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Show MOKXIXG EXAMINEE, TELE WHY USE COPPER LIME? IN We sell Portland Cement by the sack, barrel or car. We do all kinds of Cement work, Sidewalks, Foundations, MINING BOOM WILL CAUSE A CAL STIR. The Wheelwright Const. Co. 2476 Washington Avc. grand North w.it.m Association. Blractlon Re Mgr ALEXANDER GRANT, nnnnAAA .a nrMWWVWVi SUNDAY JLUJUVW Rufus Rastus MINSTRELS letter. 24. 1207. an open January Raatua Minstrels played In our Opera House to standing joom only. The company has a ood band; Is composed of lino elun artists and la highly outer-tailinEveryone was well pleas-wkh tbs show. Wo recommend then as s good minstrel company, T. 8. SOUTHGATE, jjanagrr Wanette, L T. Opera Its Bufus . d 7 House. 1d)0, 750, 5oc, 26c. PRICES UTAHN A THEATRE III Mat-- . Changes Every Ssturday Ires. Two EVENING Performances, 7:90 and f.15. Dally, txcapt Sunday, at S:M. MATINEE PRICES as MATINEES 100,20c, SOo 20a AUDITORIUM ROLLERSKATING One Week, Commencing londaj, April 22nd RAY AND PETERS the Wsrld's Trick Bast and Fancy Cyclists e Open every evening, including New roof, new floor, better than aver. everything Sudsy. losic by Nichols Band Ladles admitted free. Gents, 15c, skates 25c. The Place for Select People BREVITIES In ths case of the Stats of Utah vs. John Crosby, the defendant was allowed to withdraw his plea of nut guilty of assault with the Intent to commit robbery and plead guilty to a charge of assault and battery .. Judge Howell thereupon sentenced him to 100 days In the county JalL In the matter of the petition of Nancy E. La whom. In behalf of Joseph R. Lawhorn for a writ of habeas oorpus. Judge Howelj In the District court signed an order returnable May Cth. Lawhorn la an inmate of the Industrial school. The Ogden Historical society will meet at 1:30 p. m. Saturday, at the home of Miie Carrie Knapp, 3163 Jefferson avenue. A marriage license has been Issued to J. W. Mills and Martha Ray, both of North Ogden. The condition of the local produce market Is healthy. Vegetables, such as aapsngus, lettuce, radishes and pie plant are of local raising and reasonably cheap. Tomatoes and cucumbers are as yet numbered among the luxuries because the come from Texas and Florida and bring with them a fancy price. Oranges and bananas and tart looking lemons of n large variety adorn every grocery window. In the line of staples, sugar stands at the head at 15.85 for beet, and for cane. 26-0- ' For tha fifth time .the esse of the State of UtAh va. Frank Denman was called in Judge Murphy's court yestertha preceding day and, unlike four times, the fifth was marked by the presence of the defendant, whose bondsmen succeeded In bringing him to Ogden for trial. The first charge to be brought agalnat Denman was that of adultery, but tha county attorney changed It to fornication. On the testimony of oflleen, to whom Denman la alleged to have made a confession, Judge Murphy bound him over to tha district court under a bond of (300. 'The chief witness against Denman, Mjiry Pilcher, is being detained at tha county jail. In a letter, postmarked from Henry Clay, Delaware, Mrs. Mary Watson aska tha chief of police for Information con corning the whereabouts of her son, Herbert Watson, whose tost totter to reach his mother was written at the Reed Hotel. Nov. 28. 1905. Mrs. "Watson stated that her on was sick at tha time of writing and expressed n desire to come home as ha had not succeeded in the west as well as ha anticipated. Tha chief is advised to spare no expense In attempting to locate the man aa his Another fears ha has been the victim of foul play. Mr. Chaa. H. Anderson, a well known traveling man, and Mrs. Nellie Dufur were married at the residence of Mr. A. F. Richey Thursday at 4:30 Rev. Carver officiated. , Mr. and Mrs Anderson left la the evening for Denver, where they will make their future home. Mr. Anderson Is the western representative far a large eastern undertaking house. Fred J. Kleeel, head of the Kleael wholesale house, was attacked with hiccoughs on Tuesday last and tha convulsions have continued at inter vale aver since. Drs. Powers and Joyce ware called but were not successful In overcoming the peculiar affliction until lata yesterday afternoon, when Mr. Klesel was reported to be somewhat Improved. GwasM The directors of the Intermountain Fair Association will- - meet at tha office of J. C. Nye Saturday evening at 8 o'clock sharp. The office to over the store of F. M. Nye Clothing Co. Mrs. Katherine Soott, mother of Mrs. H-- R. Bell, has left for a visit . of several months with relatives la Helena, Montana. e David C. Ecclea, who has returned from Ely, reports much stir and prosperity In that camp. Tha railroad from Ogden north to the Hot Springs will be electrified within sixty days, part of the material having arrived for the transforma' Uon. w,t ths ' Ogden Etching, torturing skin eruption s. distoday. . Delays nr i?n7 PPortunltlss that figure, annoy, drive one wild. .Doan's tossm KT? Tlrtn,IIy "SUM nuggets" Ointment brings quick relief and lastby owing ts ing eures. Fifty cents at any drag . this store. n ru,t yonr laundering with Isusm EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA. tin v!, b?,Mng unoqualed faffill-l- y I?1" out your work prompt- ,U by Dally, April 23th to May 19th. witk ,,w toSSlM,117 fcTOr,B Ogden to Ban Francisco and return ( direct ..... . . . . . . . . . .S30.00 Ogden to Ban Franclieo and return (one way via Portland) .. $42.50 oRa m Ogden to Los Angeles and reUT HU turn via. Southern Pad lie . .$40.90 Ogden to Lee Angeles and fre- turn via. Salt Lake Route ... .$21.50 Ogdea to Los Angeles and reMTCBELL turn (one way via. Portland $53.40 and Ban Francisco) monuments. . Tickets good to return until July 31. carloads el fesrbla Stopovers allowed. sslect hum. a thsytot1!5"7 trom commissions SIO REWARD U4 jo! P OrJ!? .,T to pay them. . LfPT Docoratton Uy. tsw For the errest and conviction of any OPPOSITE CITY party or parties stealing tha Ogden Standard or tha Morning Examiner. , . LAMAR KELSON, Circulator. f2Vnted iVto ten Steam Laundry BROS. w,811 " LO-- 1 Buckhom Mina Attracting ths Attention of Outside Mining Men Shipments te be Made. A. T, AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE Theatrical OGDEN Wright and Sidney Bamberger, with an outfit oomistlng of ponies for snj the necessary strappings Buck-horn mountain travel, started for the mine yeeteylay for the purpose of Inspecting the property. Bev-- . era mining men from Balt Lake are expected to jola them sometime today In the examination of ths mineral xone through which the Buckbora vein runs. That a mine rich in copper and gold will be opened up and added to the Hat of producers Is the opinion of experts whose visits to ths Buckhorn have strengthened the belief of the company that It ha discovered a rich treasure. Not for years has a local mining proposition caused so much stir or given promise of such quick returns. Btock, which was selling for five cents per share two months ago. Is being purchased at thirty and fifty cents, sad many of the- moat prominent local business men are tdklng an active Interest In the development of the mine. The vein which the company Is following to eald to be eight feet wide, with a streak seventeen inchee wide that runs 36 per cent copper, while the entire vela, by numerous assays, averages 10 per cent Nothing hut mineral U belong enoouutered and ;udglng from the outcropping, which is traceable without s break for more than. two miles, the ore body to well established and definitely located. As soon at tha road from Cold Wat. er canyon to Ogden canyon Is repair ad a car load of ora will be shipped to the Utah smelter for reduction. Should It pay, as the owners declare It will, steady shipments will he made for an Indefinite time. - SUMMER EXCURSIONS Via Colorado Midland Railway. City of Mextoo, May 1 to 7, June 7 to 14 and 17 to July 1L Round trip, $69.15. . Long limits. Eastern Excursion May 27 to 30, June 3, 7, 13, 14. One fare plus 21.00 for long limits. Stop overs, Other cheap rates during the summer. Write U H. Harding, Salt Uks City for parL. H. Harding, General ticulars. Agent. PREPARING QUESTIONS State Board af Education Appoints Committees to Look After-thWork. The State Board of Education has appointed committees to prepare questions for the county taachen examinations, to ha held through the State, Juna I to 9, as well aa for the examinations of teachers for state certificates and diplomat, on August I, 9 and 10. For the latter the papers will be prepared as . - follows: Elementary EngUsh, Mamie Moffat; mathematics, D. H. Adams; physics and physical geography, William Peterson; botany and civil government, J. H. Paul; English literature, Christian Larson; psychology and ' history end science of education, Rosalia Pollock; general blatory, Hattie Buckle. For tha county toughers examinations ths following committee will questions: Writing and spelling, Orvdra Coombs; arithmetic, s. P. Old-m- ; English grammar, J. Y. Young; geography, Catharine McCrory; history, J. B. Forbes; physiology, John T. Miller; drawing, D. W. Parra tt; pedagogy, Moelah Hall; reeding, Evelyn Reilly; nature study, B. W. Ashton. Another oountr teachers examinabe held at the same time as tion the 8tat board examination In Aug-ust- . The board has exempted from these county examinations those who have passed a previous examination In certain subjects and who can show credit for attendance at summer school, litis applies to private schools aswell. MADRID It NERVOUS. Madrid, April 26 Public suspense hag reached the highest point, and every unusual noise Is mistaken by the populace for the booming of a royal cannon announcing the Mrta of an heir to the throne! Crowds follow tha carriage of every minister eeen In the vicinity of tha palace, supposing that ha has been aummoned to see the newly born child. Thg physicians la attendance upon Queen Victoria report her condition as normal. There was a brilliant concert at the palace Wednesday night Queen Victoria attended and remained np until 11 o'clock. Today her majesty took her usual morning and afternoon drives and wai greeted every wheie by the warm hearted people with affectionate demonstration. AH the ancient ceremonies held In connection with the birth of a child to the king and queen have been prepared for. Many holy relics and symbols have arrived at the palace, including the girdle of Bsa Toriwea, which dates from the twelfth oratory and fa supposed to be of particular virtue to women about to become mothers. r. THREE MEN ESCAPE. Park City. April 25.A accident occurred at the Daly West mine last evening, which was one of the fortunate kind, is the three men realised, who narrowly escaped serious consequences. When the cage being lowered to the L200 level to let the men out through the tunnel, the cage canght in the shaft, at the 900 station, letting several hundred foot of cable down on the bonnet of the cage. The men stepped off, fearing the grip of the eage would" be. loosened end it would be dashed to the bcXtom of the haft. They secured the bell rope and signalled the engineer to raise, which he did. taking up the slark cable and releasing the cage. When lowered again It was without hindrance. WNT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS, UTAH. HATl'lIUA V. APILIL 27, 1907. NORTON AMUSEMENT ORE DOC CANYON . Basements,-etc- OGDEN, THE PORCH COMPANY THE CUMBER FORMED HAN AN ROBBED THE DAYNES JEWELRY STORE IN SALT LAKE. ARTICLES Chlcaga Detective loentifias the Work Stopped Over in Ogden With a Clever Thief. Kansas City and New York Men Join With Local People la the ' Undertaking. Detective Coralck. of tha Chicago police force, stepped at the City jail fur a few . minute rcaicrday with a man named Bernstein, wanted in tha east for the theft of 22.000 willed ha la alleged to have stolen from hla partner. After having his man shaved. Curnlck proceeded on hie way east. Bernstein was tracked from Chicago to San fYmnclsco where he wee identified and arrested at the request of tha Chicago department Ha Is considered a had nun, although young for a erlmlnaL When traveling ha Is attached to the officer by a patrol Joseph Che, attorney for the Sylvan Park Amusement company, filed the articles of Incorp-tratioyesterday afternoon and work will eommenoe immediately for tha opening ou May INCORPORATION OF CALL FOR S25400 CAPITAL. offers the ease of soft, pliable leather and the elegance of smart styles; made permanent n by the very best material and skilled workmanship. 30th. Tha incorporators are E. T. Richardson, W. F. Madaon, S. F. Lawrence of Kansas City; J. T. Petsnoa, F. B. Grant and George W. Cfarke of Nw York City. Tha directors are Frsd M. Nye, J. g. Carver. Joha N. Sparge J. T. Feteraun and E. T. Richardson. The offloere era: President. E. T. Richardson; vice president. John N. Spargo; secretary-treasure- r, j. T. PetDetective Conick while went baa ta- erson. ken a lively Interest in the robbery The capital Is $25,009 with shares of the Daynea jewelry store at Balt of $16 each. Lake, which netted the safe crackers 115.000. From th manner In which ELECTRICAL WORKERS the work was done Coalrk stated that he was positive Frank Brown, alias Doe Norton, porch climber and one ef Following tha rule laid down to ths the cleverest thieves that ever es- street ear men, PreaUent Bancroft of caped trom the officers, wee tbs prin- tha Utah Light A Railway company cipal yegg man. At present there Is has refused to treat with ths Intera standing reward of $1,000 offered national Brotherhood of Electrical of whom la tha by tha sheriff of Keys county, Illinois, Workers, thlrty-Svfor his capture. Ha la knowa to have employ of tha company have asked for ooma west after hla asrapartrom tha aa Increase In wages aid tha signing penitentiary and la supposed to be of a working agree mensomewhere beeweem Denver and tha tis a latter to Louie Lynn, seccoast. retary and business agent of Ike union, Thursday, President Banoroft says that inasmuch aa Mr. Ignn is not la the employ ef tha company "ha has no business to transact." Acting en this reply, the Electrical Workers union mat Thursday, 175 strong, and unanimously agreed to stand by tha agreement, as It was presented to tha company. The union ales voted to piece the whole matter in the hands of Mr. Iynn, who is also president of th district council, and ho will act In conjunction with the executive committee of the union. Thursday, after 'the moating, Mr. M. J. MANY LAWNS ARE INVADED BY Lynn sent a lengthy telegram to vice Baa at Sullivan, grand president, DARING THIEVES. Franrieeo, stating tha conditions hare and asking for instructions. Ths company ha refused, through Feeple en ths Bench Have Complained Buperiniradent Soott of the light te the Felice Department Offto grant more af aa Increase icers te Take Action. than 7 1 ceatg a day for Hnecnsn, and as this does aot satisfy the of the lamp trimmers, mater Garden thieves are again aetlve and men, switchboard and station man la light department, the whole matcomplaints come d the police station the was put up to President Bancroft. almost dally. Friday morning, August ter Secretary Lyns points to tha fact street, Rinoker, of 72S . Twenty-sixttbs work of tha electrical men reported thac a choice tower bed In that bean made more hssardous In the hla front yard had lmea robbed dur- hga last yrar by reason of the fact that of. Its the beautiful ing night spring the voltage oa tha light wires has blossoms. en doubled. Tha current used to bo The thieves ose- - evidently making a business of selling cut flowers, as of 2,209 volts,' but is new of 4,400 they do not mutilate tha plants, but volts. work Is more "The dangerous for exercise tome care la cutting from that reason," he said last night "Ths them. working conditions of ths men are Whole beds of hyacinths have more basardous, and they do enough reduced to Stem lees bulb by They nocturnal prowlers, whose choice, how- skilled work to be paid more. eonsti-tnttoa ever, does not stop short of any mar- are paid more elsewhere. Ths esses as such that governing flower ketable la sight The seems to be the rtchoat field, as all now before the union and tha company out to tha letter. We complaints enme from above Wash will be carried ington avenue. Not rnly private gard- will do all In onr power, however, to eeltlerorat of ens suffer but the public perks have bring about an' amicable ' been stripped of thtir early decora-tlona- . tbe differences Ths letter trom Louis Lynn to PresiTha tUevea work with eyetem. Evi- dent Bancroft Is as follows, dated 24 : dently they locate a number of beds April "You are doubtless swan that tha and await nntll the plants art in full bloom when they eommenoe to set electrical f workers, members of local Balt Lake and of local Only full grown flowers are cut, and union lhaee aa soon a they arrive at a stage union 216 of Ogden, who are employed by your company, presented s request of maturity. In wages anj a regSpecial efforts will be made by tha for aw increase ' f labor to your police department to capture tha vsa-dal- s ulation of hours and atop the work of desecra- general manager, 'Mr. Wells, nearly two months ago. tion. "He stated to our committee that oa account of not being familiar with NEGROES ATTEMPT A LYNCHING. nr particular cfaae of work ho would refer ua to Buparintendent Soott of Pittsburg, Kan, April 16. A mob of th electrical- department, and would negroes made an nnanoeessfui attempt set upoa- say suggestion that he might at Corona, Kas., to lynch Joseph Bush, make. Tbe eulmlanUoa of our efarrested last week In Oregon charged forts with Mr. Soott resulted yesterwith train robbery, when the train day In a flat refusal upon Ms part to hearing Bush stopped at that a Lotion In any way satisfy our request. Beat night Bush la believed to he fore lbs committee left him they askone of the men who robbed the passes ed If ha was authorised by the higher gem on a Missouri Pacific passenger authorities of your company to deHver train tha night of March 4, when Jhn that answer as their final ultimatum. us that that was tha Henry, a negro, who lives at Carons, He amwered was killed. Bush yaa placed In jail case. "We now appeal to you as the highhere today. est authority representing the company's Interest to know If It Is your MINNEAPOLIS FIRE. desire that further efforts to negotiate an amicable nnderstandlng shall 24. April Fire Minneapolis totally he terminated. Mr, Bcoti has left us Central no other- - alternative. destroyed the Wisconsin W therefore freight depot here, causing loss of will withhold further action until 7 $400,000. o'clock Thursday evening, awaiting your reply, President- - Bancrofts reply, dated April 25, follows: "I acknowledge the receipt ef a commualeation from you dated April maa-acle- SHOE CO. DEE-STANFO- RD SOLS AGENTS a FLOWER BEDS ARE BEING ROBBED ' valuable yet simple and harm-les-a prescription. Which any one can easily prepare at home: f Fluid Extract DendeUnu, ounce; Compound Kargoo, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three oancee. Mix by shaking well In e hot- -' tie, and taken traapoonful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients eau be obtained from any good prescription pharmacy at am all cost This mixture Is eald to relieve aloHMt any case of Rheumatism, which ie nothing more or less than sour blood too much arid In the system, which In damp, cool weather forms into minute cryetale about the joints and muscles, causlhg tha awful pain and misery of Rheumatism. The shore mixture Is said to force the Kidneys te purify aid sweeten the blood, enuring the Rheumatic pain and swelling to diminish with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without Injuring one-hal- the stomach. It la worth while giving this a trial, anyhow. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 24. "I that you are not In the employ of tbe Utah Light and Railway company, or any other company with which I sm connected. We have, therefore, no business to transact with you so far as I know." Tha test of tha agreement follows! It ie- hereby agreed between the ftah Ugbt and Railway company, party of tha first part, and local No. B. & 57 and Ogden local No. 116,-of the mcoed port, wltnee-seth-: W, party '' That the following wage seals shall ha 4a effect throughout the district eovsrsd by tha Utah Light and Railway company: Minimum Seals. 25.00 SuMoremea 4.00 Unemcn .... $106 a month Trcubld mau Eight hours from shop to shop to constitute a day's work. $90 a mouth Trimmers 9100 a mm Lamp repairer Eight hours from shop to shop to constitute a day's work. Switchboard mra . . . . .. .$100 a month $75 a month Switchboard helpers 9100 a month Meter setters Eight hours from shop to shop to constitute a day's wark. AH overtime shall ha paid at tha rata of time and a half time until 12 o'clock p. m.. and double time from o'clock a. m.: 12 o'clock p. a. nntll double time for all legal haUdays and Sundays at f . ' V i r. J..' I bare some nnnsuallj good bargains to offer If you'll apeak quick, and if you are desirous of owning a borne of your own, I wlll make tbe buying easy. Ixiok over this lint of bargains and see if there Is not VA some hi ug that interests you. house on Nob Hill; bsa 2 lota, a 91,600 for. a No. 1 barn; good brick chicken house; genuine bargain;1 house with bath, pantry 1,600 buys a nice and Improvements; well located; worth invest! m m gating. two apartment house; rents for $2,500 for .a. 930 per mont 91,300 for a 91,900 buys a new 12-roo- ' frame on Patterson A ve. brick cottage; has pantry and bath; well located; easy terms; speak quick. modern bonne, built of preened 93,700 for a brick, and is in tbe best residence district of the city. If you want to get a really nice home at the price of a small cottage, investigate : m m , m m thia.. I have so many nice homes at this price tbat;i really cant do justice to them in an ad. Call and let me show yon my list. I also have some nice places for those who want, to raise poultry and fruit, and still be near town; reasonable in price; easy terms. REMEMBER, that I am making terms so easy that it's an easy matter to buy a home; start now; 92,300 - well-know- n now If Its Real Estate You Want, I HAVE. IT - A authority on Rheumatism gives the following Cumrmntee Spmedy and Absole lute Curam In Cates Wa Aoeapt Drs. Elliott, acroas tbe street from old stand 2356 Washington Avenue. h IT-e- FREE CONSULTATION ' you'll regret it if you wait. GEORQE A. HORN REAL ESTATE THIRD FLOOR FIRST NATL BANK. ' JESSE J. DRIVER ' .Wishes His Many Friends to know that he is still in business, and nicely located at 2275 Washington Avc. ' - . You are especially invited to call and see him at his new ocation. . STANDARD-EXAMINE- R Want Ads Bring Big Results |