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Show I 1 Th Pillar of It. O wT ft cofYKICHT. It. CIOSI. m. . n Chapter I At Jotmaoa- Mi u rlum la lundun. Philip Aoa about til'.rta, I'a. of twl lewd r a mother, lb. only relative, world. Ho th la baa bo that Lnoaa, Bud a packag of teller. many w them from a Air Philip lor land, relira. Ann. Mia. Anaoa futing aid was a ML Borland waa lUougnl by her relatives to bavo married beneath u -- jlflf StAllOB Chap lor n During a great atorm Philip save 'a little girl, addreorad aa Ell Irooi tolug crooked by a car- r Li.i-- tkirlou MONDAY, AUGUST ETA II. OGDEN, d f " ad.-.i'-- i In arr-.-- t f. no- - biirs.'ar. of Maon Beueuih was the eapiure, Where waa 1 tea years ago! he e mt s. He draa'uied that he was falling down precipie1 au w.ria g ahe"ta of blue waicr with appalling aplaslies. Each time he was awuk nd by1 the shock. But be w as a Lardy rogue where and he conscience was wore himself to sleep again, licet he must have. He must arise with steady head a ml clear bRkta. He was eurly nsiir. Ilia first Set wa to send for the Yorkshire morn-lu- g pa kern. They contained no news t lhlllp Ausua dead, but the local sheet chronicled hi arrival at York. The liauker This wa excellent. would sec It.- A fear printed lines carry great weight ta su-- matters. Then he signed tue lease: dispatched them In a typewritten euvelfli and -- or dviatnad. What about bjun atom? EVELYN. Did ever woman Invent more tantalizing qiMStlou UikO that concluding ini one! What waa a blue atom! No doubt crouilon'a acberne Included blue atom aa wall na black ouea aud rod But why thia refetvuce to auy Vues. particular atom! He tried the word lu eiery iNMKlble variety of meaulng. He gare ihciu the diguity of capital laa-am- E 1 Jrw-tle- r. rum-rlv- e dui-hcs- s y deicr-ale-tkcgi- ! ar-fu- e trsns-pkhwilu- n. a It XU-Iaac- tela j diffli-nltle- v Gro-nler- d .' m -- - rn-Jgne- . refi-rtv'- ... di I'ii-as- - oilli-ial- Au-wu.- . ul nitl-mute- r e al pro-inlnr- un-iva- l. p.-i- - Uki-.- .d Pi-i- l- - r eH-nei- bi-.- t Is.-v- l r le od-ci.- Is-O- . ? Ih-s- . irrov-ocnl-- al clrcuni-Wtene- e es - -- y d n.-s eou-sig- v pm-lmu-- -s p' vhar-iu-t-- r. 1 ith - l ainio-thousan- crt-dii- ,- Al'h-mgl- Foster-Milhur- l n r t Te-s- - Wj-iirhai- . iu.ivc;-e'kli.c.- ds Lc Ogden Business Directory tfinru, tee sLiplu h-- which you wioi your Inat telegram. I'erhap your letter now in th puii- -I halt'1 nnpecL-H at uuJduy will espials mailers suawwhai. He couclgucd Blue Atom to a sultry clUue aud hegau to ask himself why Mr. Abingdon had not written. The reticence annoyed him. A letter even reuioualratiug with him would be giaiefuL Tbl etlence waa Irritating; It savored of doubt, and doubt waa the oge phase of thought bo wished to keep or.t of. Mr. Abingdon's fnlnd ot Hint moment. As for Evelyn, site mistrusted even Architects Painter and 25 First Natl Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 935 K. Architect C. W0CSD8 F. Architects. his telegrams, while a bank bad accepted his signature w 11 bout reservation. lie would puiiL-- her with cost l'hlllp Anson's memory would lie poisoned in her heart ici.g before she realized that he was deurt. CO. Attorneys ly JOSEPH CHEZ. Attorney ana Counselor t Late, 49 and 41 F'rat National Bank Bldg. Ogden, Utah. Both Phones. Notary. was thrown lulo. the sea Tuesday. Jocky Mason Lounon on Wednesday kept 1 isppoluiineut with Inspector Bradley on Thursday even- PIIU.tr . el ladi-ed.- '' ... Then where are they?" He glared around the roomy police office, but it w.is only temmted by policemen attending to various lmoks or a liurre conutcr. chatting quietly ncr-T.Ills surly atiitude did net diminish the inspector's kindliness. Don't 1 so doabifi:! on tha point Mason. Have you no children? , , Romethtag In the pol're oT.cer'a eye Hi swarthy gave, ifhe mnn- - a cle-v- . fare flnvhc1 and hi bads rllnrbed. Yes." die on Id huskily. I left two boyw Their mitlir Cl. "Ttoy wdre lost I have looked for them everywhere. I aspect or Eradlcy pointed to a door. "Go Into thnt raons, te said quietly, and yon wfU fid them. They are Waiting there for you. Mason crossed tbe sanded floor like oae walking in his (deep. - He experienced no emotion. lie wa a man tunned for. the n:iuce. lie opened the Goor of the waiting room and entered X'AuLcuxly. Tie might have expected a boat, n jcvt from bia attitude. ' Two stalwart young men were standing there talking TLc!r chat ceased na he at'iwaveij. Fur ou appreciable time father hu.l sun louke-- at each other with the cnrlTsity f strangers. He kucw them tir it. hlc saw himself, no lc than their tin.'oriunste and suffering mother, in tlicir erect figures, the contonr vf I.:'-- ' ; faces, , ; Printers VOLNEY C. GUNNELL, Offica 2374 Washington Avc. Both Phonoo 77L : A. L. SCOVILLE, Attorncyat-Law- . a HORN. Art. Gty Florists Beth Ph Photographers . Ovor Badeon Drug Store, Wash. PRINTER. Opposite Fostetfic.; Attornoy-st-La- LUKE CRAWSHAW. Studio Artistic. 2m Photograhsr. Wash. Ave Ogdon, Utah. A sicturs that locka tike you. OGDEN FLORAL CO. Floral Artists. 413 24th SL Greenhouse opposite Glenwood park. Pmmii, 011 636A, Ind. ISA VARNEY FLORAL CO. All Kinds of Cut Flow jra. Our prices lowest. Boll phono 8I3K. Give us a THE THOMAS STUDIO, Grade Portraiture in PaiM Crayon and Indl i ink. 2457 Wash. Avx Both Phones. High Real Estate Agents calL B. VAN I A. A. WENGER. DER 8CHUIT. Funeral designs; cut flowers and pot-taplants. All orders promptly filled. Phdno 8602. 740 28th SL Real Estate, Loaus aud Insurance, Notary Public. Removed to room tig Ecole building. Bell 131A 4 K CARL C. RASMUSSEN. STILLWELL A NEWMAN, Florists. Choice Cut Flowers and Bedding Plante.. Store 2578 Wash. Ave. K Real Estate, beans, Rentals and Fii Insurance. Firat Natl. Bank Bldg. Ina Phan' 470. Contractors and1 WM. A. HICKENLOOPER. Builders Real 209 Eccl te Contractor ana Bulldsr. P. O. Box Phono 5172. 388. PETER UNANDER, Contractor and Builder. 353 Ninth Bt Phono. Boll 6752. Work dono by day or contract Cleaning and Dyeing N. H. ' House Furnishings HOUSEHOLD FU. WISHING THE oecond CO, 2300 to 2303 Waoh. A-hand goods bought and sold. Both phones 1144. Bldg, Ive. and Succssmt Invwt-manta- . KELLY & HERRICK. General Inaurancc, Loan and Rentik Real Estate Invsstnwnta, W. B. WEDELL. Real Estate, Rental. Loan, Insurance aid gib 2468 Wash. Ave. Boyl Both Phonaa, J. ELITE CLEANING CO Cloanoraand Dyora. Taylor A Wiloon, Proprietors. Both Phonoa, Pocatolld and Ogden. Insurant Estate, FRED HOWARD, M. FORRI STALL, Surety Bonds, Real Estate and Inn anc. 318 Eccl Bldg. W. N. PIERCE, Real Estate, Notary, Fir and Lif la suranca, 413 24th St Both Phonaa. GEORGE A. HORN, and Insuranca Firat National Bank Building. Real Estate, Loan Transfer Companies Masonry and Cement Contractors ALLEN TRANSFER CO Albcrn Ax len, Proprietor, Furniture Vans and Storage. Cabs at a moment's notics. CO. Office 412 25th St Phone 22. J. P. O'NEILL CONSTRUCTION Contractor and Builders of Bowers, Cement Walks, Street Paving and Gravel Roofing.. 423, 25th street DENT MgWERY. Piano and Cell. Ind. 750. Bell 1134 Wedcll-Kios. . TRANSFER Plan moving a specialty. Both phonos 283. , Music and Instructors Bldg. . SLADE'S HACKS MEET ALL " B. P. Whitaker, Teacher f Plano. . Tabernacle Organ-lo- t Studio 874 23rd 6L Sell Phono i CELLA LUND of piano. Studio Teacher North Waahlngtpn. TRAINS. , - No. BciL 166-- j ' Livery Stables OGDEN FEED. A SALE1 8Y ALLE. S(L i. F-- , Both Phonaa. ' ' anl Evontt, .PrqpYj livery Ave. 2211 Wash. v FRENCH Bush A Gcrt'a Piano ak, 3. 4 . - qoardlng. Nawman I Carriages in waiting da ar night Vena, Drays and Baggage Wagon Piano Moving a Specialty..- Excurelcd Busses. Offioe, Ind. 224; Be.i 240: Rcc Pell 840. All hinds of Transfer Work Office 408 25th Street " 1 ; . 25tU MALAN TRANSFER CO. Vans, Drays and Baggage Wagon, Our speciaitie Plano, Furniture and Safa Moving; Storage. 408 25th St . v. Slades phenes. ( ' 41Y VANS. 328 . CELESTE CONROY. of Leopold Godowoky, Berlin. Pupil Instructor of music. Studio 300 25th 8L Phonoo, Ind. 400; Boll 180. Bros. Organa, D RY C. ff CLEANING tJ a dry cleaning de' ohr business, e u to partment now prepared to handle lad11 "paving, added rUNDS CECANS AND MUSICAL EECBANDjSE' i Violins, Guitars, Jos, Striagai Baa Acc-rrdeoa- . Latest Puhllcatlona of Sheet -- - M. G. BARNES, Tho Up4-Dat- e tauklc Deal.r. .OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. . Attorney-at-Law- ing. The inspector received him graciously, thus chasing from the mind a lurking that uiaUera were awry. There U a curious sympathy between the pjli w and well known criminals. They uieot with friendliness auu evchauge plessautrles, aa a watch dog might fra tern le with a wolf la off hours. But Mason bad ue responsive smile or ready quip. "Wbafs up 7' be demanded morosely. "You Bent for mo. llerelaai. I would have brought my ticket sootier if you hadn't written. All right, Maaon. Keep your wool on. Do you remember Superintendent . ... . BohlnsonT 111m that was Inspector In White-chajiWhen I waaqiut away? Bather." "Well, some friends of yours have been Inquirin'; from him 'as to your whereabouts. He sent a message round, and f promised thnt you should meet them If you showed up. I wa half afraid you bad bolted to tbe States. . Frieuda! 1 liafe no friend. Oh. yen, you have very dear friends, Furnt? THOMAS HORNE MUSIC CO. Tho Heusq t Quality." Myt,,,,8 known in music. 314 25th. 314 and 315 Eccica Bldg. A. - Papech- ......... R. B. FARNSWORTH b CiLtnEBXX. John N. Ford and Son 243A. Leave order at fteyl Co. EatafciisAed 183l A 57 Firat Natl. Bank Both Phonaa. Efl Bldg. Paper-hange- rs Directory G. A. GRAVES, d eo-b-r- om-uln- Twcuiy, ? iZ.-C()(- inuu, wl.fc fur wants. The toouer fee drank hiinacif to death the hcLdf. With fresh rig ir Mason moieTh murih--r ty shrank in diiscn.-:aws a mere affair of a tviigi ful hlow. but this steady sucking of the biilliuu-alre'- s riche required tiueosc, s duoldug sdnAiness, tiio siqierb luipudeuce of Cagllostro. But if his confederate's tuterosta Buffered, the toti.l lixed in G router's original scheme la nowise became affected. lie uieaut to have a hundred thousand pounds, and be firmly decided uot to go beyond that amount. Ilia letter to the hanker named 1.10,000, cud be calculated that by stopping hurt at of the available sum he would uot give any grounds or lecjoiuil inquiry. for uph-irYet be would shirk Mr. Abingdon aud Mis Athcrtej- must be avoided at uJ eveuta. Gibers he would face blithely. He took care to haw ever on the table lu bis silting room a goodly supply of v ines and spirits. If any one sought an Interview, It might e licipfnl to sham a slight degree of Intoxication. The difference lietweeu I'Mlip drunk and 1hiHp sober would then be accounti-- for readily. But rest that waa drilled him. It was one thing to harden himself against surprise, quite auotber to forget that disfigured corpee- - swirling about lu Hie North sc. lie wished now that Iliiiip Anson bad not been cast fi'iih naked. It wua o blunder- not te dress hliu, to provide hint with means of hlciitlOcalloa whh some unknown Smith or Jrce. B boa lie cloced bla eyes he could sc a shadowy form wavering helplessly In green depths. Never before wer his hands smearod with blood. lie bad touched every crime save murder. rbyslcally he was a coward. Ia plotting the attack on Philip he bad taxed hlis hiyeunlty for weeks to discover some menus where he need not become Mason's actual helper, lie rejected project after project. The thing might be bungled, so he must attend to each part of tha undertaking himself Short of neing a bludgeon. He slept rguln aud dreamed of long flights through apace pursued by demons. How he longed for day! How slowly the hours passed after dawn until the newspapers were obtainable, wiih tlielr columns of emptiness for him, A letter came from Evelyn. It waa a trifle rarer ved, with an Impulse to tears concealed In It: I asked molBer for 3. so th Blue Atom Incident ha ended, but I don't think 1 will ever undersuiml th mood In Crt-uter- yo-.i- would g!i.jr'.-.-- tw-thi- lu bla squalid aparliuen.a to tirango lluiue. riage. u Philip, 'kick of ibo outlook and That was tlie weak part of their raged, U about to bang himaelf armiar. hut Gn'iiler refused to admit lil-l'mure court lb me when a huge ATOM, llicy lour fall la tclcgra plied: the flaw. , . yard. Philip) iiupibtUo and Ducuinrni furward'd this morning. "A naked man round In the see and effective. were on regard It aa a nieaaag lu respect IVy Pleaw meet wishes expressed In letrt-r- . not he may never lie found-h- a Iron bia tuoiber la boavoa. steelbad He hi dinner. They isiied he rcflccti'd, Alilngtlon born thrown fnn a Iwtoony Surely Chapter 111 With aoiuo f ragmen la ed himself aralnst every jsiNilhle form will ip it give ui.o'Uk.-- ihuuglit to my The notion of tbo meteor I'bllip guru, to a 9ii feet utNive eu adof surprise, but be wa forced to I Ha la tall that they arc proceedings, rhlllp Anson la uot a gMteetine. No musts Itulary brain mit that tlurhig the uext three dnya fa and ti referred to It. And who Is be! could hoy lu lending strlncs." lu succeed must erauail!ng Evelyn la Not Philip Ammn. A Co., Luadoa'a Jsrgeat dialer Ho wired to Evel.u: .Thlllp Aueon ta Atiierley that l'litlip Anxuu swan alive diamonds. Chapter iV laaacateia la blue Atom Burry and engaged Ju Imporuut matters li must wait until my aatugadud by tba gauta Philip aiwwa Not Hr. William. Any Heart-dataHve. Was was Elat juuL luu ibo Jwy grtuMwl Yorkshire. That liiiiTratire. man wlil aay tlial And your Hero was a way out. Whatever that retain explain la best frleud. Mason, his scheme to lie wrecked by a blue Chapter would not take blm wretched siieck of color uieaut, it could court But tba grau am- - duubiieaa of atom! for yoiu bo dealt with sulwci'iiuiitly. recent nieteerl uriglu. . Moreover, her query ninat lie answerBetter uot But satisfied, of VI wife Tbo Mjnnawaa .Sir But Evelyn' prodipt reply only mads Philip Chapter waa. to of ed. write Ilia promise Morland exds la the papora about have burled "the corpse on the lonely confusion worse confounded: , t farm-- In tlie garden for el wire. Then court-'- a mere dories. It would be Philip and bla narveloua diamond Delay la Imikossililr. The man has put i and aenda to Johneuna Mrwa to In-- I they would know where he was. Tho manifestly absurd to send her a typeoff th duchess two days already. ha aa aud. writtenloaraa Hhe him. leiier, aotblug. tea waa too vagus. excellently quire about Ho a tunu and a and a period Philip la dUmteeed (run caalody. Of pity for bla victim be had uot a could copy Ihllip'a signature, he dorod of time were mixed up with a blue aup-plto ill skill ua a forger to the test Chapter VII Philip agrooa Hud l'hlllp Anson pitied him or not put Jot. u atom. He must do (something loaaratela wiih a quarter of a or til two ehiklreu! They, of inditing a letter to her, no matter Mg' phia of alleuallon soonmillion pounda oUtrilag worth of dip bia wife comhe a lilt brief. bow niion Finally took were dead la all probability. White monda each ye r many yearn. er than fie Intended. -- lie answered: every aort of promise." He wired: Chapters VUl and lXAt johaaoua In LoiuUm he .hud madeeuenuufnred Too busy to attend to mutter further. a fltnpld of in to omit addree. Tour Inquiry, hut alwaya Mews, white Philip la preparing to Cull kg to Leeds tuduy. Latter bur a mixed la eomiUkUnz sviitvuc up Wilblank wall of negntlou. John and tha rent of hi diamond, ho IlkUld. Am dear. put Munmikg quite a aa Intruder, who, with tha liam Mason, eveu If they lived, did nut Aud to Leeds be went, "itealdeucq In so lonely. PHILIP. alataaco of a policeman. 1 captured. kuow be wa their father. They were fueling York was a fever a constant fret. In resume Tbeu to bla be tru'd dinner, Ho hi a noted criminal named Jcky bwt to him utterly' Lords he was removed from the arena. hut his ap;idile waa gone. hi a ton. rtlllp removed bla diamond blm be Curve rhlllp Anson. He passed the afternoon aud evening facllith-a- , owing to IU posiIn forever from Johaaon's Mewa. postal auyway. Vet be contrived to tion on a malu line, York la well served hi roaming the streets, cougumed with Chapter X, XI gnd oella thirty of Philip dlaiuoada (or think of him during the ulue west from lAMiduo. At U p. in. two letters, a fiery desire to be doing, daring, bravmile over the moor, during the long one SS.ooo pound. a bulky package aud registered, ing BuL lie must wait nt bwst another Chapter XIII Tra yeara later, wait at the railway station and during reached him. . tha alow hourti of the Journey to Louj when Jorky blaaoa get out of priaua Itcf-irhe could lay bands ou any from Mr. Abingdon. was letter The day bo see the Mary Anaoa Home for don. of nilflp Anroua wealth save Ilia It portion acknowledged lwlefljr telegram, Deatltute Boy, which baa been foundOn arriving at York. Grenier secured stated that a nuui In the Atheimenm the money jrfoleu from bis ed by Philip. a palatini suit at the Htailuu hotel, InMortand At the lintel there waa out' one letter had who knew Fir I'hll'p a JilV girl Chapter I'bllip name In thercglwter aa Philami un tolugram. formed him In nnjmnse to run r led Infrom minim at the hand of two men, Aiimm. on of whom la Wfhr Q renter, an ip The London bunkers wrote: that th lmninct wns exceedlie drove to the pontnlHee and asked quiries eonvtet nfjoctyMaanu. well off and called attention to Wo beg to acknowledge yours of yesteringly If thiwe waa any message for Chapten Xl add XtlTli 'girl oonm Important tenues lnckaed which day. Your cash balance at data la 12.410 ta. M. Your securities In our an by Philip la d MtanfAtht-rhy- , Wa Mgnature. reqnlml smmint ta a net value at to who Yea. pa the opera Anger, prove .It read: The other note was from Evelyn. It prices of about g'.GU.UdO. Including today's 30.00 Elf of Phillp1iadirefiturafr of many ailll Persuaded at Pcaaane. waa tender and Panlly and contained a consul at par. - Wt will forward you a deyear befum QrenlerV , Onnipanloa friend llisi letUr was only intended to reference thnt lorlug to the mystlflca-tkbe if tailed list will desired pi-pleased to wpa a aeidiew of (Jr atari Ida name rn-- l It uiipIruiNiiitrM'W with unete. raullxt- - nny nccuriiic ns directed. vii-of her to town. tonk and telegram. returned sine laLaugdin.' Kindly note that instructions far sals should bo given in your handwriting and In the tmrrr of your departure yesterChalncf XVII PblUp i receives a Will asy nutiling. men lion ot Atom. we In Mur-land nine ii cauio from a town near day letter teNlug him that ilr Philip forgot typed. Tha price la blah, la dyiug and begging him to Ue.ithum. (IrenhT wa MulhifietL lie lit Whu! la yncr There was Joy, Intoxicating almost to tbo-i- , of It the rvrtatnly. Joy plrturv bt. emu. A mah calling binwtef "Ur. nuulucMs, lu thig communication, but It uvtla with the lucssuge. olllt only ore In Ihs world! Williams niaoiaePbtlip ni (lie depot Iiram-waa lint unleavened by the delimits of h dlsiuib-lpostofllco And another menange: again caine and eaaorta him to the homo. c tetegruuia, Tim tint to Evelya: v danger and delay. to nine Atom, of course. I Chapter XVIII Philip Omla too late Ill ilgmitura bad lHon accepted Will MMlsts h eaKli for a few day. What did (he pcmtnflles make It Into! that he haw-f- a Urn in w trbp'aet by Tuo . busy to write today. Full letter without demur,. !lle could eoutrul an EVELYN, aud Laugdou. dreuter,' Jucky Ma-iIsivo. PHILIP. enormous sum without ixurotion. TIu-m- s Blue Aom was assuming uppctnil Philip la airuck violently on the head Tlie secMid to Mr. Ablllg(lon were the cujrmcipg certainties which ITo bp Umhi and la supposed to be dead. cursckl tlie dlnieiisioQ. thing Tour nieassae tliruuyh Misa Aiiu-rleIlia body la strliipHd naked and dnzzlMl hi cyra for a time. wc high priced, a Joy. abine It Afsuetiend all inqiilrh-thrown from a cliff lulo the sea anted. 'But It wax Imrribly annoying that a In solitary Wlmt could It lie? . , Will rsidai by who reaenibtea Itilllp, I to fair quite imfnmift-nmillionaire should keep bis rnnvut acstrolled lido tlie station and He Klutioii Addreea lintel, tliday, the taka hi. place lu world and g t York. ANHON. Into cun versn t Inn with a plat-fon- u count no low, anil the concluding parabold of hi money for tho gang. IdufMH'tor. 1'heu bo entered a liauk aud asked graph held a bogey, uot wholly aeon, lint loo'iilnp large when It actualwar.H ho an Id easnnlly, , tli fiw tin? msiiv.g r. By A iwtcr wit ein u-uivwHiy, amt "have you ever honfdtof anything callly presented ItM'lf. My iisii. e may lie knows to jou." lie the atutlon rmMcr whs urlwupy Itai-l- f , The lueiuorauflQm lu I'hijip'a hand ed a bine aid to 1I time the Mine at aa ha v.Ilulmn the jiuictlous aud the The piun grinned. Is thnt another writing Hi Evelyns letter wus now bamliug bis card. tlm London wmild 1 reached. " wmic for T. T.s. slrT Jit; Anson. Park lauerthe Vr. lesft to hlniS-i- r. Maami hnmled over . Grimier gave it up and resolved to tho dngrerTto the hreflcr at the Inn, VI npi,M can Halter myself with postione n until the neat paid fur It hire end again walked to the deiiulte 1 morning. Stay lug hen the deaerted furiu. He aurveyed every some few nr!el. W am out lili to day By. a Inle train Pli Hip's Inrta of the gmaml floor, eareftilly rakHMiuii-incerlulu Iransai'tioii arrived. It wa tockeil. and the key. largi! ing over the arbea In the grate, aerate auina ct iimuey. T Will lie giuil to act returned In tin oa.'e. Green, tt bed the pauHegra with a hard broom Imilt, ou sieelul terms, tnuisidnil, oiwned Ihe afld water, packed aomn few peraonal thrungli of tnr course, I aluirt aivuuut.' safe In tlie of the housekeeper belonging In a fiu.ill bag uud net out We will be dellgiited.N and butler, locked It again without tlie dimr aerurely, again, a ft it I will write a check now for 13.000. dlstnrldug any of the other contents for n king tra pip ,.yer the moor. Nine which kindly place to uiy credit aa and bunded the key to tlm butler, who ml lea of luoiiiitein roail would brlug oon as puasiide. Htial we aay the day placed It In Hie silver pantry. f Uno.-oblm to a maker railway. Tlieuiw afliT ItimioiTowY" Jn the solitude of lilts room Grenier be would tamk to Lnmlon ami travel That la quite possible. We will use burst the lock. Tha rsocnl rerclved run-Ittlie otraight through, prrtvlnf at one of tlie greatest shocks of Ills life lute at nlgiit aipl not making tlie all exiK'illilon. Thank you. You uuderstnmh thia la when be examined the content a all gti teat attempt bfconimnnleate with merely a preliminary, t will need quantity of old clothing, mime worn Creuler eu route.' There waa little fear f nannient or much largiT sum, but I will pay lu my limit, a bull of twne, a bed coverlet, nest check bearlug from 1 guidon. a big Iron key, tlie tattered letters and luiulry caiieed by the dl)uiipeHranee 1 am not aftersure about the amount a variety of odd nnd end thnt would quite f the Inhabitant of. the drange of my private balance at the moment. hare found no corner In a respectable Ilouae. Tin bank manager assured him there rs galiop. , , He and "Ir. lVIl'Iam were the would lie no ditflcnlty whatever under He hurst Into, n fit of hysterical only rrldpnt even eliglitly known to aub conditloua. laughter. the distant vlllug., Kn.li abwni a (irruler ohtalucd bla pass book and Ye gods gnd 111 tie fishes!" be cried. they needed they had iakl for. Tli tamk check on after writing a check What a tro sure! The Clorkeuwcll honee waa hired for a month from an Ixxidoti the other tiian'a eyes. suit, I suppose, and n womans skirt agent in tlie emiuty town and tlie rent Iw a email amount an Introduction and Mouse. Old timers, tisi. by their paid In idvam-e- . It waa not clear who would have hvu niv-ary- . lu the style. His mother'. I expect. He owned the place. The agent kept It on hi book hum ome one alunild claim case of lhlllp Auaou. the millionaire, a must have been find of hi mother. man wlio handled tbousniaN so readiIiultfs the i atrh filer iru oh itucrlp-ti- c At that n cm cut bakv Mason, Imdle It a. c ly. It was needle. Moreoter. Ills browed nnd nweiitfiil, wns rending a WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. , was unexfvptiomible strictly which reached his lodgings two thrhw precious.' lie burTlmlly acral lctt(r It nnd nt ouce cumim-nceaccording to bauklng liusini'ss. to f Ilnur In an cureloiie bis Thair Unccaainp - Wark Keep f I miller rushed off lo the station, tieurlug the ominous liiitiulg-0- . II. practice th wnrila. Strong and Hoalthy. TievouKhirc" aal Shariie" gsve him caught a train for I .red, went to tlie M. K. bank of a different company with difr All the blood in the body It was from the Southwark police the capitals for 'Dear Sir.' He wa at a k Lit n tupiLsl iV' .hut be saw through the kidney once every three ferent lamdoii- Agents. aud carried staiiin. l tlist I'liiiip mlcuica. The kidney niter the blood. .through the s.ime iiiain-ncrthe simplest and bold It rnnvenlriit In rukv lie fi u tried o York and secured tlie They work night and day. When evmiMr t A p. m. et outline In Ills catlgraphy. sud he T. BRATH.F.T. service of the hotel typist. He wrote Yiturs truly, ninxl risk a "C' without the upihmf healthy they remove but PM) grain of Impure matter daily, when uih to l'hilip'a hanker: Inspector. - .iy M..-t- 0o. In h. Iisd flic bix Tlie following :ly It- wa Mastin' healthy mint pan of thia Impure matfoundsiiin of I am tranMi-tlnihe "I" to precede ihe some very Important ter la left in tha blood. Thli bring private business In Civ north f Knirland under hi tlckct-O- f raiiiixl:i tli;. i res. Soon he duty to rriu'- liiii-.-ia ou many diaeaoe and aympiom t nil hste pnin It w:is qiliti 111111111 for tempo ury accounla leave, letter in lln words fewest possible: In the bark, bradarhe. nervounnea. wiih the bank in York and the tlie puliiT to give :i pivliminnrr warnof date received. Kindly anil I need hot, dry akin, rhenmailam. gout, grav- 1nk la Knllun on his part rail cm!--'- . sum ing In thl of i l ie r nioii. U.on and place the of ready Pvwelhly el, disorder r the eyesight and hearI may siso opu accuouls i:i Craitr.rd and aaine to my credit. incnnt in rcrl. That was all tlie 'l ing. dlutneas.-'lrregulaheart, debility, fdiclfloid. 1 have drusn two rhc-cToduy lit coplmi !r again and again, until after. in ihn for drowsIneHafropey, riepoad each. Kledlv lei me ku..w .v It wa wr;i:n freely aud carclessjj-- , What's up ii'iw!" he inuUired. urine, etc. But If gwi keep the HIkts m urn (he eurrenl balance to mv iTh it. and ct cry lc!i.r available com; a red faright you will have- - no trouble with a 1 dislike nvefdrsri and would prefer This i iirlit. Anyway. Greuiin' wa to realise umo scrurittc. . your kidney. v vorably with tlm orgiual in hi give me a east iron nltM. I'll se Mra. W. B. Craig or .7: 9 Twenty-blat- h The uest letter ran: knowlnl-Then he posted it, thus saving a it nt nee." -street, Ogden, ( tahabys: For r AMrcd.-ite-KsH! to hi calculaHor.s. My ise aissiiuphi'e, hopiiig to obtain .day. accor-Jinseveral yrarwMw'Crsig haw been trouten I am With this missive committed Tike from ihe Iccp bled with back the and fiidntjr comaffair is .retv farnflr nnd pvr-p to Him care of hi umjesty's coutent of a s:mi:i in hi bedonv. It plaint. He used n greet many difftr-en- t inio u ki. iiy room. while he koihivi-- I llie column of mail. Vlci r Grenier's spirits rose. k Ie n v life remedies without obtaining any r.d in dating far Now. Indtil. he wa III the wliir'po.il. positive relief. The good report con- th ilvuenorof mv iwr-ki-.1 's. - . Pir Plil'.ip ia not the local cvcipng pup.'i- for any refoi e'.y til. t'li.g tve erence to n lokily i ivctcry on the Wouhl he emerge high nnd d'-- in the cerning Doan's Kllaey Pill Induced jaiuiM 1 Th ts In i src. otn ire. making El him to procure a supply at 8. V. YorksM'i e .f gllkb-vice which la orrs-i- i v Mi h wlil a long con's drug shire. , The Iwneflt derin-Thera wiw jiciic .iummi's Iskly bad longed ti u or inuding f. ud. from the treatment was s.i r.i.Mml Write :ne l.ere if recvsMrv, but klnd'y not Ihs'II ritv-- e- -i d y ct. l.!int to rrtlai:d r.initi- fro mthe Aral that he conlnued using sep bst'k kill business or other enininuni-Ckiiu.to tho WiifTuM! He tki Iw'l he so .Juki Iliil-lBefop1 not f.iy. lie the nmedy with good result. He I kic those of very urrioil - cvi-i!- i1 safe-unt:wonll act Anson ft row for at Tvsat a week irr perhaps tvn liiij( in a better condition now than he ha wa a nivli nn-.Vlcfor tironier a he had beerntred grc.ite'- icr. -- HSt been for a long time and we give lavs. . K.jrrv for tbl rnfonwd abse-ic- s Ik'Hn-rtef! on in the roaiiiy, wi:h Doans Kidney Pilla all the town. It cannot l avoid. si. nnd i silver, it appeared to lie a bank. Tor sale by all dealers. pnr jp) T mm noSiiap'y you m.ll leave a dot.tiled on-- . go-- l Me epcnnl the cents. e to uni II we meet. I have signed Ov. Buffalo. Already he waa planning plausible Inv lneinse.1 aboust repi'rt of the h.imv Kew Yor, sole agent for the United i!:" w.irks. Inside ft:ere ww an lies to kivp Mason out of Ills fair V1U yen ktnd'y forward It in the perrr-t. Sate. T lrr,ji!i!i-sliuie of the plunder. A few more f cur sincerely, Remember the name Do a's and to ANSON. Anson, agol rHlLlH ip establish forged letters would ess-ino take other.' (kCayni a: J in.- -i nf 1h ly ti.o the fact tour ho we uual-lto obtain dictated thiw episjle fmm a L (1! ui.."a cf Uw i dm-co- tasies. n x. And the wages of ln is deaib! Th of drama iusiiited on the full Jlddical accuracy- Altogeiher Grouler uuJcf uneu viable lay dowu to But LangdmT ample coufesslou had clearly revealed Philip's attitude, aud the unacrupulmi scomuiret wee willing now. lo. duje all ip bia attempt to fain a fortune. While he was diuiug a telegram waa handed to him: Tuu frM to rad ypor address bet Sir. AliInTbi save It to ms. Ko grtevrd no wl thikUoaud lie hs.kM back iLioUgh ihe Soiled leaves of a sordid reord and that lie was tlu-- uitiog In a melodrama entitled The Wages of Sin." 1007. b 'ti-- LiUi fcay.T7i.rvvf. And wbatd.d Mirsvu waul wiih crudo mutu.-d-. earlier. A the murderer walked and smoked hi reflections were net quite now that he muld cry quit" with Philip Ahmu. llis cxHtriraTS of the prevlone nlgtit were pleasant. Neither be nor Grenier went to bed. They dusted uneasily lu ehair uulil daylight, aud thru they admitted that they had committed Austin' body to the deep In n moment of unrennning panic. If might lie fou ud, and even If be were not Meuiidcd that confounded might be moved to Investigate tlm proceed lug of the curium visitor SYNOPSIS. - l IBWASB T under-alou- frJ-a.ii- L- ft .- 1J rotation that the -y existed Utwei u Iliiilp aud hi chief ajpiuL and he thought that lu adopting tone a acuiikpologctic, frankly mk-eu- t be wa xtriklng the right key. to the Mary The concluding Ansou Home wa smart, be imagined, while the main Iksly of the letter dtwlt la safe genera It tie. Naturally, he knew uothiug of the the two meu ou ronverMtlou this. very. topic, a collide of iiioulha i' Author of "Wlnga oMh .-Morninglight- euj.y. carefully nf l& 07.TZT1T(2 EXAMINER: MOIJXIXO TIIG Seo tha Wonderful Pip Music. vi-s- ut In a great many hisrancea where rrndn union pay sick afld fleath bene-C- i (To Vi Continued.) men are dropping their fraternal WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULT aocletlee la favor of their unions. Ifie i fttonecuners' Journal on this eubjert WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS. The first four months of this Bays: . 0GDENSTEAM LAUNDRY Organ. 2376 Washington Avtauo. OGKN, UATH. t-- end gentlemen's suits, portlertf nd 1,001 rt,le, and a 0n 1 that should not be washed way. ordinary " We propose In thl' department work as we'4 as ln our laundry aervlce th bet lo give the public t be had ta the city. Phones 174. year slxty-aeve- n 437 Twenty-fifl- stonecutter guud standing and St h djed welved w. return mall to pay their death brn 111. This ia the large: BUT.-sionccutters that ever dhdhte-t'-in ' snace of time In ihe entire the general union. J, er j A' i |