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Show Thursday, Auu- - Page 6 i - I rths : irmra I ''. - 1 marvel when thinkinward ply,c1 ' n. DOingyouofnotthe fleeh, workings of br--icr child bone, in growinir earn day muscle and building onward toward manhood - 1 liu-i- o 1 - knmirjdllirga I SSSTSKS. - your child the right chance? j ! I 1 - - 1 CASIDRIA Hl,H re you giving - Thomas Handle, on the 10th of fornpMblei or individuals of ereeltoii tb.H month, took over ih- - t'oimver niiiNMiipliiHiiK 'he v it xihtiKiit along the main hixli-- SiTH e Station, now owned by the Lake nayt of Ik- iuh ure warned firstcon--In.' ('iiitii.efi':il fil t o orof twoSaltthe pluce Htare For a month ny iiimult riTliiliK rivulalion-- , It lit innoui.reil I.;,. i,.. 1, operated under lease hy aftiv the Hiate road foninjls-lol.exit r I'm ter, who cloned up hia to bln family moved oil lieen built II (I III her have rerently fairs l,eie and Handle, Mr. hriKht of way. the ruinmlsHlnn imu'liern California. violating property fur many years connected with the rindit, and this city, cii attire of limitations are llabli to suffer the Norman-1-nA wordiidditloniil iohIs of rnovtiiK has a l.rxe circle of friends III the ing in Henry H, Hlood. ehairinan of district and under his rnamixement I lie several have eoiiiriiiHHlon, the nervice station should do a splenthe main part of tlielr did hi ness. 0 u tll IriKH right up to the property line, while pump Mint oilier faeill New Business House Will Ilea are built upon the highway. Tlie mu uie roridliiuri found f has Ee Opened Here on Aug. 24 ro:nl Iiiiim be line with ofl refreahnieiits and f 'it ire Kurrka U to light In the drlrikH. a new husine,'i have 'I he Chapllllil. (ollipiiny. liperatlli:; for Have 'Three Days Price and Park May tops In Itlchfield, on Am .'list 2th. here will open in Hens Utah t'iry, Shooting Sage h.irlmr Hecured the James II. lil building, opposite the public Three ilavH, ai d possibly one This buildin-- wan recently tonal day, will romprlMe the open brary sen hum on aage lieiiN ill Itah IIiIh remodelled and Improved and it beinx pul lii shape for the forto J. riliur Veveiir, in . elute fUli and giime rmnmlsMluii-er- . mal opening of the ('hapinan variety store Thin company iiotiniiM. iniidbH, noielty August ill, Hepteinlier I und 2. uirrieH . It are the in ids, di i.inl possibly Seple hosiery and house-'inlfiirnishiriKS. dates tentatively selected K sta'p-widsurvey will lie made before SoiiK-- r ti i l! K new the lilie of definite deelelon hh to whether Hie Phone or call drill announcements. three nr four day season shall be Itcpnrter office. Uintnlirii- Net feMnrfilM 3l Tom Randle Has Taken Over Station Owners Are Station Warned by Commission the Conover Service - UMM"m rtoior-- fcrtrr m-a- r . -- Nor-imi- rf or womanhood? it it the blood stream carriea the millions of tiny to all parta of the body. And it is the healthy, rich. Of course which , red-cel- ls red-Llo- that a good is re- ri quired. r I 11 1'.U ! Flrlrlirrs Castoria i 's il In-s- 111 ln-- r M( ) In such cases S.S.S. is the proper tonic. It is made from fresh vegetable drugs t coni-panv- S.S.S. builds sturdy health therefore will rot harm th delicate ayrtem. It UI appetite and restores th,. cells to normal; lost gained; skin eruptions rW uo a color returns to the cheeks. Give vour child the right rhane, blood tonic :id-li- - od cells that doea thu building, wtrding off diifiM ind inikinif for strong and healthy bodies. When a childs appetite wanes ci r he loses weight, the complexion Incomes sallow or pimples and boils appear then you Instantly know that the inward mechanism is not working properly -- e a pleasant, harmless sill stitnle ft r Castor Oil, I'arrtrir, Teething I)njs amlSfiotliing Syrups, prcKirnl for Infants in arms awl Children all ages iii to develop. You will not regret S in later years. For more then 100 years SS&. has been helping children ar.d their elders regain strength and vitality. The seasoning and aging prow-us- ed in the manufacture of SS.gr makes it pleasant to the taste! All good drug stores S8.S. in two sizes. Ask for the larger size. It is more economical. Cewrteht IKS S.S.S (a n-- 1 111 It has lceii in use fur more than 30 years to safely relieve Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Constipation Flatulence Diarrhea Regulate Itowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest and Natural Sleep without Opiates c To avoid imitalioni always look for the signaturr of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere rs onuiicnd vvm. violin pri'iijt Kiln Wirt tilln lit prepared to accept pupils for violin liiNlrucllon. lull Mien For partlrulum call Phone A 43-- NU-W- . . e it AY iiA J. lint inn. Yen, Odorless Cleaners Third uImIc to IIih left. Kvorytlilng hunter. for the ii ic laxuinrd llrodrrlck, Prop. CLEANING, PRESSING G. REPAIRING E. H U I S H 0. E. RIFE Suits Made to Order Notarlea Public lleporler Offlro Kurrka f. o. Pbone itos itai ; Hats Cleaned & Blocked J ALL WOIIK (Jt'AKANTKKl) N Phone ! ! ; 3 tl I iLui Assay Offi ce Oeorge T. Caaileton Make Your Kurrka, I'tali Slain Nlrret OLD SHOES V SHOE BILLS REDUCED You know and we know that soles and heels are the life of the shoe. You can easily reduce your yearly shoe bills 50 per cent or more by having us repair them when they show signs of wear. D. A. WILSON Shop :it head of Job St. new: 1 Electric Servants are performing most of the household tasks. Andy Anderson niTasm: n- -j PrnnntYIV mtoiu: PRESSING suvk. run lllilg matter how dainty the article or how soiled the suit we can make it rhuaa Pleating a Specialty f MS-R.- 1 Eureka Cleaning Co. The convenience which you will enjoy from the more extensive use of electric servants in your home, brings a new thrill of satisfaction. fOIlVCIUCHCC Dr. OBORN Dentst KI.KH IT. IT'KKKA. I1I.1H1, Hour: lliiina 04 0 to IV (I jPOWDER to 7 SKllVU'K CALL US. GIANT Ttntlc l.odxa F. A A. M. tail and 4th day of aarh at I. O. No. , meats HERCULES BLASTING SUPPLIES Tues- mouth O. F. Hall. brother! Invited to atteod. Vlaltlng It. T. moern electric dePendabilIty service brings to you the assurance that Electric Cooking, Refrigeration, Water Heating and many other electrical uses in yo ur home are constantly ready to Help you take life easier. satisfied. IfamtnuUi, I'tab greater these wonder servants look like new. Send your next job here we are sure you will he AT TIXTIC H OH ITT A L omiaton te OftHftnflfihlllf'V No Dr. Steele Bailey, Jr. I'hy.kUa and Nurgnm -- old fashioned ones. AND DENTIST ur new ate results in a very low cost of operating the various electrical appliances with which the modem home is equipped. This makes it possible to use home-makin-g methods at a cost which is no than the CLEANING Dr. J. H. Ellsworth There is unequalled comfort for the housewife and for every member of the family in the home where Comfort hy hrii)iii thorn to my shop ami having im repan handle pair them. shoe repairing joh in any expert fashion ami all work is guaranteed. up-to-da- Hliitl mm Eureka, Utah 71 llurton, W, If. John F. Rowe, Secretary everyting used in mine development We make delivery to any !art TINTIC AERIE NO. 217 F. 0. EAGLES Midi 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month, Mlnere' Inion llall. at the O. WAHLQITAT, V. P. AMIKKT M. JOHNSON, Acting Secretary. We Would Be Glad To Fully Explain Our New Combination Service. , and in fact Untie of the district. Powder & : POWER FLIGHT CO, EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICB Supply Co. Phone 44. Main St., Eureka Upper ; |