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Show &; WtrSRATES TWELVE PAGES .ilartuiug rates aie I11 TSitf i5 Jf ptkji yjg?5yforasong. notes. First Section, Pages zif- - Traaimt. 1 ' Onee for ten Volume 13, Number 10 ak independent newspaper tiely Different With Some of The Busy Them Here At Price Chamber b living real co-Kotoits newspaperof pub-(that and the printers time ago body a short worth is that resolution a and considering by merchant everywhere. p rapier (Colo.) S, ev-jpc- ai orj,oal and transient individuals and imps . to raise funds through JJw advertising space in pro-- g al Week Ending July SO, 1920 MORE WATER TO CONE THAN WAS FIRST wanted to buy socalled advertis- ing space on some large display of the city. So he sent the two cards defining the traffic rules W. left Greeley grumbling about the hardboiled citizens who didnt want to help furnish two pirates with an easy living. Later it was learned that the council is drawing up some new traffic regula- space, $192.00. He went on to Collins. Next came two solicitors from Denver, Colo., seeking ads in the annual yearbook of the state federation of labor. They were not members of the federation they were selling on a commission basis. They said Greeley merchants were expected to take ads totaling $300.00. There will bq no Greeley ads in the yearbook this time. The next two solicitors were sent on their way to sunnier climes when they sought to secure ads for cards to be displayed on doors of hotel rooms. They only wanted $75.00 for the valuable space on their gnch solicitations have be Up,, L aoaeroni as to be burden-- Fort sell tickets for athletic events G jtetsinments in addition to gtg tfice; now therefore, ho it (ydnd, That it is the sense of the if directors of the Greeley of Commerce that soliciting yto nrioni forms of advertising Ch and that in Arif 1 discontinued, Worn of athletic events and enter-2m- rt we respectfully request that groups and individuals Mr profits solely from admia-jiiMipt- a, believing that tha good-- j g the business interests of the 'amnitp win be strengthened and 'yfafcm additional patronage gained offset the sale of ad-7in the various pro- - tha Jg reservoir stored during the present orjal m com-hic- io Twenty-Fourt- holding only ly evgr to make this, and is to be commended for his painstaking care and work in its compilation. From it taxpayers are informed to a rent when their money for the past year has gone and for what it has been spent As purchasing agent for the county many merchandise orders are issued by Smith. By scanning the list of warrants issued it will be seen that this business has been fairly distributed among the establishments that have a right to expect a portion of such. Bond expenditures, the indigent are set poor fund and all other outlays forth in detail. The name of every person, firm or corjHirstion receiving cited. Not money from the county is under it ss were, is bunched, thing The law some unintelligible total. is herewith governing this publication that taxpayers may know that Convention tember 17th. Congressional conven- printedis : Smith going aemrding to Hoyle tions may come the day previous. shall auditor The county September, Under the republican apportion- publish during the month of July in each ment Carbon connty will have nineyear in some newspaper a drtailrdgeneral Arstate; in the convention. (ironist ion in the county reP,lcn are to hold their teen delegatescommitteeman I from I ment of the financial condition I Wnavention J. Lee, thur at Salt Lake City on and of all rcceipta and expendiI attended the meeting at Zion las. ture (for the previoua year ending June lth and at which time a 30th, showing: r United States senator Monday. county, 1 The total receipts of the of or justice of the elub each supreme particularly the source The Young Mens Democratic stating I Zd k? nomi noted. Congrea-- I revenue; the Tuesof portion in this eity last hand at the ynventiona are to come later. was organised 2. The amount of ctsh on as Storrs O. Fred with I ETunent t1 delegates will day evening date of the last report; fund and 1 Castle Gate, I cast for President Cool-- I 3. The amount of alnking a president; W. L. Jensen, ; invented ICTa how ro will bn seven hundred Zj , vice president; Don Hacking date and aniount of I enty-tlir4 The number, delegates, one for Spring Canyon, second vijpresident , every bond issued or redeemed nd M rhndred votes cast for the chief F. M. (Mack) Olson of amount received or paid therefor. The nation two yarn ago. Indebtedness of tlie county, I LhmL and Albert Kay, .treasurer. amount floating, stating the opportionment that of executive eommittee is ,a)e F vr funded interert of rate the and class ..r each and ernnr MaW tor instance or any part I Ashley Bartlett, Henry l home by such indebtedness I thT" aav reduced the representa-- I Harmon. Glenn a nnd Weber eoun-- I a concise statement of all propertye an apnroxi-ma"different here at Price, however, where numerous ones of the local who make the moat noiae and are alwaya in the front on dress Jwer not only do not discourage itinerant peddlers of printing, but iMiway from home for that they themselves require which might be pur-4m-d ia this city. The department of commerce at Washington, D. C, IMm newspapers and job printing establishments as factories, and the reports to the government annually so conform. The two at Price M u annual combined payroll of twenty thousand dollars, not including lAmlarias of their managers or owners about $1665.00 a month or $415.00 llVNk to employes. Nine-tentof this is spent in Price among the merch-Ijjvho largely compose the local chamber, and going to make a better city I Are the JMeonmunity if considered only from a reciprocal standpoint. MMi of the Price chamber shooting square with the newspapers here! I us printing at this time going out of Price would give employment to several churches lOaiartizana that would help to pay taxes, contribute to eivic work, of I like and. otherwise make a better the employes Neither city. which may that for here nor The Sun ere sending away lr,?rBewpaper I awUiBed hwally. These two establishments have as much money invested I homes and business places, machinery and equipment as most M Price merchants. Qnito A hs fti i Called For Next hrina ar-bo- n, ' f!LT ae Cj I nr fcusrn from districts.state' vae Price, ZJjJan ,aJ!fd the attention of the Monday to the va the last time the Man;? wn,'l niect in ita present f'wing the convention eommittee will be organ- that he had no doubts f the forthcoming dwtirni cmtcome tooiiii'A. aVr m00 would have no W nd that he had expressed jadwc that the eommittee was do. Ik?tJWV for hfs interest hi tr M,d i. tr f many of the speeches u that the coming regarded as of the that all factional be forgotten iu frtT , the coming November that no matter was too tri- b S? victory is 10 l,Pected!rer,00ked hetjog "T ll oit ;OU.d n1PrJan-e- ; honld pUptJ 5 ftgl-rah th, ItT with by the county and tbere. estimate of the treaseonnty the cash in of amount be several funds. ury and in ita whom and T Each warrant issned, to ' lint am,imt; provided, that if more bas been issued to one during tbe amount may be !?I rear the aggregale as one warrant; ih statement cow 5 fr ta n, are likely to hold follow-- , immediately U waa id h.V W. 'ate chairman, last Tnes-lf- ll date Sep would make the ''' lilriZl . mmmitwmm eign that their activities and leave 31st try by July Kenneth Haymre, rt!n, dent of themssion JutM ' coun- - on file be interested in Those who may not prrai- - of find a f Halloraa-Judg- e season ia doing fur the fanners hereabouts under this big project They returned yesterday afternoon by automobile to the state capital. The visit of Ullrich was t insjiect the work of the e.mtrsclors on the plans s;ieeified huge dam. The an upstream fare ou a sloe of three to one. Through an oversight it was constructed on a steeper one. When near the top it was found that instead of the finished work being twenty feet wide on top it would be nearer sixty-tw- o. Engineer Ullrich while up thera cards. Another $150.00 saved for the merchants when a committee on endorsements decided pact NOTHING IS NICER that the chamber of commerce ftane of the questions and the could pay for the printing of a WHOLE STORY TOLD IN STATEMENT Local House Adda New Department 'Hems regarding advertising thousand programs for the musto Borvf the People Hero. .ladled by this progressive body ical extravaganza presented by The Sun this week prints in detail In described by the Colorado the Greeley Women's clpb, rath- the reeeits and expenditures of Car- GOOD TIME IS HAD Keeping ace with others of the big ,lStor, the organ of the Colorado er than have ads solicitied from bon county for the fiscal year ending department atorgaof the better cities with June 30th, last, as prepared by jUtorial association, and which the merchants for a sixteen-pag- e Out For Resident! Torn Upper Camp h re Trading audjap: "Lee Carrel, acting mayor one. The chamber of commerce H. C. Smith, clerk and the haa the in ComSee. ! If Greeley, a few 613, weeks ago was printed a four-pag- e program itor, as called for under tried stock about piled Laws of Utah, 1907. He ia the WINTER QUARTERS, July 27. tery certain that merchants that cost $13.75. official that office local, will more than motived through the J. l&tlluran from the Truot comjmn.v, K. It. Jorgensen, representing the bond buyers of the 1'rice River Water Conservation district at New Orleans, La., and J J. Ullrich, engineer for the Horsley dam at Scofield, were at the big reservoir iu rieaaiit Valley last Wednesday and later raiue down to Fries, where llalloran went over some lands over south of this city owned by himself and associates, in eunqianv with the two other gentlemen. He haa about a dozen tracts, which he will plow thia fall, he says, and put to cultivation. lortions of this ha bought at tax sale this year, while some of the other was purchased previously and taken over otherwise. All three were very much pleased with what they saw what the water fruui tie solicitors to the chamber of commerce with their scheme. They tions and the cards would have been soon out of date. Spaces on these cards totaled $100.00. Then a thermometer fellow came along and wanted to sell sixteen Advertising experts over at twelve bucks each on a L forms of spaces gfftiy consider such to be placed on thermometer big SgtbiBf u purely donations on tha store a comer. Total prominent ughminsss men, and 2 IT GOES TO GOTHAM NEW YOUK, July 27. The state athletics commission today by a vote of two to one approved a proposal to stage the IVuqwey and Tunney heavy weight ehampiotiahip match at tha Vankee atadium on Semptember 16th. Hawest Season if athletic events, home talent entertain-- i aad ether forma of so-- d Abe oa display cards and fa many cases amount to a of patronage, for tha reholiness men are asked to to 8, 1 Inclusive. the full details will end exinditum m tion of receipts ata the introductory Portion ofJ type. the in and printed ment owned by is property the Also listed with bonded Carbon county, together received and Funds A Miforth. -1 r cited. ing the year work so well nor radio wouldnt dollars on it. e twenty-fiv- So we got h. Pioneer Day the Twenty Fourth the people of this place celebrated in great style. A salute was fired at daybreak, and at 10 oclock of tha forenoon a program was given at the Amusement Hall, which was a most excellent one. Charles P. Anderson delivered the oration. One unique number on the program wae twenty-fou- r children belonging to the Sunday school and primary association, half of whom represented the pioneers of 1847 and the other the ehildren of July, 1926, which showed the contrast of conditions ss they were when the first people eame to this state and as it is now. They sang Utah, We Love Afterwards a treat to every Thee. child oranges, popcorn and candy was given. At 1 oclock everyone met at the hall again and were taken in automobiles to Smiths Canyon, sev- of those owning Clfs miking I number of trips so that all gut there. There sports were greatly enjoyed. One contest which caused considerable excitemept and amusement was a tug of war between a team consisting of Americans and Greeks. They were well balanced and for about ten minutes they worked like titans, the former team eventually winning. Person of every nationality residing here (of which there are a number) took part in the events of the day. While the sports were in progress ice cream and lemonade were served free. At 9 oclock a dance, which was also free, was indulged in by both young and old. The chairmen of the different committees were transportation, Emil Oxtlund; program, Nicholas P. sports Alfred Newren; refreshments, Joseph H. Nielson, and merchandising line, lext Monday to add fresh meats and like products to ita already very large linea with all the equipment necessary for sanitation and tha very best of aervieo to patrons. (During ethe last few weeks been purchased additionarKrmind-haadjoining the main storeroom to the eaat and where a refrigerating plant of the finest type is now installed. back from This is about the main entrance of the building. Ed Virdin, for yean in the retail and wholesale trade in thia eity with the Eastern Utah Wholesale and Retail eampany, is in charge of thia division and ia to give it his undivided attention. A specialty ia to be made of packinghouse corn fed steer meat, the best obtainable anywhere and sausage and such things are to be made on th pjvmiM8 lnd fresh tnd pro-er-tl duets cirried. Buying in large quantities, Manager Gomcr P. Peacock says, it makes it possible for this firm to sell at prices that people will not want the cheaper grades and home alangh tered stuff otherwise and elsewhere offered. Price residents and those of the surrounding territory are in vited to visit the store and see for themselves the cleanliness and sanitary methods that are everywhere In evidence in thia new department. Pet-terso- n; decoration, Robert Wilstead. AJ1 the celebration was financed by the Winter Quarters Welfare association. SUGAR BEET HARVEST Carbons big sugar beet crop down around Wellington will thia year harvest around 60 to 75 per eent with later watering and the right cultivation, says Ray Branch. He is the fieldman for the Holly Sugar corporation of Grand Junction, Colo., promoting or backing the growers hereabouts. The beets of Carbon eounty are apparently like those of Cache Valley, where, dne largely to the elimatie conditions, the plants are withering and looking unthrifty, declares Branch, who is just home from the farmers eonventien in An investigation ahowa that Logan. wherever water has been correctly applied the tieets are in farily good condition. Farmers of the eounty anticipate a harvest of approximately six hundred acres, which is expected to produce ten tons to the acre. two-thir- da agreed to the contractors taking tha dam up three feet higher than originally called for, which will raiae tha level of the spillway floor three feet, so that it will not be necessary for him to go down so deep in hia excavation that iu through aolid rock. BJ this mutual agreement between engineer and eontrarlor the district is tha gainer in that it gets three feet more storage capacity at no additional coat. This additional capacity amounts to close around eight thousand acre-feof stored water. And, in addition. says UUrieh, the dam ia thicker through the body than required. Due to error of the contractor some went two thousand more cubic-yarinto tbe work than the specifications call for. et ds Mora Water Coming. W. R. Wayman, engineer in chaiga of the distribution of water up and down the Price river, last Wednesday at tha request of most of the canal companies turned loose a hundred from the Horsley dam that ii There ia now coming down. yet up there around twenty-eigAbout half of the latter tundred. will be discharged later on for late irrigation of the beet and other crops, 'he first runoff of storage, which and a half days and asted twenty-si-x amounting to approximately fifty-fivlundred averaged a hundred A ftrrim of and four second-feewas sdd'id to about five second-fethe flow in the Price river when the water stored in the Denver and Rio Grande Western reservoir up at Colton was turned in lately. ht e acre-fee- t, t. et IS ENJOYED BY ALL Price 'a Observance of Twenty-Fourtthe Greatest Ever. ' h Never since the first settlers came a Priee River .Valley has the Twen-y-Four- th been so successfully eele- rated as if was at Pi$ce this year. It was one tjjg success frtim beginning to end. Hundreds of vintors were present from not only the several sections of Eastern Utah, but from all over AFTER MANY YEARS the state. tliejnquet and reception James T. Beless of Zion, the enginevening to Congressman and eer who handled the throttle for the Friday dra. Don B. Colton was attended by a first train oyie rated into Salt Lake hundred and twenty-tw- o ladies and City on the Denver and Rio Grande gentlemen. This by actual count of Western, retired last Wednesday after the caterers, Rinetti & Capitolo, and fortnight years continuous service. those in charge from the number of He quits with a high placement on tickets accounted for. The affair was the honor roll of the company, in that under the direction of the Price he has a clear record. In nearly Chamber of Commerce, assisted by half century of his railroading he has the Rotarians, Kiwanians, the Profesnever been in a wreck. The very first sional and Business Womens elub train on the old Rio Grande was pil- and representatives from the Helper oted into Salt Lake City from Green chamber. The program as Tendered River (Utah) by Beless. This arrivei haa previously appeared in then colSunday morning at 11:30 oclock on umns. Also that at the Carbon Stake April 8, 1883. tabernacle in the forenoon last Saturday, where Congressman Colton wae LAST MEMBER OF LINCOLN'S the principal speaker. That afternoon FAMILY IS CALLED witnessed a parade depicting the arrival of the pioneers in Salt Lake Valley. More than a hundred persona participated in this, following which MANCHESTER, Vt, July 20. 4 Robert T. Lincoln, only surviving thev went into eamp out at City Park; 4 son of President Abraham Lincoln,- 4 Numerous early settlers took part. 4 was found dead in bed at his sumThe afternoon was given over to the mer home here today. Ills death was 4 discovered' by servants who went to ehildren and the grownups, as well, call him. He had served ns secretary with numerous attractions. Price City of war, minister to Great Itritain was turned into a dancing pavilas of for and 4 Hall 4 many years president ion in the evening. There was not an the Pullman company. Of late he bad been in feeble health. He would aeeident or an incident all during the have been 83 years old on August 4 day to detract the pleasure of anyone. 4 1st All had the time of their lives and WW444444444444444 then some. |