IX I1EAVEU KKtTIOX i being cared for at his home In j HT. ANDREW'S J I AmonK ! DAYS BOYS AND GIRLS ,he spi,ak4,ra Juile ,,a. Edward Pike and P. J. Fennell. The " of lo,7 ir )iir lf 48c. Eureka Lily 13c. forth Idly 78c and 79c. Niniirt, an Ideal fall lug; ll r I : 4c. Cona. GOOD OLD With these splendid bargains that wo present to our Thrift League Shoppers, we have indeed gone back to the Good Old Days before the war when prices were at almost unbelievable low levels. Every item included on these two pages is a genuine example of True Thrift, for True Thrift is buying what you want what you need the best quality and at the lowest possible price. THESE THRIFT BARGAINS ARE NATURALLY LIMITED IN QUAN-TITAND ARE OFFERED SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HANIX-- SO IT IS IMPERATIVE TO SHOP EARLY BEFORE THESE ITEMS ARE SOLD OUT." -thl to ue other features of the wrv!" land ill health, Is willing to riipne selected .of his mineral land at a reasonable When the entertainment 'figure and the Salt take group, with John Fennell of the Knlhts opened of CoMr. Bechtol is now In touch, lumbus Introduced ; which Father tagan. may he able to work out a deal sati- - priest of the local parish, who made factory to all concerned, adding the an appropriate response ami then claims of Mr. Bechtol to round out acted as muster of ceremonies Tor the group. the halanrp of the evening The pro- -' Mr. Bechtol says that at the mine gram as carried out Included j vocal where lalmer la at work the richest numbers by Mrs. P. J vioHonner., .portion of a gold deposit, coming In lin number by la-- I.ursen ami Edjthe quartzite, near a green shale ward Ronner, a song by Hui? sMu- contact. Is being taken out. Assays1 dine IalrJ a plani, d(i by Miss show anywhere from one-hato)Mary pnnre!l ciarrity and Ml Ia-- . about forty ounces gold and some filrcla McCormick, a chorus by pu- ora left behind In the process orplu from th, -- h and h dw of mining la reported to carry nearly an, Ml(, 8t j0Wph' Rrh01, and readlnR1 ounce of gold The railroad serving by Maud bbW and TrpHl)n the Gold Hill district, which up to, Honner. Mrs. Dan Sullivan was time has maintained a pretty Ponipan,, for lh mUH,rBl numb, rat nA , Tuesday. Chief ? j f Cone. 47c. Colorado Cona. .Vorth Lily 76c. Untie Standard $3.35. Tlntic Lead 86c. Eareka Lily 13c to 12c. fume I ir ! per-1..:,- North Tlntic rr, T rta,,u,B loan time been referred to In the! V" ' " 1'M.ml press an the One Man the older graduate of the ... , It Mr. rainier haa taken ov.-ll ( athidie people (Will, opened ill thl 000 and most or the work lie ha years uo. officiated allhe ... ... inriy ,",lp .0,'ia--"yt..table while other made up the I"1 ' he employed one miner. Not committee. From the reception couple of shipment prwnt cnro,,mn t of lhll Kuhanae; very lonK Stock Sales Chief of the church. j Mr. Carload 5 j ; |