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Show f - THE PAGE EIGHT BUN-ADVOCAT- PE E, X . Sr3f MRRTHi. C. OF C. ACHYITY IN UTAH C E. , v H, ,y a I Kill Order Tilled Promptly. Add 10 for 1932 REVIEWED Fortift. ATANNUALDINNER ' Following Ii the report of chamber Friday of commerce activities presented bjr Secretary W. XL Toy at the annual meeting of the organisation Tuesday evening. and Saturday By SECRETARY W. XL TOT The following report of the activities of the chamber of commerce ' presented In the hope that a deeper Interest will be taken In the future of the organisation. In view of the unusual economic conditions, we feel . 274 that your organization has been very fortunate in, completing so many projects. Those unfinished will rapidly develop as soon as business and industrial conditions Improve. During the past year there have been twenty-tw- o regular and six special meetings of the board. The special meetings Included three Inter-cit- y meetings held with .Helper and one with Provo, two meetings with the Utah state mad commission and one meeting for the development of a publicity program. There have been three meetings of the retail trade division. The president and secretary were again guests at the annual meetings of the Provo and Grand Junction chambers of commerce, where the most cardial receptions were accord- - 1X3 Uttafca EXTRA SPECIALS fcfitcdii ..Kc Co Creo ScUzcr .........Cc UshXlt..m $1X3 lamb $1X3 PcgfrJ,sflttb.77s . . - "V. .'v THURSDAY. JANUARY' . 7b Ms Fdl FtiCs .47s ....... 178 4Se 2 Wins 76a 60s Ixnar cd. We were proud to accomplish the project of publishing a very informa- . 2b (Cofetiab CbChRb$pc?cf33B.-- E3 Co Ftps cl Csgrtda-l- b m Co 2d bs bjp fcgrifaa Cj licica Cj laltd 4o Er-- Hri jb Credo Chid 03, FfcL.Ej 7b 23 CUax.414 ftiUAnh; ion .....it I C3) SttiTs Co CsdacbY.. aaaeeaaa ialx or Horn - rams FfesdazUcfcis tvr-.-K- ' tive folder about this district This 7o lte Saap folder was Issued In connection with $1 Cleanser .. far hr 2 the Helper chamber of commerce, and tU-IEar OUvs OS IG-O-z. has proven very valuable In adverDay Plakss ....SfavtSd tising the county. Me Thace ' Again the outstanding event was SSe JU8TBITE the second annual school band conCLEANEB . ....214 test- Thirty-on- e bands participated representing three states. No other Tec& event has brought such beneficial publicity to Price and Carbon counIcWca 3 14c SB?...; ty. The feeling of appreciation car4 hr ITi ried to their, homes by members' of the bands has firmly established our 17c w low mica community as a progressive city. It is sincerely hoped that these contests . rill be continued. raao son 14c " . Once more the change of thrU. 8. are ix null route was discussed. The chant-bFood to able was commerce G3c of present the true status of this route to neighDcriri boring towns Interested in obtaining (ha suggested change, with the result that some of them immediately abandoned further action in the Dryec matter. E. UGBT GLOBES, We are proud to have again particiteam the in a pated by sponsoring I Ip3 Watt Junior baseball activity- - The chamber of commeroe desires to express its ESS JAY FOUNTAIN LEND OOVREi sincere commendation to the local port of the American Legion for Its UPTON'S TEA, splendid work along this line. The n. baad. Yi past summer saw over thace hundred OLD BRIARGATE boys playing baseball, and the chamGINGER ALB, acto is commerce ber of K,MJr pleased knowledge the receipt of two very fine letters of cdMmendatlon from the juvenile officers, copies of which wurggiven to the Igglon. , ten of Walter Bay and Delta Johanna Conventions were held in Price Scotch Jensen Oiidester of Price died Thursduring the year by the Utah Peace day. The child was bom November Banquet Officers association and the Postal SO, 1032. Funeral services were held Clerks association. These conventions In at the Wallace Mortuary Friday, burobservance of the birthday anwere obtained through the chamber NANCY WOBTHEX ial being in the Cleveland cemetery. of Robert noted niversary Burns, Inactivities of eommeroeo. Other Mrs. Nancy Elner Worthen, 79, wiScotch poet, a banquet will be sponclude: Sending the Carbon high band sored at ACCUSED OF RUNNING Helper Wednesday, January dow of William XL Worthen, died at to the district convention. of Rotary 23 HOTEL WITHOUT LICENSE home of Perron in generFriday by the local Scotch fraternity. Of her at Ogden; participation in the Tour a the Bom on al at Airts The dinner be dub. will Utah, Salem, debility. W. Pall and Velma Houston state conference in Salt Lake City; held at the K. of P. hall, beginning January 15, 1853, daughter of Thanarrested efforts to obtain an adequate land- at 7 JO by Chief p. m. The public is invited es and Mary Jolley Keel, Mrs. Wor- of Xolice VernonWednesday Da via on a charge ing field; efforts to obtain a unit of to attend. 44 years to moved Ferron then v iga of the Utah national guard; assisted in the Carbon hotel withShe Is survived by three sons, .Wil- outoperating a license. A complaint against the the live at home exhibit of the U. SAFETY TALK 18 GIVEN liam S., Joaeph XL and Thonaa XL filed before City Jushas S. A. C.; assisted the American LeHARDING P-- T BOOT Worthen of Ferron; eight daughters, pair H. been S. Robinett The date far the tice gion with Its Christmas cheer proMrs. Sarah Bryan, Mrs. Brittana Alhas not been set, according gram. A talk on safety was given before dridge, Mrs. Alaoe Bjamason, Mrs. hearing to Chief Davis. Due to financial conditions the disP-T the Harding school assodation Maud Thompson, Mrs. Rhdda Olsen play and committee rooms are not Wednesday evening by Golden XL Bu- and Mrs. Kate Jensen of Perron, Mrs. exInk, pencils The additional completed, although mea- Viola Olsen, Myton, and Mrs. Laura chanan. Traffic and home safety is hophibits have been secured. lt sures were particularly discussed. Ap- Olsen, Altonah; 78 grandchildren and ed to carry this project through to a proximately 70 attended the meeting, 50 successful conclusion. which was held in the Community Funeral services wok held at FerMembership decreased a little this church. ron Tuesday at 1K)0 p.m., with burial huno one with firms eighty-twyear, of The remainder was the Perron cemetery under the diprogram in the e dred and twenty-thrememberships follows: invocation, J. W. Kissel; rection of the Wallace mortuary of with one hunas against eighty-nin- e clarinet solo, Helen Thomas; piano Xrice. dred and thirty-on- e memberships of Helen Jorgensen; reading, Betty solo, last year. With the reduction of dues comet selection, Karma JohnDELTA BAE CHEDESTER this year, finances have been serious- Hakalo; vocal and Pauline son; duet, Dorothy Delta Bae Chidester, Infant daugh- ly depleted. A number of proposed Olson; report on membership, Leo projects have not been undertaken, Lowry; benediction, B. W. McAllister. and our program was materially curtailed. We do feel, however, that bus- CARBON SOLON ON GROUT iness conditions in Price city have TO MEET WITH JOBLESS been far more favorable through the activities of your chamber of comMrs. Reva Beck Boaone, represenmerce. Price is now firmly established as a commercial center and the tative from Carbon county, was apvarious trips of your officers to the pointed as a .member of the house neighboring communities and bring- committee, which, with a group from ing so many visitors to our city have the senate, will meet with unemployMrs. J. H. Waters, Fisa contributed toward creating a feel- ed workers from Salt Lake to disreing of goodwill toward our commer- cuss demands of the latter that aLarThen Is An LAKE CITY, UTAH SALT lease be ordered for Oscar W. cial interests. During the past year, we have been son, who is being held In the Salt ABERDEEN DEALER AS LOW AS $U MONTH, Single, most fortunate in receiving full co- Lake county jail for deportation. one is Salt of the leaders of Larson var$40 MONTH, operation and support from the He is being held ious civic clubs of the cKy. Kiwanis Lake's and Rotary have always shown a very as an alien for Salt Lake Immigration friendly attitude and were always authorities following a recent disturbance In the state capitaL (ltd to assist us. The B. P. W. dub; CM (SB oir auxiliary, .again hns been a maHomes sad bucinccs visited placet of success several in the factor, jor 8J83 what weekly by tbs of the projects. To the press we again express a an ideal advertising field. Try s want ad, S cents s word. sincere appreciation for the very PRODUCERS sp'endid cooperation given. Keeping BUOY A TRIP TO CARD OP THANKS their columns ever open, they accord We wish to extend .our heartfelt ed us most liberal and generous supthanks to our many friends who asport. SAIT LAKE AND THE The report cannot be closed with sisted us during the illness and death out expressing appreciation and gra- of our beloved wife and daughter, titude to the mayor and council of and to express our appreciation for .NEWHOUSE. Price city. Not only have we enjoyed the many floral offerings and other W. E. Batten, the privilege of convenient office evidences of sympathy. O. W. Wert, Gael Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moffitt, Sr. quarters, but they have materially Asst, Mgr. helped in many ways. Lester J. Worley. b. Ofal7$SJ ffSpl.MaLu j4 Its WsWUtiHsjtsrr - for 3 hr lb Uhtiny Stag Co Co c .......lb SqdbUPcJrddi.Cb Bay .....2b SjBoi... Eb nhfc 2a Cresa 17s ..37e Pesh...32c Hs Eb Persist Tecft Pash. . Y. Eb Pdaolfc Seep... 2Co 4 far 22s Vilkrd Cigars Hubs Bd bap!?.... 3 hr 8b Udlios 7b DeTs DaUeM...B7c ar HXSOnHhs 3fc a 2fafl5e Fraternity Arranges PliC9r ISc ci ss ...P .....4b ldJ DEATHS - Sun-Advoc- ate. Heat Comfort a far lie ia.so Oferlb SSM 3 fcrICo Bm KMtJO , LOW lie SQUARE ItCMCII ...Cb The Weather Coming Events t- j -- . -' According to the weekly weetfa report issued by Henry- Fleck, government observer, the tempi felt to zero or below every day W--f ing the week ending Sunday. Tbig minimum for the week was eight bat low, while the maximum was HI Daily weather readings are as fob j - Thursday League basketball game, Carbon vs. Huntington, 8:00 p. m. Friday Carbon high junior promenade, Silver Moon hall, 9:00 p.Tn. Sunday Entertainment at the Chrbon high school, sponsored by Athena Auxiliary of G. A. P. A. Monday First term of Carbon district court begins at 2:00 p. m. Tueaday Naturalization day at court house, a. m. Boxing and wrestling at The Arena, 8 JO p. m. lows: Max. 35 January 2 January S .....2237 'January 4 January 5 .... January 6 10.-0-0 Ink, pencils The un Ibrns January .34 ' XT T $8 It's often tbs that a Sun-Advoca- te. produces tbs greatest result want at X eeate a wu HENHOUSE HOTEL out-of-wo-rk. CB Sun-Adror- OS In Your Community EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING JAMES BURGESS 606 E. Fourth Booth Guaranteed Work Phone 321-- Thrifty USE W TFolUks OUR Lamidiy Service IT WILL PLEASE YOU, TOO! PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 218 |