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Show .0 Published Every Saturday BY GOODWIN8 WEEKLY PUBLISHING CO., INC. F. P. GALLAGHER, Editor and Mgr. L. J. BRATAGER, Business Mgr. 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE: Including postage In the United 8tates, Canada and Mexico $2.00 per year, $1.25 for six months. Subscriptions to all foreign countries, within the Postal Union, $3.50 per year. Single copies, 5 cents. Payment should be made by Check, Money Order or Registered Letter, payable to The Citizen. Address all communications to The Citizen. Entered as second-clas-s matter, June 21, 1919, at the Postofflce at 8alt Lake Act March 3, 1879. of the under City, Utah, 3 Ness Bldg. Phone Wasatch 5409. 8alt Lake City, Utah 311-12-1- AMERICA FIRST, IS OUR HIGHEST D UTY When President Wilson went to Paris he carried with him American idealism and he desired to translate it for the understanding of the rest of the world. The politicians, steeped in secret diplomacy and chicanery, sat with rapt, uplifted faces at the feet of the professor of idealism and pretended to be impressed, but they went their ways and declared for imperialism, for the rule of the strong races, fpr the subjection of the weak. today ? No doubt you have heard supporters of internationalism as repreThey established an imperialistic status quo and asked us to sented by the League of Nations say something like this : guarantee it. Let us dip into the future, far as human eye can see and try We must get rid of this idea of America first. Humanity should be first. Americans should not make themselves so little as to place to glimpse the vision of the world and all the wonder that will be. themselves and their interests above humanity and the interests of Are we to have Tennysons parliament of man, the federation of the world, or are we to have Japan with her Shantung and Korea, humanity. America first was a good sentiment when we were at war with Great Britain with her India, Egypt and Ireland, France with her Germany. The very men who harped upon it then are the men most African and Asiatic serfs, Italy with her Tripoli, the islands she stole clamant today in demanding that we put American nationalism aside from Greece, parts of Asia Minor and whatever else she and her mad and adopt internationalism. poets and soldiers may grab are we to have these imperialIn his tour of the country the President said that the League of isms and such others as conquering races may establish from time to Nations was greater than the government. He had forgotten that time? And if we are to have this condition of world affairs are we once he implored us by all that wre held most sacred to be for America going to be so hypocritical as to call it peace, civilization and idealism ? The white mans burden has covered a myriad of injustices in the first. The champions of the league are fond of telling us that those who past, but never has its mask of hypocrisy been stretched' and strained to cover a whole world of masters and slaves. oppose the league should devise something to take its place. SenWe see the League of Nations virtually at work today. We see ators of the United States, led by Johnson, Lodge and Smoot, have devised something better. They have, at least, devised a method of Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan dominating enslaved races by safeguarding America and the Americanism of George Washington the rule of might as never before because never before were their possessions as extensive as they are today. g. and Abraham Lincoln. Why should not we, who believe wTe see the perils of the league, Surly, when we started out to make the world safe for democracy, turn the appeal quite about and say: Until you have devised some- led by the champion of that ideal, we must have had some meager vision of a world different from that which we behold today. Surely, thing better than America be for America first, last and always. Has internationalism been such a success that we can afford to we did not think that we would be called upon to sign a compact which would accord our guarantee to the wicked and wretched imadopt it and guarantee to support it as against our own country. If it can be shown that internationalism has failed already that perialism which still holds the world in thrall. will be an argument for nationalism. The Philippines? We have promised to free them and we have If it can be shown that internationalism is not truly for humanity broken a promise never. The Philippines will be freed unless we, too, but for certain dominant races and governments it is a good argument succumb to the cant which regards conquering races as designed by for nationalism. Providence to rule over the weak and vanquished nations. We Two kinds of internationalism arc at work in the world for fought to dispel that demon of despotism and now that the Hohenzol-lern- s are cast down from their thrones and eat their hearts out in mastery Bolshevism and imperialism. despair at the destruction of their grandiose ambitions are we to adThere is another kind idealism but it is in abeyance. We need not stop to consider Bolshevism here and abroad, be- mit that might is right or arc we to stand by the rule of right? What has the League of Nations nightmare done for us here at cause, however menacing its peril, it has not established itself securely home? Germans, of course, are regarded with hatred and suspicion, anywhere. OR American first ! Do you remember who was the chief protagonist of that patriotic principle ? None other than President Wilson in the days before internationalism had taken such a powerful hold upon his imagination. How many of the Presidents followers think of that sentiment old-wor- ld |