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Show THE weut they were nrt to blame. They the way the mUpiuced hit a indicated. At last a remedy has been foundrijjnl bet'll Lhe pul i.n luu ude of the Jiur. BoUinsorth n TickSi-rlns-anle.- ! ars.'sssar-s- r iniitf.n the cows have a fondness for the green things la the streets and in other people's front yards, have been sorely tried by the exactness of the city ofof mr poundkeeper. In their defense the superintendent ordinance obsolete U-- a. an ficials Quoted Slwrt too Oresoa iVerMt mwnUi on Lmoa which has It that no one but an officer t re yewly has the right to take cattle to the Sm IL j pound. However, In section No. 11 of th new ordinances It says that . u yiminl. local Pullman agent "any cattle, horses, mules. Jacks, JenTeiteiilay afwnwB on Boutiierg do tor Carlin. Inspucttok nies, sheep, goats or swine, found Ka or stakat large running lng damage, W nl cslk4 ed in any public atreet within the limits of the city, are hereby declared tout returned vua Loren Farley May eat rays, and may be taken up by nny Lake with Ilia person, except by minors, unless said ter ueit hu m minora have nn order from n father, I aw- a mother, or q guardian, or the party ' . n and driven to the pound." Moseley, traveling passenger damaged, to the above special In ft gun to Kcbo to meet a menpursuance have been engaged to round up train. Tke troop are coming stock of the city and take JL tke t d were expected to Itthetoloose the pound. Lately the city has o'clock yeaterday I about here rira done a good business along this line ' renin. and It will, continue until the people at peace, knowing their H'urd baa been received from Etljuh may sleep flowers are safe. lawns end tf hie that effect the to l ' Larkin far recovered aa to begin the Burney home. They were to have IS MAKWC A HIT !ft Philadelphia laat lueaday. The Denver New says: The etraet eommitteo of the city "Rube Smith, the Denver boy, haa met jimail and the atreet aupenrlaur In Ogden and will , thg dty hall, Thursday, ami out made a great hit lad nlana of work for the remainder probably be a favorite in the betting when he faces Frank Mantel! In a cont(the season. In the future the even- - twenty-roun- d bout before the Ogdea meet Thursday every will inue Athletic club next Monday night. He ff. Is draining with Cyclone Johnny nnld Thompson, who boxes four or five Jo of Green Ely, Charles The wini rounds with him each day. Creek, and Cherry of Ely founder ner nest bout of the is promIn 40 Monday time first the for i in Ogden bout with Mike (Twinl ised an inn. In spite of hla advanced ngef Sullivan,Ogden and Rube declares he will s la atlU active, and U now practlcal-surely win. As he has fought twenty on a vacation. d draws with Sullivan, he and of William figures he will win the welterweight The Infant daughter when he faces him next time. Hihm light died onyesterday ave-m-at title It will be the first battle between Qumcy hs family residence and welterweights In Ogdt I for some time, Twenty-aevent- h between g of and the papers p relict a cause The street. eighth snty crowd. Rube haa made Marietta cough. was whooping lutb and friends on ell sides, and at the Ogden jght was borg August 1, 4Jiu6, Canyon sanitarium, where be Is stopo'clock, at morning Ikd yesterday anr ping, he has roused such a erase for he will ipera! simagemenU boxing - that Manager Kuril of the later. hotel has taken to putting on toe with him dally. Between drink Visa Frances Eddy, of the state gloves ing the sanitarium water sad trainfrom 'returned Gie for Deaf, pwi While east she ing hard, the Denverite says he can tk cut yesterday. Nsw already smell victory. According to Chicago, Philadelphia, Mantel la a tough proposiTort and Massachusetts schools for reporta nor-ns- l tion, bat be will have hla hands full Or deaf and spent a month at a this tlmo because tie will be at hie training school for teachers of the best at the weight, instead iff reducing In the will be city, Miss Eddy ini. so low aa to asp hla stamina, as was until time for school to open when she the case when he fought Lewis and will go to Boise to aocept a position In Denver." Gardner there. Deaf laths Biato School for the New urixht relumed from bee h re J&sf tfurhU Fi-US- Jtlli ty Rk Sr, ten-ruun- -- record-breakin- -- Hereafter the depot master's office mistaken for the baggage, will act he room. The ' Bigs ever the door that SCHOOLMATES MEET Recalls Daya of Old in Merry ssppoaed to point tha way to the ni cheek eland, in reality pointed to ni u ! A movement, entirely new. and yet very necessary, has wen started at the Union depet. It is to have a bur-- i eau of Information located in the waiting room. Although there are signs here and there Indicating almost everything a person would ask for around a station, yet the passengers, to make aura, must go to an official of aome kind. If that official be a porter, oftentimes the tourists are misinformed und when the train, pulls out they are left behind. On tlie other hand, the depot officials are overwhelmed with Questions about Important matters, sometimes railroad information, sometimes nonsense. Ah8 then again the traveler must ask the same questloa of every official in sight, to make sure that the answer already received la correct. Of course, the platform officials will still be ready to assist, but where the matter requires some time to fathom, it can be turned over to the Information bureau. Buck a bureau will ha in the hands of a competent person and any information coming from that place may be relied upon ae being official - TEllUBICE BASEBALL TEAM Arrived Yeaterday Evening te Play Ogden Team. Saturday a' Rime of baseball will be played at Glen wood between the Ogdens and a team from Tellurlde, Colo. The latter team was In Balt Lake and arrived in Ogden yesterday. Sunday afternoon tha Lobsters will play a team from Grand Junction, which came In from Colorado with the Tellurlde team. Negotiations were opened with the Colorado team several weeks ago but the unreliability at toe' telegraph service put a stop to further communican wee tion when the strike of called. As arrangements had not been completed for e aeries of games, it was not expected by Olmlln and Du-bthat the visitors would put la aa appearance, so games were arranged between the Lobsters and tha Tailors. However, when the Colorado teams arrived unannounced and unexpected In Zion, with n special train of excursionists, the ached ule was hurriedly changed (P meet tha situation. At Balt Lake a game will be played Saturday between tbe Tailors and the Grand Junction team and Sunday D will cross bats with tbe Tel eiis men nine. The games will be for the championship of Utah and .Colo radu. key-me- et WARBAJIIY DEEDS Eng-lan- d. AHUT H lJi IN WHICH ONE IS KILLED Posse Headed by Inliins From ETto, Nevada Trail the Two Desperadoes Who Killed the Bartender in Hillmans Saloon at Cobre--Boof the Dead Man Brought to Ogden. dy Depot Officers Are to be Relieved of Constant Questioning. riTkTSurW. . i .vViV.'ijiAV, BATTLE WITH ROBBERS exit. law la no respecter of persons, n number of city othcial whose Aa UTAH. OiSDEN, " ti-.- e ry r. Qpaaivb'AiUtiisu When the t,.:uble wus oxer be saed in tin service i:i.l v a male quartermaster in the Philippine. He Is about, to leave the army and is on ills way John Watson and G. It. Holden were h main pipe Two curloudt of Og-leV- 1d.ei? achiail fellows in the public schools of have arrived lor Lancashire, England. Just 2$ work companv and will be installedh tiould. ' ago. In that time the old In the new dlrfriet let ween Twenty-seventstreets in friends had never met previous to bM and Thirty-firs- t b the south part of the cltj and to this mottling. Of course, a talk about Monroe avenue to the east. Trench- early day and then a talk about local disconditions was Indulged in. ing will commence as noon as the trict has. been surveyed. sin-inc- jtjf'yrtlrruW- - ESAMEK: MORXIXQ William Barley,- et aL, to Wry A, All passthe depot milters office. John Watson met O. Du dm an, part of section Z7, township Yesterday engers, native born or foreign, in a R. Holden, on old schoolmate of fl 7, range 1 west, 126. henry or otherwise, alwaya made a years ago. Mr: Holden enlisted as a Louisa E. Helm to Wesley A. Helm, line for the wrong place. Of course. private In Uncle Barn's army In the part of block 16, pint C flOO. One of the hlghw aynit n who held up Hillman's saloon at Cubic. Wednesday night, and shot the bartender, J. B. Gillian, also kuuwu as Klliott, waa shot and killed Thursday afternoon, in the hllla twelve miles out of Cobre. The companion of the dead man has been located and his capture is hourly expected. Ae eoon as news of the murder spread oxer toe town of Cbre, a posse was organised to follow the robbers. Sheriff Clark, of Elko county, personally directed the search which lead the enraged citizens Into the xiH near the town. The trail of the rubbers was disoov-era- d by a band of Indians used by the officers In Kike county and it was followed until both men were in sight The Indiana abut down one of them without gi veiling him a chance to surrender, as they had been previously Instructed to bring too outlaws In dead or alive.' Both of the murderers were heavily armed. Before the Indiana oould surround the dead man's pl he had escaped. The hills Into which ho fled, however, are familiar to the Indiana, so hla capture or dsath was expected to occur aome time yesterday. The dead man wia treated with scant courtesy. A rope was placed around hla feet and tha body was dragged Into Cobre over tbe rough path through the mountains. It was mutilated whan pulled through the main street, but bo general was tha ympathy for the murdered bartender, , that no one offered to prepare the body for burial. As the man la unknown at Cobre, It la expected tost tha body will be hurled, nnder the direction of Sheriff Clark, Just ae It! waa brought Into the town, In e grove unmarked by a headstone or memorial. J. C. Hillman, proprietor of the ear loon, brought the body of Gillian to It was taken te Ogden yesterday. Richey's parlors and will be shipped to the relatives of the murdered man at Walla Walla, where Interment will take place. It la not known that he haa relatives In Utah or Nevada. The wound found by the undertaker u located In the back of the bartender's head and the path of the bub let which wae fired by one of the robbers lends Into the brain end must have caused death almost instantly. The exact manner of tha murder is aa follows: and hold-u- p At Hillman's saloon at 11:60, besides the bartender, there wire eight men in the resort. As one of the robbers entered the front dour, which faced the northwest, be ordered hands up, which was compiled with by every one in the saloon with the exception of Gillian.' He attempted to jump behind the bar and draw his gun Just as the second of tbe robbers entered a side door In the rear of the saloon. Gillian waa shot by this man without seeing his murderer. Hla body was pulled from behind the her and haa-til- y examined by the robbers, who showed no concern over tbe tragedy. They then stripped the house and secured about 11,200 In cash. When Hillman, who had been awakened by the shot, arrived at saloon the eight men lined up against toe wall, stood as If transfixed nud only lowered their hands when he urged them to do so. They had not been robbed. A general alarm was sounded and soon the robbers were being pursued by n posse of officers, Indiana and citizens, bent on their, destruction. They fled with their masks on and with heavy matted aprons In front of them, which they used ns bullet proof protection during the bold-u, MEAT 41,000 A MONTH. to 120000 a Sample Expenses of Newporters. . Yachts From Month te 15,000 Run- - An Ides of the extravagance of Titling In a "cottage" at Newport can be grasped from tbe following typical Items of living expanses la thla must costly place is tbe world. The meat bill of a wealthy Newport summer colonist averages nearly out thousand dollars a mouth, and has been known to exceed two thousand dullars. The expenses of entertainment may reach fifty thousand dollars a season. Tbe caterer's bill always runs into tbs thousands, says Furrest Halsey In ton Broadway Magazine, and the wine list Includes champagnes nt ten dollar a quart and brandies at thirty dollars. Mouvenlra frequently consist of diamond plna and brooches, cases, lockets and guld cigarette chains. Menu cards are prepared by artists of repute at exorbitaut price, and it la not uncommon for a tablecloth to coat one thousand dollars. Yachts, many of which are vertiable ocean steamships costing their owners upwards of half a million dollars, require for maintenance sums ranging from five thousand to twenty thousand a dollars a month. These Hosting are the scene, in the height f the season, of lavish fetes, a tingle one f which mny rest three or four thousand dollara The cost of flowers alone, .which are brought eut by the boat-mareaches at least ' of this asm. The absence of anything tangible to work on will probably prevent the police from discovering tbe person or persons who threw tits dead child Into the srream, but the general appear: ance of the bundle from which it waa taken Indicated that tt had been thrown away with the supposition that It would ha forever lost. BODY OF A DEAD BABY FOUND FINEST STABLES ON EARTH. Thsy Am Those of the "Cottagers" st Fpshienabls Nswpert, WAS FLOATING UNDER THE RIVER BRIDGE. . .1 'A- . 00-DE- . Wrapped In a Newspaper, It Waa Disclosed Through a Soys Curiosity. The body of a dead baby, , about seven Inches long, waa discovered, yesterday at I o'clock, by Roy Harbertiam, in the Ogden river, near the Washington avenue bridge. It waa token In charge by Officers Layne and Cooney, and taken to tlw police station. , . , , TouQg llarbertson saw the body el floated down the river, wrapped la it a newspaper. At the time ne waa merely curious, ao he waded out into the stream and pulled the bundle under tbe bridge. When he unrolled the paper thsi lifeless form of the baby Was disclosed. The paper around flic SMALL ORDERS STRIKE. body was a Deseret New and on ita yellow address slip was tha address ' Chicago, Aug. 16. E. J. Small, pres- No. 7HI Canyon Road. The police ident of tbe Commercial Telegraph- have as yet taken no action, but an ers union, early this morning Issued investigation will be conducted. a general order to all commercial teThe find attracted a number pf who collected updisr legraphers to cease work Immediately the where contracts with the uniifit have bridge. There wws nothing about the not been signed. to bundle tell them of the distance tbe body bad come down the river, WANT ADR BRING BIG RESULTS- - nor bow t came to le in the water. pal-are- one-quart-er pae-aerab- y New one feature of Newport extravagance more clearly shows the adgt of money lavished on this playground of millionaires than the. wont. derful stables attached io every Take, for Instance, the O. H. P. Bel-- . iuim villi. It has a stable for Its ground floor," of such dimensions that coach and four ran drive in, turn about and drive out again. It aunt sins the nniit elaborate equipment of carriages and harneaa In tbe world; Its walla are decorated with rare old n prizes. The esprint and tates of the brothers Ysnderbilt. Alfred and Reglnuld, at 8and'a Point are veritable villages of stable, says the Broadway Magazine. As you pass. Dr. A ust la Flint a bil ls by In his motor, and you remember, that . people from Maine to California are reading tbit, "Mi-i- Reginald Vanderbilt la wkh a cold.1', . to the Tbe mere Incidentals impress yon it first with tue extravagance of Newport. The prices of papers, periodicals. candy, flower, etc., are doubled. The millionaire sets the pace even la the simple process of buying a paper of plow But these details are not of Importance; what li Important la toe gigantic abortinr extravagance that enters Into every detail Of existence dreamed of tn the philosophy of the millionaire, and ably ahown by tbe magnificent homes of tbe very horses and motor ears. estab-UslMuvn- blue-ribbo- . cun-fin- Unique Phases of Life From All Over tlie World; Folk Scenes Famous and People, Interesting Strange ! more presentable feature. Was accepted, . 4 4 The Prince With ; The Short Nose -- - 4 Tty COfS7A.JCE SMILES' " upon a time there was s Prince Merlface grew up to bo a boy small prince with s very graced with charming manners and wit none. He lived In the and good sense. Ha waa popular with Land of Make Believe, tn every one in the country and waa the blc a great many things happen that pride and Joy of his tutors, who found would be considered quite remarkable him a bright student and one who sel- skowhere. Now, It was most unfortunate that Prince Merlface did not have a longer nose, for there was a strong prejudice in favor of long noses tn that ONCE His offer i The magician pronounced a few words, burned incense, waved hie arms mysteriously In the air, and the change Prince Merit ace's was accomplished nose waa larger than any nose that had ever been known in the l houqe of Maka Bellev. Hie parent .were delighted and all the courtiers pretended to be charmed by his Improved appearance, while the populace went wild with enthusiasm A when he made hla first appearance. grand celebration waa held in honor of the event, and the departing magician was loaded with honors and costly venient, insisted that every one else in the palace should do the tame. Tho king and queen smiled indulgently on this Innovation until they found It included themselves. When the king was routed out st 4 In tha morning and gifts. Prom that time there waa a noticeable change in the prince's disposition. Sountry. Now, trouble had begun when the euten Insisted that the long abandoned custom of inviting fairy godmothers to the christening of the heir should be revived. ' Once, In tbe early history of rojal house of Make Believe, there sd been a very unpleasant Incident in which figured n prince with an sxtraor-Snarilong nose, and as It was believed that the unusual else of fiseuendanta nasal appendages eras to this cirrumatance although suit chroniclers tried to discount It with various fanciful tally of a fairy Wmother with a baleful infitfenee-- U tacitly admitted by all the Invited Mes that any allusion to. n. nose Wwtld, to say the least, be Indelicate. fslrles felt that they must do the! WT best to encourage thla revival of PltMty on the part of .human folk,' It happened that when the fairy attired in the most exquisite crea- of flower Petals and cobweb lace, opud - iast tha royal -c-radle- fairy were aedaloasly averted froifi the Fo nose end fairy lipa Aere serapir to make no mention of somewhat unebtruelWe feature. The littis fellow grew up blessed with 'ry other desirable frsturq, but with "css which remained small and 'htly turned up. though ao soon as to discovered the deficiency the king tore orders to tha regal hunts to put through a regular course of maxsago stretching. Although the masseurs nssseuses fortunes grew rapidly toby, nos did not r members of tha royal tennis and golf club; ho baa them up st dawn practicing, and tliey daren't stop as long as The there Is a streak of daylight. prime minister's wife Just told mo that sines Merifsi-- haa insisted on learning siaiesinapHhlp her husband la almost My dear, what can be the matter!" a mental and physical wreck sn acthe king Inquired tenderly, for until the count of tha extra work ho Is comtransformation of tha prince's none they pelled to get through with." "Ok. my dear, whatever Can we da! had been a singularly happy and dethe king cried, wringing his hands.,' voted family. "And It is the asms with svery on, Oh, I never ran leant thla language, although MerifaceMnstsla that It Is ab- from the lowest scullion in the kitchen solutely necessary I should he able to to the men who work upon the royal Merlface rushes everything roads. speak her own language to tha ambassadress from Jingo land, though Ive with such sn energy. Indeed, your never thought It worth while before, msjesty, I'm afraid tb hoy has now J liked him urrif since Mw ambassadresses generally too much energy. make It s point to learn to talk to me." well as he was. 1 haven't your stupid family prejudice to favor of large "Dear, dear!" moaned the king. "Teg, and I never get a mlnstcs fMNIM, Just then there was a soft tap at tlw door, and tha quren of tha falriesr who was In the habit of calling informally now and then, skipped In. . I hear that old the magician, has hern visiting here and that tb prince has a long noee. How are thing going with you?" ah asked. Then they told her all. with tho utmost indiffer ence. Much disturbed, the king sought the queen, whom he found weeping over g very large and learned looking hook instead of taking her usual afternoon jauntily-an- "It's a pity you didn't mention the matter of tho nose to me," aha said. "Ws fairies gave tha prince such other would Insure him a properly gifts balanced character. With a large and energetic nose he is so.Strenuous as to make every one about Mm uncomfortable.. After all. It la much better to leave such matters le nature. Fortunately I have the power Jo restore bis nose to Its original form. Shall 1 do so!" The king and queen nodded energetically. Tha fairy waved her wand, and In a few minutes the twelve-year-ocame rushing In. looking Ilka pritu-bis former self and .begging hla mother very humbly to let him have Jam with hla broad and milk for tea. ly gen-"wl- ly THE MAGICIAN COMES TO COURT. Hi nativity waa simply amazing. ln- stead of being a trifle difficult to get out of bed at 7. the royal hour for ris-, ing, ha waa up af t and 4 o'clock in the morning and, what was mors Incon face. What waa his surprise and indignation when bis son replied: Very well, your majesty. I fear that it is time for your retirement from public life. I will have myself appointed regent, and you may retire te ease in your summer castle. I can administer tha affairs of tbs realm with greater vigor." The king was so angry that he regretted that it was against the law for the sovereign even to spank the heir te tho throne. As It was he merely rebuked him with a particularly stern frown, ont which he reserved for particularly extreme ranee, such as the crushing of the prime minister.' But, aiaa. Prince Merlface walked away There la no ouch class to any other part of the world. which is 10 degrees higher than the Japan possesses but one orphanage, normal heat of the human body. ' yet in no other Und are fatherless chilCocoa was introduced into Europe dren better cared for. Every faintly cares for the sick, destitute or orphans from Mexico by the Ppsnlards In ISM. Nexriy 1.000,000 women in 8 pain work nearest (0 IL wo35O.UO0 The hanging gardens of Babylon did In th field a day laborers: not hang at all. Neither were they men are registered as day servants but terraces supper led by tho 1. they work for their food and garden arches and overgrown with tree. They were erected to please a Babylonian queen born in a mountainous country On pound of cork will suffice to float man weighing 164 pounds. Oranges were first Imported into England from Italy to 1530. On on of the islands of the Tongs re delivered In s Fraup the rn'i'-unique way. The danger iff approach toly-caref- NOTES JP h!Urh thlLk- - llrt THE BOTAL CHBXSTEHIBO. toe pigeon and turkey hive a tempera cure of 1 degree i 11 dortt forget what ho had learned. All would have been happy had not there one day come to the court iff Make Belteve a magician who offered to re- place the prlnce'i too email nose with a ' AND orsets are no modern Invention, for " been found enveloping tbs ta of Egyptian mummies. bubbles are so filmy that it require nearly 150.030 to total s cold plunge In the icy lake he remonstrated with Merl- forced to tike ssstle NEWS. lodging. ' i , f s e ld peara any more. Merlface Is so energetic. I must be doing this or that or the other thing. Why, the people about the court are actually on tha verge Of There are the nervous prostration. HOW TO TELL THE OAY. Here is u way to tell whet day of the week a certain day of the month In some former year fell: Take tbe laat two figure iff the year In which the date fell: add a quarter of this, disregarding the fraction: add the date of the month, and to this add the figure of the following list that corresponds to ths month, one of tho figures standing for each iff the twelve months, in order: Divide the sum by T, and ths remainder will- give the ing inshore from tha Nellb renders it necessary for th steamer tp uaa a skyrocket as a postman. ' Ths harpy eagle or harpy has been known as an Inhabitant of Booth America from Bolivia slid Paraguay to Mexico for more than two renturiea. Its habit hoc been little noticed by naturalists. Rtortes are told of Ite vast destructive powers, and It haa been said even to vttack man. Its enormous bill and powerful talons lend some color fo three allegations. A queer flag lies over Andrew Carnegies Scottish mansion, Sklbo castle. It has the Cnlon Jack on one nldo ixnd the Rtar and 8 tripe on the other. It Is formed from two flags of Identical else sewed together. The famous Fountains abbey yews . THE PRINCE RATS 1IE WILL BE REGENT. number of the day in tha work, and when thir la do remainder tho dap will bs Hnturday. For example, if you wish la know on what day of tha week July 4 foil in 1M4: To tb lost two figof ures of the year, K, odd If, disregarding ilie fraction, and you have U. To this add tha day of tho one-four- th month, 4, which gives you 64, Mid ts add tha figure 1 which standi for July In tha list. Thus you have the number 61. and dividing this by 7, you remainder. Tb have 12, with Fourth pf July, 1M6, therefore, fell oa the fourth day of the week, which was M lilt a Wednesday. - : . A NURSERY - h ECHO. jr. Little Tommy Tittlemouse . .. . Lived In s little houee. It caught flshes In other men's ditches. TRANSFORMATION. Cut a piece of cardboard, or stiff paper. Into the shop of a tight angled triangle, as Is shown to too lllustratlm. Mark tbis out piece, which, and dlvido It into three when shifted and rear- ranged, will form tbe star that la gives at ita aids. The dotted lines in this diagram show whore tha division mert he mods. 1 0 W. THE WARY The crow Is useful m killing nlca snakes, llsards and frogs and Is splendid scavenger. He is quit wary; will always flee from m man with a gun, but pays little attention to the ordinary pedestrian. These birds are gregarious In their habits and make tholr large, untidy nests at the tops of trees. They come in flocks to the sleeping grovo, sit around on the (ground, and when all ora assembled they rise simultaneously and scramble for nests. Crows matt for Ufa. were growing when ths monastery was founded, hearly eight centuries ago. . The Scott monument in Edinburgh is SCO feet high and was erected In 1S4L It follows Melrose abbey In design. Forts were not commonly known in England unMl the middle of the sev- enteenth century. A single ton of steel will make about, 10.000 gross f steel pens. t |