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Show ' THE' CITIZEN J. OBSERVATION PLANE Our big aim is to break the intermountain Husbands Making Good. As Maids servant question is solving . THE .. self; Those. Who have, been wort i l it-- the rying about it have discovered way out of their' difficulties. The problem is solving itself by eliminating the servant girl and friend husband to do the work. If you have a husband you dont need a servant girl. Servant girls come and go, but Hus- . . per-mittin- g' i . band goes on constantly. , The solution began to appear with the fierce foray of colds and throat troubles that put so many faithful housewives under the doctors care. No servants were to be had. Occasionally a prospect called up on the telephone and remarked that she might be out if there were no children and the family conducted a welfare department to bring light and laughter into a poor working girls life. These prospects probably were who got into the habit girls ' r 't of telephoning for. positions and could not break off the terrible habit in ex-serva- . . . nt I , . days of affluence. ! .. The Y. W. C .A. once conducted an employment bureau for maids and working women but no more. Asked why the bureau was discontinued the manager explained that th wage- earners were so well paid that the women folk did not care to work. the children, sewing on buttons, Grafonolas faces and coal-biand carrying hands, washing dishes -. , life! one all makes trays grand, sweet ..jam-lade- n n . 1 - - 'a , . r V song. And the union men asking for a J . . - prefers Evidently Mary around in a limousine. riding - That telephone- habit is certainly a queer phenomenon. These fiends call up just for the sake of talking about the old-- sad days when it was necessary .to labor for a living. They probably find pleasure in this talk about work. And they love to think that the housewives ex-wor- k - long-distan- ce are still struggling household with worries and work. . r It was in such a crisis as this that the Salt Lake housewives discovered that Husband could do the work. It was only necessary for him to give up business the greater part of the day. .Mere trifles like that do not stand in .the way of the energetic American business man accustomed to obey his wife. And where is the American husband who does not love, honor and .obey the wife who promised to do as much for him? ! . , serare making.-goovants. Two hours at the office late ,in the afternoon and the other hours at home tending the furnace, dressing Husbands d Mining and Industrial Stocks and Bonds . - The:; factory is with us. , To do this we are making a wonderful pay- six-ho-ur Perhaps that is why they want the shorter day so they can spend the longer day at home as ' ing 110.00 DOWN 110.00 day! : rk It would be a cheerful world if Husband could just call up on the telephone and inquire about work instead of doing it But only the vants can do that. The husband has to report for duty. In the old days he could drop in around the corner, imbibe a couple of drinks and forget that he had a wife and children. He knew that the maid would take care of the furnace and iron out the bumps on the babys head while friend wife, under the care of a nurse, enjoyed the luxury of an Influenza vacation in bed These influenza vacations of the housewife are making Husband a confirmed household slave No one expects him at the office until afternoon. If he happens to be an employe, it is harder sledding, but all he has to do i8 to give up his job. A MONTH ex-se- r. RSUMABLY ' .. - . ' . : Liberty Bonds Bought . Wasatch 4010 335 Main - St. Salt Lake City More than oyer before, ueeessful business re- ... quires Banking Service of the broad, permanent eharaeter we give . . This Instrument $140.00 9 I1!?" CMhEHCKSCaJlAtansD BTABUSNED OPIOLINISIItfUiSHNUBna INS ?IIHIIimiUWIHIHIIIIIIIIWIItllllHII Open All Night Tel. Was. 5516 UNDERTAKERS AND ICE CREAM, CANDY AND 'CAKES HOME-MAD- E EMBALMERS Teachers Sacrificed On High Wage A Iter ' . 1 t- Christmas. by co-operat- . H. W. Lane ... SEBREE & LANE ment offer any Grafonola. . inaid-of-all-wo- j Sebree record; for. December-- - 1,000; Columbia uiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHuniiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiitniiuinniiuuiiiiiuiiM R. S. D. EVANS Modern Establishment New Building Salt Lake City Stats St. 4 the .Salt Lake Education has done everything possible to provide an increase in pay for the teachers, and it is regrettable that in the last few years the teachers here and generally throughout the country have benefited so little from the rapid upward trend of wages. We are told by the statisticians, who furnish us with good and bad news by means of figures, that the real wages of school teachers have decreased $34.9 per cent since Board of 1912. The real wage Is far different from the money wage. The real wage takes into account the increased cost of living. Therefore, one may receive a substantial increase in money wage wtihout receiving any increase at all in his real wage. The plight of the educators is even more deplorable when we look - at it from another point of view Certain. of our skilled workers have had increases in their real wages amounting to 25 or 50 per cent, which means that they are 25 or 50 per cent better off than they were in 1912 The real wages . 260. So. State 55 So. Majn 160 So. Main Your Greatest Need is food . . not a great quantity of it but a food that is well balanced so that all parts of the body are nourished. Wheat is the complete food, and makes up the most vital part of foods set on your table. ROYAL BREAD is Walkers Store Fountain and Candy Dept. Delivered Everywhere At tin Old disk Cornir 'Banking Perfection Under U. B. Inspection" Service is Our Highest Aim Natures best food; it is wheat, scientifically prepared in the most palatable and cal way. ; ROYAL BREAD is a complete food. Buy it of your neighborhood grocer. Royal Baking Co. Utah State National Bank lukr Maral Haum Hut |