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Show THE 510BSISG IT IVOIILDKT w Buy rT-Ne- muon dh- r- ,k of York w - Norwich ead Herring Fya S For many eenturiaa the city ofCarlo-ton, wirh. In reepect of the manor of was liable to provide annually twenty-fou- r herring pine for the royal kitchen. Blomefleld la his Hkrtoiy of Norfolk. referring to this quaint tetter from the houseservice. print hold officer, ef Charles I, making divers Just excepHeus to the Quality of the plea which had bee forwarded by the city sherlffa The mala exception rend aa follows; acoord-taFirst, job do not aend them to your ten n re of the flrat new bee rings that are taken. to Secondly, you do not cause them he well baked la good and atrong pastye, aa they ought to be, that they may endure the carriage the better. Thirdly, whereas you should by your toouro bake ta thee pastye herrings at the least, being the groat hundredth, which doth require Bra to he pnt Into every pye at the least, w And hut lower herrings to ha ta direra of tbeas. "Fourthly, tffir aumber of pye which you sent at this tyme wo And to he tower than lire been sent heretofore, and divers ef them much broken. "And. lastly, wa anderotaad the to bringer of them waa constrained bemate three several Journeys to you fore ho coaid have them, whereas It seemetk he la bound to coma but once." Chamber Journal. KEEP. BT of Hdifferico wo get a the Mid. "whetbc Women, yon know, ax drink Iny. They at tooU aw-r- anc. They defwah, .aUto's to - tendl t0 1. atale and fat "Sftt wabad a license X think we , .tTnoll Mttle. It would noth with 2?wuh a farmer 1 one met In M- : j Utt 2 S. JJZilS. Jrpof Ei? . la tho Seottiah highland I atowU at a fanahouao .STut w umt4 " to a superb place to lie ho anawered Ifa in coovea-.JL- a a riciit but hoo wad wti'iitt. to bit to wilk fuftiw 2j, uia timo yo wanted a bit glass o 5511 t why dont yoo a demijohn of whlaky and keep It m tha bouatr . ' ahook hi head aadly. : aald SATUSDAY, AUfirST 24, 1007. PROFESSIONAL Famous painters first and famous writers afterward alike had g busts," ha aald. "These g heats wet pupils, disc ip tea. They dll tbe task' work of tbe master picture or novel, nnd the master polished up, put on the finishing touches and signed hla name to tL This practice. Indeed, still obtains ta architecture. It was a- practice that allowed a popular artist a manifold increase of production and consequently of Income. Dumas, the elder Domes, had.no lass than forty ghosts forty Intelligent young men writing away for him about D'Artagnan. For-thoA ramie and tho rest Bat Damns was reckless, and the existence of his forty ghosts became known; hence n good deal of scandal. At the height of thh scandal Dnmaa aald to a lady one night: Hava jon read my last book, madam "The lady, with n mischievous smite, replied: No, M. Dnmaa. Have youf " GORDON G. IVES. Osteopath, gradu-ata from Parent School. KirkvlR a, alx-ace- ro milk, and tho view from DTAIL The Man With Farty Cheats. A popular novelist talked with regret about tbe old ghost habit of tha - g t!Lik,ww- OGDEN. r asuai It From n rubber I plant which Is gme tag ta n living room, the heat way to get plants ta by scoring the bark of tha mb where you want tha roots to grow and covering tha Injury with sphagnum moao, which must always ha kept damp. Boots will soon permeate tha moaa, whoa tha limb should b cut . UNION DEPOT TIME CARD OSTEOPATHY. past - omi'i dub EXAMINES: IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE PRICE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, (BUSINESS HOUSES RUNNING BOOK ACCOUNTS ONLY EXCEPTED.) NO ADVERTlSuMENT LESS THAN 25 CENTS FOR FIRST INCENT PER WORD FOR EACH SCISSEQUENT SERTION; INSERTION. FIRST INSERTION ONE CENT FER WORD. OR 20 CENTS PER LINE PER WEEK WITHOUT CHANGE. OR 7S CENTS PER LINE PER CALENDAR MONTH WITH NO CHANGE OF COPY. OR 6B CENTS PER LINE PER MONTH ON A SIGNED CONTRACT TO RUN FOR ONE YEAR WITH ONE CHANGE OF COPY EACH MONTH. ONE-HAL- Ho. Lowisttiarner block, amt 5A Treatment by appointment. Honra 9 a m. t 5 p. aa Sell phono 1014-K- . lad., 101L SHORTHAND F HELP WASTED. FURNISHED WANTED A girl for general housework. 2454 Munroo. WANTED Table girl at Hot Springs Hotel, tea miles out. Call up on phone today. WANTED Womaa to work by tho day. 2620 Madison Av. UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. AND TYPEWRITING OREGON SHORT LINE R. R. CO. DR. A. FBRXLUNTX Physician and Surgeow. Office honra, 10 and 12 a. m 12 to 4 p. m. 240 26th lit. Office pboaaa, Bril 615K; Ind. 515. Real-dene 646 Wash. Ind. phoa 502. ROOMS. ATTO RN 8!St! A. W. a HORN. From North Spade! From Portland A tiutta 12 Cache Valley Express. . 10 From Portland A Butte 14 Mated nnd Kaltaa (x). NoT South Bound. 16! Yellow stone Special IFhr flah Laks City.... 'Local for Salt Lake... ItI Cache to Salt Lak 3 Limited for Salt Lake. 14 Local to Salt Lake .... 10 For Salt Lake City.... IIHas Angelas Limited... Lass 8lt Flyer ! I wa From Souta. "Tirom Balt Lake ...... From Salt Lak. to-- Offices over Badooaa Attorney a Drug Store. I aeek th business et ail parties; am attorney against all corporations and amnopoll. Prepared ta transact say sad nil kinds of legal bnsiaeaa. -- TOR RENT 2 1907. PHYSICIANS AND SURGECNG, FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping, ind. Phone 452. for 161 THE OGDEN SCHOOL OF SHORT-han- d and Types riling. 2447 Washington Av, Lewis Block, 5th floor. Thorough inatnictiaa by competent teacher. Term rwaonable. Now ready to receive pupils. FOB BENT , FEMALE. IN EFFECT JULY 1 Furnished room, suitable gentlemen, 252 22nd Si. 22 2wks FIVE ROOMS and pantry furnished for houae keeping, 2134 Wash. S 22 tf l 16!TellowBtoae S:16 6:60 10:30 n-- ; a-- am. 6:15 pm. 6:26 pm. Depart. 6:30 a.m. 7:16 a.m. ; t ' E. T. HULANUU, Attoraey-at-Law- , WANTED At one a chambermaid, Bnoma Flrat National Bank rovma with bath, good uagea. Board and room. Reed FOR RENT--TwS:2S an. Hotel. I 17 U suitable for two or three gentle- building. General praetleai " wool aald. keep. bo Whuaky. 10:60 am. men, Ind. Phone 634. wk Tribune. IhH Cheer. 2:05 p.m. WANTED Aa The Ocepel . Paw York HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMES. lady experienced 5:10 p.m. prewar at tha Elite Cleaning Co. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 969 People loved Robert Louie Steven6:66 p-son not becauae he waa an admirable UAIR SWITCHES for sals at reduced 25th St. ULTIMATE FATE OF . FISH. 6:56 p.m. prloea. Hair chains a specialty. writer, but because he waa a cheerful 8:16 p.m. WANTED A girl for general house- FOR RENT wha a sufferer eoatumaa to rant far waa He Masquerade consumptive. Natural Death, Says Housekeeping rooms, 664 28th meet 7 tf Arrive.' halls nnd theaters. AU mall order They Never Dio a work, I the lurraaaed gayety 171 for yean 22nd. many LEGAL. ao Obaervant Fisherman. attended to. Mm C E. a.m. promptly Ion can do this on 12:60 a Genius life. of death,1 WANTED A woman cook. 371 82nd. Bon 436. Lea, 321 24th. F. 10 a.m. npih itnr die a natural but everybody can do it a scale, NOTICE FOR TO RENT CONTRACTORS. large Furnished haa who light 13 Local Salt Lak 10:40 a.nu Mid an old lahennaa on a little one. Our safest guide la the nnd hath, 2619 Wash. 7 Lae aa ha flaked. "If they did. -Aagelaa Limited.. 1:29 .m. we CONTRACTORS AND GUILDERS. that hard truth a of for tho Bids realisation tho of upcompletion 1 From Salt Lake WANTED Laundress, Ogdan Gaaaral 1:40 p.m. bodiaa of dead dab would bo floating Bell are not. privileged to sharo our trou- per story of tho WEBER COUNTY S 33 tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 7 From Sait Lake Hospital 2:05 p.m. FRED A. LUND. General Contractor 1SS7-Y- .aa tha auxfaeo of tho water about all could towo will INFIRMARY be If other phone bles with people. reoetred, 6:06 p.m. ta brick and atom 171 21 L Bell 11 From Salt Lake ... 'tho while, bocauao ouch bod lea If i make up our minds to aparo our gether with separate hid for plumbI Eastern Expreas ... 1060-T- , 7:20 p.m. HELP WANTED Fhoa would hare to float monor tho office at of the HOUSEKEEPING furnished 15 Yellow atone g ing, County Clerk, rooms, friends aU details of til health, of 1:96 pm. pedal unfurnished. Boyle block. SIT tf I ntf.. of eouraa, flah la nature ey loeaea, of domestic annoyance, of ta the County Court House, up to 13 MALE. Rio in flah GRANDE not WESTERN natural R. CO. death, H oclock noon, Wednesday, September arer die a of ahould not altercations, of committee work, No. 2 furnished rooms for FOR 11, 1907. RENT East Buuad. eanttrlty. And perhapo It anxietlea ifsl CANDY-MAKETjp,rT flah In grievances, provocation helpers wanted at Pinas and specification fur tha comhousekeeping; no dogs, no rMldrea. ha railed natural death that a gjAtlanUc Mall.poiuta aaat 7 00 am. we ahould ala leas against the worlds ta17-- 1 wk ffectory. 814 26th St. Candy 8 of the floor of the environment Their upper pletion die. ROYAL ARCANUM. eanttrlty S.2I am. lljSalt lak Local good humor. It may not bo given ua naand plana and specification 14 Dan Lsk uten mortality that flah In theirthree to adij to the treasury of mirth, but building, Paasangar.. 1:99 pm. rooms. FOR RENT Two for on tha llto are tha furnished at 2 plumbing and rallabls. Frets real Atlaatlo United Taatad, aound, 2:09 p.m. tive habitat would oacape, there is considerable merit ta sot rote offlo of F. C. Woods A Co., architects, WANTED Young man at the Depot t 167 23rd St dlAtlantle Express . Qeaeficiary Order. Insures men nt 8:48 pm. rauaaa might bo properly cleaned aa ta Harper's Rooms 601-2- , First National Bank stand. newt fSO.04 it. Beppller Salary. Agnes Ung ranaowible N-rota fur one, cr three two, 8 23-Arrive. ' month. lion Baal aaoag the accident that carry the Magaataa FOR RENT Three room for house- thousand dollars. Aecumulatad amae-ieucBuilding, Ogden, Utah. i.l'acifie Ex.' from 'east. . 1:05 am. a dol-arCommission-eror of furnished captive flab off. Tha Board fund unfurnished; three keeping; au.Jiem County nearly Of flak la their native element were no children. Apply CokmteL 10M0 am. reserve (ha right to reject any MEN nnd boys wanted to learn plumbHew It Sounded. lnvaatlgata, Rocky Mountala HC Salt Lake Local . would believe Da? I moleated El AU Polnta Eat ing, they 1:00 p.m. plastering, student bricklaying. 637, meats aeooad aai Council bids. Na nil the nnd said Barer college Mother," llPadfle Coast Limited.. 6:10 p.m. nnd night claasea. Free cat. Posi- FOR RENT Furnlated rooms for fourth Fridays at A. O. U. W. to.ii, hla chum homo for By order of tho Board of County Barer die. If they had aufllcient food, had who brought tion secured. No book learning. 6:46 p.m, J. W. Wether-poon- . 13Selt Lak Local . , which would bo Impooalbla If they no leaping nnd light housekeeping. 164 F. W. Stoat. Recant; the holidays, "permit me to present Commissioner. U. 1L Roberta, Becy. 8th SL, Coyne Trade School SOUTHERN PACIFfiTcdT " them DABID MATTSON, Collector; m 27th. Mr. Hpecknoodle. longer preyed on one another, my friend, r Baa Frenclaep nnd N. T. West Bound County Clerk. Bonid be ao reaaoa for their dying. Hla mother, who waa a lllttte hard of Depart FRATERNAL SROTHERHOODb 1907. FOR RENT On turnlahad room for First 23, ouch .Publication, August I to uninterrupted wna oar. to for prevent her her hand Sea Fraudaoo.. 4:30 a.m. It BIO placed bearing, for money . salaam. 1414-Ycanvassing 1907. ladles. Lost Bell 10, Publication, were made flah Sept. all phon Sir Baa Fiandaco. . 2:f p.m. tmuiw of life that 8366 Wash. "Im aorry, George, but I didnt quits Ogdan Idg Na in, T. F. B, 6El Fact Man 12:66 p.m. garcciy predatory if not remoraeieaaly meats flrat and third Thuradnya at catch your friend name. Tonll have rooma RENT FOR NOTICE. furnished Newly llOverland limited... 6:19 p.m. cannlballattc, aa many kind are. a little louder Im afraid." p. m ta Valoa Labor Hall 61 14th to OR apeak BEAL 311 ESTATE 22nd. with hath. KALE, atren-uou- a From Weal treat Visiting aiemtera cordially No "Arfliar A flaha Ilf la a conataatly "X say, mother," shouted George, "I 66. List ana and one entirely eelflah. A 'lOPtarMail TmT want to present my friend, Mr. Bpucfe United States Land Office, Salt Lake, FOR SALE Wanted to exchange HOUSEKEEPING rooma, 137 Twenty-Sixt- h Invited. D. II. ADAMS, President from Saa Fraadaeu 9:20 a.ra. El street. tab Urea only to eat and to avoid benoodle! equity ta piece of farm tend for luta Utah. August 8th, 1907. IDA BECKER, Secretary. Overmnd Limited 1:30 p.m. In Ogden City. Hunter L Kennedy. To Whom it May Goaoern: ing eaten. "New York Run. 'Tin aorry, George, hut Mr. & O. KNOTH. Treasurer. Ex. from Baa Franrlaco 6:19 pm. S 23 6L Notice la hereby given that the stale What was tho name again?" ay. WANTED. "() Except-SundA Literary Month. Mr. Sporknoodte!" ODD FELLOWS. Georg fairly of Utah haa filed In this office n list aald state, FOR SALE Sevan room brick houae. selected the of by lands, April haa been a gnaeroua month la FURNISHED ROOMS. jailed. six clothes closets, dreealng rooms, under tha 12th section of tho Act of The old lady abook her bead sadly. Ogden lodge Na 6, Independent Or regaid to the gift of writer of the WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. bath, pantry, cellar and porches. WANTED Furelahed or unfurnlahad der of Odd Follows. Meets to I. O. approved July 19, 1891, aa "Im sorry, George, but Im afraid Congress, flat nek. To begin with, there are For particulars, Inquire 2757 Wash. follows, via: noma or amall him as, with here, O. F. hell every Tuesday evening. Speck-noodl- e Ilk use. Bwlnburao. no souad Wordsworth. Just it'a It FhakMpMre, Ava. NW E Lota 1. 2, 1, 4. NBS Sago IJlv Circle, Na 104, meets av. Vlalting brothers cordially Invited to nearby. 2470 Wall to me." Detroit News. anaag the porta, and Fielding, liana Sec. SO, T. N., R. 1 E, E 2 BW , aeeoed and fourth Friday nights be present try Aadmre, Charlotte Bronte, Hobbes, 8. L. M embaced In Uat 6 A Insane FOR BALE Choice lot, cor. 27th and at 7:30 In K. of P. hall VialUng J. W. BAII.EY. Noble Grand. WANTED. ' JeS. Inquire Mr. Bril 219 26th. Oibbou, Kant, Froutle and Zola an HENRY KISSEL Secretary. Brought a Blush to Her Cheek. Asylum. naigbbors cordially Invited. A copy of aald list, no aa It relates DAISY CASHMORB, G. N X37 That was a story told of ona of tho among tho number of other notable BOARDERS. subdiviREBEKAH tracts to as the other aald On the LODGE, by descriptive hand, QUEEN CITY, . world's great vocalists singing Tracy Avanua. April ham. Oua fine farm nt West WANTEIV I. O. O. a KATE HETMAN, Clerk, 211 14 Na 4, mouth of (how era prorad fatal to young glri at a private houae. She was sions, haa beenforconspicuously posted FOR' SALE Two lady boardera and ond nnd fourth Friday evenings nt 23rd Street Water, consisting of 40 acre of . roomer. Address Inspection by any overwhelmed with praise. By nnd by, ta this office Rbakeapears, Wordaworth (both on "E. D." Stead-ardfour room brick bouaa, good Odd Fellows HnlL Visiting mam-ba- r nnd Interested tbe publlo land, by person nnd cam abo GoMamtth, London 23), Koaaetd, the News, Otway, April aaya Invited. hum and outbuildings, four cow a, Women of Woodcraft, Ogdeu Circle Matthew Arnold. Byron, Chaucer, Tea-- a at by an elderly lady, who congratu- generally. ELLA BOGART, Noble Grand. and chickens All klnda of will ho published for I notice This plga EXCELLENT 611, meets every TueaJay night rooma nnd modern nt Racine, to name only the principal lated her on tbe way aba had sang; but successive weeks, under departmental GERTRUDE n KOONS, Secretary. machinery and tools and fine crop. 7:30 oclock, K. of F. halL Visiting board, low rates. 639 23rd SL among the poets who have paaaed ventured to offer one or.two sugges- instructions of April 25, 1907. and durCheap If takas nt oneq. Call at . Invited.. Neighbors X. F. Ob ELKS, away la April, while among .other tion!. Tbs young alngfr treated tha ing thla period, protests or contesta 260, 2tk street. Dues can he paid at tha office ef Ed .witteiu that April haa taken away have hlnta with scorn and afterward asked against the claim of tha state to any B. F. O. Elba Ogdan Lodge Na 719, Auth, the afternoon of th 28th of each FOB BENT. been Bacon, La Fontaine, Humboldt tha hostess who "the old lady" was of the tracts or subdivisions herein- FOR SALS A small cottage, with Flrat National Bank Bldg. modOra Improvsmanta. 2624 Jeffsr- -' lodge nnd club rooma second floor, month, Darwin. Franklin, Do Foe and Bmer-owho had dared to give her suggestion. before described, on the ground that MRS. ALICE COLLINS, Q. N 3181 2419 evsnua ROOMS AND BOARfo Washington Regular mineral la more valuable refor aame tho Dundee AJIrerttaer. Oh, that waa Mas. Goldschmidt, Plngroe Ava. meetings every Tuesday evening. for agricultural purpose, will be MARIE C RITES, Clark, 3731 Uoa-ro-o plied tbe lady. "And who la Mma than A. T, HE8TMARK, Exalted Rater. SALE Lota la tha Orchard, BOARD and room. I7X 22nd. to FOR tba fur nnd noted received report Avanua GoMtechmidt!" waa the next Impatient Overshot the Mark. J. XL KNAUSfl. Sm: rotary. Cor. 7th and Washington Ava., 49 1 General Land Office at Washington, BOARD AND ROOM-6- 49 query. "Well, aba's better known ns D. C. Failure ao to proteat, or contest tMh to Street na KcClurky waa tbe manager of Terms 132, $10.09 alley. by ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA I oaDKN LODGE Nfo 1, D. OF H. Jenny Lind," aald the boateaa. And within the time specified, win be conlarge wareboua ta Glasgow, and ha down and $10.00 per month. J. H. then tho alngee blushed for sham at sidered aufllcient evidence of the 740 waa intensely disliked. Ona fin mornAva Washington Myera, FOB BENT. Excalalor Camp Na 1248, matte av- OGDEN LODGI Na L D. ef H character of aald tracts, nnd ing ho announced that be had recelvsd her disdainful reception of hints bum second and fourth Thursday of 1 meet in K. of P. hall tho flrat sad ry Nino room SALE house with otherwise "Swedish FOR a handsome offer from aa English Arm tha Nightingale." UNFURNISHED ROOMS. the selections thereof, bring Via-1 nt the each month Eagloa Hullr third Wodfleadny afternoons at barn, stable nnd hay abed, ta good free from objection, will bo recomand had decided 4 ladles cordially Invited. give up , his month at :lo pm. railroad location, with one to alx FOR RENT Four rooma for $9.00. Iting mended for approval. Hie Preference. MARY Glasgow Job. Hla fallow employees MRS. SUSIE BIM8, C. of H. HEFFNER, Oracte, a land. Reasonable of acres B. D. THOMPSON. R. 262 21aL of tbe aald new collected a pane of sovereigns and manager 2941 Our chef," Washington Avanna JEANETTE MILL Flauncter. 21at street . 241, terms Apply ' Register, to with chat JO0IA RHEA, Recorder, 251 22n SL tho restaurant stopping presented it to him aa a thank offering. L JENNIE PROUT, Recorder. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, "Week weel," aald McClnaky as ha the patron who had deep lines between 442 18th 81 led. Phone 164 4 A. FARMS FOR RENT. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAOLESi took the pane. "This beats n'l I nlver hla eyebrows, la a wonder. I really LADIES OF THE MACCABEEX BUILDING lota on car Rue; your oflra 8 1$ tf rubold an could taka man thocht yc Uket me aae weel. Bnt boo the believe advanced ta build money term; A Order oi Hunter Fraternal Three RENT Ogdea Eagles, farm. FOR dish . that I aea yaro s' aae ber aboe and make an appetising WadelL XENT-T- hro FOX aorry to lose ms, nfurelahad Atria, Na 111, F. O. S, meets every Silver Hlvo, Na i, aroeta every Tn 33 Xmo Kennedy. I think 111 no gang awa', but Jtat atop of it" "That aor naked tha patron, rooma, 107 20th. day nt 1:19 p. ao, at K. of C. Hall Wadnsaday awning la Eagle tell, east A new $4oa houa, on aero of land whaur I am. Na 2472 Washington avanna Visittapping meditatively with hla fork up1:09. at Brothof Read Visiting hotel, MEDIUM. In the choicest of tearing fruit; Ba la still la Glasgow, G lea gow on tha steak that had been served him. er Eagle nr invited to attend tha' ing slaters cordially Invited. FOR BENT. BESSIE 8EBRJNG, LCL good location, $1,900. Aaria meetings. "Suppose you tell tha waiter to take JENNINGS Spiritual med- An elegant residence ta railJENNIE PROUT, R. 1C. L W. President. C. T. MORRIS, this steak beck and ask tha chef to fix MADAMClass UNFURNISHED HOUSES. ium. 1466 Van Burca Ava v Friday, I p. m. 427 26th. road district $1,800. D. T. TRACY, Secretary. "fliak" Yachts. np n rubber abo for me." Modern Soof good land with water, acres Kin DR. H. B. FORBES, Aaria FEyaleUa d Thera la FOR RENT houae. mod-orform of atekneaa among ciety. WESTERN DETECTIVE AGENCY and three-roohouse, located 40 KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEEX 2126 Ptagrea hoatA dedans Forest and Stream, that ear from $1,250. line, rods ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Tha Farmer In the Ligblheuaa toaembks hereditary dlaeaaea, In that 1 Hamid Bldg. Salt Lake City. CHAUNCEY PARRY, FOR RENT A Ogden Tent, Na 24, meets the brick houa A farmer had secured an appoint-they are handed down through P. O. Box 199. Both Phone Bail, Cor. 23rd end Weak. Phoa 85f-Wasatch Dtvtoloa Na 124, O. R. C. ond and fourth Friday evenlnga on 4th St EL A. Stretford. Pint I coast ta Maine 230. la Thla ment keeper agency ind. light gggg; pre years aa a result of men 8 10 tf meets aacond and fourth Fridays at at I oclock sharp, to I. O. O. F. halL National Bank Bldg. Tha cause of this form of 2:19 p. rn.laK.ef F. hall, coi lighthouse. The flrat night ho went on vudtlng Knights cordially Invited to dusk at A snap near Corinne, FOR RENT Modem FOR SALE nine times out of ten, la aom duty he lighted up promptly Washington rvenua and 24th a tree! uttenp houae AU brothers are cordially Invited to 180 acre lend, $20.00 per aero cash. and at 11 oclock carefully extinguishartificial limitations, called racing J. W. HALSEY, Commander. on 17th SL Address &M.X., care attend Good water right Jesse A. Child, F. F. BOND, Record Keeper. Mm, to suit which the yachts shape ed the lamp. Tha next day of count Standard. GEO. ALLEN, C. C. Ogden, R. F, D. Na 4. la distorted. Just aa women, to he la there was trouble, and when be waa XX U DOYLE. X and T. taken to teak &e replied that ba sup. MASONIC. fyte, win lace themselves Into n WANTED. SALE At sacrifice, roomed I posed 10 o'clock was lata enough to 81 RATED OR STOLEN French bull FOR Inch waist measure at will pad FYTHIAN brick SISTERS. house, largo barn, preiacd dog, female, hrindle, straight eared, toemaelvaa out of nil proportion to keep the light going, aa he thought UNFURNISHED HOUSER, Queoa Esther Chapter Na 4, O. E. chicken houae and fine shade trees, crooked tall. 3479 Wall. that all honcat men ahould be ta bed thalr natural shape. water. Meets every Saturday afternoon at X , Regular meetings bald et Maaonlo $71$ WashingUna spring HsraML Boston hour. at that WANTED A 8 or 8 room houa la 1:10 ta Pythian haU, Utah National Hell on Waahlngtoa nranua, between ton Ava Boll telephone 6S2-Z- . L08T Jersey calf.' Finder please noatroats and Twenty-sixt- h vicinity of High school Telephone Bask building. Bojournlag alators cor- Twanty-flftRiver dale Flour MilL Ind Phono tify the first and third Frideye of each Mr. Cloyd, Bell 212. Hi Mamery. dially invited to attend. 680. MRS. EVELYN OLA SM ANN, M. E CL month. Sojourning members eordlel Flrat Boy Did yon really win threa MONEY TO LOAN MISS LOIJIBB RITTER. M. f R. ft G ly invited to attend. WANTED. LOST In North Ogdon, Thursday, prises at school? ANNA LEWIS, W. IS.' and one wa for Second Ditto-Y- ea. night one light sorrel mare. Brand- RAILWAY, STREET CAR MEN, LILT V. HAL8TED, Secretary. DEGREE OF FOCAHONTAX on L ReFURNISHED left under of Bar memory. HOUSES, ed rump. excellence 0 CLERKS. BOOKKEEPERS, and my turn to William Bros. Livery and re' "How did yon win tbe other?" our find office others employed, Leeotuh Condi Na 5, IX ef P I WANTED To- - rest email furelahed ts receive reward. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. liable for sumo of $10 to $109. "Tbe other? I forget what they mueta tte flrat sal third Wednesday In. cfcae Bell e if 861K. house, before Trenaatlnn-tiphono daa Paypaid war for." Translated For 2:20, Eagle HalL Dua at afteraoons Weber Camp Na 74, meets ta K. ments suspended ta richneaa No can be paid te fluate Aldan, C. of W. Tatea From Blanco y Negro. BUSINESS CHANCES for applications. Tha of p. hall ta the Utah National Bank City to-charge taembara 29th flt Vlalting , Ill Suit 417, 413, Ural Loan every Thursday evening at S Agency, FOB SALE building vitad. CHANCE . ... BUSINESS The Lucky OneeOpportunity for Bank. o'clock. Vlalting Woodmre , oordlsHj National Bldg. A. MARTHA Facahoataa MORRIS, rustier to make 1500.00 ta 30 days. Old Rounder la engaged. attend. to Invited K. MISCELLANEOUS. of R. COLLINS, AUCE Address & I Standard. "Gael Who tbe lucky woman?" T. C. MORRIS, C. MONET tf salaried penpwi wlthoxt millions of her. er "There are E. AUTH. Clark, Flrat National endorsement; payments FOR BALE D. A R. G. ticket from security ORDER OF WASHINGTON. . SALE A well established nnd or monthly; rithar Bank BulUiag. to weakly aril 'Why, he Isnt engaged to more than FOR to Colorado Ogden Springs, mala good paying dairy bhataeaa, and flu fcnataaes confidential Call and gat Unto X72, order of one? Na Address J, B., Standard. cows. A snap choice of Ogdn stock XX dairy 410-1BoIX Dreka my terms KNIGHTS OF FYTHIAX Wsahlngton, meats every Tneadey "Nope; J bat's what. I mean all tha If taken at one. For particulars ca bldg. FOR SALE A long timo contract evening et 8 eelotk la A. O. U. W. others ar tbe lucky one." Houston ae G. A. Horn, 416 Ecclaa Bldg. Rock Quarry, near Ogden. Big mon- hail, vieitlag aomredee Invited to Ogdan Lodge Na X Knights of Bril phono 111. Post MOXEY TO LOAN, on forms nnd meets at Caetla HaU, Utah attend. reasons of Beat for R Pythias, ey. aelllng. KENestate. HUNTER ft city real National Bank building, ovary Mon- - : WILUAM DOYLE, Froaldral 2301 Wash. Hl-t- f to and Christensen, la a possible proper National If thing NEDY, fourth floor. First WANTED. WALTER RICHEY. Secretary. day evening. All K. af P-- a raqneetad tf FOR SALE Marshall ft Wendell piman, deem It attainable by tlm-M- to Building. to meet with ns. cue Aurellm. TO BUY. KNIGHTS OF COLUMRUX J. K. SHAFER & or cash time 1250.00, ano, payment. BRUHMITT LOAN 4. J. MONET TO E. R. GEIGER. M. of & 619 Hat St Apply Pat 1 eea tha Price. L. N. MEAD, K. of R. nnd X WANTED Veal, perk and chickens ov777. No. Council Meets a . Ogden I An Englishman, an Irishman and FOUND th Chicago Market, 186 24th 8L at The Preventive. New SALE Axmlnialer K. FOR C. of at Rug, ary Wednesday craning aa to A girl la pro- - Scotchman were one day arguing 9x12. Apply 2613 Wall Av AMERICA, OP BROTHERHOOD S 2473 With. j et oclock. hall, Ava. rarely deaf to a mana Na Poeal when a diamond ring accom-- 1 which of the three countries possessed 9 21-- 1 wk FOUND Bey bore, white spot on membera waleema Vlalting train. heed. Call 467 26lh 81 panic lt--t Yeomen, Ogden Homestead Na 1105, j J. HT DeVIVE, G. K. least not atone deaf. 1 tha fast eat aald , WANTED. th Englishman, Tv meets every flmt nnd third Friday W. J. MORGAN, Flo. Becy. FOR SA7.B Ticket ta Omaha for Life. "Wen, afternoons MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT. la one of our trains, nnd th telenight nt 7:19 in K. C. hsU, Na 2479 lady. Call Ind. 3731-D- , i MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Wash. Ava graph poles have been ilk a hedge." Pspys on Shakespeare- Vlalting archara cordlany tavltod ( FURNISHED rooms. "I've seen the milestones appear Ilka WANTED Address of Dawn and Tow commenting Tepref Diary. Utah Camp Na 9990, Modem Wood- to meet with ua FOR SALE A good riding pony. 3361 er Reader. Fred Calleher, Gen. Del, aald the Soot eu Shakespeare's men of America, meets every Tuesday FRANK B. W1ANT, Foramen, 211$ play, aayaWof 1 th mmbetones," Jefferson avenue. RENT Elegantly new furelahed aald Fat "I waa on FOR Be Jaberar Hall, 8 pm. Visiting Lincoln. at Nights Dream. Engle night Room Houae rooma 56, In Opera my a countbry. train M" day ta t Inalp! d. ridlcnlona play I MABEL TURNER, oerraapondesl invited. Middle-ageand gen wf WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS membera ta my life. and upon reading Whal-- . passed a field of turnips and a flald of WANTEDwould Hk car lady 7214 Mofflt Ava M. A. GOULD, V. CL houae of for tleman and o ta Moor of Venice, which I have blth-ri- carrots, also a Held of cabbage wa J. 11. BHAFER. Clerk. winter. Ref. WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. WANT ADS BRING BKJ RESULTS and parties leaving city for care esteemed a mighty good play. parsley, then a pond of water, Stand, T., Address erences. It .TANT ADS BRINU BIO RESULT. WANT ADS BRING BIG RBSULTS. taring lately read the Adventure ef were going that quick I thought WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. WANT ADS ..BRING BIG RESULTS. ard. JTv Honra, It acema n mean thtafl- , waa broth!" n 407-40- 6 a no-am- fraternXl R Shupe-WUUam- ...... pr lf y 230-84- 0 n( 117-ly- el Tli 1-- 1-- 1-- 1 1-- 1-- 4 . . p tf - t tf non-miner- al firat-clai- Four-roome- e. 400-40- six-roo- m 1 g x cua-tou- L ata-toa- n h ! Dte-coun- a 1 1 ! -- Mid-uBra- " d 7 |