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Show Altitudes & Platitudes Green Thumb Pontiac Reveals 1969 Firebird , LeMans STANDARD Rooiievrlt, Utah Thursday, September 26, 1968 jiinu j,-rr- v improves Former resident studies Braille parks, fair area Emily Wall, former resident The Farmers Union Green Thumb began work Tuesday Sept. 3, on a Tourist Park project at Big Sand Wash res- of Altamont, has become very Interested to helping the blind and Is presently studying Braille so she will be better able to help these handicapped people. ervoir. One crew of seven men are assigned to the work .projectj according to John Zupko, state is project director. The Utah Green Thumb houseman at Hill Air Force Base where he has been for the past three months. Miss Wall Is In the 10th grade at Clearfield high school. pro- ject Is sponsored by National Farmers Union and Is funded by the U. S. Department ol Labor. It Is operating In fourteen (14) States. Us purpose Is to provide job opportunities Green for senior Citizens. Thumb has been operating In Utah since April of 1968. Total funds allocated nationally during the year are $116,210.00. Men are now employed and working In Utah. It Is approved for six Counties In Utah, they are Salt Lake, Summltt, Duchesne, Carbon, Emery and The local project, Sanpete. as well as those elsewhere, is carried out on a cooperative basis with local agencies. In the case of this project, the local agency Is the Utah It Is providing State Parks. 20 of the total cost of the project, this 20 Is contribution and Includes cost of the sprinkling pystem, top soli, grass seed, shrubbery, etc. It also Includes planning, designing and use of equipment. The 80 cost Is federal contribution and consists of wages to Worker-Trainee- s, mileage paid workers for travel and hand car Both the 19fi9 Pontiac Firebird and the LeMans models combine sports is the coupe, hardtop and big car luxury. The Firebird, represented above by three-sDeea now and five of A choice engines also available in a convertible model. transmission option make the Firebird one of America s Turbo Hydra-matir sports most popular sports cars. The LeMans convertible, along with the feature new station and r wagon r hardtop coupe, hardtop coupe, for safeinterior fabrics and colors, draft free ventilation and additional paddmg ty and comfort. do-sig-n two-doo- four-doo- two-doo- AREfl-TflBIONfl'DUCH- iiWwwW ESNE (Krona neou SERMIGE BlackTandiWhite n root iIboooon synp) ant) cqqid a as conns ntmrnmfrniMWh.lrp CTimnniiHUB ffrp pGGP CBt tools. The two crews allocated for Duchesne County have been working jointly, since JUly, on the City and County Park and Fair grounds at Duchesne. They have been repairing the exhibition buildings, they have replaced all the windows, braced up the buildings with cinder blocks painted the buildings inside and out, repaired the roofs replaced planks to the bleachers and painted them, repaired the viewing bleacher: building. They also worked on the stock show building! the rodeo corrals, fences and cut the weeds to and around the structures. The place generally had a much needed face lifting. Karl Shlsler, Pres, of Utah Farmers Union said, these men have done a tremendous lot of work and was very hopeful the Green Thumb would continue. i cause serious Illness or death, use only a very small quantity of the liquid at a time DRY CLEANING AT HOME and work out of doors or to a Dry cleaning at home is danroom. gerous and should be avoided . Carbon tetrachloride is non'f possible, states Verl B. Matflammable but It should not be hews extension agent, Utah used, he said. It takes less State University, Ft. Duchesne. vapors from this solvent to Many dry cleaning solvents poison the user than from other are on the market under a varsolvents and the poisoning Is iety of trade names. Most, If cumulative. not all, produce poisonous vaNever use gasoline, naphtha, pors; many produce flammable or benzene for dry cleaning. These liquids are highly flamvapors. If It is necessary to do minor mable and produce vapors that dry cleaning at home, such as may form an explosive mixture with the air. Any spark or flame removing stains, use a nonflammable solvent. To avoid breathcould Ignite the mixture and ing too much vapor, which can cause an explosion. FALL FESTIVAL I.U.A. MULTIPLE VITAMINS I.G.A. APPLESAUCE, 303 size GEnnn iwv .... 2 for S1.49 6 for S1.00 46-o- DRINK Pineapple-Grapefru- it GUARANTEED 4 . Success is just around the corner only sometimes its a long block. BD gd gees can z. 4 for S1.00 O MEATS O MlHUti spats - 27 - 28 3 pkgs $1.00 Duncan Hines CAKE MIX IheOtoLiimw. iBb.mii Qi) e asst, PRICES FOR SEPT. 26 I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER, lb jar . . 2 for S1.00 3 cans S1.00 I.G.A. CHUNK TUNA LU.A. HtenfflUinaim ffn Almost 80 of the vehidos involved in fatal accidents in 1967 were passenger cars. in-kl- nd d Her father, Melwood Wall, to Vietnam. He Is a ware- YELLOW DRY 49' ONIONS Ham Shank lb. llam Butt End 59 lb. CABBAGE 61 lb. Sliced Ham SWEE-T89 lb. FANCT. GRAPES 10 C lb. 25-l- b. bag 891 PONTIAC ANNOUNCES THE GREAT BREAK AWAY! This is the year to say good-by- e to humdrum driving! 169 Pontiac Grand Prix. Wide-Trac- k If you've never driven a car like this before, that's because theres never been a car like this Pontiac Grand Prix before. So new. it's got its own 118" wheelbase. So new, it's got its interior. A new steering wheel with a on big tires. With soft" material rim. Wilh a Wide-Trac- k a new hidden radio antenna we're daring ever) body to find. own aircrafi-typ- c Or maybe you'd like to break away with a brand-ne- There's also The Great One. Our GTO. the one that started w k Firebird. With typical handling and a range of available V-- 8 choices that'll make youi head spin (including the fabulous 4(X) Ram Air option). Rrand-ncstvling. too. Lean, clean, ready looks. Plus 13 exciting new colors . . . new anti-the- ft ignition, steering and transmission lock. Wide-Trac- w it all. Complete with baseball-bat-probumper, fully padded instrument panel, distinctive Redlinc tires, along wilh specially designed suspension. Plus an assortment of 's that'll make your break from dull driving just about as pleasing as any you've ever made. of V-8- And don't forget our luxurious Bonneville. With a standard. V-360-ha long, long 125 wheelbase, a new upper-levventilation system, color-keye- d energy absorbing bumper at both front and rear, plus the kind of interiors you'd like to install at home. Bonneville. Who needs more? p. 8. el Mi ftjHiifc THE NEW 1969 GRAND PR1XS. BONNEY ll LTS, BROUGHAMS. I M CTJTIVI S. CATAI.INAS. GTO'. LE MANS. CUSTOM S. TEMPfSTS AND FIREBIRDS ARE AT YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER'S NOW. MtV-- IMIlllWI fv"w |