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Show Friday, Vlvan Birch, who has bMn California aa a traveling! southern ' -, representative for a wholesale bouscame home for the holidays. Miss Helen Hayes, who is attend Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buys spent jjnK school at Salt Lake, spent the, Christmas day in i'rovo, aa guests of Christmas vacation with her parents. relatives and other friends. Mr. and Mra. George Hayes. DecemU-- r . Mlsa Lavcrn with Balt I'otts spoilt the Lake City friends. V. II. Riocller returned on Friday last after a business trip to Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Jenson arc visiting in Delta. l!tah. whom Mrs. '; Dougal McMurphy was at Bail The next regular meeting of the. Lake thin week, visiting with his' , nard of county commissioners will lie held at N'eplil on the 5th day o! sister, Mrs. Wing. ohm Orlan Ifehton, a student of the: January. I'lilversily of Utah, is visiting with! Mr. and Mra. Z. Jones of Santa-- j Eureka friends and relatives. quin are spending the holidays with children: Mrs. Harold Holme, their Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ilyches of Sil- ' He tier Jones and 1'cter Jones. ver City are spending the bolldaya in Mt. Pleasant, where they have relaMr. and Mrs. A. Yard Zabrlskie tives and other friends. returned on Wednesday from Malad. where they spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shrlver of Idaho, Mrs. Zabrlskle's parents. with Balt Lake were guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Edward Van Leave:) : W. F. Shrlver, during the past week. and children spent Christmas with Mr. and Mra. William Wanlass, whoj Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Klmhai l an 1 moved from Eureka t,l children are spending the holidays rov ' In Balt Lake City visiting with relu-- j lives. j Mr. and Mrs. I'eter Jones are Jone8 Mr8 ,ather' Mr. and Mrs. I). C Wheeler and Netlson of Winter Quarto. James children of Silver City spent the Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Booth holidays at Balt Lake City, as the of Burley, Idaho. guests of I). C. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fullmer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vance and and daughter, Stella, spent Wedneschildren of Balt Lake are spending In Sprlngville, the guests of Mm (ho holidays with Mr. and Mr.i. John day Fullmer's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Bunnell of Eureka, Cyrus Sanford. Mr and Mrgi Cporoar apent; Mrs. T. D. Sullivan entertained at Christmas day at I'ayson, the guests dinner Wednesday in honor of her of Mrs. Cromar's parents, Mr. and Miss Mary C. Sullivan, daughter, Mrs. Henry Jeppwin. who Is here on a visit from Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mellor have Cal. Covers were laid for six. 1 to their home In I'ayso'i! PafnPnp, Milne and Otis a under-so- n Kenneth after spending Christmas with the' Mammoth gave a dancing of family of Heber Mellor of Eureka. party (he other evening at the cabaret. Refreshments were molh Klva and Adeline Sorenson Jensen's parents reside. ! j Mr. and Mrs. William McCullough and son, Billy, are spending a week with relatives in Ogdon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carter are In I'ayson visiting with the former's .parents, Mr. and Mra. V. 1. Cur ter. Miss Marguerite Frankn and William llcll aro spending llm holidays with friends at.Oplilr, Utah. Miss Mildred Evuns of Bpanlsii Fork is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Milton Rlrhnrdson of Eureka. e"1"1 Miss Lfclla Larsen of Santaqulu is the guest of Miss Lapreul Junes of Eureka. Mra. James F. Driscoll returned home late last week after visiting for sevoral days with Balt Lake friends. Ora a latie . Miss Hilda tyiraon, who Is employ-- : ls ed as a bookkeeper ut Balt spending Iho week at her home li this city. Miss Catherine Creighton was n:il from Balt Lako during tho week, visiting. with her parents. Judge und Mrs. Jatues Creighton. . Miss Rcba Dixon is spending the with her Christmas holidays parents,' Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon, of Silver City. Miss Dixon "0 at, t!'olr hon,e. "ni e lias been attending the Snow Pureut"' Mr' a,,1 Mri demy ut Kphrlum. Bon ol irlosdt for lilt didate ora, ipper to iaaea is tit stroll Drogi , ! dfW or ikVOi t flu (do Ktd iuo total kick A Resolution That Concerns You , , , Franklin Ewell, a resident of Frovo for the past twenty years and the father of William RI. Ewell of Mammoth, died on December 24th after a lingering Illness. Funeral services were held on Wednesday 3 afternoon, the burial taking place at fj the I'rovo cemetery, ill Tho dance at the pavilion on Tuesday evening brought local Christmas observances to a fitting closo. The attendance was large and tho party a pleasant one. Allreds orchestra furnished the mnsic. The next big holiday event will be tbe Charity Ball of the Elks to be given on Christmas Ere, next Monday. I?, J 3. At the M. E. Church on Christmas Eve a highly interesting children's! program was carried out. It being; the policy of Rev. Frary to arrange a Christmas program for the mem- hers of the Sunday School. The program Included songs, readings and recitations, followed by the distrl-- 1 button of presents from the churrh! jS ?1 S Alice Terry and Jack Muihall As a stage ilav, Turu to the Right make a fortune for .lolm Golden 'who presented it and for the authors, AVinehell Smith and John K. llazzard. Keep- up this financial record a half interest was sold to Metro Pictures Corporation for a quarter of a million ji dollars, top price for any motion picture production. The screen version is presented hy John Golden and Marcus Loew and is a Hex Ingram production, directed ly the H creator, for the silent drama, of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and The Conquering Power. It tells the story of a country boy who, while serv-- l ing a prison term unjustly, becomes acquainted with two crooks. Hoturning home he finds the mortgage about to be foreclosed by the village skinflint. I ith the aid of his two crook pals a way is found to Wat ont the miser while the influence of the aged mother, loads tho two crooks into love and a better life. Christmas tree. Ethel O'Riley, after spend-- , her Christmas vacation with her lng mother, Mra. James Rowe, of Mam- -' moth, has returned to Salt Lake where she Is employed as a steno-- ; grapher In the office of the Otis Elevator Co. Miss Larene ORiley, a student at the Ilenegar's Business College, was also ont from Salt Lake for the purpose of spending christ-in- g with her mother. ! 1 ta iKi me rum eriei stem iHlon litu atla luka intie ukea old C title icier pin use vn spin ou; title lade latie .i Tot) cm Jad iiaee m Jill Cl 'flu aaaaiiaiia room house with cabin, near j public school buildings. f25. 0 5 room furnished house, time will be lost In putting the real- - j Frank Garrlty, local real estate garage, barn, chicken house and well. I SCO dence In shape for occupancy. The and Insurance has quite agent, cash or on 9700 time. damage was largely to the upper long Hat of local residence proper- S room modern house, also 4 room Portion of the building. lies which are offered for sale at re-- house on Main street. 11850. Terms. 11 ,ow I! not prlcer Christmas business at 'the stores ' Good building lot with building onD, toT, owners of fine placer on it. 100 by 200 feet. 8600. of Eureka is reported to bare 1 8 room furnished honse on Railroad street at 8550. Renta for 20. The i greater yMr pert is even It ? conditions think Also 3 room house for wrong to pr3business or the was handled during 8450. Rents ;0f paying rent. See Mr. Garrity for for 812.50. the last few days before the big holl-- ; more Information about the follow-- ; 4 room honse near Leadvllle Row. day. All records were broken atjlnB residences: Practically new, 8800. tarnished houses on Leadvllle the Eureka postoffice, incoming and Several newly bnllt houses can now be secured on easy terms and outgoing mails being much heavier ;Ro' ery desirable piece of property very reasonable prices. A chance than for the previous holiday pper Main street consisting of to get a new home at a bargain !H' ' 800 price. two well bnllt residences. Particulars i 4 room partly modern honse for : com-!41- iwisfssr ss,ss I ea-')O- B 1." T"' rent. . . 825.00 per month. FOR RENT 8 room unfurn holse on Eagle street. v Good bnilding lot on lower street. A bargain at 8125.00. TOR RENT 5 room hoo ; R nlshed, with barn and ontbulw-FOroom fu1 5 RENT house near high school. Two room fnrnlshed hooie rent. These and other o 90dl Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes ! B1 Ula dorad SHRIVER The inanrance adjuster, sent to Eureka last week for the purpose of making settlement of the fire loss at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude F. ; Baker, completed his Investigation on Friday and arranged for a settle- - j WHY NOT BUY' A HOME? MANY BARGAINS OFFERED! I ( Met Rllss i . Star Theatre Sunday The to 111 1 - featuring nodi Good intentions are responsible for a host of resolutions each New Year, But only hard work and sustained effort can make these resolutions become facts. We always make a resolution to give you more value each year then we devote every ounce of our energy to making it come true. Were going to break all value records in 924; well do it too. M. ?l diked lothn nfoa resident has Just been given a stiff fine and prohibited from driving his car for six months all because he had hard cider In Ills possession. A lot of automobiles would be Idle in garages if the same treatment was handed out in some or the other parts of tho state. 3 $ Met Ictorla A Salem I atpn s iuu title ! John Golden and Marcus Loew present the picture from the play which ran os B! nr m Copyright 1923 Hart SchaSncr & Marx ,TUhat?elri Miss Thelma Brandt, daughter of and Mrs. En.ll Brant. I. at her j home for the holidays. Miss Brandi I Salt Lake one of at the student and M. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. A. schools. Mrs. Mr. and Roy and children their guests 7, boifig: Mr. and Mis. 'i' ; children are "Pending the and Official business Interfered wlih daughter, J rk and (leorgo Wlgton ma 1lJ!aa I,.,,8..1 , Sheriff Martins plans for Christmas, Frances, Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1). Gardner relatives. and children, Charles Hosmer andi1'11' 11,0 RUC818 The sheriff had to pass up an invitaThe Mr. and Mra. Ralph Mr A E jiiirt entertained at a tion to eat turkey dinner owing to Shjiw. t y. chndPf,n.B Bliawa are residents of which summons 1 paPty on Friday evenint ,! pressing business to Ogden, A number friends and relatives the occasion being the sixth birthday him of Mr. uud Mrs. Irwin Sax called at of her daughter, Nellie. Games were Edward Shea was out from Balt their home at Houiunsvllle on Wed-- . played and delicious refreshments Luke on business during the past1 nesday evening, and spout the tlinu were, served to the following guests: week. Mr. Shea is employed by the la a social way. The oecusinn was Arthur Ferry, Elin Johnson, Jean Warren Bros, company, whose Mrs.' Saxs birthday. After an even- - and Myrtle Blackett, Beulah Burn, patented type of black pavement was'S log. of games and music a splendid lluben Myers, Dorothy and Lares' "T.uuod on the local project, luncheon was served to tlia follow- - Jensen, Glen Allen, Elva Allred, ing: Mr. end Mrs. I'eter Jones, Mr. Madge Gibson, Betty Carlson, Mack! Mr. and Mrs. lfyrura Bradley and Mrs. Leslie Booth, Mr. and Mrs. and Evan Jones. Mrs. O. A. Allred entertained at Christmas dinner. I Frank Rrlskey, Mr. and Mrs. ?. nml Miss Virginia Savage assisted They had as their guests 11. Ri. Jones, James Nielson, Rllss Lapreal the hostess In entertaining the little Bradley, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. K. folks. Jones and Miss Lila Larson. IJlradley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brandt and children, Mr. an! ' RIrs. A. E. Allen and children and W. Mrs. W. Allen. faaiaEaiiiOTBntii;iWiiTOffla jj Ara-i,,i- C ob1 bargain-Fran- k Garrlty. Eureka. TROY LAUNDRY AGEXCt Joseph Buys, Jr of Eareku taken the Troy Laundry 6e.nV,' will call for and deliver I Everyone knows the high quo Troy work. Phone 24S-- J. |