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Show ADVERTISE in EXAMINER fill the associated press DISPATCHES UTAH WEATHER THE RICE IT CHARGES. IT IS BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM THE EXAMINER ill THE CITY. CACHES THE COUNTY AS WELL OUR SUBSCRIPTHE CITY. TION BOOKS ARE OPEN TO AD . tERTISERfc tan tuE THE INDICATIONS ARE THAT THERE WILL BE SCATTERED SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS SATURDAY AND SUN. li VOL 1Y OGDEN NO. 215 CITY. UTAH. O O o o o o s CROWNED RULING Meeting of German and Russian EmPgroonal. perors Berlin, Aug. 2- - Emperor William of Germany and Emperor Nicholas of Bill Before Boose of CommExtraordinary Meeting Russia, are to meet tomorrow In the EmBailie aea, off Bwtndemunde. ons Institnting RegulaDiscuss Moroccan Situaperor William will be tn board the Imperial yacht Hohenaollern, and the tions on Imported Food tion Held This Afternoon Russian emperor on his yacht, the Standard. The German Baltic fleet will be present to give color to tho The German authorities are occasion. An Parle, Aug. 2 extraordinary taking every precaution to insure the London, Aug. 8. The bill Introduced nesting of the cabinet to dlacura the safety of the Russian emperor. A by John Burns, president of the local Moroccan aituation. was held thia large number of marine policemen government board, enabling the hoard Fbrelgn Mini liter Pichon will he sent tomorrow from Bteitlnto, of trade to institute nugw sthingent himaelf In favor of Immediate Bwlneinunde to do guard duty on regulations for the prevention of the rsergellc action by Prance to secure shore. danger arising to the public health from the Importation, preparation, npantkm for the murders of EuroDeutscher The Korde Allegemeine peans at Cats Blanca, and to insure of articles of Zeitung publishes a welcome to Em- storage and distribution safety of the Europeans still there. Nicholas this morning. Ihe food." passed lta second reading in the Inasmuch aa France and Spain were peror personal In house of commons today. meeting la charged by the Algedras conference In the course of the debate on the is dictated the paper says, character, of matter in the policto act together and bill, Mr. Burna explained that it emno political purpose specific by M. Pichon advocated, ing Casa Blanca, no occasion for powered the authorities at all ports first step, proposing to 8palu there la, therefore, u aImmediate to Inspect food imports, take samples view It with distrust or susone te any the landing of French and and destroy unsound goods. It might the In conclusion saya: paper picion. Spanish troops at the scene of the see In this be argued, Mr. Burns said, that since German "The people massacre. an expression of the hearty the recent tinned meat exposures In The French newspapers, excepting meeting relations existing bet woe t the houses England and elsewhere, things have the Socialist Journals, are unanimous of the two rulers and between the been put right, but the government In demanding that the government that are bound together could not allow the lava to remain take decisive steps to Inforce respect two countries, defective, because there was a atrong mutual interests" for France and Morocco. Borne news- by many probability that matters would relapse Gertbs that papers express opinion to where they were before. Continuing, now not in will stand the way, many Mr. Burns declared that he had resad they thlnh the time la rips to ceived a report that a German consul "Pacabandon II. Delcaanei policy of had aald the American meet packers ific penetration," which they contend, had informed hie government they h served only to arouse the hatred were willing to consent to the Inspecf the Moors for the French, and tion of any meat .provided that whatmarch straight to Fes. The Repuever goods the German ofldla rejected blic Francalse says that unless the should be returned to the packers, sa bead of Maelantn Pasha, the governor could be sold In the United Kingthey id Casa Blanca la obtained, a genuine dom. holy war la likely to be precipated The speaker said he was not going aid this would endanger Algedraa, to allow that, and be enuld not see why the United Kingdom should taka Tirana, Aug. 1 M. Clemenreau, whatever Germany, France,. Denmark the French premier, who is taking the and other European! wonld not accept. ran at Carlsbad, hae given out an He waa prepared not to enforce the situaInterview upon the Moroccan regulations for a period of forty days tion, In which be says, France will he the adoption of the government after guided by two main considerations In would not Irritate, The government dealing with the situation, arising Inconvenience thoae per or harrsee from the Caaa Blanca murders. First, sons carrying on a legitimate trade, eiie will, if possible, find a peaceable Bival Society Enemies Murdecently, hut the local government solution of the difficulty, and, secondboard must have greater power over ly, she wijj only take action in agreeEach Other With Terrder Imported tinned food. In order that ment with the powers who took part the poor, who suffered most from the la the conference at Algedras. ible Vindictiveness dangers of disease, could be saved. Parle, Ang. 2. The French and BANK SECRETARY ARRESTED. Spanish governments are acting In oon-ceand with great promptness to Boston, Aug. 2. Burning with ha- Four Felonies Charged Agalnet Clemmeet the situation that haa arisen in ente ef.the Aetna Trust Co. for their deadly enemies belongtred Morocco. A warship of each of theae Leon to On rival the society, Tong ing power la now In the harbor of Cain numButte, Mont, Aug. 2. County AtBlanca, and three French and one n band of New York Chinamen, Murray today filed two comr Spanish are on the way to bering a doxen or more, and aald to torney In be members of the notorious Hep 81ng plaints justice court and tomorrow Morocco. informations In the disFrance has proposed to Spain the Ton organisation, entered a narrow al- will file twowhich will charge four disimmediate landing of French and ley In Chinatown tonight and, drawing trict court, hunfelonies against A. B. Clements, Spanish troops at Casa Blanca, and in revolvers, opened fire upon half a in- tinct was who secretary of the wrecked anticipation of n fvorable reply has dred Chinamen, killing three and and Trust company at Aetna the seven. flret Banking the At volley juring prepare! three transports at Toulon Chinamen rushed for their quarters the time August Heinzs waa president. to convey 2,600 men and 300 horses to Morocco. What further steps, . if The Hep Bing Tong men chased their Clemente waa arrested last night at victims Into their own doorways and Dillon and will be brought to this city sny, are contemplated have not been shot them down as they rushed up- this afternoon. isde public, ' Slight delay and embarOne charge filed In Justice Mil lets rassment in meeting the situation la stairs or Into side rooms. Then, castcourt today charges Clemente with caused by the absence of Premier ing away their guns, the strange visitors ran from the Chinese quarters, having taken possession of 176,000 of Ctomenceau, who la at Karlsbad takthe bank's money on or about May 28, most of them escaping the police. ing the cure. 1908, and with having failed to make The dead: An official communication issued y of the Wong Bn Jong, aged 60, restaurant entry of the fact in theto hooka says that the action of the powers defraud the hank, with Ihe intent of Chinatown. m Morocco la limited to proprietor that granted Chin Let, aged 35, laundryman. depositors and creditor. them under the Algedras convention. Booth End. I P to midnight no had telegram Chin Mon Quin, aged 48, merchant, been received from Tangier reporting Chinatown. , the arrival there of fresh news from Of the Injured, Lee Kal, aged 24; tasa Blanca. A dispatch received here from Oran, Bhang Gu, aged 28, and Jong Gon, probably were fatally Injured. The rfPrt that the state hank others .. are In a serious condition. J?D.K,er and that s British consular Pillaged hae shooting one been of Immediately after themen employee from New the Hep Bing Tong captured between Tangier end Elk-srThere is no confirmation of this York was captured by a policeman as he was running sway. The man newi from Tangier. 9 gae the name of Nlm Bing. He was Madrid, Aug. 2. The government dressed In American clothes. La ter Muounce that in addition to the an officer at the South station took Into custody Hong Woon, aged 84, of frailer Infanta Isabel, which already . arrived at Tangier, the cruiser New York, whose hands were powder-stainedBoth prisoners are charged Alvardo de Baxan, now at Lai with manslaughter. haa been ordered to the coast Furthermore, orders . The police placed under arrest on JV J? Slven out that the cruiser suspicion seven other Chinamen, who M Marla de Molina he held In read- - are strangers in the local colony. The shooting occurred in Oxford Negro Janitor Arrested-Wif- e to Mil at a moment's notice. Place, In the center of Chinatown, NEW BEAVER COUNTY MILL. where about fifty Chinamen were Tells Where Money smoking In the open sir. 4e Mining Co. Orders Equipment Fully fifty shot were fired. That the TOr Lincoln visitors shot with careful accurgqy is Buried and Creole Mines. was apparent from the fact that each of the three men killed was shot Milford, Aug. 2. It never rains but One great enterprise being through the heart. Kansas City, Aug. 2- - Charles Jones, The trouble of tonight has been anM!!lllced t'oeB lint pave the way for - A recent number of the New" ticipated for more than a week. About negro janitor of a bank at Sulphur, nw!ned an account of the renala- - ten days ago nearly a dozen China- L T., was arrested here todav on the men, who were all strangers, came charge of stealing 16,000 from the i. old Lincoln mining Jones was arrested while the to Boston and rented rooms near Chi- bank. "Plnl features being com- natown. The police were notified of spending money freely among the neoperated by the States account so far given being the fact by Boston Chinamen, who groes of the negro quarter of the city. BBdrrstated If feared trouble. Special details of po- When Jones was arrested he had 2S0 Bt all hae anything. not been told. This lice were at once placed on duty In and $2,600 waa recovered from hia Arthur Rice, manager, and the Chinese quarter, and the strangers wife. The woman was promised her an1. ' liberty If she would tell where the Jnyne, engineer of tber company, suddenly disappeared. The trouble la attributed by some balance of the money waa hidden and Jfrnnied from Balt Lake, whither they told the Officers that fritted two or three days ego to to the shooting . which, occurred In she promptly frBnge for the necessary Philadelphia recently, for which, it la $3,500 was burled at her old home at machinery mill to he erected equidistant aald, Boston Chinamen were partially Bulphur. The bank waa notified and blamed. It is thought the Chinamen the money recovered. Lin-i- , "jin their chief properties the n Creole mines with the Lane who- - did the shooting tonight eame Upon locking the hank at night the r coming in between. These from New York to punish the On cashier forgot to lock up a package o he connected with the mill negro by Leong Tonga for the Philadelphia out- containing the $6,000 .and the f n aerial tramway, although break. janitor found it end with hie wife -t- JfM WH came to Kansas City Immediately. than A.mile-away- , tin. 'one TENNIS DOUBLES CHAMPIONS. giving something of a sug-RETRIAL OF'OUIS GLASS. tbia stupendous extent to eh Ban Francisco, Aug. 2. The retrial Chicago, Aug. 2. F. E. Alexender operations are to be carried. n!emen spoken of concluded a and H. H. Hackett oh New York, are of Louie Gists, manager of the Pal for J! Blake crusher, also n western champions in tennis doubles. cific States Telephone and Telegraph Chilean Monadnock crueh-- . In the final round today,. the easterns company, will not begin next Monday, u"sc to be put In place as' soon defeated Nat Emerson of Cincinnati ae Superior Judge Lawlor first arthorough exploiting of the prop- - and John Neely of Chicago, by the ranged. fL delay of three days will be 6-granted vhen the case is called on freeing the score of ft from water,through The championship in womans dou- that day'tq allow the defendant to this latter being ,k.ed ,or In a week of ten days. bles waa won by Xlsa Neely and Mias procure counsel to take the place of involved hr rearon of Steever. Opposed to them were Mrs. D. M. Deimus and H. C. McPlke. who ,ine expense1 s -- HI he fully 1100.000 Williams and Mis Welmer. The are now engaged In the trial of T. V. 7 thatdditi'-nis not all. Halsey. Already the no- - core was to ; rt man-of-wa- te-d- . bn ANOTHER FUEL FAMINE. . 1907 o o Cleveland, Ohio. Ang. g O The o northwest will auffer a more seo vere coal famine the coming o winter then the o one last year, according is coal o shippers' here. Discussing the o aituation today, a prominent o mine oaner said: o There are now Mo big ore o carriers up the lake a waiting o cargoes. They cannot get away o until the ore reaches the ducks, o which mesne n delay of pero haps ten days. These huge o vessels, when they reach Ohio o Ports with ore, ar not going o to take back coal. No vessel o owner who ! nut under cono tract to carry coal will wait o for a coal load, so the g Mo-rct- n ' 3"- die-m- ls 0-- 0; 6-- 2; 4--6; 6-- 6-- SEQUEL OF China-Japsnes- CRUISE TROOPS FOR CASA BLANCA. French Residents Have Taken Refuge n English Carge Beats. Schaffhansen Decides Not to Permit Waterworks to be Tangier, Aug. 2. Upon request of the governing board, the state bank haa advanced 60.000 dourea (about $100,0001 to War Minister Gabbas, to permit him to send troops to Casa Nearly One Thousand Chi- nese Kidnapped and Brought to Mexico - Blanca. Almost all the English residents of Casa Bianca have taken refuge on an o probably eves with Eugllah Cargo boat in the harbor. o tone of coal in the The government commanders- - havo docks by the let of December, received no orders to Suspend ing Schanffhauaen, Aug. 2. The romano will experience suoii.er fuel operatlous s gainst the bandit, Raisuli, tic Rhine this in the of vicinity Fella, o famine before next spring." who is holding Cald 81r Harry city, has hern rescued by the local o to burn council from modern vandals. In the the prisoner there, continuesent the They have shape of Industrial exploiters, by headsvillages. of several insurgents Into Tetr whom they were threatened. AEROPLANE'S SECRET TRIAL. The majority of the councillors have Machine te Be Shipped From United refused to permit the erection of new AMERICANS AND EUROPEANS NOT water power works for the supply of INJURED. States to France. electrlciiy to the surrounding district. Their replies to the application of the Paris, Aug. 2. It it reported here Kong, Aug. 2. Vo Americana company were decisive: orHong that a secret trial of the Wright Bros. exploitation Europeans were Injured by the "The Is council the that of opinion aeroplane is about to take place In not collapse of the old part of the Hong only should the full not be fur- Kong hotel France, as the result of an arrangeyesterday. eurhaim-d- , ther an should but effort ment with the French government. an be made extension the of Iq prevent The aeroplane, it is understood, haa EARTHQUAKE PROPHESIED. been chipped from the t'nited States concession already granted at its exIn 1028." and orders have been issued to the piration Montevideo, Uruguay, Aug. 2. A "The destruction of the present serious customs authorities to pass the cane earthquake la prophesied to docuworks, continues the official In Uruguay on Aug. 6. take unopened. place imment, "would restore the original posing magnificence of the falls, and the water power now obtained from I hem could easily be procured at aohie other point. The council, though aware that this Is not Immediately realisable, It ia resolved to do everything In lta power to prevent any further damage to the beauty end romantic effects of the falls." Thousand of tourists from all parts of the world will applaud this decl- Erected-TouristsAppla- ud north-wee- t. Mao-Lea- n oooooooooooooooo trans-Siberia- ' BILL IN EQUITY lon- - N. I. TRAFFIC LEAGUE. FILED - Americas Sugar Defining Co. File! Suit, Only-te- e in This Country. Trenton, X. J Aug. 2. A blU in equity, which calls upon the American Sugar Refining company to give an accounting of its buatneea for the past four years, wae filed before Chancellor Magle today on behalf. of George II. Earle, Jr., receiver of the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining company of Philadelphia. The suit. It is said, la the only one of the kind ever filed In this country, and the step taken by the receiver of the Pennsylvania company may be the means of opening an entire new field for Investigating trusts. The suit la separate from that for $30,000,-OHdamages which Earle instituted against the American Sugar Refining company In New York. Earle holds that in procuring the controlling interest In the Pennsylvania company in 1902, the American company became a trustee for the concern, and In responsible to It for an necoanUng, at though the American company never operated the Pennsylvania company's plapL O PRESIDENT ENTERTAINS SECRETARY. Pater A. Kay of bassy the American t Tokie Meets Em- Roosevelt. ' ' I J Denver Switchmen look. Fail to i PRESBYTERIAN, "UNION" VALID. Agree on Propositions Strike Inevitable Court Refuses te Enter Inte the Merit - - ef the Caee, Denver, Cola., Aug. 2. -- Negotiation looking to a settlement of the strike of local switchmen and yardmen of the Colorado ft Southern railroad came to an end litis afternoon, when two propositions from each aide wore rejected. The rul'rosd proposed arbitration or reference of the demand for an 1u- crease of 2 cent an hour In wages to a meeting of general managers of Western roads and a committee of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, to be held in the near future. Grand Master P. 11. Morrissey responded with the suggestion that an increase now TELEPHONE OPERATORS GO TO of 1 cent an hour be granted temporarily, and the inhtter he left to WORK. a meeting or general managers sjd San Francisco, Aug. 2. The tele- representatives of the Brotherhood for claimed the Murriusey approval. phone operators, who have been Aut on whole Brotherhood wouLl have to apstrike ainoe May 2, will return to work under the same conditions pre- prove arbitration, and the other proposition from the road waa not made vailing when they walked out. The strike was declared off this with sincerity, since Parker's rejection of the same proafternoon. posal waa what caused the strike. The latter official held that acceptance of either of Morrissey1! plaqa would be only a graceful way of surrendering to the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood leaders declare a general strike Is now unavoidable, but that the only mad to be affected at this time la the Colo-ar.l- o A Southern. Fayetteville. Tenn., Aug. l,.In hia opinion, delivered yesterday ia the Presbyterian church case, between the Union 1st and the Involving (he right of possession In the properly of (he Cumberland Pres, bytartan church, Chancellor Bearden hold that the "Union waa valid, but decreed that under the deeds conveying the property te the trustee of the several churches, the bill of tbn Union I at a, asking for exclusive possession in the name of the United church must be dismissed. Both aides appealed. The court refused to enter Into the merits of the various ecclesiastical questions. ARBITRATION f FAILED, The Packing House Teamsters Failed t Agree, Chicago, Aug. J.Arbltratiou without an umpire, proved to he A failure In the enue of the parking bouse team atera and their employers. Negotiations were broken off today. After the arbitrators for tbs second time had failed to agree on an umpire. A strike of the packing house teamsters was averted we veral weeks ago by an agreement being entered into to arbitrate the question of an increase of four rente an hour to all teamsters. At a metlneg held on the eve of the threatened strike, the teamsters de elded to defer the action in the InterTO APPEAL SUPREME COURT. est of arbitration. The strike vote at ill stands aa no motion waa recorded fffflotreacind the action taken by a Attempt Being Made te Compel Auditor to Recognise Mayer Taylor. The busivote of the membership. ness agent of the Teamsters' union Ban Francisco, Aug. 2. Application may rail a strike of the teamsters at for a writ iff mandamus to compel Au- any time without having to place the ditor Horton to recognise the author matter before the rank and file of the tty of Mayor Taylor and Uie validity unoin. of hia appointment was made to the supreme court today by Harry O. MAGILL INDICTMENTS. secretary to Mayor Taylor. The supreme court Justices have sigClinton, 111., Ang. 2. During the afnified that they will give the matter eessi'm Judge Cochran susternoon Immediate consideration and a decimotion to quash the sixth a tained sion may be had early next week. He overIndictment. This action will determine the legal- count of both the motion to quash the other ruled as of Dr. selection mayor. ity Taylors Indictments, bolding that they were Vice-Preside- racTFor Oyster Bay. Aug. 2. President Roosevelt entertained at luncheon today Peter A. Kay of Rhode Island, the newly appointed secretary to the American embassy at Toklo, and Alfred W. Cooley, assistant United Stales attorney general. When Mr. Conley left Oyater Bay he said the president had discussed with m i him In a general way the North Carolina rate caar. and Yardaman "The Impression seem to prevail Williams In some quarters," said Mr. Cooley, "that the president can do something Both Claim the ExtremeIn this case. An a matter of tact, the only thing the department of justice can do la to see that the process of ly Close Race the federal court la served and that the orders of the court are obefed. In this esse there haa been no diffiJackson. Mins, Aug. 2. The senculty In serving the process and no atorial race Is extremely clone, with disposition to disobey the orders of Williams 215 vote behind bis oppothe court. Thera la nothing else the when Ihe official returns from executive department of the govern- nent fifty-oncounties, more than half the ment can do In the matter. While Mr. Cooley sal! he waa not state, were totaled. Shortly after midnight Congressman familiar with the details of the case, gave out a statement, jaylng it was hia opinion that It would reach Williams he bed heard from every county the supreme couet of the United States that in the state, and that theae returns during the coming fall. Indicated a victory for him with n plurality of about 3,000 votes. Thin ELECTRIC CAR STRIKES AUTO. . was the smallest plurality which had yet been claimed for Williams. The counties showed the following Of the Five Occupants of Auto Three fifty-ontotals: Vanlaman, 38,313; Williams, Were Killed, IS CLOSE y, BT. GAUDENS' SERIOUSLY ILL. good. The defense Immediately filed n motion to consolidate the two cases, so that both husband and wife would be tried together, and the court took thia under advisement. The defense then asked that the trials he set for trial aa speedily as possible, and Judge Cochran announced that November 9 would be the earliest possible date, but after considerable argument on this subject, the Judge adjourned court nntll Saturday morning, when he nil! decide whether the trial will liegin next week The defendants or in November. were then arraigned and pleaded not guilty. Cornish. N. H., Aug. 2 August 81. Gaudens, the sculptor, Is seriously III, at hiu home in this village and grave feara are entertained that he will not recover. On Wednesday night, Mr. 8L Gaudens condition was such that it waa feared that he would not live through the night. He railed, however, nnd ye Lenity was ca reeled out to bin studio, where he criticised and directed the work of his assistant. Mr. St. Gaudens hae been In falling health for more than a year and for the past month his decline hae been 38.098., very rapid. He hae been almost helpOf the cxndidater for governor, less and unable to walk.- He has visit, CHURCH AND SOCIAL UNREST. ; Noel, Scott end Brewer were still ed the studio nearly every day, being ahead in the order named, and with a curried there by attendants. He haa done little work himself, but has dirsmall margin separating them. Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 2. Bishop ected the work of his corps of assist- Henry C. Potter, of the Protestant ants. CITIES OPEN TO TRADE. Episcopal church of New York, upoke on "The Church and Social Unrest" here today. The causes of the social FOUR HALSEY JURORS. Sevan Manchurian Citisa to Ba Opened unrest of the country. Bishop Potter to International Trada. San Francisco, Aug. 2. Four of the aald, are popular education, the indusWashington. Aug. 2. The American twelve Juror who are to try Theodore trial revolution and extravagance In minister In Pekin haa received a note V. Halsey, of the Pacific States Tele- expenses. He declared that there can from the foreign office, announcing phone company, for bribery were be- be no more righteous arraignment of the opening to the International trade fore Judge Dunne today and were the church today than upon Itu Indifchosen and sworn. Adjournment waa ference to the phyuical. mental and Of the following seven cities in Manchuria: Fenghuanchrag ami Lia Yang taken until Monday morning. At that social needs of the working people. in the province of Fengtln; Ning Kuta, time a new venire of 100 talesmen will The church ehonld be related by pro Hunchun and Ban Haing, In the prov- he returned iuto court by Sheriff found sympathy to social problems, said Bishop Potter. ince of Kirin, and Hal La Erh ami ONeilL e Jackson, Mich., Aug. 2. A westbound electric car struck an automobile, containing five Jackson residents, about three miles east of here tonight. Mrs. Levi Palmer, Mrs. Emily Pulver end Bernice Oliver were killed. R. Adelbert Oliver, a prominent business nan of (hia city, frho waa driving, fr probably fatally Injured, while Mrs. R. a. Oliver, the fifth passenger, escaped with lee serious Injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and Mm. Palmer were taken aboard the electric car and brought to this city, but Mre. Palmer died before they reached the hospital. From the fact that the brakes on the touring car wore not net. It la believed Mrs. Oliver, who was driving, did not see the car. n sh-ir- Raprauantativea From All Parts of the Country Convene. Chicago, Aug. 2. Ae n result of g covnnetion of traffic representatives of commercial and manufacturing bodies from all part of the country, the Katins al Industrial Traffic league wee formed here Inday, for tho purpose of eorporatiun in the Interchange of traffic rates and the eetabllahment nf uniform legislation throughout the United Slates. Tbs league woe formed as an offensive and defensive alliance for the purpose of keeping the trade centers In touch with one an-- i other, with the view of maintaining an equitable freight rate adjustment between Important markets. The memalso with bers propose to the Interstate commerce commission and with the various transportation companies. In order that a better un-- i demanding aiming the bodies may he arrived at and In addition with the idea of securing proper legislation and modification of the freight laws when necessary. Mexico City, Ang. 2. The sequel of the dramatic story of the cruise of. the steamer Ms rot King waa told at the Chinese legation here today. Borne mourhs ago the vessel left the coast, carrying 935 Chinese and ISO Russians. Invesilgatioa has disclosed the fact that the Chinese were kidnaped. The men were employed near Vladivostok on the railroad. Three c oi tractors Induced the men to board (he steamer on promise to taka them to a place called Mexico, which three contractors declared was situated la China near' Hong Kong. After the boat bad been out for 136 days and no land had been sighted, the Chinese became alarmed and threatened te kill one of the contractors, who had re malned on board. The man's Ufa was saved by the captain, who locked him In a stateroom. Later, aa has been published, a pitched battle waa fought between the Chinese and the Russians. When the steamer put la at Ban Diego, Cal., tweniy armed Americana boarded the ai earner aud acted as guards on the trip south to the port of Guayamus, Mexico. Hera the quarantine lass prevtmud the skip's landing anil the men ags-- became alarmed, fearing that they would never reach the pun of Mixicu iu China. They defied tbn c'Clce.s, teak pusses-slii of iho ship's and were e in hnrdus, when making for the ansi, times was asked of the Mexican ' government., md a gunboat aud a' lighthouse tender turned them hack. 1 bey arc now working on the Senora railway aud are pleased with the out. 1 e. r PRICE FIVE CENTS Alhun, In the province of Hal Chiaug. With regard to the renting of land by foreigners at theae places, the note slates that special renting and building regulaiious will be drawu up by China, and uutll such regulations are decided upon, such operations will not be held until fall. Theae seven clues are the last of g total of sixteen, which were to be opened in Manchuria, as e provided ia the treaty of 190a. Mine Owner Bays Thera Will be Great Coal Shortage. recicd-brcakin- HEADS MEET. AUGUST 3. MORNING, oooooooooooooo o cliua of a town la there sad no doubt the Md of the year will see one larger than that which existed several years agot arising from (he decayed founds Lions. Arrangements are being made to put la a lot of new vaaners at the Ca-tumill teu falL These are in reality concentrating machines, their province being to save the values from ores that are carried off by ike slimes, and the reclamation thus affected will undoubtedly amount to a very great figure. i SATURDAY |