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Show THE CITIZEN COCAINE IN INDIA FILIPINO PROVERBS The British government has just issued a report setting forth the growth of the cocaine habit in India. The point of the report is that the vice has spread like a prairie fire just in those districts where the use of stimulants ii the form of alcohol is forbidden. The saner heads in these United States are beginning with good reason to fear the chief result of pro hibition will be to tuiTl drinkers into 15 near your superiors, lest they trample upon your dignity. LINCOLN. l, The longing of the Filipino people God took a piece of common clay RUMOR 1. . A whisper is louder for Independence is nourished by a than a shout. 2. The earth has ears; Planted therein ambitions vital devery deep and earnest desire to rumor has wings. seed; velop their own individuality as a naPlaced him, a youth, beside the comTALKATIVENES While the pumption. When the Spaniards came, the mon way, Filipinos already had a culture of kin vine creeps along, the fruit is left That he might learn the common their own. Almost every Filipino behind. human need. could read and write. Although SpanThe Filipinos are not a hermit naish civilization has greatly influenced Made strong by strife, he faced the tion. They have taken from the west the Filipinos, and although the young whatever storm of wrath; they thought was good for generation is being educated in AmerLove made him wise, a nations them and suitable to their conditions. ican ideas, yet Filipino culture recause to plead; But above these outside influences is a flowering shrub mains at bottom indigenous. The coca-plan- t want their national genius to He walked with God, though in a yeocultivated, in several varieties, in Indicative of the existence of Fili- they and mans path, reach higher levels of perrise Peru, Bolivia, and other parts of pino national genius are the purely GEORGE BACOBO, member And seized on fame by an immortal South America,, in the West Indies, Filipino songs, legends and ' proverbs fection. commission. deed. Thomas Curtis Ciark. and in Java. It has been grown with which have been handed down by of the Philippine some success, the report states, in word of mouth from generation to gen;:lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllll r and Bengal. Ceylon, Madras, Mysore eration. I have picked the following The leaves are said to have the propFilipino proverbs at random from my communi-cat erty, when masticated, of collection of several hundred, which i . sustaining-powerCn were obtained from actual conversaremarkable ! this account they are chewed by the tion with Filipinos, mostly old men. I Peruvian Indian, together with lime CAUTION 1. A fish is caught by or tobacco, or taken in the form of the mouth. 2. Repentance never various decoctions. comes first. 3. Courage is of two I ! ? For the last quarter of a century sorts: one goes forward, the other rethe government of India has been tires. 4. Haste creates delay. 5. 1 I OR JUST COAL? faced, the report says, with the probThere is a snake in every jungle. UTAH-GRAN- D lem of preventing the disastrous habit THE PREMIUM COAL f CHARACTER 1. To whichever side , of cocaine-eatingwhich has taken firm a tree leans, to that side it falls. 2. I is has LESS SOOT and I CLINKERLESS, HARDER, hold among a considerable section of a to be hard Tis easy to be born, tis the people. The habit is only some man. 3. He who is raised in ease is I is MORE ECONOMICAL. f thirty years old. Authentic details are usually destitute. i It stores better, burns longer and is the ideal coal (or to how as but it originated; wanting a home. Note how free from soot your walls are in CHOICE He who is hard to suit I it is all over the country, its devotees I the spring. will choose the worst. being found chiefly among classes to FOOLS 1. A wise mans joke is I whom, either by religious tenets or Help to keep our city clean by insisting upon caste rules, the use of stimulants in believed by a fool. 2. Fools earn for I UTAH-GRAN- D COAL the wise. 3. It is foolish to argue the form of alcohol and the Mined by s indigenous intoxicating drugs, opium, with a fool. charas, ganja, and bhang, is forbid(FORESIGHT 1. Strength yields to I den. The necessity for restrictive acplan. 2. Working early is better ASK YOUR DEALER tion first came to notice in 1900 in than working hard. Bengal, and evidence of the abuse of is. "llllirillllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlff FORGETFULNESS He who the drug rapidly appeared in other happy is forgetful. provinces. The excise laws of Bengal, is with GRATITUDE? Kindness Bombay and Madrass proved at the not with gold time to be inadequate to deal with the kindness to be paid, and silver. evil; and restrictions of gradually inHOME, LOVE CF The pain of a creasing severity were imposed. Loand finger is the suffering of a whole body. cal cultivation of the coca-plan- t HONOR 1. It may be mere mud, the manufacture of cocaine and its synthetics are absolutely prohibited. but above it is a piece of heaven. 2. I should not grieve over my misImport of these articles is also prohibited, save by government officers, fortune, for what muddy water did by qualified medical practitioners and not become clear dentists, and its synthetics are abso- - HOSPITALITY Though my house is small, my heart is large. lutely prohibited. INDUSTRY 1. A sleeping shrimp Coincident with the spread of the habit an extensive smuggling trade is carried away by the current. 2. A had arisen. The enormous profits to lazy dog does not get even bones. be earned in the illicit trade quickly 3. Work put off ends in nothing. 4. If The most refreshing and induced a complete network of agen- you sleep, brother, the crocodile will most satisfying! all over the eat you up. cies and MERIT The quality of gold is country. Fifty dollars per ounce is no unusual price for what is worth known by rubbing it against stone. . I.4 MODESTY 1. He who is high sufabout one dollar. While families, from the oldest to the youngest members of fers a great fall. 2. The fly that both sexes, are known to have become rests on the back of a carabao (water victims of the drug. buffalo) thinks it is higher than the Order from your local dealer or 3. drives Boastfulness carabao. The drastic measure adopted by the JESS C. OLSON DIST. CO., 4. Do not brag before government and the heavy penalties away wisdom. fish. Salt Lake Distributors imposed have had little effect in curb- landing the DETERMINPERSEVERANCE; 533 So. 4th West Wasatch 5664 ing the traffic. The outbreak of war A thing is near, though far, cut off, to a large extent, imports of ATION!. Manufactured by the drug from enemy countries. To if you want it. 2. If you want eggs, Becker Products Co., Ogden this probably more than to repressive put lip with the cackling of the hen. measures, is due the large decrease 3. If you are afraid of every dog noticeable in the number of convic- bark, you will never reach your destination. tions within the last three years. PRIDE. SENSE OF Do not be too Pearson's Magazine. dope-fiend- i s. i : Wfriat Kind of Coal H) D o YOUUse o UTAH-GRAND- well-know- n The American Fuel Company of Utah . sub-agenci- es AT LAGOON AT SALTAIR AT LIBERTY PARK . i |