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Show THE MOireiXQ EXAMiyEC; POPES. UTAH. Tlir'lWDAY, ArOUM ioo; 20, CJrLOUS CAIRO. Taken by IJeas and Inspiration One Author From Another, Fearful ' State of the Criminals Confined In Them. ar NOBLY EUT GENIUS BORROWS ALlT PRISONERS aad the Raw Tha Crut Or la Mm4 Into a Thing af FuImW Malarial aa a Moat Bril- - Soma From Cruelty Baaas la Appear-anaa Wild aa Beasts of tho Fmafc pT..r-ahakaana- ara oawca liaat Caampl no Pt FETTERED. as , rob- - Fuaiahmont, tmr Purpaaa of That Kills Many. tia -- Eater-- flf.iidi 1 Tha Water Sal.ari, Coffaa hlskara 11W Fakirs ef tha Straata. The most numerous aud also the most iutcrMiiug of aireet ugurcs to Cairo are tho water arita, some of whom go about with hidrous looking goatskins filled with Nile water. Others carry mure inriilug looking; reddish clay Jars decorated with brass bands and thaaa jam often bava a piac of ice at tbelr month and a sprig of mbit protruding on either aide of tea ko. Tho carrier with tha guatskia calls out hla mission, but the other with tha Jar rarries to his left hand two brass saucers whk-- ha clink with a sort of musical Jlugls. Thj water to either caw la aot filtered, hut to taken straight from the Nils and tha purchaser arc all natives who pay a fraction of a penny for all they am able to drink. Tho street sellers of coffee are every-whe- rs squatting about on tho pavements to tho must unexpected places Their outfits comprise merely e kettle of charcoal, a small copper coffee cup with a long handle, two or three small bowla of china and a supply of eoffw and auger. It takes one only a few minutes to brew a fresh cup, and aa Turkish coffea goes that brewed by to street seller to not really bad. Tho over present conjurer to worth stopping to watch, although tha tricks are to moat part generally on tha order of conjurers tricks to other countries .The moot interesting part of tbelr paraphernalia to their alga, which to a small liva rabbit. The moment the performance begins tbs little animal rolls over, to all appearancei dead, but when some ten minutes later all of too tricks have been done, some of which are admittedly more ' or lees puxsllng, up jumps the little rabbit as chipper and gay aa ever. It to claimed that the ego of the rabbit leaves the body for the express purpose of assisting tha conjurer, aud one for a moment to tacllued to give credence to tola while watching too performance and after having seen the rabbit go Into Its trance. Harriet Qulmby to Leslie's Weekly. IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE PRICE w AD,Nct- - Z,?.mkAS?L FOR TIME CARD OSTEOPATKV. ADVERTISEMENT! ONLY EXCEPTED) NO ADVERTISEMENT LESS THAN CENTS FOR FIRST IN-NT PE W0RD EACM JRTIONEf!mJ BSEQUENT INSERTION ONE CENT PER WORD. L,NE PE WITHOUT CHANGE. OR IS CENTS PER LINE PER CALENDAR MONTH WITH N0 CHANGE OF COPY. OR BO CENTS PER LINE PER MONTH GN A SIGNED CON FR ',l ' uto2LGpIVEi T.if?,toKUy,u,r by u houm UNION DEPOT frofessiokal Examiner Classified Advertisements block- kirk villa, - appointment. Softif-aMu- T SHORTHAND ,uit BA IN EFFECT JULY IB; 1M7. UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. Hour ,to AND TYPEWRITING THE OGDEN SCHOOL OF SHORT-- 1 hand and Typewriting. 117 Wash-- ! !. kjw- - Lewi. Block. 5th floor. rough Inaiructina by competent teacher. Terms reasonable. Not ready to receive pupila. 0N Tha first thing which Impresses tho European visitor to the Chinese priaua PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS. to tho absolutely flimsy character of the structure has If. If out gets A. FERN LUND Physician ani to visit the prison hi Canton, HELP WASTED. Burgeon. Office hours, fo and II a. !&!' FOR RKXT North BouadT and shoals of globe trotters do wend MtteWW f Depart. IS to 4 . m. 240 25'A SL Office their way thither after they have seen t PonJand 41 Bell Butts Exprea 1:25 us. FEMALE. 511. lad. BE; phones, Rask FURNISHED ROOMS. will found be It the elocution ground. Melton Or) deace S4S Wash. lad. phone SOL 8:10 in. $Mala4. 7 .Fortlaad, WANTED Com pel cut girl for houae-wurk- . to be a ramshackle building of ao preBOs Express 2:25 p.m. Three rooms furnlahed ATTORNEY-AT-LAUlCacha Valley Express.. 5:18 p.m. No cooking; guJd wage. HI tense whatsoever. tor housekeeping, also alreptng 15,Yallowatoue Special 8:78 p a. :5th street. g The question will be asked, "By tf S: 24th street. 27-I ' A. HORN. From North fo.j Arrive. what means an the prisouara held la . Attorney-nt-Lnwt ANTED Female help at fit ate In- FOR Offices over Badcoae " lCfTeitowatoV a.mT .. iTil rooms safety If the structure la which they ,urnhed fipdal Drug Biota. I seek to business of dustrial school. Apply at oucCs fop Vi kouaekeeplng; Portland A Butte 8:50 an incarcerated an as flimsy and Ingood ad am pariies; all against attorney 24th street. H'Caeke Valley Express. . 10:10 a-secure?" The answer, aaya the East corporauoaa aad moaopoll, PreGIRL WANTED for general houseA Butt 8:38 p.m. of Asia Magaxine, to brief. Without pared to transact aay aad 11 kinds I4,5teld Portland work. Call T34 Hth street. FOR MENTTwo and Kclton (x).. 8:28 p.m. of furnished nicely biuiuas. legal exception tho prisoners are fettered. room for light housekeeping. SRI 8uuth Bound. "Depart W ANTED Chooolate Many have chain on the Jega only. -- Bddipper Apply E. T. HLTANISKI, Attorney-at-Law- , wk .. Inflow 8:80 mm These arc the leas dangerous aud have 87-3- t !ill Washington Ave. ton'8pvcii 407-- us First Natluaal Bank Ruoma For Salt Lake Till a m been guilty of tha leas Important City.... 8 Local for Balt Lake... 8:21 a.m FOR RENT Elegantly new furnished General practice. building: 1 ANTED crimes. Others, in addition, have fatChambennald.good wages 1 Cache rourn a. Room 54, Uk .... 10:40 am board and room. Apply at Reed Opera House. ten on tho arms, which make It ImLimited for Salt Lake, HAIR BOOM AND COSTUMES. 05 p.m boteL . S 2fi tl to them escape. to Balt Lake . possible far 5:10 p.m Lastly, a few prisoners were not only 8:51 p.m ?a,t ,uk ANTED A girl fur general house- FOR RENT Furnished rooms for BAIR SWITCHES for sal at reduced ! tanacled on tho auklrs, but wore a Hair pricea. kn81a Limits! 0:55 a chains housekeeping, lad. Phone 458. p.m specialty. work, 2454 Monroe. chela around their necks, at the danMaaquerada costama to rent for 823-l- f T a thiag of honutp. balla and theaters. a was block All attached of end mall orders gling whiyh It ANTED Table girt t Hot Springs It hi been pointed out bp lfr. Hath of granite. The prisoner would walk promptly attended to. lira. C. E. ' Hotel, ten miles oul Call up vn FOR RENT Furnished room, suitable there la a that of Buckle 881 Ufa 24th. mb Lee, 4 P. Bon SI. 2 for I, from place to pleco within the courtgentlemen, 252 22ad Si. phone today,. Mad rf pedigree la literature. Dent I 22 2wks CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. yard, but ere he could movo beyond to aa Indrtotadneae hie Virgil, WANTED An atm hlmaelf waa under the length of hla chela he must atop experienced -. lady FIVE ROOMS and pantry furnished obllgatha lhr preaaar at too Elite Cleaning Co. and lift the stone and, carrying It la LUND, General Oontractat -for housekeeping, 2126 Wash. 8 23 tf gam t Homer. hla to brick and stoat. 678 21eL Bell when shackled It again drop arnia, mach to Virgil, i Ariosto owe Phone 1060-Y- . ha wished to stop. WANTED A woman cook, 171 23ad. FOR RENT Two rooms with bath, fraqneutlp from Spenser borrow worn by to addition chains the la suitable two for or three Faerie gentleQueene' ; Ariosto Spenser's are further men. Ind. Phone 634. day, all the male prieiwm wk la-- ; ' pra birth to Fletcher's Purple menus hackled of at two WANTED By FRATERNAL night 1810 of Laundress, Ogdea General FOR laBd," and this to Bernards RENT Furnished heavy beams,' In which boles have been i Man," and this la turn to Defoes Hospital. light IS tf I and bath. 2811 Wash. ROYAL ARCANUM. Crusoe" and Btmpan'e made for tho ankle of tho prisoners, a BeMnaaa method to discovered rude hut effective HELP ao WANTED like all ' Pilgrim' Pregreee" mdtay HOUSEKEEPING or rooms, fnratahed for detaining tho prisoners in absolute Teated. sound, tollable. Fraternal Unnw rUlug from lb one atom. 7 unfurnished. Boris block. tt Beneficiary security. MALE. Order. Insure man been has called the gbakaipohra ; The prisoners, who during tho day rates far ona, two, rr throe FOR RENT Three room for house- rauaoaubla gnat WanrkkaUre thief," ao inveter-- have been thousand EI ' INDIAN Experienced grocery clerk, loafing In the courtyard, smart PROVERBS. ate M his borrowing habit He Invaded keeping; furnished or unfurnished; fancy funddollar. Accumulated B75.00 per month. Address Box 275, e. an In the evening driven Into the nearly three mutton i. M children. a, Colonial. Apply jUtenttm like a Napoleon and brought wards and made Evanston. Wyo. Investigate. Rocky Mountain 2T4t to lie side by side on Tho coward aboots with shut ayes, ' bark the rarest art treasures to enrich Council, Na 617, muuta aaooad cad raised platform.. The upper of the FOR RENT Famished rooms for Email things talk loud to tha Indians CANDY-MAKE' awl beautify hie verse. One Is i Friday at A. O. U. W. hUL helpers wanted at to then raised, and sack two beams ' W. F. 114 and our sleeping to Btoua, learn dramatist has light housekeeping. that Ragant; J. W. Wothur petard eye Candy factory. 7to. poon. Collector; u. R Robarta, 8u'y. ' ao original plots, that he has given to man to compelled to plan hla ankle In Tha paleface arm to longer than Ua m . bole to the made receive It ' whereupon poetry ao new rhythm or stanza and FOR RENT One furnished room tor FRATERNAL to replaced, end the ' BROTHERHOOD; KEN and boy wanted to learn plumb-toflat .ha ran not only In the old road. the upper beam Vhen a fox walk lame, the old rabladles. Bell phono 1414-Y- . S prisoners an held by the feet In then bit but la tha old rata" Hla "As Toa plastering, bricklaying. Day Jumps, Ogdea ladga Ns. gri, T. F. to no possibility and night classes. Free cat. Lha It la taken from aa old romance. rude stocks. Thera FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms .flrat and third Thnredaya at A squaw' tongue runs faster than of bricks allowed an oseape. No secured. book They Th character of his Jnllna Caesar" learning. with bath. 881 82nd. p. hl, in Valoa Labor Hall, 262 14 tb too winds toga. Coyne Trade School, Bth BL. traoL Vlaitiag mambara cordially an aid Romans taken from Plutarch. for pillows, aud In tbla uncomfortable to Baa Thera ao Ul-lyr aco aa a Fraud and N. Y. nothing eloquent they peas the hours. Bat what borrowing! HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 127 Twenty-Sixt- h tovltod. Dtp bones an position In addition to this, however, special rattlesnake's toll. D. H. ADAMS, Proaldunt atreeL tamed Into living men. The eommoa-- t BIO money for. canvassing aalssman. The Iudiaa scalps his enemy. The cruel dee an perpetrated on certain IDA BECKER, BoeretaiV. materials are taken Into the lam8356 Wash. & KNOTH, Treeaurer, prisoners whit for some reason or paleface skins hie friends. bent flame of bis genius and transmutWANTED. Two men will live together to quiet other, an exempted from capital puned Into ali7 beauty. ODD FELLOWS; ishment Prisoners then an whose and friendship, bat two squaws never. FOB BALE, BEAL ESTATE Milton, too. U a free borrower. It la rooms furnished becomes as aa wild appearance When n tha man this fact. Indeed, that makes hla vena prays one day and FOR BALE Twwatore frame bouse: Ogdea Lodge No. 5, Or. beasts of the forest; who, with heavy steal alx, to Great Spirit thunder as rich In leaned reminiscence and m to rant a furnished or unfur- dor of Odd Fallow. Independent 10 rooms and MI32 land , 2826 WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT, Meats In L Oi oa Incartheir cangues toe abouldera, an an evil aad nished rooms O, hall or with P, every laughs. barbarie house email Monroe; cheap to right patty- - Can with pvfsous Tueaday evantog. pearl and cerated la a barn for the 2470 filthy brother dungeoa There uaad Well. are Pa owe three for two families. Vtoltlng Be geld. nearby. It takas a much to Shakespeare, cordially Invited to Bego lily Clrcla, No. 194, meats ev. of their natural lives. I have strong man to bold things bo prosULL flow critic think Milton's Eva to a young warrior, d araemd and fourth Friday try night W. aeea J. them to SALE and BAILEE, FOR fro like NoMt Choice lot, cor. 27th and moving Omul I 7:30 ta K. of p. halL raged a wild horse and a haadaoma squaw from Shakespeare's Miranda. In WANTED. Vial ting HENRY K18BEU Bocrotnry. Jsl. Inquire .Mr.. Ball 111 26th. neighbors oordially Invited. .tt Taming of the Shrew" ocean tho hyenas la their dens at a menagerie. Scrap Book. Their appearance to revolting. DAISY CASHMORE, 0. N. 13? BOARDERS. Una: ' QUEEN CITY, RXBEKAH LODGE. Night and day, as far es I remember, Tracy Avenua. Indefinable Perfootien. Aa morning rases newly washed la daw, Na sao-nO. d FMoata FOR SALE Lota la tha Orchard, EXCELLENT 4,1. both modern rooms aad and awake, thte heavy burBlnce toe beginning of time the ta-- j fourth and While Milton la "IAfitgrta speaks den asleep Friday evening at iward, low rales. (38 23rd Bt rested oa their abouldera, though man brain haa never succeeded to dc-- 'i I Cor, 7to and Washington Ave 48 Odd Pel Iowa HalL VlaiUng memof by 122, to aa alleys Tanas 10.00 hew It ares possible to sleep thereto I I Invited. ber fining with the necessary exactitude! I down aad (18.00 per month. J. H. Dvah Mown rasas waabad la dew, Women of Woodcraft, Ogdon Orel was unable to understand. On the what ELLA BOGART. Noble Grand. really constitute a perfect w Myers, 140 Washington Ave. Milton to a vary mine to many. Pope other hand, la a FOB BENT. 581, moats every TueeJay night at GERTRUDE KOOXS, Secretary. I a visited few prison Outlook. man. Is bis debtor. Milton's Smoky 7:29 oclock. K. of P. halL Visiting weeks ago I waa Interned that tho FOR SALE Nine - room bouse with ROOMS AND BOAR B. P, O. ELKG. Neighbor invited, a woman to the, waist and canguo was removed at nights that the slabla aad bay abed, to good barn, Dues can ba paid at tha office of Ed fair, but ending foul la many a acaly Prisoner might sleep. A crowd In the The bookblndera will be toe next of railroad location,' with ona to alx BOARD sod foom. 871 B. P. R'EIka Ogden Lodge No: 718, Auth, the afteraooa of the 28th of oacb ad. fold voluminous and vast" la made to prison with- the print. the trades connected acres of land. flntclass unshavwith their quadrangle, Lodgo nod elnb rooms, neoond floor, month, Pint National Bank Bldg terms. Apply 241, 21st street fT. They call me ala and for a alga en heads, their unwashed faces, their Ihg Industry to establlah the eight-hou- r BOARD and ROOM 448 ZSOl street. 2411 Wuhlngton MR8. ALICE COLLINS, avenue. Regular N, 2982 portentous hold' me; but; familiar clanking fetters, theta hopeless looks, workday. every Tuesday evening. Plngre Avo. meeting gnwa, I pleased and with attractive theta diseased bodies and their bebrut-e- d MARIE C A. T. HE8TMARK. Exalted 2731 RITES, FOB BENT. Ruler, Clerk, Uq BUILDING lots oa ear Use; your own gracea won the most averse." Pope ran Avenue. LEGAL, J. H. KNAUS8. Hecntsry. souls can neter be forgotten. money advanced terms; to build. UNFURNISHED ROOM!, But; although under the recognised WedelL ROYAL NEIGH BORG OP AMERICA OGDEN LODGE Na I, D. OF H. Vie mnnater ef a frtahtftd tniea system of punishment Chinese prison-er- a NOTICE. A ts to baud aaedS but to b sera: must FOR live a to life ua which RENT of the Three eafurniahad aeen toa oft, familiar with A new ExosUlor Camp No. 1249, meat ev--, house, on aero of land Jd tees, OGDEN LODGE No. L west would bo unbearable, it would rooms, 101 20th. Liat 6L h Smt aadure, toes pity. than bar l.firstof ai1 In tha choicest of bearing fruit: emfirae ery eoeoad aad fourth Thursday of! wets to K. f P. ball the not bo oo to them If they wen fairly Catted Stales Land Offlca, Balt Lake, each month at tb (1,800. good location, Tennyson' must have had lnmtad treated Eagle juiL Vis- third Wadaasday afternoons of aa Utah, August 8th, 1907. and were saved from the elecFOB BENT. Aa elegant residence to railMilton's iting ladles cordially invited. month at 8:89 p. m. tions and barbarities to which they To Whom It May Concern: MRS. MART S1A00. road district, HEFFNER, Oracle. SUSIE STMS, C. of n. la UNFURNISHED Nottoe Hangtng In a eoldea chain" stats'l that tha hereby given 2941 era raacre of banda Nine of their HOU5RS. Washington Avaana. good toad with water, exposed at the Tbia pendent world JEANETTE MILL, Fiaaaclar. of Utah haa filed to tola office a list three-rooJOSIA hones located 40 RHEA, Raoorder, 268 Had B); and pacious keepers L. JENNIE PROUT. Recorder. hen h wrote: of selected the lands, FOR said RENT by Mddern ear from state, rods line. (1.850. house When a prisoner first goes Into tho under the 12th section of the Act ef CHAUNCEY PARBT, ?b1WB8L Address E. M. H car FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLEfi. I ,onnfl world la arary way wards the warden claim hla clothes Congress, SjU1? LADIES OP THE MACCAEEE! aa Buadard. 18, approved 1894, chain gold July arandby Cor. 23rd aad Wash. Phoaa !5l-- x about the test of and his money, and ha to left with tho follows, vis: (nd barest ruga to cover hla nakedness. Fraternal Order oi Eagles, Ogdea lota 1, 2, S, 4, NE E NW Tennyson, indeed, derives much of hla Eta to robbed of all hla cash, as a mat- E 2 SW 4 See. 10. T. I Aerie, No. ill, F. O. B maeta ovary Silver Hive No. 1, meet ovary Tue FOB BENT. R. 1 E N, quWto Imagery and felicitous pbraa-ta-g A snap near Corlnne, BALE FOR K. of C Hall, S. L. M embaced to List i 8 Insane Wednesday evening to Eacle halL seat 17 2473 WaiUagtenat avanua. from anthors whose name even, ter of comae. Those who are con180 seres land, (20.00 per acre cash. of VUIb at Reed 8:90. Brothhotel, FURNISHED Visiting demned Asylum. HOUSES. an compelled, under a threat tog slaters cordially tovltod. ay literary men do not know. Good water right Jesse A. Child, er Eaglee ar invited torattaad tha A copy of said Hat, ao aa It relates of the write letters to whip, to, begging BESSIE D. V F. No. 4. hortnw hla "Vital Spark" Idea BEBRIXG, LCL Aorta meeting. Ogden, R. FOR RENT Furnished house, their relatives requesting them to for- to said tracts by descriptive subdiviL. JENNIE PROUT. R. K., T. C. MORRIS. W! Prealdeat 2918 Adams, 120 per month. ApdIv poem by Thoms Flatmaa. JJ sions. has been conspicuously posted 8458 ward Van money. Barca Are. T. TRACY, Secretary. Bfron gets hla I. office for Inspection by any FOR SALK Two-rooWhltton, 1474 Bell, or 2117 Quincy frame house Eagle Feather In-If tho unfortunate maa hesitates to to this Interested DR. B. H. Aerie FORBES, Physician. s'rort. and by the public 8 21 person "Englfah Barda and Scotch and two- lota hear shops. Price KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEEK Mriewera" from Aeschylus, who floor-M- d aensde to this demand, too warders generally. cash. .Hunter A Kennedy, $800 listed by some of the oldest priaon-fo- r ORDER OP RAILWAY CONDUCTORS This notice will be published for S la the fifth century before our ' MONEY 8 24 6t TO Agents. LOAN It appears that la mates of successive weeks, under departmental Ogdea Tent, No. 24, meets tha neo ft. Wasatch Division No. 124. O. 1L O, end and fourth Friday amro. than twenty yean residence Instructions of April 25, 1807. At BALE durFOR sacrifice, STREET ed RAILWAY, aqd CAR MEN meet second end fourth Fridays at at S o'clock- sharp, to I. O. evening, hla Oda to Moot nave accorded them certain F. halL brick fcouae, large barns, privileges ing tola period, protects or contee ta to a German poem CLERKS, BOOKKEEPERS, and afl 2:10 p. m. to K. of P. hall, corear preeaed Friedrich Knights cordially tovltod tt by tha man to hand during the against tha claim of toe state to any chickaa house and fine shade trees, ethers employed, find our office re- Washington eveuu nod I4tb street visiting attouu, Hie hands of the prisoner are of tha' tracts or subdivisions hereinfin spring water. 3718 Washingliable lor sums of (19 to (101 pi All brother are coMtolly lavitad to . J. W, HAL8EY, Commander. P Kea to Indebted for hla sight. ton Avs. Bell telephone 552-fastened by a Pops and the ether end before described, on the ground tbat couataa If paid before daa. Pay. attoad. F. F, BOND, Rooord Keeper. to The Evening Hymn" to of toe rope ia then passed through a the same to more valuable for mineral monte nepoaded to ntekarac No OEO. ALLEN, C. C BnWn ta Ul than for purposes, will be D. U DOYLE. B. and T. charge lor applications. The City ring which hangs from toe roof of the received agricultural God. and noted for Ona to fine Bait BALE Loan Agency, farm at West report the FOR MASONIC. 417, 41L First ward. h his own characteristic General Lend Office at Washington, 40 National Bank Bldg. acres of PYTHIAN BIBTERE. Weber, consisting of The warden then hoist toe unhappy D. C. Fallura ao to or room brick house; good contest protest, laud, four JVid El), ling has met the quee-- f wretch, who to left hanging to midair within toe time Queea Esther Chapter No. 4, O. B. wlll.be conbarn and outbuildings, four cows, MONEY tt salaried people wMhotl Meet ovary Saturday afternoon at 8. Regular meetings held at Maaoale unconscious thievery with toe hands Flionld he attempt to sidered sufficientspecified, by toe evidence of non :I0 In Pythian hall, Utah National Hall oa Washington avenue, between whk-eecarity or eadoraemeat; payment pigs and chickens. AU kinds of commences: cry out hie mouth end throat are filled mineral character of said tracts, and to suit, either weekly or monthly; Bank building. Sojourning slaters cor- Twenty-fiftmachinery and tools and n fine crop. aud Twenty-sixt- h streets "mot btoomW lyn With alselections ooofldeaUeL tha ashes When the breath hea Easiness Call aad gel dially lavitad to attend.' thereof, being- otherwise Cheap tt token at mica. Call at tha first and third Fridays tt each m " by land and sea, IX IX 418-1gw "r. free from most left hla body and be la choking he w Drake; Se. MRS. EVELYN OLASMANX.M. Biy terms objection, will .be recomCL 860, 26th street. month. Sojourning member cordialthought 'a an . took the mightasrequire cies bldg. to lowered, and under toe terror of re- mended for approval. A MISS LOUISE RITTER. M. of B. g A CL ly lavitad to attend. E. D R. THOMP8(5n. ANNA LEWIS, W. M. FOB 8ALE A small cottage, with newal ef this torture he to eager to Htakespeere'B lines cleat TO on LOAN, farms aad LILY V. HALS TED, Secretory. DEGREE OP POCAHONTAS. modara Improvement. 2624 Jailer MONEY Register. Kprr: . promise almost anything. ; city real estate. HUNTER A rev. ordeal. But as under die tola Many NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, XEDY, fourth floor, lint National with thievery: Loootafc Coastal, No, 5. IX of P, Tto WOODMEN OF THE WORLft n. J, A tWrt- - ,nd with hla great at- - It la assumed among toe mandarins Building. moot tho first and third Wednesday tf WANTED. that mortality must be high and as ao BUa for the completion of the up-pat afternoons HalL Dues 8:19, Eegl : the moot)' ,M Mfi rial probing to ever dreamed of a MONET TO LOAN I. J. BRUHMITT Weber Camp Na 74, meets to K. can be paid to Butte Aldan, story of the WEBER COUNTY of W TO BUY. INFIRMARY will be received, to-tt P. hall ta tha Utah National Bask 112 2fth 8L VI Biting members gal lira aM anatehaa from tha Igeseral statement aa te natural death at la sufficient t . a- building every Thursday evening ": getoer with separate bid for plumb- WANTED Teal, port and chickens LOST f cordially thief, whose liquid surge rw MARTHA A. MORRIS, PecahMtna o'clock. Visiting Woodming, at the office of the Countv Clerk, to 188 24th BL at Chicago Market, Invited to attead. to the County Court Hoses, sp to II ALICE COLUXS, XL of R. The Cashless Engagement. LOST Plato gold ban! bracelet, dia, toto C. T. C. MORRIS, tears; the derth'e a 1 hope you wont Insist upon n long ojclork noon, Wednesday, September mond act, la front of Catholic E. AUTH,' Clerk. First National ORDER OP WASHINGTON. and breeds by a eompoetore engagement, dearest," he said tenderly. Church. Return 2624 ' Lincoln Ave BUSINESS CHANCES Bank BuilJtag. Plana and specifications for the com"Nov sweetheart, I wont Yon have Reward. I 28 (t Ogdon Union, K& 172, order cf pletion of the upper floor of the oueraniaBt; each tklnrs a not money enough to make ene enjoy-jahlKNIGHTS OF FYTHIAS. and pinna and specifications FOR RALE A well established and LOST Gold chatelaine. Washington, meets every Tueaday she answered practically. Ufe. building, Return to evening B- at 8 oclock la A. O. U. W. for the plumblag are oa file at the good paring dairy business, and fine Duna la Circle Magazine 2268 Reward. Quincy. Bell Tej halL Vial ting comrades Invited ta stock of choice dairy cows, A snap office of F. C. Woods it Co, architects. Ogden Lodge No. 2, Knight of ! 8 28 lwk attanJ. MU The charity tbat hasten to proclaim Rooms 601-mreta at Castl Hail, Utah If taken at ones. For particulars , Ban First National Pythias, cy to him that shows It to toe fits good deeds cnees to be aea G. A. Horn, 418 Eccles Bldg. WILLIAM DOTLE, PresIdeaL National Bank building, every Moncharity and Building, Ogden, Utah. White LOST bulldog; answers to WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. Bell phoaa lilt Board of County Commission--1 day evening. All K. of P.'s requested b only pride aad ostentation Hutton. eraThereserve name of Jeff. Finder return to 218 to moot with u. , tbs to aay light reject Hl Head 25th; (5.M reward. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, J. H. SHAFER, C. C and all Mda. end the Psalm. FOB BALE GEIGER. E. M. R. of Rev. C N. E. OTJer of tha Board of County Wright. Ward! vtoar-J.By L. N. MEAD, K. of R. anj 8. FARMS FOR RENT. Ogdon Council Ko; 777. Meets ev-- : Commlsslonen. Rochdale, for a personal ramtoto Wanted New Ones, MISCELLANEOUS. ary Wednesday evening at K. of C DABID MATTSON. writes: In my third Uvlng i A toartler putting up at a. fifth class RENT Three farms,' Hunter A ball. Ko: 2471 Wash. Ave., at I oclock. FOR BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA. u a very crowded congrejm-fir- st hotel brought the "boots" up with bis County Clark. PHONOGRAPH EDISON (69.90 end 8 28 lmo Visiting member welcome. h, First Publication, August 22. 1907. Kennedy. ' case of three doaen reoorda, for sale, G. K. H. DeVIXE, J. morning I officiated. The angry storming. Last Publication, Sept 10, 1907. Yoomen, Ogdea Homestead No. 1605, rzrWoere wr evidently curio as he cheap. Call at 2525 Lincoln AvW. J. MORGAN. Flu. Beoy. "Want yonr room changed, sir? meet every first and third Friday WANTED. enue. 1 St build, color of hair, ett. of their What's toe matter, sir? WESTERN DETECTIVE AGENCY 7:39 la K. C. hall Na 2479 MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA night at Tar. As s matter ef feet I was, "The room's all famed the Wash. Art. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE 2766 Furniture, Jefferson a young man very bald. A Ut-- i gneat ecorchtogly; right 1 its toe flees I ob- Hsrald Bldg, Balt Lake City, Visiting archega cordially tovltod avenue. (T" Utah Camp No. 9999, Madera Woodrooxht woeld have caused me to ( Joct to, there all." meet with ns. P. O. Box 199. Both Phonea Bell, second-hanit WAXTED-A men moots of America, bicycle. every TuMday f ur FRANK R. RIANT, Foreman. 2119 Mrs, Bloobs," bawled the "boots" in 88J2j lad. 330. This agency la pre- FOR BALE A rood riding pony. 2351 Special preferred. - Tribune night at Eagle Hall, 9 p. m. Vialtlag Lincoln. an nnlntereated sort of voice, the pared to handle ell proper detective Jefferson avenue. office. Broom hotel. mambara lavitad. MABEL TURNER, eormpondauL . C. M. A. COULD, gent in No. 6 to satisfied with his room business entreated to It by corpora214 Moffll Ave. I WANT ADS BRING BIO RESULTS. 1 WAXT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS J. H. SHAFER. Clerk. bnf he wants the flees changed." D tions or individuals. re more to number than the lustra ted Bits WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. WAXT ADS BRING BIQ RESULTS. WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. 1 WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS f my heed. " London. Graphic. ow greet writer ! Literature i not a repository of "Tv. MU. What ace liha ateal-in- ai hr tha steel pea ar father tha Jurout of tha lapidary or a reiaana of the borrow-l- u tta mint ar. bettor still with Interest twa a beak repaid -- M Charles la wonderful." How groin caa borrow." All remark Oliver Wendell Hulmra, live bp borrowing and lend A good Imago to and, b add la- -which map bo act a ga a diamond, handrail time la aa manp generations with every and gala new beau tie .Tbla to not a question of cageThe lighting a candlo ariginaUtp. at a aughbor'a Are," obaetrea Daaa gwift auM nut affect our propertpbor-w-la tha wk-f- and flame." "Genius Tlie tnnafeicnca la nobly." braaa, tha iftea tmasmutatioo. For honower brluga gold, and for Iron, liner, and for wood, braaa, mad for inm. The rrudo on la raflaad at, tha raw material fashioned Into per-ailsai- afi -u. aa a tTrTw. ' xa loca-iwa- 4 tou . . 1 - a do!-tor- tf -- fH? R Shupe-Wllltam- a uU Poot-riou- 1 tf 230-24- 0 - a J-- --24-tf boe-mwa- a 1- tf Bor-ranees-" nnfrt - a T ia ' tf 4, 3 1-- 4, l. .ri hl - a - taka 1 - at J dim ru a d. 1 a " thS! e, 2, . 400-40- Be-ers- . 1 |