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Show ymrfPAT, wrana la, ino Assessment of III BTV, lilies Om of tho Milti of the adaption Voaaday of the Constitutional Ant No. 6, whieh creates a state tax ommission, ia to place in the of that body the asseasment of all psblie ntilitiea in the state, it waa Minted out in the offices of the elate hoard of equalization and assessment. This ia one of the few feature of the amendments whieh are self en- " Clubs Here hd acting. In an indirect way it ia aubjeet to Iggialative action, nnee the present atate board of equalization pastes out Of existence on January 1, when the new amendment becomea effective, hut it will be necessary for tho legislature to fix the salaries and terms pf office and otherwise to provide for the details of the appointments and the financing of the atate tax. commission. The amendment, however, provides that the state tax commission "almll Udkeas mines and public utilities. In I he past the state board of equalization has assessed mines j virtue of Constitutional provision adopted in a previous amendment By legislative enactment it has 'ae-- a eased such public utilities as are inter-count- y in character, but attempt by the legislature to give the state hoard power to assess utilities whoe plants did not cross a eounty boundary was declared unconstitutional by the supreme eourt. The oourt found fhat assessment of property within a County was given to the eounty hoard Of equalisation. Th new provision means, it was pointed ont by E. H. Snow, chairman f the state board of equalisation, tfat such short lino railroads as tho yMnwi md Garfield, in Salt County; the Gold Hill in Tooele, and come lines in Jnab eounty, as well as the Uintah railway, which, while interstate serves only one eounty in Utah, come within the jurisdiction of the board. The Ogden Hapid Transit nd the various union depot lines also Come under the jurisdiction of tho new tax commission. Various gas companies, private water companies and electric light and power companies that servo communities all within the one eounty will now be assessed by the state instead of by the county assess or. More interesting still, possibly, will be the assessment of bus lines, all of which have been heretofore assessed by the county assessors, whieh will hereafter make their reports to (he etate tax commission end be valued . . by that body.. A special duty of the state board of equalization and assessment imposed on it by the present legislature in . special session this year, is to prepare bills which will put the new amendments into effect, for submitting to the next legislature. These bills will at least form a working basis, if so desired by the legislature, for the laws to ha passed by that body. The bill proposing a personal income tax ia in such shape that its details ere being .diaeoseed with Attorney General George P. Parker. That proposing a business income tax also IS nearing completion in tentative form. The recent Oregoh decision affecting a special law there on the income from intagiblea has raised the questions for the Utah board, whieh are now being given eareful study, Snow said. It ia proposed, if possible, to have Dr. Harley L. Luts, who was expert advisor of the tax revision commission last year, come to Utah to pass on the work of the equalization board before that work is submitted as the final draft of the board to the next legislature. Basin People to Oppose Adverse Decision If the interstate commerce commission adopts the recommendation of its examiner and grants the Denver and Bio Grande Western railroads petition for unrestricted control of the Denver and Salt Lake (Moffat) line, the decision will he appealed by the Uintah Basin Bailroad league and allied organizations, it was announced Saturday. Extension work of the 4H elubs of Carbon eounty was finished this year the second week in October, according to announcement received Wednesday from Orson P. Madsen, eounty agricultural agent. This years work, from the standpoint of quality ,is character, ized as the best that has been done sinee this line of work was started. The number of boys and girls enrolled in the work was slightly leu this year than formerly, however. The quality of work this year is due to the net that leaders who carried on the work have conducted elubs for the post thru years and, m that tune, have had generally the same girls to work with. Some leaders, such as Mrs. Win-to- n Liddell of Columbia and Mrs. Ambrose Murray of Heiner, have completed thru years of work this year. They have had girls of the first, second and third years standing and have done remarkable work in training of these girls to sow, mend, patch and make their own clothing. This is no easy task for the most experienced teachers, and all club members in the eounty can ho congratulated for the lendid work accomplished. The leaders this year ia girls' sewing elubs are, Mrs. Winton Liddell of Columbia; Mrs. Ambrose Murray or Heiner; lurs. William Grogan, Mrs. A. W. Clyde, lbs. O. P. Madsen, Miss Marie Davis and Miss Josephine Finch of Price. All these women have organised their elubs and completed a difficult project during the summer months. Thau leaders hod sixty-seve- n girls enrolled in their elubs and the completed work in each cose has been rated 100 per cent: At Fenon, one girls sewing elub and mu canning elub have been or ganized. They completed their work earlier in the fall and have started another project for the winter. These elubs expect to finish the outlined four years work in two years. Miss Florence Anderson and Miss Bnth Leber are the leaden of the Fenon elubs. These elubs are the only- ones from the eounties that sent exhibits to tho state fair this fell All tho elubs join in thanking the Singer Sewing Machine agency in Prim for the generous offer they nude in loaning sewing machines to the girls of Columbia and Heiner and permitting the Prim elubs to hold duxes at the company offiee. Fonr-elub work is a part of the work of tho federal and state extension service. Its purpose is to encourage better end more wholesome living both in the city and on the farm. Local leaders of outstanding character are selected to conduct the boys and girls classes. Them men and women leaders are not paid workers, but donate their time and talent in promoting more thrifty boys and girls. - H u HON. W. D. UPSHAW Few men in America are known to more people from coast to coast than William D. Upshaw, former congressman from the Fifth (Atlanta) District of Georgia. During his eight years in Washington he attained national prominence. A well known nathe tional magazine described him most amazing man in congress. Obeying a grateful impulse because of the great physical blessing received through the use of Sargon, Mr. Upshaw writes that he is simply doing unto others os he would have them do onto him in making the following voluntary statement. My first experience with this remarkable invigorator came in the summer of 1928, when Saigon wu brand new. I wu suffering from nervous debility and an alarming physical depletion as the result of overwork on the lecture platform and really feared I would not have strength enough to get me through the political campaign of July and August Unbelievable as it may seem, two bottles taken with the Saigon Fills simply made me over. After the most hectic speaking campaign through whieh I ever passed. I came out actually feeling far strong, er than when I began. Later, rushing away on another busy speaking tour covering several states, I did not persevere in the daily- use of the medicine until my system was thoroughly elesnsed with tike result that twice since then I found myself again suffering from general debility, eonstination and die. ziness and each time the Sargon combination has cleared me up and left me feeling tip-toLiving now in the aftermath of those refreshing experiences, I am moved by common gratitude to heartily commend this wholesome and effective medicine to everybody whose n condition calls for complete Oil prospecting in Utah, whiehhai been quiet for the past year, received new impetus last Thursday with the announcement that Utah Southern Oil ' company will drill a deep test on the Salt Valley anticline in Grand county. While the well will be drilled by Utah Southern company; Utah Oil Be. fining company will have a hand iu the venture through the Mountain States Petroleum company, whieh is associated SO per cent in ownership of the well ana properties. The comp now is being constructed and the rig is being moved from Wyoming to the site. It is expected that actual drilling will be under way before December 1. May Go Deeper. The test will be drilled with a standard cable rig end provisions have been made to go to a depth of 3jOJ feet or more if neeessary. The objective is the lower Pennsylvania formations and the Ordovician shale and sand series whieh lie beneath the salt beds of the eastern Utah salt basin. . Oil men look upon the test as one of the most important ever undertaken in the state, pointing out that the Salt Valley an tieline is imposing structure of mat closure and large area, whieh If productive of oil1 or gas, would be, in all probability, a major field. Formation Favorstle. The Pennsylvania series thus far penetrated in eastern Utah have been principally lime, which generally is not favorable for oil formation or accumulation. The deeper formations have been reported by the geologists to consist principally of shales, the souree of petroleum, and sands, the reservoir material npany, a year the flank of Salt Valley to test Pennsylvania formations lying above the normal position of the salt beds. This well had oil showings but nothing commercial end. was continued into the salt beds, finally penetrating through them at 3600 feet Theory Supported. Heaving and caving shales caused the hole to be lost at 3760 feet but not before the well had furnished information in support of the theory whieh is responsible for the drilling of the present test By means of the data seeund through the drilling of the old well plus surfses mapping and geologising, the location for the new oil well was selected at a point whieh is thought to be immediately above the top of the structure beneath the shale. The nearest commercial well on production is at Battleanake in the extreme northwest corner of New Mexico. Production in this well is coming from the formations whieh are tin objective of the Salt Valiev test. The oil from this well and from Cane Creek and other showings from the lower formation in eastern and southeastern Utah has been high giada and very desirable for refinmg purposes. Location Is Good. The Salt Valley area is well located from a transportation standpoint, being situated six miles bum the Denver and Bio Grande Western railroad. Climstie conditions and water are favorable for operations and water ia procurable in quantity at a reasonable eost. In making the announcement of the project, George T. Hansen, president of the Utah Southern, said: The companies involved are utilizing their past experience and expen iiture3 in the state of Utah in continuing with added intelligence their search for commercial oil pools. u The announcement was made by Horace W. Shelby, chairman of the league during a visit in Salt Lake City. The basin league now includes practically the entire populationthou-of the basin totaling over fifteen sand persons. Ia addition its views are actively supported by the inhabitants of western Colorado and Den- -' ver, many of whieh are actively organized as the Moffat Tunnel league. The basins battle for a railroad has become a matter of life and death making it absolutely essential that any adverse ruling by the commerce commission be appealed to congress if neeessary, Shelby reports. The league, according to Shelby, does not believe that the Denver and pin Grande Western, Missouri Pacific and Western Pacific group Should control the Moffat line aa the group have indicated publicly that it would not be interested in extending the Moffat road westward. The league ia not opposed to the Dotsero Cutoff if restoration. it ia constructed and controlled by the Schramm-Johnso- n Advti Moffat line. BIT IIUBISAT PASS CONSIDER Coverage as old as the profession itself is descriptive word callpri Yet it tells much of what you need know when selecting the beat media for proper exploitation of your product, whatever it might be. The Sun guarantee a Coverage that cannot be secured elsewhere in Eastern Almost Utah." . CONSIDER . . Another evidence of middle-ag- e is not being embarassed on finding that is on d the knot in your inch below your brass eollar button. four-in-han- More "rowling is done around home by a man who leads a dogs life than by the dog itself. Greatest Circulation of Any Periodical Distributed In Price and Carbon County. Paid-In-Advan- Agricultural College to Celebrate Day Several important student functions will feature the sixth annuel Fathers end Mothers Day scheduled for Friday end Saturday, November 14 and lo at the Utah State Agricultural college. These activities include the presentation of the college play, a freshman football game, a varsity football game, and the annual flower and horticulture show. the varsity play, will Skidding, be presented Friday evening, November 14, in the Capitol theater. This is the most important dramatic evept offered by the department of public speaking and dramatics during the season. Professor Chester J. Myers of the department directed the play until he was taken ill Since that time ce Dr. N. A. Pederson, head of the departing of English, has been directing the east On Friday afternoon, November 14, the freshman teams of the Aggies and the Utah University meet on the stadium field in a game to decide the freshman championship of the three Utah colleges. On Saturday afternoon, November 15, the varsity foams of the Utah Aggies end Colorado Aggies meet in one of the most important gomes of the entire schedule. Beginning Thursday the department of horticulture will hold its annual flower and horticulture show. Professor F. M. Coe is in general charge of the show while Thais Merrill is student general manager. This show has grown rapidly in the past three years and now takes its place as one of the most .important student functions of the year. It will be held in the gymnasium. The committee in charge of the Fathers and Mothers Day program are, Dr. J. H. Linford, ehaizmon; Pro- fessors A. N, Sorensen, Dr. N. A. Pederson, Professor F. M. Coe end Student Body President O. W. Buchanan. The committee invitee all parents of students to visit the college on this occasion. We ve seen every kind of deg one ihutiH the kina thir doesnt ins'-! o.i rubbing against the company .st at flie time he is uedding. One Amr-rioa-n jpat trouole with the average family is thab as p. run-dow- Drugs, Agents. One sure way of cutting down the The unemployment situation ia a doesnt He hobo. wheat the to acre"''1 would be to teach more relief great fellow be' how to piny golf. that afraid farmers to nave every he meets will offer him a job. Printing Hint kind one is not ashamed J ofr-TBun, .Ptab. Utah , ,,4 ,. , Birth announcement. The Sun. eve.-- come when children wouldnt act like children. " t Sure Bears Down on the Piston Head and the greater speed motorist get from each gallon of PARCO GASOLINE is due to the tremendous POWER PUSH it applies to the piston head. Winter Test Parco is so dean cut and expertly treated chat it not only starts quickly-b- ut it develops summer time power, speed and mileage in coldest weather. be . SPIRIN tatk tala auk WwBiwUaiSdata V A k-- of Blfcr KiaahatM at BtUarilwU . ms i,i S The volatility of Parco Gasoline is regulated to conform with varying seasonal temperatures. Winter Test Parco is especially refined for quick cold weedier starting and very Use wniu urHna result. At Independent Gas and 03 Cos. Stations and Dealers ?? neigh- Little did our grandparents think that the day would The greater mileage, the greater power Youve learned hour promptly Bayer Aspirin breaks a cold or relieves a headache. But youll never know Its full efficiency until you accept its welcome relief from the stubborn pain of neuralgia, or of neuritis; even of rheumatism. The times your very bones ache, then youll be most grateful for Zmtint Aspirin. It always helps, and never harms. Identify it by Bayer on the box and on every tablet soon n it finds it can keep up with the bors it tries to pass them. - . THU New Impetus Given Oil Drilling In Utah Nowin Hands of Tax Successful Year of Four-1- 1 FBlfl&'VtA I |