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Show v THE EXAMINER: MORNING court before which such conviction M"y- - SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Delivered by Carrier la Ogdeag Norn-laCity, including Sunday uulBtf ptf copta untM 7o issdSdeuneeA WONDERFUL 1007. CBEATUREr Doctor Estes et a Snowdrift Bern Creased With Little Brews Hare. Nature ha tried many menus of savOnly, and ing her awn from ths snow death. Ogasa People Appreciate Tina mainly of Utah sheepmenheld years. I Boms, like ths woodchuck, she pats te their abrep te Wyumteg. Tbie wonderfully rapid growik grass Nothing can bqgood tor everything. sleep till the snow shell be ever. meeting Saturday afternuoa at tbs success. well brings Doing on thing that to Just making itself manifest is. Salt Lake city aad county building Others she tenches to store up food tb offer Dues Kidney P1U do oas thing end to hide. So she deals with of necessity, suburban te character. aud decided te turn dwa ths com Union Pacific Raidroad only. wood mouse. To still others, as ths Manbnttsn is already crowded to its from tbto sell them 410,858 sera w cure sick kidneys. They p&ny mooes, limits. Its development has spread la land They curq backache, every kidney mesas she furutohss stilts. Ths tost te southeastern Wyoming, which aha employs Is snowshoss. under ill. leas. now baa naaociatlun toe tha from Bet direct th every poeelble tt: te te ths to This, evidence will prove Here simplest, most scientific and leave The November, Ogdea expire but sow tery t Harlem river; them is of 2830 best to the equipment of tho snow-hMrs. Frances William, the land opea te iba ouc other way to grow, and that is Befure throwingthe Uatea Pacific gave Adam arenas, Ogdea, Utah, says: rabbit, ths wsbssso of Hiawatha, general public, heard a wonderful creature bora of s snowTh good report I hav skyward, says tha New Bnwdasjr SUg-aste- the aaaodatioa n fifteen days option te purchase it at prices ranging from boot Doss's Kidney Fills Induced me drift crossed with a Uttla brows bars. fur July. 00 cents to 81.30 on acre. This option te get them it W. 8. Badeoo s drug The moons to like a bird of Brooklyn Is drawing heavily upon tore and tho recults obtained from th shore that has stiltswading expires Monday. and caa wads suss that her Manhattan's populate fully prove that tb great wU for a Tho sheepmen took the position tbelr space, but that soon reaches way them te room; aad oaly mart end that th price asked fur the land Is praise bestowed upon them is fully tho limit which It is no better sufvalue te beyond also vw its warranted by great aggrieved too high. They better bridges am wanted te Increase off than a toad bird. But tha snow-sho- e more choice ferers from kidney complaint or backother certain because the exodus. The growth of jjber to Ilk tb swimmer it skims land, which is included te their pre- ache. I have personally recommended great elites is Interesting in this test tessa was not offered for sal Doan's Kidney Fill to many others, aver the sarfscs where it will, not caras showing their popular loos along with tb 4U0.85S acres. Tbs de- and I am oaly too pleated te let tile ing If there be one or a thousand fast aa elective of th element below It In this lias cision to reject the offer was unani- public know of suck tend te increase is th suburb. Fh remedy. its strength. CorthaU's diagrams tbs following fig- mous. For ssto by all dealers. Fries 60 Wsbssso has another name, th vary Fuster-Mllbar-a ures as to European cities are taken, Co.. Buffalo, cants. YOUNG MAN DROWNED. tag hare; because it varies In color for the United added Now sols York 7r those of New egenu York, being with the season, and tbe seasons ta all W. States, recent death of Edwia Tb comparison: and its proper country are ot two colon, Remember the name Do 1126 est Clay, Jr., at Burbank, Ja Snake valley, IHto brown for six months, whit for six. ink ao other. was peculiarly sad. N. Y. (Manhattan) 1.S50.WI ,00.000 Bo all summer long, from Young Clay and his reusin, Sidney to Greater New YorkS.t33.MI 1,650.000 Burbank, also a young boy, went the northern ban ta AGED DRUMMER DIES a little brown rabbit 4.5M.13I L315A26 bathing te the lake near tha Clay ' Undo residence. Tha bottom was supposed New York, Aug. 84. Henry J. Then cornea tbe snowy cold. Tbe f.MOASO SJ34.063 Fbria tha first American drummer to brown coat to quickly shed, a new to be perfectly safe, but uufortuuate Greater Paris ....JMA1 4,?5A ly young CUy waded out beyond his Introduce Americas goods 1a Europe white coat appears, the snowebo 1.M4.157 ,486,728 depth and was drowned. Young Bur- sad Australia, U dead at his horns ta Berlin grows fuller, and the little brown hare 1.822.54 bank came sear losing bis life la k Trenton. N. J, at ths ago of 75 yean. has become a white hare tha snow-bho- e Greater Berlin ....,513,52 courts. save to his At New Yorks growing rate of In- effurt hare ef the woodfe Everybody's As soon aa tha fatal accident beNO HOPE .OF RESCUE. crease it will pass London before 1820, came known friends aid Msgsslne. to neignbors but London proper will still hav nedri ths number of fifty gathered mid Wilke barre, Pa., Aug. 24. AU hop SQUIRREL WAYS. ly twice ths population of Manhattan, searched for th body by means of of rescuing alive ths four miners enttecaus It has ths square mites In poles, diving and tha ns of a seine. tombed sines Thursday te No. 14 tunAfter searching for over seven hours nel at Blanchard has been abandoned. Th Little Animals Are Orest Asters which to accommudsts Its people, lb lb body was caught la th seins. on Rail Fanes. . Include London of Th funeral, which was held Aug. city ssi county It V tb funy gray squirrel that I about 117 square mllra, against only 20, was the largest te the history of love ij watch as he makes hta way IN A SUBMARINE. Practically all tha 40 for Manhattan; Greater Loudon Busks valley. long ths fence, says a writer ta Forto were ia tha present valley cover 180 square mites, against ths people exest and Stream. Ha to foud of sitting and Vassal th their Takes What ths as lighten by presence Happens 27 ia Greater New York. ' oa th top nil and array tag his little pressed sympathy tha grief of ths beFlung SsiMsth ths Ik. reaved parents. Under ordinary conditions as soon as world, but If anything disturbs him tt to Young Clay was of htgh principle, iba hood is rinsed fur the a long tramp to watch him plunge tha as worth HERE AND ABROAD. h flgsags back sad forth, followunusually bright. His sudden and raptata opens ths faucets and n quantiunexpected taking off bus east a pall ing th riders toward hi home tree. over tho entire valley, where ty et water, which makes tits ship If not suspIdouK however, the gray A number of recent notable trials of gloom rushes into th sink. ta heavy enough he was bora and reared. 1 nested et the sides of tb kips along from rail to rail, turning in England and Germany call attenHis father, E. W. Clay, is on of tho reservoirs tion te tb contrast between crimi- oldest residents of Snake valley, and vassal. Eves the most hardened of tbs bark now and then to Jump down and axsmins something on lower rails or nal procedure hero ssd ia coma for- 1s well known In Balt Lake, aj is th sailor asy that tit noise of ths water on tb ground. Often It to a aut that a Burbank. Into tha Willard boat gives lugubrious hoy's ancla, rushing eign countries. For os thing, they men tt and Impression, gifted he thinks b buried ta a certain clump requires seem to he nbte to get a Jury with a ATTORNEYS TO INVESTIGATE. with cool heads and pass tag tasted of grass ta a fanes corner. Frequently to mistaken ta the exact place; bat good deal tees expenditure of time and courage for th haaerda involved ta ba trouble than it coats ua An English Complaint Against High Prices Fr operating these little boats. But; te he finds it farther oa and comes hack Necessities Rsaehss Critical Stags, him closeto Jury was secured in two minutes in spite of their fragile appearance, they ta the rider eet tt. Watch sees you blocking be ly n css of tbs sort where our courts News: The raid on prices la Salt are terrible Instruments of war, and hta way. . finally sis pend weeks or months over th busiLake, which be Just sent necessities notwithstanding tbelr dlmteatle lie looks at yea with his head tnraad ness. All parik-- were satisfied and skyward, cos by one. sack new article they are controlled by twelve mea, end you wonder that be sideways, to whom tbelr la India of tech penaabla up on tils theory, advanced by them Is no complaint that Justice was going how a surprise and cannot make out Us others ths navigation. that boosters, organised whether he knew yon were there all nut dune. Tb hood ones dosed, the submarine ra up, to te and te a state inspection. ths tima or ts only bluffing. Now ha We have carried ths privilege of Complaint has been mads to th alter, to absolutely rut off from tho world. Its turns back and traverses a few rails, r asy general's office that there are, hell, calculated to support a pressure challenging jurors to an absurd gets down oa th next on and makes of seven or eight atmospheres, gives tt trams. As practiced, it benefits no- many combinations la Balt lake, styla preteuas of searching for something ing themselves organisations for mu- ths ability in theory te go down to a body, degrades th Jury system and tual protection and benefit, that are there, comes back to tha rider agate to but distance of meters, forty thirty perverts Justice. American practice really organisation for ths control of 1a and feigns perfect composure Mips to to sufficient considered it practice also belittles the Judge too much. U competition through its elimination, down to the ground while; as he seem to and a fifteen of meters, depth drop ou of necessities. prices some states ha Is not permitted to ths fixing te think, you hare been thrown off bea no te of level is each t it danger attorney-generaM. A. Breeden, Judge comment ou tho evidence or expound armoryour guard and than make bit way, flooded. must Tb then some ing strongly f has taken notice of tha tow te tha Jury, Ha is reduced complaints, and calls public attention ed vcseets of ths ordinary type extend bow alowly, now lika a streak, to tha shelter of the woods, Just ws though to a umpire, whose sola duty Is to to the tew governing such corabina-- 1 downward only ten meters. you did not sabs squirrel ways. when they become to directed by two vertical vessel and Tbe tlon, defining settle disputes between the lawyers. criminal. .. . ,i governors, on above and on below Ia England tho Judge may examine Hard an Behsslmastar. . Among th organisations against tbs stern, aa they are always placed oa th aeouaed in open court, taking any which complaint is mad Is the plum- submarines. Ta govern tbe coming up It ts a notorious fact that schoolmaswhich flxea tha ter ware once regarded as a servile down of u boat there are questions which h thinks will elicit bers' trust, going .and that line at twa borlaontal gov sen ora, on at tbs class and treated accordingly. Tbelr ths truth. Here them to tbs same kind pries ot materials or taoftwner, with lamonthly meetings, remuneration was ridiculously small, fern and one at tha bow. Metropolof an examination, but It to mads by bor prices attached at very high rales, often amounting only te the right of ths polios, sometimes with great bru- ths wagoa repair shop combination itan MngsslnsL living from house te house But tt to causes tbs blacksmith of today 1 tality, te secret dungeon. Which is that If t more peculiar method of doubtful look In a book to see what bo is te PROPER BREATHING. tbs fairer to tha prisoner? paying schoolmasters was ever devised ebarga for a small repair item, instead Tbs English prosecuting officer ac- of figuring ths cost of time and me than that which prevailed ta certain More Esoontisl Than a Beautiful Veiea knowledges s duty, both to the stats tsrial. A case is gtres where a few English counties, notably Cumberland, Fsr Perfect Singing. and the prisoner. !U ia esteemed for repairs to a wagon taking less than during ths ssrly eighteenth century. too cannot Insist that ths I were half a day to make, forcibly charged for Just before tho beginning ef Lent the his fairness and lor ot Justice and at a rate to voice mere that would bate bought a possewlon of a lovely boys would arras ga to hold a cockthe whole purpose of tha trial is to new wagon ta about a day and n half. only the basis of vocal art Nature ocand each boy would make a payfight, establish ths truth. Hem tha prose- In addition to theso there la the casionally startles oas by tha prodito tke master for tho privilege. ment treat, which defends gality of her gifts, but no student has cuting officer cares only to convict membersdoctors The cock penny was regarded a leon tb grounds bills of their to expect to sing by Inspireand tho defense only to acquit, both that this is tbs least ths association any right item te ths master' Incoms tlon any more than sa athlete may gitimate Journal. Minneapolis equally regardless of Justice and th allows me to charge, and tha drug expect to win race because be to natpublic welfare. Tbs trial degenerates gists combinations, tb Butchers and fleet foot. of urally Into n dual between tbs lawyers and Grocers, th butter trust, stxulled, Methods of breathing, "attack and add a number of other trad oombla-tions- , A Dag'Acadomy. tha merit of tha csss receives but whicb have recently beeomsi ths ua of rrgiafere must all b perfectThere ls an academy for canines lu eucceasful understood tbe singer, by ly light attention. conspicuous through demanding u certain Boutb London borough which It io commonly said by our thought- creasing fees, or fees that are so high who should likewise be complete mas- to known to ail tb prominent clreus strucburdensome. have become ter of all details relating te tbe ful writers on Jurisprudence that we they people of Europe, aad which to tha Attorney-Genera- l Breeden calls at ture and use of those partaabove the sac rifle th public to the prisoner fn tanlkm to th following told school of many ef tha performparagraphs voire box end be convinced ot tb neour courts. Tho fact seems rather te under which prosecution of illegal doge te Great Britain at tha presing chest a controlled of perfectly cessity time. Th interior is fitted up ent b that w sacrifice both the public combinations could ba commenced: te tone of expansion the production 1752. Unlawful Combination Any with trapeses, etc. and day by day and th prisoner to th lawyers. For perfect singing, correct breathcomblnationa by persona having for tta an sorts of performing canines are even is sa It sound, may ing, strange object or effect tbe controlling of the more essential taught their clever tricks. It to perthan a beautiful voire. prices of any professional services, EXPLOBIVE PROJECTILE. haps unnecessary te add that ths provocal tb how No matter exquisite any products of tb soil, any article enjoys the benefit of a first of manufacture or commerce, or tb organ may be. Its beauty cannot bo prietor class Income. London Captain. without Is cost propdemonstrated or of transportation. adequately Projectiles charged with high ex- prohibitedexchange er breath control. Hers ia on of the and declared unlawful. . Lusk, plosives that explode whea they strike 1763. Members Gulltv of Conspir- old Itallss secrets, which many singers a Customer (to landlady) Will yen ten ths armor plats of a ship, says ths acy to Defraud Any person or f today wholly lack, berkure they are me of parsons who why than should bt two files te crests, unwilling ts give tbe necessary time Tech steal World, sometimes do com7 There ls uaa ta that mus become a member of, or a for the full enter Into, soup my of breathing development paratively little damage. Tb search party to. any pool, trust, agreement, there. vr Landlady Oh, it's Jnst a rhrastag. tone, has boen for a device to keep the combination, confederation, or under- power and control, question of luck, sir. FUagend Blab all resonance, upon depend expression, or charged shell from bursting until it standing with any other person of respiration. and. In my opinion, musical bas passed through ths ship's sIJo aud persons, to regulate or fix tho price merchandise or contod-Ity- ; Stud eats, even when too young to b article of any Ferestalled. bas reached a point when It will do allowed the fre use of th voles, or shall enter Into, become a memCrawford-W- by was your hus- j Mrs. great damage. Such sa Invention is ber of, or a party to, any pool, trust, should b thoroughly taught th prinusual when ho more than band angry claimed by Hudson Maxim, ths fore- agreement, contract, combi nation or ciples of breathing. Neill Melba lu cam home so lets? Mrs. OiWav the Century. fix or limit to confederation most inventor of high explusivea. And You see, dear, I woke he had mount or quantity of any article, hi speaking of It ha says: The ot commodity oe merchandise to ba man time to set ths clock back. Harper's. Naming th Baby. fens Is bound to win over ths de- nfactured. mined, produced or soli In. They were choosing a asms for the His Motts. fense. We find It so in all history, this state shall b deemed and de-d new baby. guilt of a conspiracy to Dublsy snys hit motto is, Liv sad not only of mechanical automatons, T think Earners Ida is too sweet Vans. fraud. and ho subject to punishment hut te Inanimate creations. The mo- as hereinafter prescribed. ehl one of tbe infant's sunt. Well. If be Isnt mors successful at tive, aggressive and animal nlwnyg 1755. vFenaltiea. Finns sad Corpora-A .' "Alfreds is better sad mors a acorn La former than ths latter well he goa a company. If mon. said another. corporation, has developed ways and means to tions ing to hla funeral soon. Exchange- firm, or association shall be found How would Alvina dor asked penetrate the interior of all the guilty of a violation of any provision third. armored animals. Bo it is In warfare. of this title, it shall be punished by a Hsw to fihsot a Rattler, Hardly, asM th fond father. You Tha projectiles of tha aggressor fine 1a anv sam ant less than lltto stem to be getting away from ths ides Ths writer ones saw an Indian kill 2.000 for tbe first ofmors than nor armor smash tbrongh the plate of tho fense: and for tb second offense, nod that this to a baby aad not a new kind a rattlesnake la very pscnliar mandefender. ner. Ths rattler was shout tan feet less than 500 nor more than 95,000; of cigar. London Graphic. from ths Indian, whe was testing the At Indian Heed recent teste have and ths third offense, not1 less Th Epitaph of Mary rifle on his knee, apparently taking aim. bees mad with th new invention, than 15.000 nor mors than 8 0.000; Lye, shall nd for every subsequent offense ta tbs grounds of Mount Holjrokt W henever he moved tbe weapon a few and it ls claimed that If n be liable to a fins of 815,000. seminary, overlooking the beautiful inches the snsks would move around on from of ths big funs projectile 1758. Individuals Any president, valley ad get exactly ta tins with It Then, which Goonsrtirut th throngh or other officer, flaws of tbs battleship Mains, charged with manager, ll rector seaward, to a monument te Mary to show bow th thing, was dims, tb of any corporation, receiver or agent, with high explosives and equipped firm or association or any Lyon, ths Massachusetts teacher who Indian moved about th anak ta a cirtha side armor of an enemys company, the college. On tt to Inscribed cle. sad tbe reptile moved as if its tail member of any company, firm or as- founded were ou a pivot, always keeping its ship. It would kill every man in th portation. or any individual found n sentence of her aw. There is nothoom pertinent where It exploded. Th guilty of a rlolaitca of any prevision ing te ths nnlvcrre tint I am afraid of head and tody In line with tbs gun. be by a tat that I shall not know and do nil Tbe Indies then agreed te bandage bis effect of tho explosion behind the ar- of this title, maythan punished $100 nor more not lass 17 duty. of fins eyes and ahoet ths snsks te tb mouth. mor would ho to flp op the coffee-da- than 81.00. or by confinement in tbe Th writer bandaged the Indian's eyas, hacking and hurl Inward frag- county Jail not more than on year, BtiH a Dream, and, holding ths gun by his side at ments of that n well as pieces of or by both. In' tb discretion of th -Polly Molly Wolcott told m a arm's taagtK the tatter pulled tbe trigth projsctno Itself in every direction, month ago that her new gown was ger, sad the hall entered ths snake's AND PtXC Q going to be a dream. Felly Well that month and peered tire whole length of causing great destruction in that part ECZEMA to all It is so fsr. Her husband won't Its Knowing what It Was to of the ship. It would also smash 'iRrF How do you taka aim 7" was body. 1 will : FREK give her th mosey foe It Somerville tbs query. Thy snsks, he takes aim. from tho aid of tha ship tho satire CHARGE,for,io asy aff gtva Jctod a po Journal. was the reply. We have talked with piece of armor plat which it struck, ears lor Besson, lilt Rheum, Ere sa old hunter oa this proposition, sad and if th point was near the water Us, Piles sal Skis Dilutees. jai A rash man he claim that enter Dont relief. trouble, but provoke win alWrit longer, aa Us it would maks opening very W. WILLIAMS, M tan the trouble cosies is as match ways range directlyrattlesnake ManhsiUs la line with a gun daagerona Indeed. It Chiere PrevoeK New York. Facloso stamp. or stick pointed at It Exchange. o BY MAIL IN ADVANCE. Tbs Examiner is seat by outside of Ogden, per year. At least Quarterly, is advance a 86-0- 6 lAI FEARLESS and INDEPENDENT. b.ubIm is a strictly newspaper. It gives all sides an equal show. Iba F1"1"1 bas as favorites, sad ae raf1"1 te punish. It will iade-paade- TO, uablasad and give tbs CommnalcaUoas urill be resolved on all subjects presented la re jMCtful language from knows Individuals, but the true name must be published la full. AU letters aad communications signed by nom as plumes, or assumed names, will be throws la the waste basket. Tbs bram man sever bides behind aa assumed same. Don't ash the Editor te ba responsible fur whet you are ashamed of. Subscribers will confer a favor by laformlsg this eBes of failure te receive Tbs Examiner tmfors their breakfast. Tbs Morning Examiner can ba found on sale by the Independent Nows Cs, Balt Lake City. Oa all through trains, leaving Ogden n The Southern Pacific Railway. Tbs Union Psriflc Railway, and Tha Oregon Short Lise Railway. Examiner patrons wlU confer a favor oa the management by reporting te this offioa whenever they fall te Bad the papers at tha designated places. COURAGE OF THE MOORE Denver News: Did you read that account of how the Moors around Case Blanca charged the Preach lines uatll they left 1,000 of their number dead befure the European rinks? Tbs lumbers may be exaggerated, but there caa ba aa doubt of tha desperate courage which lbs sons of lbs desert displayed. They are armed with rifles. It is true, but they are more tana Indifferent shots, and of tha mors highly developed killing machines et the Chris Uaa peoples the Moors have go knowledge. Yet they charged agala aad again oa the artillery and machine guns and repeating rifles of the french; charged la . close order across opes ground. They were wiped cut. of course, but one cannot help wondering what would have happened if tha native of the around, or darkness, or surprise, had enabled tea tnrbaaed fighters to get breast to breast with tbelr foes. Just A 2C, Specialist cunt-pose- Published Every Day in hb Year Cess by The Standard Publishing St&gU MONDAY, AUGUST SHEEPMEN REFUSE, the ratio . may have been had. a and half four per eoniidarsbte ot Increase to ba Toward Ueiss cent per year, or 45 per cent a decade sufficient to carry New York over Because It's for OnsThlng Th Uinta Graxing association, the SoO.OoO.boO mark 1a leu than ten who World, tost year, estimated THEE OGDEN, UTAH. bow much of this fighting quality is racinl and how much Is due te religion to ticklish question. The ancestors of these same Mjots, If you remember, were among tbs best soldiers of the armies of Hannibal, and mors thnu once mw tbs backs of tha best legionaries of Rome. And then the Mohammedan is always n potential soldier, hint only Is be a fatalist, whs believes that the day of blu death Is ordered anyway, and that ha might us well quit worrying about It, but the whole temper of his religion makes for a military calling. "Paradise is found In the shadow of Tbs sword is the crossing swords.1 key to heaven and hell." TVs nr ernmpls texts from ths Koran, and when they are coupled with the distinct promise that ha who dies ia battle against th misbeliever Is assured of immediate entry into heaven, they would go fxr toward putting heart into tho veriest coward. What they can do with races of natural fighters England has learned in tho Soudan, and Franco In Algeria, while Turkey has kept n fre school for tho world In this regard. Whether th bloom will give tho French n thorough course or not remains to bo seen. Moroeoo needs thrashing nay, destroying; of that them can be Uttl doubt She holds today tho most obstreperous collection of savages oa earth. But tha nation which undertakes to pick up this sllcs of tho white mans burden on n bayonet la going to have aom heavy lifting. post-gradua-te LARGER THAN LONDON. a, oon-asett- mid-Apr- Cures when ethers faM. Motor mstireda Fra. OQMulUtlM tor any Chronic Dlaao V Bam or nature; Every caw guaranteed, A Partial List of Diseases Cored "i a Rtagtag te th Bam. smss of tt Head, Three Nose, Wy or All Iks anise ot tta Lungs, wnwi and Chest Diseases f tt Stomach, Liver, Ktaaaj aad ni.Tr? Heart Dtaeaaa, Rheumatism. Asthma, Nerves TitoblmT g? Daaca, Fils Fistula and all Racial Troubles. Tap Won Blood PoE! onlng from say sauna. Dtaeaace peculiar U AXY t ST VATE DISEASE OF MSSf qrtcUy sored to stay cared. Rsmamtor tta examination aad ad visa is FREE. Coma at Tomorrow auy to too lain. Call or writ, Vm. DR. ESTES SPECIALIST Offio bourn; lfi a. m. te 8 p. m. K68 Washington Are. Xftxms 18. Remember th Block), Ogdea, Utah. Station (Tfa- -, il Mac-tiadsll- , Reliable Clothing, Putnam Hats, Shoes, U- -- Clothing House nderwear and ev- - ; erything that man or boy can wear and prices that 2345 Wash. Ave. defy competition. OGDEN, UTAH . a s House Builders Can save money by seeing us before .letting their contracts for . l, . . ' HOUSE WIRING Vs . y Estimates cheerfully given and work guaranteed - d, WASHING MACHINE MOTORS AND ELECTRICFLAT IRONS i Commercial ElectricCompany Thooo Uto Mon" 2279 WASH. AVE. PHONE 861 JESSE J. DRIVER DRUGGIST This is the Place to Boy Your Drugs, Guaranteed Rrst-Oa- ss and Strictly Pure asqp-clatlo- si-a- ' w ll Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ad-uri- Tha possibilities of Greater New Yorks growth is beyond conjecture. Its tide of humanity is always oa tho flood, and an estimate of what its multltute will ho te tho future ia apt to err oa tho lesser aide. Greater d 'New Toth has now n population at n trifle over 4,000, 00L CorthslI, sayo Technical estl-mate- Sts-Ustic- aa Always Pure Housewives can better aiFord to buy gavQriitj Extracts they STB pure and relitblq always in parity farmed to thd fr lS-tnr- h 1 nq 284 MAIN BT GALT AVE. LATlf Ogdea 457 Wash. Logan, 7 Park City 161 Mate Frore, SS WITH W" EXTRACTED TEETH PAIN; FREE WITH FLATKA No dUfecsoe wtart ysa pay J 6,1 gat any totter a. any prica H "P Gold Fillings Bet m Teeth (Best 17 Stiver and Amalgam Rubber) 7b A Good Bet (or ....I1 Riling Bridge Work Bert IS A0 te 85 Caamt Fillings 0 Gold Crowns, ttK 3A8 te $5 Psrostela Fillings ........ O1-0- IX YEARS PROTECTIVE h . WASHINGTON 2273 QUARANT EE Pros Examination and Advice Work, Fair Deal Lugs maks our Success Coattauoua, Gw Open till p. m. Sundays 10 te 2. .Lady.AttanlanL antdss Good at any of stir Five Offices. Foacrt JEALOUSIES AT EXPOSITION. President Tucker Accused of Blighting Officers. New York. Aug. M. Barr saanuacsd li. Director Jaa. tha appointment of Charics W. Kohlsant as director pencral ef ceremonies to represent th management of tha Centennial export tiaa in eaterteluteg dtatlagulshcd . . . |