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Show SttfinUT TKurh.v Standard 5. THE EUREKA REPORTER Mines Team Fergusons Among Tmtic's Very Earliest Residents Wants Match at Fair - - mlm which wmi pullnu" team from the Tin-mljn- I - l x,i- - IiU'i'cx Siller Jjii.lie xiiii.ew h.i. eai ly l.i iniiiiiiif .1 r, nj'.Te,! i!i.M i.i.iii f up. r.,! iiii.x in iM p.irl of he hroucht to mi, iclii the fact t!..4t tl.rre are in today iiiuiiv of the n first Ku-rel- r.xidelits of the .iiVriit. The cele biatluu also had a '.ii.de toy to these old timers m mood and It is to he regretted t h .it Ihidr stories eallhot lie put ili'o Home hind of a permanent record as it will . p not he many years first hand Information of this kind, rekardirik Celebration Bills Paid ,u Pintle uf the early seventies, will and Workers Given Thanks nm he available. w have reminded of the In which the Ferguson Part connection hills with the All family ' in the development of Tliiiie. frceiit Silver Jubilee prottnnn have came to this district nearly Iffn paid and the various commit- - They n vote of thanks and dix- - "ixty years ago when that hardy tecs given Dan Helds, as pioneer miner, SiitKleton Ferguson, Mayor charged. f,f-wa in his prime. At the pres-kachairman of the general committee, sent cards of appreciation to all lit time the family consMs of Mrs. and other I1- I. Cronin, Mrs. Thomas Drew, yhfl rendered financial In William Ferguson, all of Eure- the help oupitanding preparation and And ka. Singleton Ferguson, Jr., of uf the very fine program. All were here to take Springville. part In last Wednesday's program. William Ferguson was hut two years of age when his parents moved Diamond. Singleton Ferguson ! :: to was horn 56 years ago in that new mining camp and the other children arrived afler the family moved to Kureka. . THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL WILL FIND YOU WELL PREPARED IF YOU HAVE BEEN TO s TIMELY SAVINGS ON THE THINGS OUR BIG "SCHOOL SALE." YOU NEED MOST-A- ND - MANY SUGGESTIONS FOR NEW THINGS TO MAKE YOUR STUDYING MORE FUN. Attention ! I Srlf-Fillin- Monter was In Tintle when near nearly two dozen properties Silver City and between that ramp and Diamond, were going strong. Captain Bard was busy with the development of the old Cleopatra, within the residence limits of Silver City, and in the Swansea section there were four hoisting plants within a stones throw. Such mines as the two Swanseas. the Four Aces, Picnic, Silver Park, Rabbit's Foot, Old Susan, Joe Bowers. Showers, Tesora and as many more were In operation and shipping considerable ore. Most of It from points above the 300 and 400 levels. 21 215-L- Frank Jagger. 100 . Brady and Mrs. Burton 218-M- r. . Sarah Clift. Lydia M. 243-Mr- s. Bown celebration, wishes to thank all who assisted In making. his feature a aur-- : cess. ' DKI.lNyl'KNT NOTICE. 4 Price River Petroleum Company, a I'tah Corporation. Location of principal place of business, P. J. Fennells Store, Kureka, Itah. There are delinquent upon the on ac-- ! ;i following described stock count of assessment levied on July .26, 1929, being assessment No. 8 of one (1) cent per share, the amounts set opposite the names 'of the respective shareholders as follows Shrs. Amt. Name Cert No. T. Bonner ...4000 40.00 Mary Bonner .1500 15.00 12-8000 80.00 E. Carlson 1000 10.00 T. Bonner M. Bonner ..1000 10.00 90-400 4.00 E. Gaisford 100 1.00 Beery Whitehead.. 160 1.60 104-E. Ferguson .. 100 1.00 Walqulst .. 500 5.00 249-Mr- s. 263-Jam- es 273-Walt- er 274-OU- 2 9 5- e K. 302-303-Myrl- ls 308-- E. 330-Haro- ld 333-Walt- er 334-Oli- ve Satisfied ... Customers. 106-Lou- ls 112-Joh- n 163-Hen- Are You One? HHimmotwwww ry 167-Mr- s. 184-Jam- 202-Ia- Hunter Jarvis L. ul .. 800 100 100 50 Clark . . Roberta ..1000 Sldoff J. A. ... 354-Al- 8.00 1.00 1.00 .50 10.00 ... ... . . . . . 100 100 100 50 00 200 100 200 500 200 200 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 400 100 100 100 100 200 200 1.00 4.00 100 500 500 200 Jarvis ex E. McClain . . B. Thurmond 359-366-370-Mr- Blarkett It. Bown 393-- 256 1 257- - W. 5c 9c 5c Utah 500 500 1259 Mslt Warner .. 500 I26I-D- . S. I .ui'li rle . 1000 1266 Mrs. It K. Me Kune 300 1271-W- . K. Stoker 340 1272 Oru II. Harding .. 100 Ami in urrtirdanre with law and 396-Ra- y 397-Walt- er 398-Oll406-Hel- en 42 42 431-- 1.00 2.00 5.00 2 For Good Groceries at Reasonable Prices 00 2.00 100 call 1.04 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 topherson ... . Warren . . Jose Larson Gillette Lewis .. Bllckenstaff . Lewis . . . ha 458-Mr- s. ... na 491-Carm- en 504-Ea- rl 508-Carm- en 200 Mary Haynes. 100 100 T. Bonner Van Wagoner 100 40 W. Lewis 20 B. Twlss 20 E. Stoker Jessie Sanford 20 10 Contrl 20 B. Twlss 20 E. Stoker 40 W. Lewis Van Wagoner 100 Jarvis 509-Ale- x 529-Mr- s. .... 546-K- d. s. 578-593-600-627-Mr- s. 632-Mar- le 663-- H. 663-- YES MAM! WE KNOW YOULL LIKE OUR 67S-712-Cha- s. E. Stoker 741-- D. Howlett K. Gaisford . 759-762-- k Leather- friends. . 24 204 504 00 500 Sullivan Grocery 00 5.00 5.00 2.00 A full line of GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES for sale at popular prices. Open from 6 a. m. to W. Chrls- - 314-- 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 I .1000 topherson .2000 W. Lewis . 815-40 834-W. Lewis . Delbert 140 Gilllspie ... Agnes Roberts ... . Sieferman. 1000 Campbell .1000 Josephine . 100 Larson . 100 Thomas .1000 894-1Kirkpatrick Grant . . 500 400 . Nevers . COO n Kltt . 54') Kilt . 500 n Kilt 00 . 9 lit John Kltt Slvfermsn. 1000 869-Andre- w 1.Q0 1.00 .40 .20 .20! .20 .10 .20 .20 .40 1.00 40.00 .20 2.00 5.00 5.00 5 00 10 00 10 00 CAR f GREASING 10.00 ;; PRESSURE GREASING EQUIPMENT enables us to get the grease into the parts which need it most And being in the oil business We know our grease as well as our greasing! t Greasing cars today is a work that requires good men, special equipment and knowledge of greases. We have them all, and you can have car called for and delivered. HIGH 10.00 24.00 .44 1.00 10.00 10 00 10 00 872-Mr- s. 874-Eve!l- ne 1. 901-Fra- 902-LaVer915-Joh- EUREKA, UTAH 916-Joh- n 917-Joh- ti -- 921-Andr- .... Your Patronage Solicited i 852-Mr- a. Cromar Grocery p. m. i 851-Charl- es FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS ON HAND 10 - 1400 bury calling us We suggest that you shop the modern way by wants. The order will on the phone and telling us your he filled as carefully as if you were present. . .... 792-797-Fran- ... Fitzgerald Kvington. D. Howlett ...1000 Haskell ...lt'OO 768-- made so many Theyre always fresh! Thats why weve ..4000 Hefley 714-Harv- Groceries 1 at the Chrls-- 434-Myrt- le 562-Cha- .... . F. Kennedy .50 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Blight . Sorensen . . . Taylor . . R. Taylor . Anderson . Holman . . Haynes . . . B. Campbell . . 395-Ellzab- 484-An- . Eugene s. 449-Bert- PHONE 8 9c COME EARLY. Jessie Sanliiril 1 K. 97-Per- 99-Ral- ... Harper H. 32-E- d. . . .... d. C. pad stork as may he necessary will be sold at the office of the secretary, Josle Sullivan, at the I. J. Fennell Store, Eureka, Utah, September 20th, 1929, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and axpenae an order nf the Hoard of lilrertora, of sale. made mi the 26th day nf July, 1929, JOSIK SULLIVAN, Serretary. so msnr shares nf enrh parrel of (First pah. September 6, 1921.) 100 5.00 Van en j . . Stoker Wagoner Walqulst H. Osborne Walqulst Haynes Morgan Taylor It. Taylor 15-Lo- 320-Agn- R. Taylor le 307-Lou- 3 . Jarvis 298-Ale- X 299-Oliv- . ... I al .... e 294-Klsi- . Kennedy D. H. Morley Roberta . Taylor R. Taylor . Brewster - Walter Taylor . . 243-W- j s. 5 D. G. HENRIOD 1000 10.00 2.40 240 4 00 400 1.00 . 100 E. Stoker 236-Mr- s. 34-Mr- llatnlv Scratch Pads 5c 9c 5c 39c 9c 23c School Bag Outfit with pen, cncils, ruler Sanford Ink, big 2 ounce bottle Loose Leaf Note Book (overs Loose l'af Note Books Loosed ,enf PnHr, pad of 35 shirts .. Loose gaf Paper, rxtra fine uality, 40 sheets .. Louse Leaf Sheet Keinforcement, box of 1(H) tabs A. C Harris D. 230-- Frank Morley, of the parade committee connected with the recent &00 A. , MOItLKY THINKS Kill EMM. with 9c Mucilai'c, patented top el Wax Crayons, box of S colors Bleudwcl Wax Crayons, Imx of 1(1 colors w 7E 224-J- Kept Busy Blend g Eureka . . MANY OTHER SPECIALS AT OUR STORE I ser-er- . Kwikstik . City. Mr. AS HE IS 10c nf AH Kinds lc to 5c Motif Pi noils, last longer, write better 5c Pencil Tablets of All Kinds 5c, 2 for 9c, 9c I iik Tablets 5c CmuHisitiou Books 9c "Onward Line of School Tablets ... . . 6c . Some of the excursionists who cante here on August 2Sth for the Silver Jubilee remained over long enough to visit various points of Interest In (he district. One of these was H. C. Monter, who had charge of the old Sllverine mine In the southern end of the district about thirty years ago. He was accompanied hy Mrs. Monter and together they roamed about the district vlslt- ing several of the old time properties in the neighborhood of Silver n i pass F.ra.-e- rs .... Pioneer Mining Operator Spent Few Days in Eureka AS HE WAS AiluslaMe Ci 9c size Kitr IViu'ils, 25c Kile Kile Pencils, "Master" si, 5c lliirli rrailf Kite Kite licads, I'J in tnlie 2 for lie llexaL'tin Pencils 3 for 5c Pine I .catl Pencils 1c " Pickens" Pencils, tomitl shape, Tin. Ions' 5c Pencil with Clip only 9c .. Gluey Paste, mammoth size tube 9c ti piece School Set 9c School Set with Bank 23c School Sot with Paints .. c Pencil S!iarj eiier 25c Fountain Pen 49c Pen and Pencil Set 8c (Yavolas Colored Crayons, box of S colors 14c Hi box colors . of Ci a volas Colored Cravons, 5c Penholders with Pens 5c doubled Itcvclcd and 12 inch Kulers singled Hit.- - 00 00 10.00 5 00 4.00 5.00 C 00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1 1 CARL AT GALLOWAY HalOiilCo.' |